

单词 楼房

See also:

storied building
house with more than 1 story

External sources (not reviewed)

法罗女士在访问过程中,走访了贝卡谷地巴勒贝克(Baalbeck)地区一栋尚未完工的两层水 楼房 内 的 住户,这里住着五户叙利亚难民家庭。
On her visit, Ms. Farrow walked the remains of two floors of an
[...] unfinished cement house in Baalbeck in [...]
the Bekaa Valley where five families of Syrian refugees are sheltered.
已设计一个雨水收集示范项目,从会议楼 房顶收集雨水,储存在地下室的集水罐,供冲洗厕所 [...]
A rainwater harvesting demonstration project had been
designed to collect rainwater from the
[...] Conference Building roof and store it in [...]
collection tanks in the basement for use
in flushing toilets and urinals.
评审应涵盖一切有关内部环境管理政策和行动的问题,比如碳抵消、可持 续采购、消除危险废物、消耗臭氧层物质以及多氯联苯和石棉这类污染物 楼房 改建和管理、新能源和可再生能源,以及劳动环境。
The review should cover all issues relevant to in-house environmental management policies and actions, such as carbon offsets, sustainable procurement, elimination of hazardous waste, ozone depleting substances and contaminants like PCBs and asbestos, hazardous waste, ozone-depleting substances, building reconstruction and management, new and renewable sources of energy, and labour environment.
2011年最大税率为楼房21.05 波兰币每平 方米,土地0.80波兰币每平方米,和2%的建 筑税。
The maximum tax rates in 2011 are: 21.05 PLN/m2 for buildings, 0.80 PLN/m2 for land and 2% of construction value.
在这一时期审议的主要问题中,委员会工作涉及的主题如下:《2004-2005 年计划与预 算草案》(32 C/5)中涉及行政与财务方面问题的审议、计划的执行、在《2002--2003 年拨款 决议》允许范围内所作预算调整问题、关于结转资金使用问题、改革进程、本组织人事政策 问题、教科文组织总楼房的管 理问题,以及教科文组织奖学金:2004--2005 年用于加强会 员国能力建设的预算额问题等。
Among the main points examined during this period, the Commission looked at the following topics: consideration of the administrative and financial aspects of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2004-2005 (32 C/5); execution of the programme; budget adjustments authorized within the Appropriation Resolution for 2002-2003; the use of carry-over funds; the reform process; the personnel policy of the Organization; management of the UNESCO complex, and the UNESCO fellowships: amount of the budget to be allocated in 2004-2005 for capacity-building in Member States.
咨询委员会获 悉,该处负责管理和维护内罗毕联合国建筑群的 楼房 , 协 调当地和国际采购, 并运作向建筑群里的所有办事处提供的注册和其他一般服务,包括邮件、邮袋、 差旅和航运服务。
The Advisory Committee was informed that this Service is responsible for the administration and maintenance of buildings in the United Nations complex in Nairobi, the coordination of local and international procurement and the operation of registry and other general service provision, including mail, pouch, travel and shipping services, to all offices in the complex.
在本双年度期 间,尽管连续的零名义增长预算带来了预算与资金的严重拮据(包括人力),但支助服务机构依然提供了令人
[...] 满意的支助,这得助于如下工作:如财政资源的合理管理、本组织信息技术系统的正常运转 楼房 的 保 养与翻 新、治安的工作加强、文件的编制、口笔译、采购、会议、文化活动和信息交流等。
During the biennium under consideration, despite severe budgetary and resources constraints (including personnel) imposed by consecutive zero-nominal growth budgets, the support services succeeded in providing a satisfactory level of support and backstopping through sound management of financial resources, normal functioning of the Organization’s
information technology systems, maintenance and
[...] renovation of premises, security, document [...]
production, translation and interpretation,
procurement, conferences, cultural events and the clearing house.
委员会还遗憾地 注意到楼房、公 园、医院、交通系统和其它公共场所及服务仍没有适当的残疾 人通道。
The Committee also notes with regret that persons with disabilities have continued to lack proper access to buildings, parks, hospitals, transportation systems and other public places and services.
(a) 规定残疾人享有《公约》之下的充分权利和不受歧视,保 楼房 、公园、医院、学校、交通系统和其它公共场所和服务提供残疾人通道
(a) To provide persons with disabilities with their full rights under the Covenant and without discrimination and ensure that they have physical access to buildings, parks, hospitals, school, transportation systems and other public places and services
使用火炮攻击城区,以及炮楼房 以及 医院、学校和礼拜场所等社会设施,不仅是对 国际人道主义法和人权法的违反,而且首先是毫无 道理和不可开脱的。
The use of artillery against urban zones, and the shelling of buildings and social edifices such as hospitals, schools and places of worship, are not only contrary to international humanitarian and human rights law but are, above all, unjustified and unjustifiable.
这些项目涉及拆除地震损坏的政楼 房、医院、孤儿院和学校;为修建 楼房 ( 包 括 一个霍乱治疗中心)平整土地;修 路;钻井;为迎接雨季到来疏浚河流和运河;在灌溉方面做出各种改善。
These projects involved the removal of
[...] earthquake-damaged Government buildings, hospitals, orphanages and schools; the preparation of land for the construction of new buildings including cholera [...]
treatment centres;
road repair; well-drilling; river and canal drainage in preparation for the rainy season (including in camps for internally displaced persons); and various irrigation improvements.
由于在塞尔维亚全境进行的 2 300 次空袭,148 栋住宅楼和 62 座桥梁被毁,300 所学校、医院和其他 公楼房遭到破坏,176 处文化遗址也遭到破坏。
As a result of 2,300 air strikes throughout Serbia, 148 residential buildings and 62 bridges were destroyed, while 300 schools, hospitals and other public buildings were damaged, as were 176 cultural heritage sites.
但与 2008 年相比,2009 年的土地、住宅楼房的总 销售额下降了 46%。
In 2009, however, overall sales of land, homes and buildings declined by 46 per cent compared with 2008.
然而楼房布局 、封闭性和场所保护以及该场所零散的国家安全 [...]
部门人员,使伙伴国家的官员能够不受国家安全部的控制而采取行动,自行 决定如何使用基础设施。
The persons who gave testimony [...]
to the Committee deny any preconditions for and possibilities of holding and interrogating
detainees … However, the layout of the building, its enclosed nature and protection of the perimeter as well as fragmented presence of the SSD staff in the premises allowed for the performance of actions by officers of the partners without the control of the SSD and use of the infrastructure at their discretion.
满布楼房和绿 色公园的奥兰省会玛丽港 (Mariehamn),是一个小镇假期的理想目的地,也是在奥兰开展自驾游或单车游的实际起点。
With its wooden houses and green parks, [...]
the provincial capital of Mariehamn provides the perfect setting for a small-town
holiday or a practical starting point for a car or cycling tour through the Åland islands.
[...] 之间的道路;拆除受到破坏的政 楼房 ; 清 除运河内 4 730 立方米的残块;国家 [...]
Major works include the improvement of public access roads, including the road linking Port-au-Prince to Malpasse on the border with the
Dominican Republic; the demolition of
[...] damaged government buildings; the clearing [...]
of 4,730 cubic metres of debris from canals;
and rehabilitation work on the National Penitentiary and the National Police Academy.
他则与从前的王子一样占用楼房, 居高临下,一览整个山谷的景致。
Personally he
[...] occupies the tower room from which, [...]
like the princes before him, he enjoys a commanding view of the entire valley.
一些重要客户包 括投资贸易和管理公司(I.T.M.)(其周转金超过 5 400 万马拉维克瓦查)、利隆圭 供水局(公用事业公司,资产超过 1.87亿马拉维克瓦查)、Maltraco有限公司 (I.T.M.的子公司,参与特许经销运土设备和重型卡车)和参与公路 楼房 建 筑的 WJ&RL Gulliver 公司。
Some significant clients included Investment Trade and Management Corporation (I.T.M.) with a turnover in excess of MK 54 million; Lilongwe Water Board (Public utility company with assets in excess MK 187 million); Maltraco Limited (a subsidiary of I.T.M. involved with dealership distribution of earth moving equipment and heavy trucks); WJ & RL Gulliver involved in road and building construction.
规划更合理、运作更好的城市有助于指引我们走向我们想要的未来;每个人都有充足住房、饮水、卫生条件、保健和其他基本服务的城市;提供良好教育和就业前景的城市;建有节 楼房 和 公共交通系统的城市;让所有人都有归属感的城市。
Better planned and better functioning cities can help guide us to the future we want: cities where everyone has adequate shelter, water, sanitation, health and other basic services; cities with good education and job prospects; cities with energy-efficient buildings and public transport systems; cities where all feel they belong.
(g) 执行专门的技术性宣传方案,向大型终端用户 楼房 业 主 、咨询人以及政府 一级技术决策者介绍在不同用途中采用氟氯氢的替代品、尤其是零/低全球 [...]
(g) Implementation of specialized
technical awareness programme for addressing
[...] large end-users, buildings owners, consultants [...]
and technical decision-makers at governmental
level about alternatives to HCFC in different applications particularly zero/low GWP options
为促进残疾人的活动,2008 年 4 月 18 日第 003/CAB/PM 号遵守采购的成 交、执行和监控规则的有关通函规定,要 楼房 、 公 共建筑物以及道路建设项目 中考虑残疾人的活动,尤其是在设施的布置方面要方便这类人进入。
In order to enhance mobility for the disabled, circular No. 003/CAB/PM of 18 April 2008 on compliance with procurement and Government contract control rules stipulates adopting the "disabilities approach" in the construction plans for buildings, public facilities and roads, particularly by providing for their accessibility to the disabled.
(d) 对可持续基础设施(包括公共交通、可再生能源、改造现有的基础设施楼房以提 高能效)和自然资本进行公共投资,以恢复、保持和尽可能提高自然 资本存量
(d) Public investment in sustainable infrastructure — including public transport, renewable energy and retrofitting of existing infrastructure and buildings for improved energy efficiency — and natural capital, to restore, maintain, and where possible, enhance the stock of natural capital
除了德国的DIN V 18599标准外,还有一个计楼房建筑内照明能量的欧洲标准,即EN [...]
As well as the German standard DIN V 18599 there is also a European standard for
[...] defining lighting energy in a building.
计划还研究了清洁卫生 方面的更广泛的内容:拘押所楼房 内 两 所监狱的窗户打开,以改善狱室内的光 线和通风,访问期间发放卫生和洁净用具。
The programme looked at wider issues in sanitation: windows were opened in detention buildings in two prisons to improve light and ventilation in the cells, and hygiene and cleanliness items were distributed during visits.
美国教育部在 2011 年 1 月关切地表示, 关岛政府在采购方面的迟缓可能会危及近 9 000 万美元的联邦资金,而这笔资金 本可用于改善关岛学校楼房和技 术设施。
In January 2011, the United States Department of Education expressed its concern about a delay in the Guam Government’s procurement process, which might jeopardize nearly $90 million worth of federal funds that were supposed to bring building and technological improvements to Guam schools.
[...] 保证残疾人进入交通工具前的可行动性,即采取必须的辅助措施使得残疾人便于 进楼房、车站、机场等搭乘交通工具的地方(仅作为举例,在铁路入口处应详 细标明车站位置、外部线路、楼梯位置等)。
These measures not only cover the different types of vehicle but also seek to ensure mobility prior to boarding the vehicle; in other words, they also include the complementary measures needed to facilitate the mobility of persons
with disabilities
[...] wishing to enter buildings, stations and terminals where they can board vehicles (for [...]
example, as regards
access to trains they lay down compulsory specifications for the design of stations, approaches, staircases, etc.).
它由灰色芬兰花岗石建造,上面覆盖红色瓦片,整座建筑洋溢著古雅气派,使它看起来象几百年 楼房 , 谁 知它是1902年建筑师翁尼•塔里扬内 (Onni Tarjanne) 的设计。
Constructed in grey Finnish granite and red roof tiles, the theatre looks as if it has been standing in the same spot for hundreds of years – even though it was designed in 1902 by the architect Onni Tarjanne.
无需另外的外部产品和第三方服务器,RFS7000开关还支持Layer3漫游,以支持多 楼房 或 大 规模校园的配置,从而使得移动产品用户在整个企业内漫游时可以保持与高带宽应用产品的持久连接。
The need for additional external products and the third party server, RFS7000
switch also support the Layer3 roaming to
[...] support multiple buildings or large-scale [...]
campus configuration, so as to make mobile
product users throughout the enterprise when roaming in keeping with high bandwidth application products of persistent connection.
在报告所涉期间,在提供治疗方面的主要问题有:首先是经费紧张,其次 是基础设施和供给楼房、设 备、药品等)简陋,再次是经过培训的人员不 足、法律框架薄弱,最后是不同部门之间协调差,以及与支助服务部门缺乏联 系。
During the reporting period the leading problems as regards the provision of treatment were, firstly, financial constraints, followed by poor infrastructure and supplies (buildings, equipment, medicine, etc.), then availability of trained personnel, poor legal frameworks and lastly poor coordination between different sectors and poor linkage to support services.




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