单词 | 棋子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 棋子noun—pawnnless common: pawnspl 棋子noun, plural—piecespl棋子—chess pieceExamples:五子棋n—backgammonn 五子棋—gobang five-in-a-row (game similar tic-tac-toe) Japanese: gomoku See also:棋f—chessn discsn 棋—a game of chess chess piece chess-like game
如果巫师被飞行的石块砸到了,将这个巫师和此玩家的所有棋子移出游戏,然后把石块 放在之前巫师所在的方格。 toco.be | When you hit a Sorcerer with a flying Rock, remove the Sorcerer and his entire team from the board, and put the thrown Rock at the square where the Sorcerer died. toco.be |
其实,全部都是一局问责制,就是中共中央政治局问责 制,把全部棋子都放在这里。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, it is all but a one-bureau accountability system, that is, [...] a system of accountability to the Political Bureau of the CPC Central [...] Committee,and allthe chess pieces are put there. legco.gov.hk |
机场问题已成为政治㆖的棋子,而这场棋赛 尚未完结。 legco.gov.hk | The airport has [...] become a politicalpawn and thegame is not [...]yet over. legco.gov.hk |
热那亚受法国或米兰的政治野心所操控,并逐渐变成只是法国和西班牙争相用来 统治义大利的棋子。 spinola.it | Genoa’s own interests are subordinated to [...] French or Milanese ambitions, and it [...] increasingly becomesa pawninthe rivalry [...]between France and Spain for control over Italy. spinola.it |
近日,有外国议会以上述藉口,为其贸易政策利 益而利用香港问题作为棋子,显而易见,这种引入外国关注的做法最终并不 符合香港和国家的利益。 legco.gov.hk | Recently, a foreign parliamentary body has used the Hong Kong issue as a chessman on the above pretext for the benefit of their trade policies and interests. legco.gov.hk |
国利用机场作为这盘政治棋局的棋子是不负责任的行为。 legco.gov.hk | I have to say that it is irresponsible of China to use the [...] airport in this game of political chess. legco.gov.hk |
在芸芸的剧情之中,今年的预算案更成为当权 者作拉票、“谷”民意和“挪取”民心的一只重要棋子。 legco.gov.hk | Among the various episodes in the prepared script, the Budget of this year plays an important role in canvassing support for "the person in power", helping him to boost public support and win the hearts of the people. legco.gov.hk |
他们不懂得考虑敌方和己方的棋子,故不应玩需要“拦 阻”对手的游戏。 cpsc.gov | These children areunable to consider both an opponent’s pieces and their [...] own, so games should not require “blocking” an opponent. cpsc.gov |
当曾荫权欲尽收天下兵器,当特首办的棋子已进占政策局,当化妆政治已成为政府的信仰,当部分传媒甘愿与政府共 [...] 舞,当立法会保皇党已自废武功时,市民重新确认制衡政治的价值。 legco.gov.hk | Given the fact that Donald TSANG is trying to keep for himself all the [...] weapons in the world, the Chief Executive's [...] Office is sending pawnsinto different [...]policy bureaux, political spins become the [...]Government's religion, some members of the media are willingly dancing to the tune of the Government, and the royalists in the Legislative Council have disarmed themselves, the people reaffirm the value of checks and balances in politics. legco.gov.hk |
大财团、发展商、西环、 [...] 北京,都有左右特区政府作主的本领,甚至是在立法会内,他们也布下棋子。legco.gov.hk | Big consortiums, developers, the "Western District" and Beijing [...] have the power of influencing the decisions of the SAR Government and have [...] even planted"pawns" in theLegislative [...]Council. legco.gov.hk |
在这方面,我比较同意专栏作家崔少明先生在《信 报》发表的文章观点,便是学生运动演变成为当时中共党内权力斗争的棋子,党内两派都高估了学运的杀伤力,而学运的旗手也高估了自己, 以致双方不但僵持不下,而且层层加码,升高对峙,结果引发悲剧。 legco.gov.hk | In this regard, I am prone to agree with the viewpoints expressed by columnist Mr TSUI Sio-ming in his article published in Hong Kong Economic Journal: the student [...] movement evolved into a [...] token in the game of power struggle within the Chinese Communist Party; the two factions in the party overestimated [...]the destructive [...]power of the student movement and the student movement leaders also overestimated themselves, so much so that both sides were not just locked in a stalemate, but also escalating the confrontation, resulting in a tragedy. legco.gov.hk |
突然之间,在基督城大教堂的广场前,有人突然在西洋棋子的中央打起架来。 4tern.com | Suddenly, there were two men fighting in front of the [...] Cathedral Church (The chess area). 4tern.com |
我看情况就好像小孩子玩飞行棋 ㆒样,快要「埋舟」的棋子忽然被「打回头」,须重新「起机」。 legco.gov.hk | I find this move similar to the playing of a children's game [...] of aviation chess inwhich a chess whichhas almost [...]reached its destination is turned [...]"back to square one" and has to "take off" once again. legco.gov.hk |
届 时 普 罗 大众的 证 券 客 [...] 户 只 是 市场上 任 由 摆 布的棋 子,不但将失去了 现时可以有众多 [...]证 券 商的选 择 , 也将失去佣 金 收 费 的议价 能 力 , 最 终 同 样 成 为 不 公平竞 争 中的输家。 legco.gov.hk | Then stocks clients, like [...] passivevulnerable chess pieces, willlose [...]their present varied choice of agents and commission [...]bargaining power, and finally as losers in unfair competition. legco.gov.hk |
这项计划已成了政治棋局㆗的棋子,成为政治辩论与决策的注码。 legco.gov.hk | CT9, which will be finished well before the territory [...] becomes a Special Administrative Region of [...] China, has become a pawn in the political [...]game, a hostage to political debate and decision. legco.gov.hk |
Jang和他的学生的教导与支持下, 西洋棋俱乐部的9 个会员正在学习认识每个棋子的名字和它们的的价值; 如何去移动每个棋子; 棋子的战略法和怎样才能达到他们的目标。 cpad.org | With the support of Dr. Jang and his [...] students, our 9 [...] club members are learning names and value ofthe chesspieces; how each of them moves; strategy and what [...]to do to achieve their goals. cpad.org |
在 1950 年代及 [...] 1960 年代,日本跟随美国步伐,成为它的反共棋子。hkahe.com | In fact, the US still had great [...] influence on Japan. In the 1950s and 1960s, Japan followed the footsteps of the US and became [...] its anti-communistdummy. hkahe.com |
苏珊发现一个千载难逢的棋子和回复阴郁,“我认为,我们所做的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Susan findsa golden chesspieceandreplies [...] somberly, “I think we did. seekcartoon.com |
最讽刺的是,为美国政客造势的,竟然正是日夕将港㆟利益挂 在咀边的本㆞政客,这些为外国势力所利用的政治棋子,其实,只是㆒群空喊口号而 置市民利益於不顾的伪君子,必被港㆟唾弃。 legco.gov.hk | These political pawns being used by foreign forces are in fact only a group ofhypocrites who shout slogans without really having the public interest at heart. legco.gov.hk |
有的时候我的感觉是在下一盘很大的棋,如果你走 这一棋子,其它所有的棋子要同时作出战略性的运动。 glenraven.com | Sometimes it feels as if we are [...] playing a bigchess game and if you move this piece, then all the other pieceshave [...]to move strategically at the same time. glenraven.com |
孩之宝公司游戏部高级副总裁兼全球品牌负责人Eric [...] Nyman表示:“我们知道,世界各地的猫咪爱好者会很高兴在《地产大亨》游戏里看到新的‘猫咪’棋子。businesswire.com | We know that cat lovers around the world will be happy [...] to welcome the new cat token into [...] the MONOPOLYgame,” said Eric Nyman, senior vice [...]president and global brand leader for Hasbro Gaming. businesswire.com |
政府就好像外围足球的大庄家般,开了一个 赌盘,操纵着结果,它要荷兰胜出,荷兰便胜出,喜欢罗马尼亚胜出,罗马 尼亚便胜出,我们全部都只像棋子般,任由某一铺开出的是大,便是大,开 出的是小,便是小。 legco.gov.hk | The Government is like a powerful bookmaker of illegal football bets inviting others to bet. legco.gov.hk |
此外它提供了8种联网游戏包括国际象棋、跳棋、五子棋、Reversi、海战(Battleships)、足球,扫雷等。 javakaiyuan.com | In addition, it provides 8 kinds of online games including chess , checkers , backgammon , Reversi, naval (Battleships), soccer , mine clearance . javakaiyuan.com |
新:。国际象棋,五子棋等桌面游戏,自助厨房,屋顶,更烧烤区 instantworldbooking.com | New:chess,backgammon, and more table games, [...] guest kitchen, barbeque area on the roof and more. instantworldbooking.com |
我引述以上史 例,是 希望那 些 迷 信 外力的 台湾人,明白 到 他 们现时受到 外 国 势 力 明 里 暗 里 支持, 只 是基於台湾可以作为他们 遏 制 中 国 朝 向 富强繁 荣 发 展 的 一颗棋子,有朝 一日倘 若 国 际 格 局 改 变 , 导 致 台湾这个作用消 失 , 台 湾 还 会 受 到 重视吗 ? legco.gov.hk | The reason why I am citing these incidents from history is that I wish the Taiwanese people can wake up from their indulgence in the myth of having foreign support. legco.gov.hk |
对于不可见实物的间接体验的另外一方面是,我们可以“看入”一些真实物体的内部,将他们变得透明,并把其某些内部结构和固有属性在一个相应的虚拟世界中展现出来,例如,“数据映像”(data shadow),或一个具体物体的网页,或是下面将要提到的棋子的例子。 uigarden.net | Other invisible parameters are certain components of pollution, traffic over computer-networks, etc. Another aspect is to “look into” real objects, making them “transparent” and identify certain internal components or their ascribed characteristics in a [...] corresponding virtual world (e.g., the [...] “data shadow” or Web page of a physical objector the playing pieceexample [...]described below). uigarden.net |
总督将立法局作为他跟㆗国交手过招的棋子,迫使每个议员,无论是正㆗㆘怀 的,还是极不情愿的,都走到对立面,为总督的对抗性方案而负责,我认为这是要 立法局议员「食死猫」。 legco.gov.hk | He has pushed each and everyone of us into the front line to confront China, irrespective of whether we are eager, or reluctant, to do so, in the sense that we have been made to bear responsibility for the Governor's confrontational reform package. legco.gov.hk |
五虎Lite是五子棋(连珠,角五,Morphion,五行内),游戏既严重老队员和新学员。 cn.moba-app.com | Fab Five [...] Lite is a gobang(renju, Kakugo, Morphion, [...]Five-in-row) game for both serious veteran players and new learners. moba-app.com |
在冲突后和转型国家,教科文组织更加注重以一盘棋的方法协助重构和发展一个独立、多元、专业的传媒部门,支持传媒专业协会和媒体发展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In post-conflict and transition countries, UNESCO strengthened its holistic approach in assisting the reconstruction and development of an independent, pluralistic, professional media sector supporting media professional associations and media development. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同 35 C/5 一样,在提倡以一盘棋的观点看待包括所有各级教育和各种施教模式的全纳 终身教育的同时,活动可以侧重于实现全民教育,扫盲、师资和就业技能培养,以及全部门 政策、规划和管理这三大板块。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While promoting a holistic vision of inclusive lifelong learning covering all levels and delivery modes of education, action could, as in document 35 C/5, focus on the three building blocks for achieving EFA: literacy, teachers and skills development for the world of work as well as sectorwide policy, planning and management. unesdoc.unesco.org |