


species of tree resistant cold weather



lit. not know whether to laugh or cry (idiom); both funny and extremely embarrassing
in a desperate state


understood by everyone (idiom); well known
a household name


both OK
all acceptable

External sources (not reviewed)

中国政府 发现,他们长期倡导的、“不干涉主权国家内政” 的理念并非放之四海而皆准,也并非一直符合中 国的国家利益。
Chinese officials are finding that their long-cherished concept of non-interference in the domestic affairs of sovereign states is not always practical or in line with national interests.
The intellectual property of all information contained in this website, including questionnaire design and research reports, originally belongs to HKU POP unless specified otherwise.
董事会主席(如有)或倘彼缺席或拒绝主持有关大会,则副主席(如有) 将主持每次股东大会,或倘无有关的主席或副主席,或倘有关的主席或副主席并无於 任何股东大会指定举行大会时间之後十五分钟内出席,或该两位有关人士皆拒绝主持 大会,则出席的董事会成员须在与会的董事中推选一人担任主席,或倘无董事出席或 如全部出席的董事会成员均拒绝主持股东大会或倘其中选出的主席选择退任主持股 东大会的职务,则当时出席的股东须在与会的股东中选出一人担任主席。
The Chairman (if any) of the Board or, if he is absent or declines to take the chair at such meeting, the Deputy Chairman (if any) shall take the chair at every general meeting, or, if there be no such Chairman or Deputy Chairman, or, if at any general meeting neither of such Chairman or Deputy Chairman is present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding such meeting, or both such persons decline to take the chair at such meeting, the Board present shall choose one of their number as Chairman, and if no Director be present, or if all the Board present decline to take the chair, or if the Chairman chosen shall retire from the chair, then the members present shall choose one of their own number to be Chairman.
这些信息不仅应按照当前做法,指明经常性和非经常性出版物,还应区分拟 以印刷版、电子版或两种皆有的方式印发的出版物的数量。
Information should indicate not only recurrent and non-recurrent publications, as is currently the practice, but should also differentiate between the number of publications proposed to be issued in print version, electronic version or both.
受教育权以及会议讨论的主题与教科文组织组织法规定的确 保“人皆享有充分与平等受教育机会”的使命相吻合。
The right to education and the theme discussed in the Conference corresponds to UNESCO’s Constitutional mission of ensuring “full and equal opportunities for education for all”.
(C) 倘董事(可以为有关证明文件的签署人)於董事会或其 任何委员会决议案当时并非在总办事处所在地区,或因 其他理由而无法出席或行事,或未有提供收取通告的总 办事处所在地境内的地址、电话及传真号码,则在并无 发出相反内容的实际通告的情况下,就所证明的事宜而 言,董事(就本(C)段而言包括替任董事)或秘书发出的 证明文件对所有人士皆具有决定性。
(C) A certificate by a Director (including for the purpose of this paragraph (C) an alternate Director) or the Secretary that a Director (who may be the one signing the certificate) was at the time of a resolution of the Directors or any committee thereof absent from the territory of the Head Office or otherwise not available or unable to act or has not supplied an address, telephone and facsimile number within the territory of the Head Office for the purposes of giving of notice to him shall in favour of all persons without express notice to the contrary, be conclusive of the matter so certified.
本校的平衡计分卡目标包括: 平等、社会公平、愉快学习及服务社群,皆与校区的目标一致,务求减少学生人口的影响因素。
The school's Balanced Scorecard goals include : equity, social justice, joyful learning, and service to the community.
(iv) 流动资金的信贷风险有限,皆因对手方均为获国际信贷评级机构颁予高信贷评级之银行。
(iv) The credit risk on liquid funds is limited because the counterparties are banks with high credit ratings assigned by international credit-rating agencies.
您只能按照美国证券法下 的 S 规则,在“离岸交易”(定义见美国证券下第 902 规则)中再售您的股票,包括在 NZSX 或 ASX 上进行的定期经纪交易,前提是您或代表您行事的任何人,皆不知道或没有理由知道购买人在美国或是 美国证券法下第 902 规则所定义的“美国人”。
You can only resell your Shares if you offer and sell them in an “offshore transaction” (as defined in Rule 902 under the US Securities Act) in compliance with Regulation S under the US Securities Act, including in regular brokered transactions on the NZSX or ASX where neither you nor anyone acting on your behalf knows or has reason to know that the sale has been pre-arranged with, or that the purchaser is, in the United States or a “U.S. person” as defined in Rule 902 under the US Securities Act.
该趋势是由於年内欧洲经济活动减少、日本的金属需求下降及中国进入去库存周 期,此等皆令到年内钴金属的供应过剩。
This trend was due to lower economic activity in Europe, a drop in Japanese metal demand and a Chinese destocking cycle, all of which contributed to an oversupply of cobalt metal during the year.
选举进程分为三个不同、但平行的活动,皆由独立高级选举委员会在联伊援 助团支助下加以管理:独立高级选举委员会于 3 月 4 日让伊拉克境内的军警人员、 被拘留者和住院的投票者进行特殊需求投票;3 月 5 日至 7 日,让居住在 16 个国 家和 67 个城市的伊拉克人进行境外投票(澳大利亚、奥地利、加拿大、丹麦、埃 及、德国、伊朗、约旦、黎巴嫩、荷兰、瑞典、叙利亚、土耳其、美国、阿拉伯 联合酋长国、联合王国);以及在大选日让伊拉克所有登记的选民投票。
The election process was divided into three separate and parallel events, all of which were administered by the Independent High Electoral Commission with the support of UNAMI: the Commission implemented special needs voting for police and military personnel, detainees and hospitalized voters in Iraq on 4 March; out-ofcountry voting between 5 and 7 March for Iraqis residing in 16 countries and across 67 cities (Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United States, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland); and the general election day for all Iraqi registered voters.
法院询 问了调查人员和其他警官,他们皆否认使用过非法调查手段。
The court interrogated the investigator and other police officials, and all denied having used unlawful methods of investigation.
委员会进一步对如下 报道表示关切:一些儿童在未经其父母了解或同意的情况下被送到佛教寺院 里皈依佛教,以及在实皆邦,政府试图引诱那迦族群体成员、包括儿童皈依 佛教。
The Committee is further concerned about reports that some children are placed in Buddhist monasteries and converted to Buddhism without their parents’ knowledge or consent and that the Government seeks to induce members of the Naga ethnic group, including children, in Sagaing Division to convert to Buddhism.
此外,为 行政上的方便,概括续租协议乃皆在(其中包括)供立约双方预先同意涉及合资 格物业租予合资格租户而应付的租金总额所不可超越的每年上限总额。
In addition, for the purposes of administrative convenience, the Renewal Master Tenancy Agreement is, among others, to pre-agree the Aggregate Annual Cap Amount which the total amount of rentals payable for leasing of the Eligible Premises to the Eligible Tenants will be subject to.
如果项目期内主伐,且为皆伐作业,则长期平均碳储量为项目期结束前最后一次主伐前的 碳储量的 50%。
Clear felling: the long-term average carbon stock is assumed to be 50% of the carbon stock before last clear felling of the project lifetime.
During the meeting, the board of Directors considered and resolved that all the existing Directors shall be recommended to be retained by the Company.
在 2010 年内处理个案之进度情况,全部 7 宗(100%)的个案皆能於法定处理 时限内(45 天)完成及归档,较去年提升了 7.2%。
For the progress of handling cases in 2010, all 7 cases (100%) were completed and filed within the statutory time limit (45 days), recorded an increase of 7.2% compared with last year.
本中心所有持份者皆已接获 通知,知道紧应变计划的内容。
All school stakeholders are informed of the School Emergency Operations Plan.
本 公 司 确 认 已 接 获 各 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 根 据 创 业 板 上 市 规 则 第 5.09 条 发 出 之 年度独 立 性 确 认 书 , 且 根 据 已 收 到 之 确 认 书 , 本 公 司 认 为 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 皆 为 独 立 人 士 。
The Company confirms that it has received from each of the independent non-executive Directors an annual confirmation of his independence pursuant to Rule 5.09 of the GEM Listing Rules and considers, based on the confirmations received, the independent non-executive Directors to be independent.
不结盟运动还对关于巴勒斯坦被占领土上人权 受到侵犯的很多联合国报道和独立报道感到不安,这 些报道显示,有罪不罚现象比比皆是,导致一再发生 侵犯种种权利的非法侵权行为,遭侵犯的权利包括自 决权、行动自由的权利和生命权。
The Non-Aligned Movement is also disturbed by the many United Nations and independent reports regarding human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territory, which indicate that a culture of impunity has reigned leading to repeated illegal violations that have infringed on a wide scope of rights, including inter alia, the right to self-determination, the right to freedom of movement and the right to life.
他反对 “放之四海而皆准”的办法,呼吁采取顾及乌拉圭 等中等收入国家特定发展需求的新合作办法。
Instead of a “one size fits all” approach, he called for a new approach to cooperation that would take into account the specific development needs of middle-income countries such as his own.
某董事向众董事发出一般性通知,表明他须被视为於该通知日期後可能与任何指定人士、商号或 法团订立的任何合同或安排中拥有重大利益,即为已就如此订立的任何合同或安排作出充分的利 益声明,但除非该通知在董事的会议中作出,或董事采取合理步骤确保该通知在作出後的下一次 董事会议中提呈及宣读,否则任何此等通知皆为无效。
A general notice to the Directors by a Director that he is to be regarded as materially interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with any specified person, firm or corporation after the date of such notice shall be a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract or arrangement so made, provided that no such notice shall be of effect unless either it is given at a meeting of the Directors or the Director takes reasonable steps to ensure that it is brought up and read at the next meeting of the Directors after it is given.
毛里求斯的发展政策 基于这样一种国家愿景,即创造一个足可与高收入国家相媲美的高生产率、高效 率、高科技、高收入经济,并为全民创造一个繁荣昌盛的未来,创建一个包容, 一个人人皆可共享发展机遇,一个法律面前人人平等的社会。
Mauritius development policies are anchored in the country’s vision of a high-productivity, high-efficiency, high-technology and high-wage economy that can join the league of high-income countries while consolidating a prosperous future for all, and an inclusive society where there are opportunities for all and where there is equality of treatment before the law.
公司政策、美国 《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) 及全球各地类似的反行贿法皆禁止公司成员或其代 理无论是否以现金形式且无论是否直接或透过他人间接提供金钱或任何有价物品给任何国外官员 (即外国政府公务员、外国政党或政党干部或国外政党办公室候选人),企图引诱该名官员影响 任何政府行为或决策或者协助公司获取或保留生意。
Company policy, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar anti-bribery laws around the world prohibit our people or their agents from giving or offering to give money or anything of value — whether in cash or not, or whether directly or indirectly through others — to any foreign official (i.e., foreign government employee, foreign political party, or party official or candidate for foreign political office) to induce that official to affect any governmental act or decision, or to assist the Company in obtaining or retaining business.
另一项定义认为绿色经济实 现可持续发展的一个途径或多种途径,正如许多代表团强调指出,没有一个放之 四海而皆准的定义,但是,视各国的情况,可有多种实现绿色经济或绿色增长的 途径。
According to another, a green economy was seen as a pathway to sustainable development, or as various pathways, as many delegations emphasized that there was no one-size-fits-all but many possible green economy or green growth paths, depending on national circumstances.
除这些事件外,我们还注意到,巴勒斯坦人之间 的对话缺乏实质性进展,以色列新政府的组建出现拖 延,皆导致和平进程临时中断。
In addition to these events, we note that the lack of substantial progress in intra-Palestinian dialogue and the delays in the formation of a new Israeli Government have led to the temporary interruption of the peace process.
3) 在有效期内的任何一年内,根据所有在任何时间存在并具 有效力的租约而应付的年租总额皆不得超逾每年上限总 额,获九龙仓同意者则除外。
(3) the annual aggregate amount of the rents for any one year during the Term payable under all of the Tenancy Agreements subsisting at any time must not, unless otherwise agreed to by Wharf, exceed the Aggregate Annual Cap Amount.
74.2 如本公司知悉任何股东根据上市规则及/或任何适用法律与法规,须放弃就任何特定决议 案表决,或就任何特定决议案受限制仅能投赞成或仅能投反对票,该股东或其代表违反 该等规定或限制而作出的任何投票,皆不予计算。
74.2 Where the Company has knowledge that any member is, under the Listing Rules and/or any other applicable laws and regulations, required to abstain from voting on any particular resolution or restricted to voting only for or only against any particular resolution, any votes cast by or on behalf of such member in contravention of such requirement or restriction shall not be counted.




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