

单词 棘手

棘手 ()

thorny (problem)


很棘手 adj

tricky adj

棘手的 adj

awkward adj
sticky adj
testing adj
tough adj

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

尼泊尔赞扬挪威以一种务实 的方式应对我们所在的时代面临的一些迫切 棘手 的 问 题。
It commended its efforts to develop a pragmatic approach to several pressing and difficult issues of our time.
同時,歐委會亦可避免審核從競爭政策角度毋須關注的案 件,從而可集中處理棘手的協議。
At the same time, the Commission can avoid examining cases which have no interest from a competition policy point of view and is thus able to concentrate on more problematic agreements.
它也在寻求解决自身遇到棘手问题 ,并欢迎就各代表团提出的问题作进一步讨论。
It was also seeking to resolve its difficulties and was open to any further discussion on the issues raised by delegations.
审计结果没有披露出大额的账目误差,但是手动调整的规模和数量蕴含着风险因素, 并使内部监督和外部监督的核准工作更 棘手。
However, the extent and the number of manual adjustments constitute risk factors and make the work of validation by internal and external oversight more complicated.
要解决这种重 大和看棘手的问 题,需要十分干练的就业专家的干预。
The resolution of such critical
[...] and seemingly intractable issues requires [...]
the intervention of highly skilled employment specialists.
当消防喷头聚合物密封件的长期性能遭到质疑时,Bell 先生领导各方对材料基本性能和故障特点达成共识,并与行业、政府和监管机构密切合作,成功地解决了这 棘手 的 情 形。
When the long-term performance of polymer sprinkler seals came into question, Mr. Bell assumed leadership for developing an understanding of the fundamental performance and failure characteristics of the materials, and worked closely with Industry, Government and Regulatory Authorities to bring about successful resolution of the situation that might otherwise have become extremely contentious.
十分显然,每个国家都必须采 取综合的办法应对其能源需求和能源安全问题,这是因 棘手 的 政策取舍和矛盾 日渐增多,而这种情况在发展与气候目标越发变得相互依存时更为明显。
It is very clear that every nation has to adopt a holistic approach to its energy needs and security, given that difficult policy tradeoffs and contradictions are mounting, the more so with the growing interdependence of development and climate objectives.
在本次会议上,缔约方将再次讨论一棘手的问 题,他敦促所有与会代表,不管结果如何,都要秉承二十五年前参加 [...]
《蒙特利尔议定书》谈判的前辈们所展示的果敢精神参与讨论,同时牢记所有 国家,无论大小和贫富,都有义务齐心协力保护地球。
At the current meeting parties would again be
[...] discussing some difficult matters and he [...]
urged all delegates, regardless of the outcomes,
to participate in the discussions with the bold spirit shown by those who had negotiated the Montreal Protocol twenty-five years earlier, remembering the obligation of all nations, large, small, rich or poor, to act together for the protection of the planet.
[...] 了关于所有项目的讨论的广度,表达的各种观点证明 了会议委员会为在某些长期存在 棘手 问 题 上取得 进展做出了努力。
The report itself reflected the breadth of the discussion on all items, and the range of views presented was a
testament to the efforts of the Committee on Conferences to achieve progress on some
[...] long-standing and very difficult issues.
他同意 Puri 女士的看法, 即谈判到后来会引发其棘手的实质性问题,比如 棉花补贴、优惠削减、或创造配额的问题。
He agreed with Ms. Puri that other problematic substantive issues, such as cotton subsidies, preference erosion or quota creation, might have arisen later on in the negotiations.
后勤支助的任务,使联科行动发挥着双重作用,因此我建议联科行动选举援助司 应积极参与当前由总理领导的各项努力,通过提供技术咨询打破在选举名单问题
[...] 上的僵局,而联科行动核证小组应作为观察员参与这项工作,以使我的特别代表 在核证最后选民名单编制过程时能考虑到这 棘手 问 题 的解决方法。
Cognizant of the dual role of UNOCI emanating from the certification mandate of my Special Representative and its current mandate to provide technical and logistical support for the electoral process, I recommend that the Electoral Assistance Division of UNOCI should actively participate in the ongoing efforts, led by the Prime Minister, to break the impasse on the electoral list by providing technical advice, while the UNOCI certification cell should participate as an observer, to enable my Special Representative to take into
account the manner in which this delicate matter
[...] is resolved when he certifies the preparation [...]
of the final voters list.
世界上仍存在若干十棘手的冲 突及跨国有组 织犯罪、贩毒、恐怖主义和海盗行为等各种新的威胁, [...]
There are
[...] still several intractable conflicts around [...]
the world, as well as new threats such as transnational organized crime,
drug trafficking, terrorism and piracy that have to be dealt with more resolutely.
推薦進行多份備份的另一因素:啟動復原時,Seagate DiscWizard 會刪除目標磁碟分割 (或磁碟) ,因此,如果您僅有一份單一備份,那麼在正在復原 的電腦上刪除系統磁碟分割時,您面臨著巨大風險 - 您僅有的是正在復原的影像,如果該影像 損毀,這將成為十棘手的問題。
One more argument in favor of several backups: when starting recovery, Seagate DiscWizard deletes the target partition (or disc), so when you have just a single backup, the moment the system partition is deleted on the computer being recovered you are at great risk - the only thing you have is the image being recovered and if it is corrupted you are in big trouble.
尤其是确定余留事项机制所需资源,涉及与前南斯拉夫问 题国际法庭和法律事务厅协调,履行双重作用,以及该机制两个分支不同的开始 日期,正在提棘手的挑战。
In particular, the identification of the resources necessary for the Residual Mechanism, entailing the performance of two roles, in coordination with the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Office of Legal Affairs, together with the different starting dates for the two branches of the Mechanism, is posing a formidable challenge.
中低收入国家慢性病的增加尤其令 棘手 , 因 为在这些国家中,有许多国家的急 性传染病、孕产妇疾病和营养不良症的发病率仍然很高。
The increase in chronic conditions in middle- and low-income countries is particularly challenging because many of those countries still have a significant burden of disease from acute infectious diseases, maternal conditions and malnutrition.
(b) 一种相反的观点是需要将某些事项排除在程序规则的适用范围之外,
[...] 以便程序规则始终重点处理价值低、数量大的跨境电子商务交易,并将可能涉 及冗长棘手程序 问题的复杂案件排除在本系统之外:举例提到对金融机构的 [...]
(b) A contrary view was that certain matters needed to be excluded from the operation of the procedural rules so that they retained their focus of dealing with low-value, high-volume cross-border electronic commerce transactions, and to exclude
from the system complex cases that might
[...] have lengthy or difficult procedural issues: [...]
examples were given of claims against
financial institutions, intellectual property cases or those dealing with personal injury.
中国在南苏丹新的征 程和其试图平衡与两个苏丹的关系已被证明 棘手 的任 务,然而,这将继续挑战其外交政策的界限。
China’s new expedition in the South and its attempt to balance relations with the two Sudans have proven tricky tasks, however, that will continue to challenge the boundaries of its foreign policy.
我們在緝私方面的成功,說明了即使看似極 棘手 的 治安問 題也是可以克服的,只要我們㆘定決心、與㆗國當局加強合作、改善我們在治安方面 [...]
Our success in this area shows that
[...] even apparently intractable law-and-order [...]
problems can be overcome, given determination,
co-operation with China, improved co-ordination of our own security efforts and tight legislative controls.
三个环礁岛位置很分散,与外部世界的联系全靠海上运输,对各环礁岛居民 提供充分的保健服务永远是托克劳的 棘手 难 题
The provision of adequate health services to the populations of three
dispersed atolls connected to the wider world by sea transport will always be one
[...] of the most important challenges [...]
for Tokelau.
本指南借鉴了RUG的经验和海洋酸化研究杰出科学家的知识, 旨在为政策顾问和决策者在解决这 棘手 的 问 题时提供科学 依据。
This guide draws on the experience of the RUG, coupled with the knowledge of the leading experts on ocean acidification, to provide an introduction for policy advisers and decision makers on this most critical and urgent of issues.
委员会还 关注的是,由于冲突的遗留问题,北爱尔兰儿童在这方面的问题尤 棘手。
The Committee is also concerned that in Northern Ireland — due to the legacy of the conflict there — the situation of children in this respect is particularly delicate.
特派团将继续协助和促进联合国系统各部门(联东综合团和联合国国家工作 队)的整合,以便协调一致地应对安全、人道主义、治理和发展等一系列相互关 联的复棘手问题
The Mission will continue to facilitate and promote integration among all parts of the United Nations system (UNMIT and the United Nations country team) to provide for a
coherent response
[...] to complex challenges covering a range of interrelated security, humanitarian, governance and development issues.
一些 与会者呼吁制定一个内容涉及不限成员名额工作组的闭会期间工作方案,以便处 理议程上棘手问题
Some called for the establishment of an intersessional programme of work involving open-ended working groups in order to address the difficult issues on the agenda.
经验表明,保护区附近最激烈棘手的 冲 突是在外部力量对早已在此生活的人们施加管理 [...]
Experience shows that the
[...] most acute and intractable conflicts around [...]
PAs come when an outside power imposes management
on people who are already living there.
两种选择同样都会造成工地的施工困难,但是 Coteba 公司的委派负责人承认
[...] 说,由于施工单位和工地上的承包企业关系很近,所以联合国教科文组织与施工单 位脱离关系比与监理公司脱离关系显得更 棘手。
Either of those options would create problems in the management of the project, but the assistant director of Coteba acknowledged that, given the closeness of the architectural and engineering team to the companies working on the site, it would be more
complicated for UNESCO to terminate the team’s contract, rather
[...] than that of the Assistant to the Contracting [...]
自安理会去年 11 月举行纪念关于武装冲突中保 护平民问题的第 1265(1999)号决议通过十周年的辩 论会(见 S/PV.6216)和通过第 1894(2009)号决议以及
上星期举行关于武装冲突中保护儿童问题的辩论会 (见 S/PV.6341)以来,有一点已经变得显而易见,那 就是,尽管取得了相当大的进展,包括最近任命了一
[...] 名负责武装冲突中性暴力问题的特别代表,但至关重 要的挑战以棘手的行动、人道主义和道德难题仍然 [...]
Since last November’s debate in the Council (see S/PV.6216 ) — which marked the anniversary of the adoption of resolution 1265 (1999) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict — and the adoption of resolution 1894 (2009) as well as last week’s debate on the protection of children in armed conflict (see S/PV.6341 ), it has become evident that, alongside the considerable progress that has been made, including the recent appointment of a Special Representative
on Sexual Violence in Conflict, key challenges and difficult operational,
[...] humanitarian and moral dilemmas still remain.
本着妥协精神向前推进,并在会外对这 棘手 问 题 进行几次讨论之后,新西兰代 表团提议,食典委要求食品添加剂联合专家委员会优先对中国提交给食品中兽药残留委 员会第十八届会议的新数据进行审查(食品添加剂联合专家委员会没有正式对数据进行 过审查),着重研究这些数据对目前保留在步骤 8 的莱克多巴胺最高残留限量的含义。
The Delegation of New Zealand, as a way forward in a spirit of compromise and following a number of out-of-session discussions on this difficult item, proposed that the Commission request JECFA, as a matter of priority, to undertake a review of new data submitted to the 18th Session of the Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods by China (data that had not been formally reviewed by JECFA), focusing on the implications of these data for the MRLs for ractopamine currently held at Step 8.
各个小组委员会和工作组在工作中广泛使用了电信手段,但其中一些认为面 对面的会议对妥善处理棘手的技 术问题及法律和政策概念问题必不可少。
While the subcommittees and working groups have extensively utilized electronic communication in their work, some have found that face-to-face meetings are essential to properly address more intricate technical issues and legal and policy concepts.
这种规定的好处是它无可置疑地解决了在战争爆发时在前敌对国和任何同盟国或协约 国之间生效的每一双边条约的状况,考虑到战争对条约――尤其是双边条约的影响所涉及 的问题相棘手和令人困惑,若无这一规定,情况肯定不会是这样。
The merit of a provision of this kind is that it settles beyond possibility of doubt the position in regard to each bilateral treaty which was in force at the outbreak of war between the former enemy States and any of the Allied or Associated Powers, which would certainly not be the case in the absence of such a provision, having regard to the considerable difficulty and confusion which surrounds the subject of the effect of war on treaties, particularly bilateral treaties.
关闭油田,绑架在南科尔多 凡州的中国建筑工人,以及驱逐一个中国领导的石 油财团都加重了北棘手的政 治问题,并在身处南 苏丹和北苏丹的中国公民中引发焦虑。
The shutdown of the oil fields, abduction of Chinese construction workers in Southern Kordofan and expulsion of the head of a Chinese-led oil consortium added to Beijing’s vexing political problem and generated anxiety among Chinese nationals in North and South.




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