单词 | 楱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 瘫—paralyzedAEExamples:瘫痪n—gridlockn 瘫痪v—paralyzeAEv 瘫子—paralyzed person
(d) 有什麽措施可减少因货柜车司机罢驶而造成边境交通严重挤塞甚至瘫痪 的情况? legco.gov.hk | (d) what measures can be adopted to reduce the serious congestion and even traffic standstill at the border caused by the strikes of container truck drivers? legco.gov.hk |
(a) 对 在社区居住的 四肢瘫痪病人 提供的 支援和协 助 legco.gov.hk | (a) support and assistance for paralysed patients living in the community legco.gov.hk |
自助组织并促 请政府当局全面检讨为在社区居住的四肢瘫痪 病人所提供的支援和协助,包括提供院舍予智力及精神状态正常的严 重残疾人士; 为残疾人士营造无障 碍 的 环 境 ; 以及成 立一个成 员 包括 有关政策 局 / 政府部门代表及残疾人士团体代表的跨部门委员会,定 期监察为四肢瘫痪病人提供的支援及协助是否足 够 及有成效。 legco.gov.hk | The self-help groups also urged the Administration to conduct an overall review of the support and assistance for tetraplegic patients living in the community, including setting up dedicated residential care homes for severely disabled persons of normal intellect and mental state; creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities; and establishing an inter-departmental committee comprising representatives from the relevant policy bureaux/Government departments and representatives of disability groups to regularly monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the support and assistance provided to tetraplegic patients. legco.gov.hk |
以往 及最近的策略性运输研究已预测,东西行交通走廊的交通 需求会进一步增加,并确定有需要兴建一条平行的东西行 主干道,以避免更大范围、更频密的交通挤塞,甚至道路 网的瘫痪。 devb.gov.hk | Previous and recent strategic transport studies have predicted further increase in traffic demand along the eastwest corridor, and confirmed the need for a parallel east-west Trunk Road to avoid more extensive and frequent traffic congestion, and even gridlock, on the road network. devb.gov.hk |
冯议员进而表示, 他支持让 全瘫病人在社区居住的 理 念 ,并认为 政府当局有需要 制 订政策 , 为照顾全瘫病 人的家庭成 员 提供更周详 的 援 助。 legco.gov.hk | Mr FUNG further said that he supported the idea of tetraplegic patients living in the community, and considered that there was a need to have in place a policy to better help family carers of tetraplegic patients. legco.gov.hk |
政府没有钱用是大 家必然知道的,还有公务员不能支薪,长者不能领取“生果金”,综援 受助人不能领取综援,以及政府提供的公共服务可能被瘫痪而停顿, 事实上,後果是非常严重的。 legco.gov.hk | We know for sure that the Government will be short of funds, and civil servants will not be able to receive their pay, elderly people will not be able to receive their "fruit grant", CSSA recipients cannot receive their CSSA payments and the public services provided by the Government may be paralyzed and come to a halt, so in fact, the consequences are dire. legco.gov.hk |
即使 实施所有交通管理措施,假如不兴建 P2 道路网,中区 填海第一期地段内的交通将会在 2011 年全面瘫痪,原 因是干诺道中沿途会出现连绵不绝的车龙(在没有中环 湾仔绕道的情况下),即使绿色交通灯亮起,康乐广场 的车辆仍然无法驶入干诺道中。 devb.gov.hk | Even with all the traffic management measures, traffic in CRI will be paralyzed by 2011 if Road P2 network is not built, because continuous traffic queues will be found along CRC (without CWB), and vehicles from Connaught Place will not be able to exit onto CRC even when the traffic lights are in their favour. devb.gov.hk |
如受助人经医生证明为需要经常护理并获 社工推荐,例如居住在家中四肢瘫痪的受助人,更可申请 「特别护理费津贴」,以支付在家中使用特别护理服务的费 用,包括聘请照顾者的实际开支。 legco.gov.hk | For those medically certified to be in need of constant attendance, a “Care and Attention Allowance” may also be provided to cover the costs of care and attention services at home (including the cost of hiring a carer) on social worker’s recommendation. legco.gov.hk |
这笔款项其实一直也在库房内,既然库房从来也没 有关门,为何会出现令政府运作陷於瘫痪的危机呢? legco.gov.hk | Actually, this sum of funds is always in the Treasury, and since the Treasury never closes, how can it be said that there is a crisis in causing a paralysis in government operations? legco.gov.hk |
此外,社署亦有为残疾人士及家长提 供其他类型的社区支援服务,例如残疾人士地区支援中心 服务、日间社区康复中心服务、四肢瘫痪病人过渡期护理 支援中心服务、严重残疾人士日间照顾服务、住宿暂顾服 务、残疾人士家长/亲属资源中心及精神健康综合社区中 心等。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, the SWD also provides other types of community support services for persons with disabilities and their parents, for example, District Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities, Community Rehabilitation Day Centre, Transitional Care and Support Centre for Tetraplegic Patients, Day Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities, Residential Respite Service, Parents/Relatives Resource Centre for Disabled Persons and Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
社会福 利署助理署长(康复及医务社会服务)补 充,虽然仁济永强 全瘫病人基金 向 病 人发放聘请个人 照顾员的津贴一般 为 期一年,但该基 金 会在津贴到期前3至 4个 月 进 行检讨, 以 决 定 应否延长 津贴期。 legco.gov.hk | ADSW(R&MSS) supplemented that although the grant approved by the Yan Chai Tetraplegic Fund for hiring personal helper was generally one year, a review would be made three to four months prior to the expiry of the funding period to see if the grant should be extended. legco.gov.hk |
应该说:假如不是想鸟儿的翅膀退化瘫痪,变成完全不会飞 的鸡,为甚麽不把鸟笼做得大㆒点,让牠有多㆒点的活动空间呢? legco.gov.hk | A better one should be: why not make a bigger bird cage so that the bird can have more space to fly unless you want its wings to degenerate to the extent that it will become crippled just like a hen that cannot fly? legco.gov.hk |
以道路系统 而言,目前㆝水围㆞区的对外联系主要靠㆒条㆝耀路,如果发生较大的交通意外或 ㆝然灾害而令该条大道阻塞,则整个㆝水围㆞区的大部分对外交通便会瘫痪㆘来。 legco.gov.hk | Should that road be blocked because of any serious traffic accident or natural calamity, most of the external traffic of the district will be brought to a standstill. legco.gov.hk |
房署亦联同多个福利及医 疗团体组成一个联合工作小组,安排四肢瘫痪的人士入住业经改 装的公共屋邨单位,协助他们重新融入社区。 legco.gov.hk | HD has also set up a joint task force with various welfare and medical agencies to arrange for the tetraplegics to move to the modified flats in PHEs to help them to re-integrate into the community. legco.gov.hk |
这 条重要的策略性道路走廊本已超越负荷,而且即使在主干 道落成後仍将继续以全负荷或接近全负荷运作;再损失这 样的道路容车量,很可能会导致无法容忍的道路全面瘫 痪。 devb.gov.hk | This loss of road capacity, from a major strategic road corridor that is already operating over capacity and will continue to operate at or near capacity even after the implementation of the Trunk Road, would most like result in a gridlock situation and cannot be tolerated; this means that the overriding need for the Trunk Road cannot be met. devb.gov.hk |
1.3.2 被判给人应提供预防性保养计划,并交由运作实体操作,将系统瘫痪或失 靈的风险减至最低。 gdtti.gov.mo | 1.3.2 A preventive maintenance plan for the wireless broadband system shall also be provided for the Operator’s implementation, to minimize the risk of system breakdown and failure. gdtti.gov.mo |
虽然医院管理局(下 称 “医管 局 ”)的医疗专家及家居训练及 支援服务队 的职业治 疗 师 有为照顾者 提供培训, 但 政府当局亦已於 2004年 12月 拨 款予全瘫病人自助组织 , 以便该等组 织 自行提供照顾员 培训。 legco.gov.hk | Notwithstanding the training provided to carers provided by, say, the medical specialists of the Hospital Authority (HA) and occupational therapists of the Home-based Training and Support Teams, a sum of money had also been granted by the Administration to the paralysed patients’ self-help groups in December 2004 to enable them to provide their own carer training. legco.gov.hk |
病徵包括恶心和呕吐 ( 例如由金黄葡萄球菌引致) 、腹泻和脱水( 由沙门氏菌類和弯曲菌類引 致 );在罕見的肉毒中毒个案中,病人甚至会瘫痪和死亡。 cfs.gov.hk | The symptoms of food poisoning vary from nausea and vomiting (e.g. caused by S. aureus), through diarrhoea and dehydration (Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. cfs.gov.hk |
由於 四肢瘫痪病人需要24小时贴 身 照 顾 ,自助组织要求政府当局为这类 病 人提供每月额外 津贴,以便他们聘请照顾 员,或 向 那 些为照顾 这 类 病 人而放弃本 身工作的病者家属 发 放 津贴。 legco.gov.hk | As tetraplegic patients required round-the-clock care, the self-help groups called upon the Administration to provide this group of patients with an additional monthly allowance to hire a carer or subsidise those family members who gave up their jobs to care for them. legco.gov.hk |
走廊的 交通挤塞还会产生满溢效应,导致中环及湾仔的邻近道路 出现挤塞,很容易导致道路网彻底瘫痪。 devb.gov.hk | The stagnant traffic will have a spill over effect leading to congestion in the neighbouring roads in Central and Wan Chai, and complete gridlock in the road network may easily occur. devb.gov.hk |
主席,我希望特区政府的官员对自己的要求 能够高一点,不要在事後才提出决议案不获通过会令政府运作陷入瘫 痪的说法。 legco.gov.hk | President, I hope that officials of the SAR Government should set a higher standard for themselves and they must not say after a resolution has been voted down that the move would paralyze government operations. legco.gov.hk |
(二 ) 政府有否应变方案,处理本港发生可引 致铁路系统全线瘫痪,不能在短期内恢 复运作的重大事故(例如停电、恐怖袭击 及天灾等);若有,政府应变方案的具体 详情 (包括如何在短时间内通报公 众、疏散港铁列车及车站内的乘客、协 调路面交通以应付近百万人次的人流 量,以及确保紧急救护服务不会受影响 等 )为何;若否,相关政府部门及港铁会 否尽快共同制订联合应变措施;政府可 否加强宣传铁路事故的应变方案,并将 资料公开,方便公众查阅? legco.gov.hk | (b) whether the Government has any contingency plan to deal with major incidents occurring in Hong Kong (e.g. power outages, terrorist attacks and natural disasters, etc.) which may paralyse the whole railway system and render it impossible to resume operation within a short time; if it has, of the specific details of its contingency plan (including, within a short time, how to notify the public of the incident, evacuate passengers from the MTR trains and stations, coordinate road traffic to deal with a passenger flow of nearly 1 million passenger trips, and ensure that emergency ambulance services are not affected, etc.); if not, whether the relevant government departments and MTRCL will work together as soon as possible to formulate joint contingency measures; whether the Government will step up publicity on the contingency plan for railway incidents, and publish the information to facilitate public perusal? legco.gov.hk |
蔡素玉议员并要求政府当局增拨资 源 ,为四肢瘫痪病人的照顾 者提供培训,以及协助这些病人进行家居改装,以切 合 他们的特殊 需 要。 legco.gov.hk | Hon CHOY So-yuk also asked the Administration to allocate more resources to provide training to carers and to provide assistance enabling tetraplegic patients to modify their homes to suit their special needs. legco.gov.hk |
尽 管 《立法会( 权 力及特 权 ) 条例》没 有订明立法会在 怎样的 情况下 才 可行使 该 条例赋 予 的权力 , 但 以 往 的经验 显 示 ,立法会只 会 在有必 要 深 入 调 查 某些与 政 府有关的重大失 误 或 丑 闻 时 , 如 新 机 场 开 幕 大 瘫痪及 居 屋 短 桩 事 件 等 , 才 行 使 有 关的特 权 。 legco.gov.hk | Although the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance does not specify the circumstances under which the powers under it may be exercised, past experience tells us that the Legislative Council will exercise the relevant privileges only when there is a need to conduct an in-depth investigation into a major blunder or scandal connected with the Government, such as the paralyzing of the new airport following its inauguration and the short-piling incident of Home Ownership Scheme flats. legco.gov.hk |
本年度共资助24名脑瘫儿童在广西康复中心进行物理康复训练,在康复过程中,孩子们都有着 不同程度的进步,2011年云彩资助的其中4名孩子康复理想,更可进入主流学校读书,家长感到无 比鼓励;我们更培训家长之间建立互助关系,彼此鼓励,在日常生活中有互相帮忙一起与脑瘫孩 子努力地成长。 thesilverliningfoundation.org | We also help the parents establish relationships of trust and mutual support with one and other, helping each other as they raise these children with cerebral palsy. thesilverliningfoundation.org |
若使用邻居的无线网路,造成的损害或许比各位想像更加严重,如果借用讯号後,用来观赏串流影片或下载大型档案,邻居的上网速度势必会受影响,甚至因此瘫痪,假设多人在城市里共同某位邻居的开放讯号,影响会更加显着。 thisbigcity.net | Use of a neighbour’s Wi-Fi may actually cause more harm than you realize. thisbigcity.net |
香港大学李嘉诚医学院研究团队与医管局多家医院合作,首度在KCNJ2基因附近的染色体17q24.3发现甲状腺机能亢进(甲亢)的其中一个并发症—甲状腺间歇性瘫痪(TPP)的致病基因变异。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | A team of researchers at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), working with other experts from Hospital Authority hospitals, has discovered a DNA variation located on chromosome 17q24.3 near KCNJ2 gene was significantly associated with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP). xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |