单词 | 棕榈油 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 油棕榈n—oil palmn 棕n—palmn palm fibern 棕榈—palm tree Palmet(name) 油棕—oil palm
它们也存在於热带油, 例如椰子油、棕榈油及棕榈仁油。 cancer-asian.com | They are also found in tropicaloils like coconut, palm andpalm kerneloils. cancer-asian.com |
氢化棕榈油 cosdna.com | Hydrogenatedpalmoil cosdna.com |
肥肉类、全脂奶制品及以猪油、牛油、棕榈油或椰油所制成的食品均含有大量饱和脂肪。 hksh.com | Meat products, full cream milk and many processed foods that are made [...] with lard, palm andcoconut oil arehigh in [...]saturated fats. hksh.com |
使用棕榈油作为主要成分,分解度较高,对肌肤有较少刺激,对环境保护有更大帮助。 combi.com.hk | Combi's detergent is made [...] of natural palm oilwhich contains [...]higher dissolution. combi.com.hk |
这些引人入胜的地标高出海平面578米,庇护着峡谷、水晶般清澈的水潭、扇形棕榈、丰富的野生动植物以及仍在延续的原住民历史。 danpacplus.hk | These fascinating geological landmarks rise up to 578 [...] metres above sea level, sheltering gorges, [...] crystal-clear pools, fan palms, rich wildlife [...]and living Aboriginal history. danpacplus.hk |
成份: 水 (山竹果浸泡水)、甘油(棕榈)、乙醯葡萄糖胺、菸硷酸、生育醇 (大豆/玉米/芥花油)、山竹果果皮油 (生物活性果皮油)、乳酸菌/山竹果果皮发酵过滤物 (生物活性聚合与酸复合物)、藤黄属倒捻子果皮粉 [...] (山竹果)、蔗糖月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、葡糖酸内酯 (玉米)、黄原胶 (巨藻)、乙醯卡尼丁、山梨醣醇 [...](玉米)、葡萄糖、蔗糖二月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、玻尿酸钠、藻萃取 (微藻)、长叶车前叶萃取 (车前草叶)、蔗糖三月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、蜂斗菜根萃取 (杂交款冬)、脱乙醯壳多糖琥珀醯胺 (蘑菇)、植酸钠(稻米)、苯甲酸钠、山梨酸钾、氯苯甘醚、柠檬酸 (玉米)、乳酸 (甜菜)、精氨酸 (玉米/甘蔗)。 xango.com.hk | Ingredients: water (mangosteen infused [...] water), glycerin (palm), acetyl glucosamine, niacinamide, tocopherol (soybean/corn/canola oil),[...]mangosteen pericarp oil (BioActive [...]pericarp oil), lactobacillus/mangosteen pericarp ferment filtrate (BioActive polymeric and acidic complex), garcinia mangostana pericarp powder (mangosteen), sucrose laurate (sugar cane), gluconolactone (corn), xanthan gum (kelp), acetyl carnitine hcl, sorbitol (corn), glucose, sucrose dilaurate (sugar cane), sodium hyaluronate, algae extract (microalgae), plantago lanceolata leaf extract (plantain), sucrose trilaurate (sugar cane), petasites japonicus root extract (betterbur), chitosan succinamide (mushroom), sodium phytate (rice), sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, chlorphenesin, citric acid (corn), lactic acid (sugar beet), arginine (corn/sugar cane). xango.ca |
七星级帆船饭店(Burj Al Arab)座落於杜拜一个人工岛上,就像另一座人工兴建的棕榈岛,已成为隔绝於外的住宅区。 thisbigcity.net | The famed Burj Al Arab – a vessel-shaped 7-star hotel that stands on an artificial island is also located in Dubai, as is the man-made palm island – now one of the most exclusive residential neighborhoods of the city. thisbigcity.net |
钠棕榈脯氨酸舒缓和平静角质层。 lavedo.com | Sodium Palmitoyl Proline soothes [...] and calms. lavedo.com |
旨在取代矿物燃料的替代燃料本应有助于适应和减轻气候变化的不利影响, 但受到了土着人民的广泛质疑,因为这些燃料与使用土地和资源的传统方法相竞 [...] 争,使土着人民的权利受到侵犯,并因使用化学依赖性麻风树和油棕榈生产沼气 而造成更多环境问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Alternative fuels, designed to replace fossil fuels in supposedly adapting and mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change, have also been widely challenged by indigenous peoples because they compete with the traditional use of land and resources, have caused the violation of indigenous peoples’ rights, and [...] have caused more environmental problems due to the production of biogas from chemically [...] dependent jathropha and oil palm. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国洛杉矶里的对比与柏林同样鲜明,但类别完全不同,若提到洛杉矶,人们通常会想到两件事,一是不断扩散的郊区,二是无所不在的名人,都会区面积之广,超过香港、新加坡、巴林与巴勒斯坦的总额,且多数为大批郊区建筑,过着典型的郊区生活型态,少数既非郊区、亦非都会的区域,则是富人的游乐场,而四周当然也种满相当浪漫但受人厌恶的棕榈树。 thisbigcity.net | Los Angeles is just as much characterisedby contrasts as Berlin is, but is an entirely different beast in itself. thisbigcity.net |
各位若无缘入住上述地点,也可以选择沿岸众多度假村,将棕榈岛与帆船饭店景色尽收眼底。 thisbigcity.net | Those not lucky enough to live in either of these [...] locations can always settle for one of the many resorts that line the shoreline [...] with views tothe Palmand the Burj Al Arab. thisbigcity.net |
该网站介绍VITAS七个佛罗里达计画:佛罗里达州中部、瓦路西亚郡与弗拉格勒郡、布莱瓦郡、棕榈滩郡、布罗瓦郡、迈阿密-戴德郡与门罗郡以及科利尔郡。 zh.vitas.com | The site features VITAS's seven Florida programs: Central Florida, Volusia and Flagler counties, Brevard County,Palm Beach County, Broward County, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties and Collier County. espanol.vitas.com |
今年度康城影展已正式闭幕,最高荣誉金棕榈奖由Terrence Malick执导的《The [...] Tree of Life》获得。 think-silly.com | With the curtains drawn at Cannes Film Festival, its [...] highest prize the Palmed’Orhas been [...]awarded to The Tree of Life directed by Terrence Malick this year. think-silly.com |
联合国儿童基金会正在支持婆罗洲儿童援助协会的工作,并且与马来西亚的棕榈油可持续发展圆桌会议(RSPO)建立合作关系,从商业和人道主义的角度说服整个地区具有区域优势的其他企业效仿这些行动。 unicef.org | UNICEF is supporting the Borneo Child Aid Society and is [...] establishing a collaboration with the Roundtable for [...] Sustainable Palm Oil in Malaysiato convince [...]other enterprises across the region [...]of the advantages – both from a business and humanitarian perspective – of doing the same. unicef.org |
法国驻港澳总领事栢雅诺先生於2011年12月9日假在法国官邸颁发棕榈教育骑士勳章(Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes académiques)予香港中文大学历史系教授何佩然女士,以赞扬何教授在法港文化与学术交流上的杰出贡献。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau Mr. Arnaud Barthélémy conferred to Ms. Ho Puiyin, Professor of History in the Chinese University of Hong Kong the honor of Knight of l’ordre des Palmes académiques, on 9 December 2011 at the French Residence, for her efforts and contributions to strengthen the cultural and academic co-operations between France and Hong Kong. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
专家小组的方法有三方面:审查关键立法:制订评估的概念和方法框架;收 集利比里亚每个自然资源部门的数据,包括林业、矿业、石油和天然气以及农业 (橡胶和油棕种植园)的数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel’s methodology is threefold: review of key legislation; development of a conceptual and methodological framework for its assessment; and collection of data on each natural [...] resource sector in Liberia, including [...] forestry, mining, oil andgas, and agriculture (rubberandoil palm plantations). daccess-ods.un.org |
9 月 16 日,马里兰州的马里兰油棕园社区成员举行示威,反对由一家科 特迪瓦的公司接管该油棕园,而 11 月 25 日,也位于马里兰州的 Cavalla 橡胶总 公司的前职工进行示威,要求获得裁员补偿福利。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 16 September, community members at theMaryland Oil Palm Plantation in Maryland County staged a demonstration against [...] the takeover by an Ivorian-based company, [...]while on 25 November, former workers of the Cavalla Rubber Corporation, also in Maryland County, demonstrated to demand redundancy benefits. daccess-ods.un.org |
异国棕榈、龙舌兰,俄罗斯 yuccas 完美感觉在索契和吸引游客。 ozelenenie.g-sochi.ru | Exotic palms, agaves, yuccas [...] in Russia feel perfectly in Sochi and attract visitors. ozelenenie.g-sochi.ru |
所谓的「出色」相当显而易见,这项开发案总投资额五亿美元,开辟大道两旁种满棕榈树,标示着名为「第六大道」的路名,不远处则是众多两层楼独栋洋房,草皮相当整齐,亦设有乡村俱乐部、商店、私立学校与医院,边缘甚至还有湖泊与森林。 thisbigcity.net | There are lakes and even a forest on the fringes. thisbigcity.net |
马来西亚拉哈达图,2012年3月12日——在马来西亚婆罗洲的东部边缘,协成种植园大片油棕榈树的浓荫下,玛丽亚.拉斐尔(Maria Rafael)手持砍刀砍下枯树枝,同时监督其他几个外来女工的工作。 unicef.org | LAHAD DATU, Malaysia, 12 March [...] 2012 – Under the vastoil palm canopyof the Hap [...]Seng plantation, on the eastern edge of [...]Malaysian Borneo, Maria Rafael hacks away dead branches with her machete while supervising the progress of several other female migrant workers. unicef.org |
植场和棕油提炼厂因 清理土地引致泥土侵蚀,加上工厂 的排放,在邻近水道造成沉淀物淤 [...] 塞,令河流变得不适合生物生存, 因此常见鱼类死亡。 worldinfo.org | Fish kills have become common in waterways surrounding [...] plantations and palm-oil mills, assoil erosion [...]from the cleared land and mill effluents [...]have left waterways clogged with sediment and unviable. worldinfo.org |
Barry Eagle, 市场部副总裁於 2010 年 [...] 6 月 16 - 18 日在佛罗里达州棕榈滩举行的危 疾保险东南部精算会议上发表题为「什麽是 [...]54 个国家的保险公司及精算师们知道 而你需要知道的事实? genre.com | Barry Eagle, Vice President, Marketing, will be presenting on Critical Illness Insurance [...] at the South East Actuaries Meeting June 16 [...] - 18, 2010in PalmBeach, Florida [...]with the session titled “What Do Actuaries [...]and Companies in 54 Countries Know that You Need to Know? genre.com |
在佛罗里达州和全国都一样,VITAS将爱心、临床创新、领导才能和强烈的社区归属感结合於病人疗护之中,」VITAS棕榈滩郡安宁疗护营运副总裁黛安‧贝卡夫(Dian [...] Backoff)说道。 zh.vitas.com | Here in Florida-and nationwide-VITAS combines compassion, clinical innovation, leadership and a strong sense of [...] community in its patients' care ," says Dian Backoff, vice president of hospice [...] operations for VITASin Palm Beach County. espanol.vitas.com |
在 强化农业生产方面,通过发放高质量的植物材料来支持农业生产。已经建设了 25 00 公顷的油棕榈种植园,4 400 公顷的车前草香蕉新种植园以及 [...] 4 000 公顷的 新种植园用来生产 10 000 吨的车前草和 16 000 吨的玉米。 daccess-ods.un.org | Agricultural production is intensified through the [...] distribution of quality plants and the creation of [...] 2,500 hectaresofoil palm plantations, [...]4,400 hectares of new plantations of plantain [...]and 4,000 hectares of new fields to produce 10,000 tons of plantains and 16 000 tons of corn. daccess-ods.un.org |
油棕榈和甘蔗农业对土着人民产生了巨大影响,包括强迫流离 失所;丧失世代居住地区的领地、资源和生物多样性;生态系统改变;粮食保障 [...] 水平下降;文化资源的改变和丧失。 daccess-ods.un.org | The effects of oil palmand sugarcane [...] agriculture on indigenous peoples are considerable and include forced displacements; [...]the loss of their territories, resources and biodiversity in areas that they traditionally occupied; changes to ecosystems; falling levels of food security; and alterations to and loss of cultural resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下领域列举了需要实施参与权的若干关键领域:(a) [...] 石油和天然气;(b) 林业;(c) 水力开发;(d) 采矿;(e) 其他形式的能源发展( 例如,油棕榈和大豆 种植园 );(f)沥青(重油);(g) 管线开发。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following areas are illustrative of essential areas in which the right to participate needs to be implemented: (a) oil and gas, (b) forestry, (c) hydro development, (d) mining, (e) other forms of [...] energy development [...] (for example, oilpalm andsoya plantations), (f) bitumen (heavyoil), and(g) pipeline [...]developments. daccess-ods.un.org |
粮农组织正在肯尼亚西部推广的一种耐寒、高产油棕榈品种对小农和企业生产者都具有很大好处,可以增加收入,改善饮食,减少食用油的进口以及为当地糖类作物种植者提供非常需要的作物多样性。 fao.org | A cold-tolerant, high-yieldingoil palm being promoted [...] by FAO in western Kenya could be a boon to small-scale farmers and [...]industrial producers alike, increasing incomes, improving diets, reducing imports of food oil and providing much-needed crop diversification for local sugar growers. fao.org |