

单词 检视





peer review

External sources (not reviewed)

未经授权交易可能继续出现在您的对账单上;所以,请谨 检视 每 份对 账单,并立即通知所有错误。
Unauthorised transactions may continue to appear on your statements, so carefully review each statement you receive and report each error quickly.
您还可点击一个按钮,在网检视您 现 有的Digi-Key报价单、创建新的报价单,并根据您所有的报价单来下订单。
You can also view your existing Digi-Key [...]
quotes online, create new quotes, and place orders off of all your quotes with the click of a button.
后期制作公司检视您的制作案并提供后期制作成本的分析,以及协助建立最佳工作流 程。
A post house can review your project and provide a breakdown of post-production costs, and can also help establish the best workflow.
这可能需检视“一 般国际法”一词的使用 和含义――可能意味着“习惯国际法”以外的某些含义、一种“渊源合并”概 念、除其他外引起习惯国际法与“一般法律原则”之间的关系(《国际法院规 约》第 38.1 条(c)款)。
This may require an examination of the use and meaning of the term “general international law”, which may connote something other than “customary international law”; the notion of a “merging of sources”, which raises among other things the relationship between customary international law and “general principles of law” (art. 38.1(c) of the ICJ Statute).
随着沿岸和海床矿藏开采的增加,非洲国家 检视 管 制 框架以处理岸外和沿 岸的矿藏开采。
With increased mining along the coast and on the seabed, African countries should look at a regulatory framework to deal with off-shore and coastal mining.
审查还认为,联黎部队应单独进行内部研究,以解决联黎部队扩大参与黎巴 嫩武装部队能力建设的问题,从 检视 向 黎 巴嫩武装部队提供的双边援助实现常 态化的可行性和标准,并把执行第 1701(2006)号决议规定的任务作为唯一目的。
The review also identified the need for UNIFIL to undertake a separate internal study to address the issue of increased UNIFIL involvement in capacitybuilding for the Lebanese Armed Forces, and in order to examine the feasibility of and the criteria for formalizing bilateral assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces for the sole purpose of implementing tasks mandated under resolution 1701 (2006).
您亦能够改变这场景顺序或及时 检视 影 片 制作 里的两个镜头在视觉上的连续性。
You can also change the order of scenes or instantly view any two shots in the production to check visual continuity.
欲与我们在其他国家的经销商联系, 检视 我 们的 全球经销商 页面。
For contact information of our resellers in other
[...] countries please refer to our Resellers worldwide page.
准则 3.3.2(单独接受不允许的保留的效果)和 3.3.3(集体接受不允许的保留 的效果)在本段中合检视,因 为我们的评论牵涉到这两项准则所载的问题。
Guidelines 3.3.2 (Effect of individual acceptance of an impermissible reservation) and 3.3.3 (Effect of collective acceptance of an impermissible reservation) are examined together in this paragraph because our comments relate to issues contained in both guidelines.
行预咨委会回顾,鉴于 2009/10 年度需要大量资源来支助执行订正的行动构 想,行预咨委会要求经检视其效 力,并在提交 2010/11 年度预算时向大会报告 (A/63/746/Add.5,第 21 段)。
The Advisory Committee recalls that, in view of the significant resources required in 2009/10 to support the implementation of the revised concept of operations, it had requested that the effectiveness of the concept be kept under review and reported to the General Assembly in the context of the budget proposal for 2010/11 (A/63/746/Add.5, para. 21).
使用单独的盒子的权利,如果你想显示你的信息在不同的段落(请记 检视 清 单的格式后保存)。
Use separate boxes to the right if you wish to display your information in separate paragraphs (please remember to review the format of your listing after saving).
另一方面,大量裂变材料并 不自动构成违约,但要求检视国解 释所涉裂变材料的来源。
On the other hand, a significant quantity of fissile material would
not automatically be a violation, but
[...] would oblige the inspected state to explain [...]
the origin of the fissile material in question.
16 虽然指标应是衡 量一个多行为体治理进程在统治社会和领导社会迈向其所期望目标时的正当性、 能力和效能的尺度,但得到最广泛采用和承认的指标(例如,世界银行指标、政 府质量指标)所检视的是 政府在统治和引导中的正当性、能力和效能,而不是治 理进程本身。
Governance indicators have been produced and used for different purposes by a number of institutions: international donors, private sector agencies, monitor groups (national and international NGO networks), and academic scholars, whose different perspectives on, and expectations of, different public issues have improved the methods and content of governance assessment.16 While indicators should be measurements of the legitimacy, capacity and effectiveness of a multi-actor governance process to rule and lead society towards its preferred goals, the most adopted and recognized indicators (for example, World Bank indicators, quality of government indicators) look at the legitimacy, capacity and effectiveness of governments to rule and steer, rather than at the governance process itself.
专责小组会就平机会的建议作检视 , 以 采取适当和迅速的 跟进措施,并厘定可持续的行动方案,以提升政府设施及处所的无障碍通道,并 加强各政府部门在这方面彼此的协调。
The Task Force will examine EOC’s recommendations with a view to taking prompt, timely and sustainable follow-up action where appropriate to enhance the accessibility of Government premises and facilities and improve the co-ordination amongst Government departments.
目前正是适当的时刻,应该设立调查委员 检视 联合国自 1948 年以来通过的所有决议。
It is high time to set up a commission of inquiry to examine all resolutions adopted by the United Nations since 1948.
文章作者可以选择“排版”方检视 编 辑 在文章中所作的更改或标识,或者可以看到附有编辑姓名的注记文字;而编辑则可以追综各种因排版需要而产生的文章变化,例如:段落位置变动,连字符号,左右对齐等。
The author of the article can choose "layout" Edit View in the article or change the logo, or edit the name can be seen with a note on the text; and editing can be a result of tracing the various needs of the publishing of articles, such as : paragraphs location changes, hyphen, left and right alignment and so on.
项目厅在 2010 年期间没有收到任何会员国有检视 内 部审计报告的要求。
UNOPS did not receive a request from any Member State to view an internal audit report during 2010.
与 此同时,从事街头儿童工作的非政府组织已在城市范围内开展了新型数据收集工 作,包括由社会工作者小组利用三角交 检视 法 和 同行审查法定期反复研究各种 趋势和计算人数。
Meanwhile, NGOs working with children in street situations have conducted innovative data collection at city-level, including repeat studies at regular intervals for trends and head counts by teams of social workers using triangulation and peer review.
检视并按 需要修改了快速评估工 具、起草了重点为基本服务的“邦特兰”备灾和应变计划。
Rapid assessment tools were reviewed and revised as needed, and “Puntland” disaster preparedness and response plans focusing on basic services were also drafted.
本系列第二期报告中,我们检视上 述 市场的行业分布概况并探究未来的潜在趋势。
This is the second issue of the same series examining the sector profile of markets and potential future trends.
政府统计处会因应 国际的趋势,香港特区的现况及持份者的意见, 检视 这 次 统计调查的残疾定义。
C&SD will revisit the definition of ‘disability’ in the coming survey having regard to the international trends, prevailing circumstances of HKSAR and views of relevant stakeholders.
此外,我们还运营一个项目管理办公室,为德国的项目提供一对一的设计服务,专业从事总体规划咨询服务,囊括设计、制作和实施的所有阶段,以及成本控制、项目管理、质量控制、现 检视 和 施 工管理等。
We also run a project management office that offers a single appointment design service for German projects and specialises in general planning consultancy covering all stages of design, production, implementation and cost control, project management, quality control, site supervision and construction administration.
此次访问的目的是为检视叙利 亚努力落实健康权的方式,为成功实现该项 [...]
The purpose of the mission
[...] was to examine how Syria endeavours [...]
to implement the right to health, the measures taken for
its successful realization and the obstacles encountered both at the national and international level.
为此,与会各方在两天的会议期 检视 了 计划生育和孕产妇保健所面临的重 大挑战,并特别注重与发展中国家有关的问题和关切,就已证明行之有效的特定 干预方案交流了经验,讨论了在把计划生育和孕产妇健康纳入减少贫穷战略方面 的经验。
In this context and during the two-day Conference, the participants examined the critical challenges facing family planning and maternal health, with a particular focus on issues and concerns relevant to developing countries, exchanged experiences on specific intervention programmes that have proven effective and discussed experiences in integrating family planning and maternal health into poverty reduction strategies.
注意: 若浏览器(IE8)询问「是否仅检视安 全传送的网页内容?
Note: If the browser (IE8) prompts that "Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?
Medidata Designer是Tufts CSDD团队能够采集研究信息的关键,因为它是唯一能够使临床试验申办 检视 成 本和复杂程度指标、同时具有关键的结构化功能,该功能对于在研究设计阶段识别出不必要的程序是至关重要的。
Medidata Designer was key to the Tufts CSDD team’s ability to collect information for the study, as it is the only tool to offer clinical trial sponsors visibility into cost and complexity metrics, as well as the structuring capabilities crucial for identifying unnecessary procedures during the study design stage.
我们不断参照当前的和新的标准 检视 产 品 ,最新列表请参考在线手册,里面提供了我们产品所遵循的、最新的、当前和过期标准的所有最新消息。
We continuously review our products against current and new Standards and for the most up to date list, visit our online catalogue which provides the latest information on all new, current and superseded Standards which our products can be used in accordance with.
阁 下 同 意 负 责 设 定 丶 维 持 及 定检 视 有 关 进 入 及 使 用 恒 生 商 业e-Banking服 务 , 及 存 于 阁 下 电 脑 丶 通 讯 系 统 及 其 他 可 应 用 的 电 子 仪 器 的 资 料 的 保 安 安 排 , 尤 其 是 阁 下 及 阁 下 任 何 客 户 代 表 对 密 码 及 保 安 编 码 器 的 保 管 , 及 对 使 用 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 的 保 安 安 排 。
You agree that it is your sole responsibility to set-up, maintain and regularly review security arrangements concerning access to, and use of, the Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services, and information stored on your computing, communications systems and other applicable electronic devices, and in particular your and any of your Customer Delegates’ control of Passwords and Security Device and access to Hang Seng Business e-Banking.
这位经验老道的飞行员此刻正坐在F/A-18E战斗机的驾驶舱里向外望去,俯视黄海上漂浮着的那些星星点点,同时 检视 着 三 块监视屏上交错运行着的飞行系统诊断数据。
The experienced pilot looks out from the cockpit of his F/A-18E at the tiny dot bobbing way down on the Yellow Sea.




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