单词 | 植株 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 植株 noun, plural —plants pl植株 —plant (horticulture)Examples:(植物)雄株的 adj—male adj See also:植 n—plant n 株—a plant • stump (tree root) • involve others (in shady business) • tree trunk
是次在發現有關木 [...] 瓜可能含基因改造成分後,漁護署已即時採取行動,銷毀所有木 瓜植株,並進行深入調查。 legco.gov.hk | Upon discovery that the papaya concerned might contain [...] GM materials, the department has acted immediately to [...] destroy all papaya plants and conducted an [...]in-depth investigation. legco.gov.hk |
树一种或多种植物树行树树的决定取决 于 植株 中的 病毒树度和 NPPO 要求的置信水平。 ippc.int | The decision to test individual or [...] multiple plants depends on the virus concentration in the plants and the level [...]of confidence required by the NPPO. ippc.int |
植株高约70厘米,开橘黄色大花,与雏菊非常类似。 clarinsusa.com | This plant is about 70 centimetres [...] high and has big yellow-orange coloured flowers very similar to daisies. clarinsusa.com |
Nursery 苗圃 在植物强壮到可以直接移植到地里栽种之前进 行植株培育和养护的地方。 hesperian.org | Nursery a [...] place where plants or trees are grown and cared for until they are strong enough to plant directly [...]into the ground. hesperian.org |
来源相同、同一地块、同一品种、同一级别以及同一时期收获、质量基本一致的马铃 薯 植株 或块 茎作为一批。 agrichina.org | The potato plant or tuber with the same origin, the same plot, the same variety, the same grade, the same harvest period and practically consistent quality is taken as a lot. agrichina.org |
基於標準的Web技術通過SCADA服務器的聯網計算機製造商,使整 個 植株 容 易 通過移動設備如智能手機或平板電腦。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Based on standard Web technology manufacturer of networked [...] machines via a SCADA server and enables [...] the use of whole plants easily via mobile [...]devices such as smartphone or tablet. en.developmentscout.com |
其他不利因素还包括:耕种季节出现异常高温造成嫁 接 植株 的 抵 抗力下降; 和/或管理做法不当,如提供足量的有机物质、作物密度和水的恰当使用等方面。 multilateralfund.org | Other unfavourable factors included: reduced [...] resistance of grafted plants due to unusually [...]high temperatures during the cropping season; [...]and/or poor management operations such as the supply of organic matter in adequate amounts, the cropping density, and proper use of water. multilateralfund.org |
我公司此获奖的新品种瑰丽镶边紫色-(N°2595)是哈里奥®系列新颖奇特花型皱边花型中的新花色,花朵大,叶片小,株型紧凑 , 植株 强 壮。 cyclamen.com | CURLY® Purple with edge » (N°2595) broadens the fancy range of Halios®, with a new generation of large fringed flowers called CURLY®, offering both density and volume. cyclamen.com |
例如在西红柿中,植株吸收的近60-66 %的钾都在果实中。 kno3.org | For example in tomato, about 60-66 % of K [...] absorbed by the plant is found in the fruit. kno3.org |
模式标本采于Nyalam县,具有一未发育完全 的 植株 ; 需 要具果的标本来评价这分类群的关系。 flora.ac.cn | The type collection, from Nyalam Xian, is of [...] an immature plant; fruiting material is needed to [...]assess the relationships of this taxon. flora.ac.cn |
用种子培育指示植物,将种子播种 于透水良好的土壤混合物中,并在 18℃和 25℃之间的防虫温室中培育,直到 植株 足 够 大时 (常常直经为 3-4mm,高度为 25-30cm)进行嫁接。 ippc.int | Indicator plants are raised from seed, planted in a well-drained soil mixture and maintained in an insect-proof greenhouse between 18 °C and 25 °C until they are large enough to graft (usually 25–30 cm high with a diameter of 3–4 mm). ippc.int |
法国葡萄与葡萄酒研究所(IFV)的作用体现在组织和对葡萄品种进行自然选择,提供给种植者以苗株——称之克隆——使其免受自身缺陷和健康状况带来的损失和风险,确 保 植株 的 长 久寿命。 vindefrance-cepages.org | The IFV’s role is to organize and carry out a natural selection of the grape varieties to provide winegrowers with plants – called [...] clones – without flaws or health risks, in order to [...] ensure that parcels planted with these vines [...]have a longer lifespan. vindefrance-cepages.org |
然而,在生长季节,所有西红柿植株 都 严 重感染了不同类别的线虫,这不利于嫁接 技术的引入。 multilateralfund.org | During the growing season, [...] however, all tomato plants were heavily infected [...]by different types of nematodes, which had a [...]negative impact on the introduction of the grafting technology. multilateralfund.org |
花萼颜色可能强烈受环境的影响: Wikstroemia [...] mekongensis的模式标本的野外描述表示其具深紫色到深红色的花,而同一采集并在欧洲栽培 的 植株 具 有 带绿色黄色的花,芽在先端具紫色。 flora.ac.cn | The calyx color can be strongly influenced by the environment: the type gathering of Wikstroemia mekongensis was described in [...] the field as having deep purple-crimson [...] flowers, whereas plants propagated in Europe from [...]the same gathering had greenish yellow [...]flowers, tipped with purple in bud. flora.ac.cn |
由采伐花粉植株生长 的周围,你可以,能够深入到这个多彩的丛林中,发现美妙的新景点。 technologeeko.com | By harvesting pollen to grow [...] the surrounding plants, you are able to [...]reach deeper into this colourful jungle and discover fantastic new sights. technologeeko.com |
缺锌的粟也是如此,因 为它的植株生长不受影响,但顶部产生较少的和皱缩的谷粒(Rashid和Fox, [...] 1992)。 fertilizer.org | The same is true for Zn deficient millet, [...] because its vegetative growth remains [...]unaffected but its heads bear fewer and [...]shriveled grains (Rashid and Fox, 1992). fertilizer.org |
農民注意到他們的番茄植株當中 含Ty-2基因者,有10-20%也表現出TYLCTHV的病徵。 avrdc.org | Farmers noticed about [...] 10-20% of their tomato plants with the Ty-2 gene [...]were also showing symptoms of TYLCTHV. avrdc.org |
德国麻疯树信息服务机构的Reinhard Henning说:“如果你的土壤、水和植株 的 条 件非常好,每年每公顷可以得到5000公斤种子,这能带来1500升麻疯树油的收成。 scidev.net | If you have very good [...] conditions — soil, water, plants — you could get [...]5,000 kilograms of seeds per hectare per year, which [...]can give 1,500 litres of oil per harvest," says Reinhard Henning, of the Germany-based Jatropha Information Service. scidev.net |
世界馳名的酒園-羅曼尼康帝酒莊(Domaine de La Romanée-Conti,簡稱DRC)總面積達到506.2英畝,其中的頂級獨立園Romanee Conti園的面積為67.5英畝,所種的紅酒葡萄為100%的Pinot Noir,植株的平均年齡高達50年,年產量為7000箱。 ravenelart.com | Within it, the monopole of Romanée-Conti covers an area of 67.5 acres and consists of 100% Pinot Noir grapes that have an average vine age of 50 years, and produces an annual output of 7,000 crates. ravenelart.com |
在精选了最好的土地、拥有最古老 植株 的 葡 萄园、成熟度达到最佳 的 植株 、 最 高质量的葡萄、最佳的制作过程和最优秀的橡木酒桶之后,成果只有一个。 bodegasfindesiglo.com | When you select the best soils, the vineyards with the oldest vines, the vines with the optimum level of ripeness, the grapes of the best quality, the best vinification process and the best oak barrels, there is only one result —Ribaguda Cepas Viejas Reserva, oro multi-varietal. bodegasfindesiglo.com |
在经过植物基因转化和体外植株再生(例如:转基因品系12 生产)后, 产品开发的下一阶段通常在隔离防范设施(例如:生长室或温室)中 进行,在这些设施内将进行初始的转基因品系筛选和评估工作。 excellencethrou...stewardship.org | Following plant transformation and the regeneration of whole plants in vitro (i.e., [...] event12 production), the next stage [...]of product development typically takes place in containment facilities such as growth rooms or greenhouses where the initial screening and evaluation of events may take place. excellencethrou...stewardship.org |
认证种子:a) 栽培品种的种子,其遗传一致度和纯度已经过官方种子认 [...] 证机构目检验证 — 广义的认证种子分为四类,分别为原原种、原种、 注册种子和认证种子;或 b) 狭义的认证种子单指通常由注册种子 的植 株繁殖 而来的一类种子,但也可能由原种或认证种子繁殖而来。 excellencethrou...stewardship.org | Foundation seed is the source of certified seed, either directly or through registered seed. excellencethrou...stewardship.org |
产品以经发酵的小麦或玉米秸杆、牛粪及草炭等有机物为主,为保持有优良的物理性能,配用了适量的蛭石、珍珠岩,只占总容积的21.09%;含植物主要营养元素氮、磷、钾≥3%,而秸杆及牛粪发酵物的含量即达≥2.62%,不仅能保证瓜菜幼苗生长发育的营养需要,而且可供应缓苗期及生长发育前期的需要,较传统育苗基质更能促进作物根系 和 植株 的 生 长发育达到抗病、丰产、优质;PH值7±2,属中性,应用范围广;发酵最高温度达80℃以上,不含线虫、草籽等,有一定量的有益菌群存在,有利土壤有机物质的分解,长期施用有改良土壤的作用。 sfwsh.com | Products with the fermented wheat or corn stalk, cow muck and offer, such as organic have excellent physical properties, with the right amount of vermiculite, pearlite, occupy only total volume of 21.09%, Contain plant mainly nutrition elements nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, straw and experiment.it 3% of the content of Jehovah dung 2.62% p, can not only ensure the melon seedling growth dish of nutritional needs, but can supply slow seedling growth and the needs of more than traditional nursery [...] substrates, can promote crop growth and [...] development of the plant roots and resistance [...]to achieve high quality; and, 7 ± 2, [...]PH value of neutral, application scope, Fermentation temperature reaches 80 degrees above, excluding nematodes, seed, have a certain amount of beneficial bacterium, soil organic matter, favorable quality of soil is the role. sfwsh.com |
與本地一般的種植業不同,有機耕作不容許含有基因 改 造 成份的物料,漁護署在 2006 年 1 月通知有關農友和菜 [...] 聯社,剷除所有懷疑含基因改造成份的木 瓜 植株 , 以 保持本 地有機耕作的完整性。 legco.gov.hk | To ensure organic integrity locally, AFCD notified all farmers [...] concerned and the FVMCs of the test result in January 2006, and required them to [...] eradicate all the papaya trees concerned. legco.gov.hk |
芫茜是草本植物,全株植物皆 可食用,但日常一般只吃它的嫩葉和晒乾的種子。 sfgourmet.com | Coriander is an herb [...] where all parts of the plant are edible, where the [...]fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the parts most [...]traditionally used in cooking. sfgourmet.com |
在法国南部,人们依然认为,孕妇如果碰触过欧芹, 这 株植 物 就 会死掉。 clarinsusa.com | In the south of France, it is still thought if a pregnant woman [...] touches parsley the plant will die. clarinsusa.com |
Rowseed XXL 是专为进行单穗或单株植物种 子的直接播种而开发设计,由此可以在单穗植物之间或单穗后代之间进行比较。 wintersteiger.co.at | The Rowseed XXL was specifically designed for minimum and no-till seeding of seeds from a single ear and/or single plants, and thus supports comparisons between ears or their progeny. wintersteiger.co.at |
整株植物, 自汁液、膠質至葉片均有其功效,富含維生素群及礦物質,數千年來被廣泛應用於人體內外的局部使用 。 products.herbalife.com.tw | This gentle formula has been developed into a collection of shampoos, hair conditioners, body washes and moisturisers which are kind to your skin. products.herbalife.co.in |
加拿大当局在 2010 [...] 年缉获了 51 吨大麻药草和 190 万株大麻 植物,而美国当局估计,2010 年进入美国的所有大麻药草中有 [...] 12%是从加拿大 进入该国(尽管不一定所有大麻药草都是在加拿大生产)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Canadian authorities seized 51 tons of cannabis herb and 1.9 [...] million cannabis plants in 2010, and United [...]States authorities assessed that 12 [...]per cent of all the cannabis herb entering the United States in 2010 had entered the country from Canada (although not necessarily all of the cannabis herb was produced in Canada). daccess-ods.un.org |