单词 | 检讨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 检讨 noun —review n (often used)less common: reviews pl 检讨 adjective —reviewing adj检讨 —self-criticism • examine or inspect Examples:自我检讨 n—self-examination n See also:讨—invite • provoke • demand or ask for • marry (a woman) • denounce or condemn • send armed forces to suppress • discuss or study
这在某种程度上是蓄意的行动,有必要彻 底 检讨 为 什么国际人道主 义法培训受到忽略,为什么地面部队不遵守国防部和军队将领发布的命令。 daccess-ods.un.org | To the extent that these are deliberate actions, it is necessary [...] to thoroughly review the reasons why [...]the training received in international humanitarian [...]law is being ignored, and why soldiers on the ground do not comply with directives issued by the Ministry and the army command. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们亦就其它范畴作出检讨,包括咨询及法定组织的分类,委任制度 和而咨询及法定组织的运作等。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) We have also conducted [...] reviews on other issues including the [...]classification of ASBs, appointment system as well as operation of ASBs. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些会员国要求就其原因进行检讨, 但 有些与会者 建议把主要优先事项更改为“全民优质基础教育”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some Member States called for an examination of the causes of this situation. Some participants proposed, however, that the principal priority be qualified as “Quality basic education for all”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
有关设 立独立人权机构的事宜,政府在较早 前 检讨 申 诉专员公署的职权范围时已加以考 虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | The issue of setting up an independent human rights institution has recently been considered by the Government in the context of the Review of Jurisdiction of the Office of The Ombudsman. daccess-ods.un.org |
它检讨了法医专门知识的协调情况,并就加强全球法医学服务的创新方 式提出了建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | It examines the coordination of forensic expertise and suggests innovative ways of enhancing forensic science services worldwide. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,他们促请大会按 照第 55/5 C 号决议第 2 段中进行检讨这项安排。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, they urge the General Assembly to undertake a review of this arrangement, in accordance with paragraph 2 of resolution 55/5 C. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果捐助者选择使用其他渠道,并依靠国家系统以外的援助提供机制(包括平行 [...] 的项目实施单位),它们将以透明的方式说明这样做的理由,并定 期 检讨 其 立 场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Should donors choose to use another option and rely on aid delivery mechanisms outside country systems (including parallel project [...] implementation units), they will transparently state the rationale for this and will review their [...] positions at regular intervals. daccess-ods.un.org |
今后 C/3 文件要 做的改进是努力确保 C/3 成为有价值的,促进有效管理的手段,使提交的这份自 我 检讨式 的 、内容有针对性的报告展示 2002-2003 年计划管理中的经验和教训,为今后的工作提供指 导。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The enhancements proposed for subsequent C/3 documents seek to ensure that the C/3 document becomes a valuable tool to support good governance by providing a self-critical, focused text that serves as a working tool for the future by presenting lessons learned from the management of the programmes in 2002-2003. unesdoc.unesco.org |
5 条延期请求程 序对那些负责分析这些请求的缔约国的代表造成了沉重负担,为此建议2012年 负责分析延期请求的缔约国检讨迄今 为止的程序,以找出有效的方法来确保所拟 订的请求和分析具有很高的质量,并就这个问题形成建议,提交缔约国第十二届 会议审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In considering this report, the Meeting noted that the Article 5 extension request process places a heavy burden on the representatives of those States Parties that are mandated to analyse the requests and in this context recommended that those States Parties mandated to analyse requests in 2012 reflect on the process to date with a view to identifying efficient methods to ensure that high quality requests and analyses are prepared and with a view to recommendations on this matter being submitted for consideration the Twelfth Meeting of the States Parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
就粮食援助而言,2009 年可能提供一次独特的机会,用以检讨 1967 年作为《国际谷物协定》组成部分通 过的《粮食援助公约》建立 的机制 。 daccess-ods.un.org | For food aid, 2009 may provide a unique opportunity to revisit the mechanisms established by the Food Aid Convention (FAC), adopted in 1967 as a component of the International Grains Agreement (IGC). daccess-ods.un.org |
视乎先导计划的检讨结果,医管局 会在未来数年把计划推展至其他地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subject to the evaluation of the pilot programme, HA will roll it out to other districts in the coming years. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们都知道提高生产力是一个长远的路程,我们必须努力不懈的寻求更佳的途径,不 断 检讨 我 们 的工作程序,以提高工作效率,缔造一个创新的文化,同时也要不断学习新的技能和接受新的培训,以提供更高增值的产品和服务。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | We must recognize that productivity is a long term journey and we must never stop seeking better ways of doing things, re-examining our work processes for higher efficiency, creating a culture of innovation for higher value-added products and services as we continue to acquire new skills and disciplines. english.sccci.org.sg |
我 们鼓励学校在设计和检讨有关 的支援策略及措施时,尽量让学生的家长参与。 daccess-ods.un.org | We also encourage schools to involve parents in designing and reviewing support strategies and measures for students with SEN. daccess-ods.un.org |
1969 年,应哥伦比亚的请求(A/7659),题为“审查关 于 检讨 《 联 合国宪章》 的建议的需要”的项目被列入大会第二十四届会议议程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The item entitled “Need to consider suggestions regarding the review of the Charter of the United Nations” was included in the agenda of the twenty-fourth session of the General Assembly, in 1969, at the request of Colombia (A/7659). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们还检 讨了为 进一步促进保护平民所作的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have also reconsidered efforts undertaken to further promote the protection of civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
检讨委员 会主席钟沛林说,以业主委任代表出席业主立案法团大会的安排为例,现时条例规定管理委员会秘书在会议举行前,须在会议地点的显眼处展示已委任代表的业主的单位资料,直到会议结束为止。 forum.gov.hk | Mr Chung said, on the proxy arrangement for the general meeting of an owners' corporation, the ordinance requires the secretary of the management committee to display proxy information for the meeting in a prominent place at the meeting venue, from before it begins until the conclusion of the meeting. forum.gov.hk |
例如,日本鼓励卡车司机保持详细的行驶和燃料使用量记 录,这最终帮助司机们检讨自己 的工作,改善整体效率。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, in Japan, truck drivers are encouraged to maintain a strict record of their driving distance and the amount of fuel used, which ultimately helps them to review their performance and improve overall efficiency. daccess-ods.un.org |
为使国际贸易体制 能够有助于实现其促进充分就业的目标,需 要 检讨 该 体 制向来侧重贸易自由化的 做法,并且使自由化方针和纪律与广泛的发展目标相一致。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order for the ITS to be supportive of achieving its objective of promoting full employment, there is a need to review its conventional focus on trade liberalization and to align liberalization approaches and disciplines to broader development objectives. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们亦会为降低公共屋邨的发展密度而进 行 检讨 , 以 期让新屋邨的居民享有更理想的居住环境。 housingauthority.gov.hk | We shall also review with a view to reducing the development density of public housing estates so as to create a better living environment for the residents in new estates. housingauthority.gov.hk |
迄今为止, 过去一年的暴动造成的经济后果,表现为实体经济受到多种沉重打击,官方没有 及时认识到存在极大的民怨,以及对以往教训乃至失败进行认 真 检讨 已 初 显萌 芽。 daccess-ods.un.org | So far, the economic outcomes of the past year’s uprisings represent a mixed bag of sharp blows to the real economy, belated official recognition of profound social grievances and the first green shoots of a critical stock-taking of the lessons, and failures, of the past. daccess-ods.un.org |
双方同意成立一个联合双边 委员会,以检讨伊拉 克和科威特之间所有悬而未决的问题,由各自的外交部长共 同主持。 daccess-ods.un.org | The two sides agreed to establish a joint bilateral committee to review all outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait, co-chaired by their respective Ministers for Foreign Affairs. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 检讨其军 校学员计划的运作,以确保这些方案的活动就年龄而言是适 当的活动,特别是就类似的军事活动而言,并对此类活动的年龄规定建立明确的 指导方针,要适当考虑到这种活动对儿童身心的影响 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Review the operations of its cadet scheme to ensure that activities in such programmes are age appropriate, particularly with respect to military-like activities, and establish clear guidelines on the age requirement for such activities, taking due consideration of the mental and physical effects of such activities on the child daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于教区目前只有各自独立运作的婚姻及家庭牧民服务的组织,而未有统筹性、协调性的机制,故此建议成立教区层面的“婚委会”,负责统筹、协调和强化与婚姻和家庭生活有关的服务及培育;定期跟进 及 检讨 本 草 案各项具体建议之落实执行;并厘定和推动新的牧民策略。 catholic.org.hk | Since, at present, there are only organizations engaged independently in marriage and family pastoral care in our Diocese without a co-ordinating body, the setting up of a "PCMF" at the diocesan level is proposed. This body will be responsible for coordinating and consolidating the existing services and for formation related to marriage and family life; for following up on and periodically evaluating the implementation of all the concrete proposals made in this document; and for formulating and promoting new pastoral strategies. catholic.org.hk |
我们经深入检讨后, 在2002年年底公布,未来的公营房屋计划,将集中于为有需要的家庭提供资助租住房屋,而平均轮候时间将维持在现时约3年的水平。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Following a thorough review, we announced at the end of 2002 that we would in future focus our public housing activities on providing basic subsidized rental housing for families in need, within the existing average waiting time of around three years. housingauthority.gov.hk |
只要是无意图使用,无混入不超标的含有浓度,牛尾与供应商使用其浓度实施管理,万一,禁止 物质的不纯物的含有浓度超过管理基准时,届时会提出委托给予协力进行再分析、明确理由,并对共 同检讨如何降低至含有浓度的管理值。 ushio.co.jp | When the content concentration as impurities of prohibited substances exceeds the control value, USHIO will request reanalysis, an explanation of the reason and reduction in content concentration to a level below the control value. ushio.co.jp |
领土政府还开展了各种增收减支举措,包 括全面检讨法定 税费率、开展一项劳动力规划工作、减少公务员人数,以创造一 [...] 个成本更低而效率更高的公共部门。 daccess-ods.un.org | The territorial Government also embarked on various cost-reduction and [...] revenue-enhancement initiatives, including a [...] comprehensive review of tax and fee legislation [...]rates, a workforce-planning exercise and [...]a reduction of the number of public servants to create a less costly and more efficient public sector. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然平民伤亡大多是由反政府武装造成 的,但国际安全援助部队和其他国际部队必须继 续检 讨其战术和程序规定,进一步减少平民伤亡,这很重 要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the majority of civilian casualties are caused by anti-Government forces, it is important that the International Security Assistance Force and other international forces continue to review their tactics and procedures in order to reduce civilian casualties even more. daccess-ods.un.org |
该集团忆 及大会第 65/259 号决议,其中要求秘书长彻底检讨 特别政治任务目前的筹资和支助安排,以确定可能的 替代办法,因此,该集团期待着优先审查相应的报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling that the General Assembly, in resolution 65/259, had requested the Secretary-General to conduct a thorough review of the current funding and backstopping arrangements for the special political missions with a view to identifying possible alternatives, the Group looked forward to examining the corresponding report as a matter of priority. daccess-ods.un.org |
她又表示,在两年多的打击过程中,大家不断总结 和 检讨 , 对 有效实施法律已累积一定经验;同时有赖于部门之间的合作以及相互配合执法,特别是治安部门的积极参与,以应对社会的发展和违法手段的蜕变,达致更大的执法效果。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | She also stated that over the past two years of combating actions, they concluded and reflected upon their work incessantly, accumulating fair experiences in implementing the law effectively; in addition, the enforcement work achieved more striking effects thanks to the interdepartmental cooperation and coordination in law enforcement, with credit especially to the police authorities' active participation in response to the social development and alteration of illegal means. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |