







anti-theft alarmn



External sources (not reviewed)

但这个转捩点也突显了一件事,那就是新兴经 济体系已成了助长PC软体盗版的动力。
But this turning point also underscores how emerging economies have become the driving force behind PC software piracy.
(会後补注:政府当局同 意向资 讯科技及广播事务委 员会汇报检讨的 结果, 以便事务委员会就如 何解决 家居/ 私 人 盗看收费电视节目服务的问题 , 研究未 来 的 路 向。
(Post-meeting note: The Administration agrees to report the outcome of the review to the Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting for its consideration on the way forward in dealing with the problem of domestic/private pireated viewing of pay television programme services.
我们有需要并打算在未来㆒年就㆖述各方面作 进㆒步改善,原因是整体的罪案趋势并绝不理想;目前仍有㆒些令㆟担心的㆞方,例 如少年及青年所犯的罪行、汽车盗窃及走私活动。
We need and intend to make further improvements in all these areas in the coming year, because the trends are by no means universally good; there are still a number of worrying areas, for example crime by juveniles and young persons, car theft and smuggling.
各支票 或股息单应以只付予抬头人的方式支付发送,而待支付有关支票或股息单後,即表示 本公司已妥为解除支付股息及/或红利的责任,即使其後可能发现该支票或付款单被 盗或其上的任何加签属假冒。
Every cheque or warrant so sent shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom it is sent, and the payment of any such cheque or warrant shall operate as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend and/or bonus represented thereby, notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged.
任 何 人 以 任 何 有 欺 诈 成 分 的 诡 计 或 计 谋 , 取 得 任 何 其 他 人 的 可 被 盗 取 的 东 西 , 或 向 任 何 人 支 付 任 何 数 额 的 金 钱 或 支 付 若 然 不 是 这 些 诡 计 或 计 谋 便 不 会 支 付 的 额 外 金 钱 , 或 将 货 物 交 付 给 任 何 人 , 或 将 若 然 不 是 这 些 诡 计 或 计 谋 便 不 会 交 付 的 额 外 货 物 交 付 给 任 何 人 , 即 属 犯 非 重 刑 罪 ﹝ 最 高 刑 罚 为 监 禁 两 年 ﹞ 。
Any person who by means of any fraudulent trick or device obtains any other person anything capable of being stolen, or pay or to deliver to any person any money or goods, or any greater sum of money or greater quantity of goods than he would have paid or delivered but for such trick or device, is guilty of a misdemeanour [the maximum penalty for which is two years' imprisonment].
所有就此寄发的支票或付款单应 以只付予抬头人方式付予有关股份的持有人,或如为联名持有人,则为有关 股份联名持有人在股东名册排名首位者,邮误风险概由彼等承担,而当付款 银行支付任何该等支票或付款单後,即表示本公司已经就该等支票或付款单 代表的股息及/或红利妥为付款,不论其後该等支票或付款单遭盗窃或其中 的任何加签似为伪造。
Every cheque or warrant so sent shall be made payable to the order of the holder or, in the case of joint holders, to the order of the holder whose name stands first on the register in respect of such shares and shall be sent at his or their risk, and the payment of any such cheque or warrant by the bank on which it is drawn shall operate as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend and/or bonus represented thereby, notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged.
从德比出发,您可以乘船或乘飞机前往海盗群岛的各个岛屿,这碱O南海珍珠养殖场和着名的地平线瀑布(Horizontal Waterfalls)的所在地 。
From Derby, you can take a boat or fly to the islands of Buccaneer Archipelago, home to South Sea Pearl farms and the famous Horizontal Waterfalls.
领导产业研究:BSA出版最具权威的全球盗 版与经济影响研究,点出问题的范围,协助 全国性与国际性政策制定。
Leading Industry Research: BSA publishes the most authoritative global studies on piracy and its economic impact, illuminating the scope of the problem and helping shape national and international policy responses.
此 判 例 为 关 乎 意 图 盗 窃 的 指 控 提 供 指 引 , 至 今 已 逾 八 十 载 。
For more than eighty years this judgment was a source of guidance in allegations of attempting to steal.
客户期望我们能准确保存他们 的资料、保障资料免被窜改及出错、防止被盗用及在未经授权下被公开。
Customers expect us to maintain their information accurately, protected against manipulation and errors, secure from theft and free from unwarranted disclosure.
此外,倘若阁下作出欺诈行为,或因严重疏忽,或在 发现或怀疑白金卡及/或私人密码遗失或被盗去或被擅自披露後未能在合理切实可行的情况下尽快通知本行或未能遵守上述之 保障措施,则阁下需对一切未经授权之交易负上责任。
Further, you are liable for all unauthorised transactions if you have acted fraudulently or with gross negligence or have failed to inform the Bank as soon as reasonably practicable upon notice or suspicion of any loss, theft or unauthorised disclosure of your Platinum Card and/or PIN or failed to follow the safeguards set out above.
受害者报案 时说她出远门前有将房子锁好,但当她回到家後发现有人强行从厨房对外的门进入并且盗 取了一些现金和珠宝。
The victim locked and secured her residence, prior to going out of town. When she returned, she discovered someone broke into her residence through the kitchen door and stole money and jewelry.
每 张支票或付款单的抬头人须为获寄人士或有权收取的股东或人士(视乎情况而 定)或会指定的有关其他人士,惟邮误风险概由其承担,兑现任何有关支票或 付款单,即表示本公司已就该等支票或付款单代表的股息、利息、红利或其他 款项付款,而不论其後该等支票或付款单被盗或其上任何批注似为伪造。
Every such cheque or warrant shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom it is sent or to the order of such other person as the member or person entitled (as the case may be) may direct and shall be sent at his own risk and the payment of any such cheque or warrant shall operate as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend, interest, bonus or other sum represented thereby, notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged.
With a secure boot loader, the SAMA5D3 ensures the integrity and authenticity of the program stored in the boot memory, protecting customers against cloning.
如股票磨损、污损或指称已遗失、被盗或毁损,可应要求并在支付指定证券交易所厘定的 最高应付费用或董事会厘定的较低费用後向相关股东发出一张代表相同股份的新股票,同时须遵 循证据及补偿条款(如有)及缴付本公司就调查及准备董事认为适宜的证据及弥偿所引起的成本 及合理现金费用,且(在磨损或污损的情况下)须向本公司提交旧股票,惟若已发出认股权证, 则不得发出新的认股权证以取代已遗失的认股权证,除非董事在无合理疑问下信纳原本的认股权 证已毁损。
If a share certificate shall be damaged or defaced or alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed a new certificate representing the same shares may be issued to the relevant Member upon request and on payment of such fee as the Designated Stock Exchange may determine to be the maximum fee payable or such lesser sum as the Board may determine and, subject to compliance with such terms (if any) as to evidence and indemnity and to payment of the costs and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of the Company in investigating such evidence and preparing such indemnity as the Board may think fit and, in case of damage or defacement, on delivery of the old certificate to the Company provided always that where share warrants have been issued, no new share warrant shall be issued to replace one that has been lost unless the Directors are satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the original has been destroyed.
当遗失手机收到含指令的 SMS 短讯,防盗保安程式便会立即执行相应的动作,以防止手机内的资料遭到盗取和盗用。
When the lost phone receives the SMS command, the anti-theft security application will execute the action immediately to prevent the information in the phone from being theft and misappropriated.
(C) 出现不受有关人士可合理控制或预期之条件或情况,此等条件或情况包括但并不限於,任何原因 引致之买卖指示传送延误,电子或机械设备、电话故障或其他连接问题、未获授权使用登入密码、 市场持续急剧变化、政府机构或交易所的行动、盗窃、战争、恶劣天气、地震以及罢工;或
(C) any conditions or circumstances which are beyond the reasonable control or anticipation of the Relevant Persons including but not limited to any delay in transmission of orders due to whatsoever reason, failure of electronic or mechanical equipment, telephone or other interconnection problems, unauthorized use of Access Code, prevailing fast moving market conditions, governmental agency or Exchange actions, theft, war, severe weather, earthquakes and strikes; or
适用於UL 保全标志的产品包括: 入侵探测器、防盗警报器、入口管理器、闭路监视系统、保险箱和保险库等。
Typical products carrying the UL Security Mark include intrusion detectors, burglar alarms, access controls, anti-theft alarms, surveillance systems, safes and vaults.
Thieves who find their way into the general office space will have more difficult time breaking through heavier security around the data center, but IT staff can still access the information through the CE252 Extender which is linked to the KVM switch (see the compatible KVM list at the end).
受害者报案说他将车子停好後锁上就离去,但当他回去领车时发现有人将他驾驶位的 门强行撬开并且盗取了他收音机的面板。
The victim parked and locked his vehicle. When he returned, he discovered someone pried open his driver’s door lock and stole his stereo face plate.
他说︰「HBO GO 能够切合消费者不断改变的观看习惯的需要,令用户在美国时间播放 12小时後,便可欣赏大量获奖、广获好评的节目,这将有效打击非法复制、发放和盗版行为。
HBO GO will meet the demand of changing consumer viewing habits, offering subscribers quick access to a wide variety of award-winning and critically-acclaimed content 12 hours after the U.S., which will help with the ongoing fight against illegal copying, distribution and piracy.
If you are an online denizen who had somehow not been aware of the controversy surrounding the US government’s proposed SOPA/PIPA anti-piracy legislation, you could not have missed the day of protest on Wednesday, January 17th when major sites that constitute the very essence of the internet such as Wikipedia, Reddit and over 50,000 more shut themselves down for 24 hours and Google shrouded its famous logo in protest.
兩家烧錄厂共查获80台DVD-R烧錄机和37台CD-R烧錄机,被认定是在整个台湾盗版光碟销售的 一个來源,一年可生产1,728,000张DVD-R和2,664,000张CD-R,潜在收入是$9,235,160美元。
The 80 DVD-R burners and 37 CD-R burners seized at the two burner labs, believed to have been a source of pirated discs distributed throughout Taiwan, were capable of producing 1,728,000 DVD-Rs and 2,664,000 CD-Rs in one year, generating potential revenue of US$9,235,160.
45 在 444 名会采取保护资料措施的受访者中,32.9%受访者表示他们会采取保护措施(屏幕锁 定、防毒、防盗软件等)去保护手机上的个人资料。
46 Among the 444 respondents who took steps in protect the confidentiality of the information on the Smartphone, 32.9% of respondents indicated that they would take steps (screen lock, anti-virus, anti-theft software, etc) to protect information on their smartphones.




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