

单词 检索信息

See also:


retrieve (data)
look up



信息 n

messages pl
info n
news n
text n

External sources (not reviewed)

观察》以人力资源数据仓为基础,并从综管系统和“核心” 系统等其他人力资源系检索信息。
It is based on the human resources data
[...] warehouse and retrieves information from [...]
other human resources systems, including IMIS and Nucleus.
对于从登记处记录中删除的信息必须使用能够让登记 检索信息 的 方 式存 档[20]年。
Information removed from the registry record must
be archived for a period of [20] years in a manner that enables the
[...] information in them to be retrieved by the registry.
项目简介: RSSLib4J 是一套用于从RSS Feed解析检索信息的Java API。
Project Information: RSSLib4J is from a RSS Feed for parsing and retrieving information Java API.
本条例应当规定,从向公众开放的登记处记录中删除的信息应当以能够让 登记检索信息的方式至少存档[20]年。
The regulations should provide that information removed from the registry record accessible to the public should
be archived for at least a period of [20] years in a manner that enables the
[...] information to be retrieved by the registry.
您可以选择在家庭网络中或漫游检 索信息。
You can select to retrieve the message in home network [...]
or while roaming.
您甚至可以用PowerGadgets从其它基于PowerShell开发而成的微软应用程序(如Exchange Server、MOM与虚拟机管理器) 检索信息。
You can even use PowerGadgets to retrieve information from
other Microsoft applications that are built on top of
[...] PowerShell such as Exchange Server, MOM [...]
and Virtual Machine Manager.
StatCvs 可以从CVS仓库检索信息,生 成描述项目开发的各种表格和图表,如代码行的时间限制等。
StatCvs can retrieve information from a CVS [...]
repository , describes the project development to generate a variety of tables
and charts , such as the time lines of code restrictions .
29D.2 中央支助事务厅的主要目标包括:(a) 确保为采购、旅行和运输、设施管理、档案、邮件收发、 记录管理以及商业活动管理方面的实质性方案持续提供快速有效的高质量支助,以实现本组织
的各项目标;(b) 确保向政府间机构会议以及向联合国主持召开的各种特别会议提供高效率的 秘书处支助服务;(c) 通过提供信息和文件,便利大会及其相关附属机关审议由其负责审查的
[...] 具体支助事务问题;(d) 使本组织能以综合协作方式储存、搜寻 检索信息。
29D.2 The main objectives of the Office of Central Support Services are to: (a) ensure continued efficient, effective and high-quality support for substantive programmes in the areas of procurement, travel and transportation, facilities management, archives, mail operations, records management and management of commercial activities in meeting the goals of the Organization; (b) ensure efficient Secretariat support services to the sessions of the intergovernmental machinery and for the special conferences and meetings held under the auspices of the United Nations; (c) facilitate, through the provision of information and documentation, the deliberations of the General Assembly and its relevant subsidiary organs on specific support service issues under their review;
and (d) enable an integrated and collaborative approach for the Organization to
[...] store, search and retrieve information.
例如,我们可能使用网站分析工具从您的浏览 检索信息 , 包 括您来自哪个网站、您查找到我们的网站所使用的搜索引擎和关键字、您在网站内查看了哪些页面、浏览器加载项以及浏览器的宽度和高度。
For example, we may use Web site
[...] analytics tools to retrieve information from your browser, [...]
including the site you came from,
the search engine(s) and the keywords you used to find our Website, the pages you view within the Website, your browser add-ons, and your browser's width and height.
(h) 以能够让登记处根据建议 18 检索信息的方 式把从向公众开放的登记处 记录中删除的信息至少存档[20]年
(h) Archive information removed from the registry record that is accessible to the public at least for a period of [20] years in a manner that enables the registry to retrieve that information according to recommendation 18
Opi Flow™
[...] 是一种小型反刍牧群管理系统,设计用于自动、准确的收集单体牲畜状态数据,将数据处理为相关的信息并使工作人员和管理人员能够容易 检索信息 , 以支持日常决策。
The Opi Flow™ is a small ruminant herd management system designed to automatically and accurately collect individual animal status data, process the
data into relevant information and provide staff and manager the
[...] capability to easily retrieve information for [...]
daily decision making support.
另一方面,信息检索费用 纳入收费范畴可能会显著提高信息获取 的成本。
On the other
[...] hand, inclusion of retrieval costs has the potential [...]
to escalate the cost of access considerably.
13.6 多语言检索支持:所有数据库具备的这一检索功能将通过多语言工具(如交叉语 信息检 索(CLIR)和摘要机器翻译)得到加强。
Multi-Languages Search Support: The search functions of all databases will be
enhanced by multiple languages tools such as
[...] Cross Lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR) and [...]
machine translation for abstracts.
检索这一信息将得 以通过与船旗国和区域渔业管理组 织的沟通核查产品的来源,此举将使按照国际措施所获的产品能更快进入市场, [...]
Real-time access to this information would enable [...]
the verification of the sources of products via communication with flag
States and regional fisheries management organizations, which would expedite the entry of products caught in conformity with international measures while ensuring that products caught by illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing did not gain access to United States markets.
费用考虑到了系统用户的组成,假设由高强度用户 (例如办事员)、中等强度用户(如管理人员)和自助用户(工作人员中大多 数自检索或更新信息)以及 信息技术人员。
The costs took into account the composition of the users of the system, assuming a blend of high-intensity users such as clerical staff, mediumintensity users such as managers and self-service users (the majority of staff, retrieving/updating their own information) and information technology staff.
传统知识数字图书馆将给予现有的传统知识以合法性,而且,通过确保专利审核人员易检索与传统知识有关信息,该 图书馆有希望阻止对公众领域中已经存在的主体事物 的专利批准,如前面提到过的姜黄和印楝。
The TKDL will give legitimacy to existing traditional
knowledge, and by
[...] ensuring ease of retrieval of traditional knowledge-related information by patent [...]
examiners will hopefully
prevent the granting of patents, such as the turmeric and neem cases discussed above which claim subject matter already in the public domain.
请登录 http://customer.navicat.com.cn检查你的订单摘要 检索 许 可 证 信息 、 检 查 维 护订购、发送支持查询、修改帐号信息或打印发票等。
Please login at https://customer.navicat.com/ to check your order
[...] summary, retrieve license information, check maintenance subscription, send support ticket, amend account information or print [...]
invoices, and more.
为信息技术服务编列的经费,还将用 于中信息技术 事务,根据计算机保有量计算估计每台计算机每年 240 美元;中 央数据储存检索和维持,估计 9 000 个电子邮件账户每个每年 85 美元;与部 署地图有关的服务,包括地信息系 统数字矢量地图开发系统,以及高中低分辨 率的卫星图像,支持特派团军事和警察部队的巡逻和支助活动。
The provision for
[...] information technology services also accounts for centralized information technology services estimated at $240 per computer per year for projected holdings of computers; centralized data storage, retrieval and maintenance support, estimated at $85 per year per e-mail account [...]
for 9,000 accounts; and services associated with the deployment of maps, including a Geographic Information System (GIS) digital vector map development
system and high-, medium- and low-definition satellite imagery to support the mission’s military and police patrol and support activities.
例如,政府机构和图书馆等公共部门组织可以与私营部门的企业合作,为地 理空信息编排索引,使其易于在网 检 索 和 获取。
For example, public sector organizations (e.g., government agencies, libraries) can
collaborate with private sector
[...] firms to index geospatial information and make it easily searchable and available online.
(f) 请联合国统计司在最后确定准则后建立并维护一个门户知识网站,以便 提供单一接入点,用检索各种 既适用于发达统计系统、也适用于发展中统计系 统的经济统计整合案例研究信息材 料 ,并鼓励会员国为最后确定准则和建立门 户网站提供本国经验和案例研究。
(f) Requested the United Nations Statistics Division to develop and maintain a web-based knowledge portal even after the finalization of the guidelines in order to provide a single access point to a broad range and diverse set of case studies and information material related to the integration of economic statistics applicable to both developed and developing statistical systems, and encouraged Member States to make available their country experiences and case studies for the finalization of the guidelines and the portal.
[...] 字图书馆项目,这一拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的数字图 书馆网络正在逐渐将该地区的所有图书馆改造成数字 图书馆,使因特网使用者能够存取 检索 该 地 区任何 来源的多媒信息。
Special mention can be made of the Digital Library project for Ibero-America and the Caribbean, a network of Latin American and Caribbean Digital Libraries that is gradually transforming all libraries of the region into
digital libraries enabling Internet
[...] users to access and retrieve multimedia information from sources anywhere [...]
in the region.
所 涉产出将包括:各非政府组织对委员会所提问题答复的电子分发;
[...] 各代表的电子请求、电子显示的非政府组织代表出席者名单;关于 提出申请的非政府组织所有相关数据 信息检索。
The output will include: the electronic circulation of responses from NGOs to questions asked by the Committee; electronic requests from delegates; electronic viewable attendance
lists of NGO representatives present in
[...] the room; and information retrieval with all relevant [...]
data about applicant NGOs.
[...] 准对第三方一般并不有用,但仍可向有担保债权人提供一条备选的查询标准, 可以让他们据此为输入变更或取 信息 而 快 捷有效 检索 登 记
While not generally useful to third parties as a search criterion, registration numbers would give secured creditors an alternative
search criterion to quickly and
[...] efficiently retrieve a registration for the purposes of entering [...]
an amendment or cancellation.
以决策支持数据中心已建或在建数据库为基础,建立基于WebGIS的数据服务和应用平台,在统一的流域电子地图上实现水情信息、雨情信息、工情信息、历史大洪水信息、水 信 息 、 社会经 信息 、 水 文 信息 、 重 点堤 信息 以 及 其他综 信息 的 数 据展现与应用;采用数据资源目录体系与元数据管理的方式,实现对决策支持数据中心数据的统一管理,并可实现数据上传、发布 检索 、 交 换、访问控制等功能。
Construct WebGIS-based data service and application platform on the basis of database constructed or under construction at decision support data center to realize unified data presentation and applications of hydrological information, rainfall information, working condition information, historical flood records, water quality information , socio-economic information, hydrologic
information, key embankment protection
[...] information and comprehensive information on electronic river basin map; achieve unified management of decision making support data center by adopting data sources directory structure and metadata management to realize functions of data uploading , releasing, retrieving, exchange, access and control.
根据美国药物证信息检索系统数据库的所有可卡因购买记录,包括 零售和批发交易,2008 年第二至第四季度可卡因的纯度调整平均价格大幅上涨 [...]
(每克纯品从 124 美元上涨到 197 美元),直至 2010 年第三季度仍然较高(每 克纯品 165 美元)。
Based on all cocaine purchases
recorded in the United
[...] States System to Retrieve Information from Drug Evidence [...]
(STRIDE) database, including transactions
at both the retail level and the wholesale level, the average purity-adjusted price of cocaine rose sharply between the second and fourth quarters of 2008 (from $124 to $197 per pure gram) and remained relatively high until the third quarter of 2010 ($165 per pure gram).
(c) 通过减少某些类型的人为错误,便 信息 存 储 和 检索 , 提高透明度,减 少腐败可能性,提高公共部门的绩效质量。
(c) By increasing the quality of public sector performance through, inter alia, reducing some types of human error, facilitating storage and retrieval of information and increasing transparency so as to reduce corruption.
讲 习班的预期成果是:(a)
[...] 供承包者用于向海管局报告与其承包区有关的动物的情 况的标准化分类检索表;(b) 供科研人员和海洋科学研究机构收集有关这一区域 的动物的数据信息使用的标准化分 检索 表 ;(c) 可用于编写“区域”内活动 造成的克拉里昂-克利珀顿区海洋环境状况的定期报告的一种手段。
The expected outcomes of the workshops will be: (a) standardized identification keys that will be used by all contractors in reporting to the Authority on fauna associated with their contract areas, (b) standardized identification keys for use by scientific researchers and marine scientific
research institutions to
[...] gather data and information on fauna in these areas and (c) a means by which periodic reports on the state of the marine [...]
environment in the
Clarion-Clipperton Zone resulting from activities in the Area may be prepared.
学习能力(和学习热情)、独立学习 能力信息检索和使 用能力、广泛扎实的基础知识、宽容和尊重他人的品德等,是在家庭、 [...]
The capacity (and the inclination) to learn, self-instruction
[...] abilities, the search for and use of information, fully absorbed [...]
basic knowledge and attitudes
of tolerance and respect for others are some of the goals of children’s education in families, schools and communities.
长久保留,快速检索:IT 分析师 George Crump 在一篇
[...] 文章中指出(来源:云存储是医疗保健行业的天作之合),基于传统存档到磁带模型的数据存储解决方案不适合医疗保健组织,这些组织随着医疗记录数字化不仅需要巨大存储容量,更需要快速和实时数 检索 以 便 紧急情况下能够找出病患 信息。
Long retention, quick retrieval: IT analyst George Crump pointed out in an InformationWeek article (source: Cloud Storage A Good Match For Healthcare) that data storage solutions based on a traditional archive-to-tape model are not viable for healthcare organizations, which not only need huge storage capacity as medical records go digital,
but also need quick and
[...] instantaneous data retrieval so that a patient’s information can be pulled [...]
up during an emergency.




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