



classifier for natural springs and hollow objects e.g.
wells, stoves etc.




眼罩 n

patch n

眨眼 adj

blinking adj

眼眶 adj

orbital adj

External sources (not reviewed)

如果需要 3 个柱塞杆扣眼,应订购配件包 16H925 用于 3.5 英寸空气马达,或配件包 16G384 用于 6.0 英寸或 7.5 英寸空气马达。
For qty. 3 of the piston rod grommet, order Kit 16H925 for the 3.5 in. air motor or Kit 16G384 for the 6.0 in. or 7.5 in. air motor.
部分業界代表表示,由於所使用的致敏物質及食物添加劑的字眼意思不 清,業界在遵從新的標籤規定方面遇到種種困難。
Some trade representatives expressed the difficulties to comply with the new labelling requirements resulted from ambiguities in the wordings of allergenic substances and food additives used.
他结合此次磋商谈到 了本组织正在进行的各项改革,尤其是计划编制方法方面的改革,并强调最近对计划管理周 期所进行的修订,是为了更具有战略眼光和更有助于决策,而且有助于在总部和总部外之 间,以及各地区和多国办事处之间更合理地分配计划资源。
He put the Consultation also in the context of the ongoing reform process of the Organization, in particular with regard to programming, and highlighted the recent revisions of the programme management cycle designed to ensure a more strategic and policy-focused approach and to facilitate a more rational allocation of programme resources between Headquarters and the field as well as between the various regions and clusters.
这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含推广实用扫盲,从幼年开始并持续终身的正规和 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内的价值观教育,发展 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, education in the mother tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.
执 行秘书向经社会通报了为加强技术合作工作着眼于实际成果的关注重心秘 书处所启动的步骤,其中包括:(a) 更大、更长和更协调一致的能力开发项 目,把重点放在通过加强基于成果的管理来改进绩效;(b) 资源动员战略为 对伙伴关系和捐助方关系采取更加积极主动的做法提供一个框架,并设立一 个伙伴关系和资源调集科;(c) 通过与一些成员国和捐助机构的会议继续努 力加强与合作伙伴的关系;(d) 加强与作为促进和交付能力开发合作伙伴的 一些私营部门对口单位的接触。
The Executive Secretary informed the Commission about the steps the secretariat had initiated to strengthen the resultsoriented focus of its technical cooperation work, which included: (a) larger, longerterm and better aligned capacity development projects, with emphasis on improved performance through strengthened results-based management; (b) a resource mobilization strategy that provides a framework for a more proactive approach to partnerships and donor relations, and the establishment of a Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Section; (c) continued efforts to strengthen relations with partners through meetings with a number of member States and donor agencies; and (d) enhanced engagement with some private sector counterparts as partners in promoting and delivering capacity development.
(d) 从恩塔甘达在 Runyoni 的据点投降的另一名前 M23 军官告诉专家组说, 他亲眼看到,在刚果(金)武装部队直升机轰炸兵变人员据点之后,卢旺达国防军 的一个营前来增援兵变人员。
(d) Another ex-M23 officer who surrendered from Ntaganda’s position at Runyoni told the Group that he personally witnessed how one RDF battalion came to reinforce the mutineers after a FARDC helicopter bombarded their positions.
該命令亦規定,商店須在供應地點顯眼位置 展示 210 毫米 x 297 毫米的告示,讓顧客知道使用“鑽石”一 詞的定義,同時讓他們知道供應商在完成交易時有責任向顧客 發出載列製品詳情的發票或收據,並保存副本。
The Order will also require traders to display prominently a notice measuring 210 mm x 297 mm at the point of supply to inform customers of the definition “diamond” and the supplier’s duty to produce an invoice or receipt when a transaction is concluded, to retain a copy of the invoice or receipt, as well as the details to be included in the invoice or receipt.
计划推出一套具 有区域眼光的旗舰出版物,其中包括:(i) 《阿拉伯地区2025》,预测和分析本地区经 济、社会、政治和文化领域的当前形势和未 27 来趋势;(ii) 向 民主过渡,探讨阿拉伯国家 政治变化的性质并分析世界其他地区政治 转型的教训,从而就现有的政策选择得 出 结论和最佳做法,以确保向民主的有效 和 可持续的过渡;(iii) 阿拉伯地区一体化,对 一体化的潜在领域 —— 无论是社会、 经 济、文化层面的还是政治层面的 —— 及其 特点提出分析并评估各自对本地区的长期 影响;和 (iv) 与其他区域委员会的联合出 版物,《千年发展目标以后:联合国的未来 发展议程》。
A set of flagship publications have been planned with regional lens, which include (i) The Arab Region 2025, which will forecast and analyse current and future trends for the region in economic, social, political and cultural areas; (ii) Transitions to Democracy, which looks into the nature of political changes in Arab countries and analyses the lessons learned from political transitions in other areas of the world to draw conclusions and best practices on the policy options available to ensure effective and sustainable transitions to democracy; (iii) Arab Regional Integration, which analyses the potential areas and characteristics of integration be they social, economic, cultural or political and assessing their prospective impact on the long-term development of the region; and (iv) a joint publication with other Regional Commissions on Beyond the MDGs: A Future United Nations Development Agenda.
洪都拉斯儿童及家庭协会主要负责执行三大计划:家庭福利和社区发展计 划,其重点在于预防,并着眼于在三个主要领域开展活动:关注儿童、巩固家 庭,以及宣传促进儿童权利;社会干预和保护计划,其目的是保护处于社会风险 当中的儿童,不提倡将其送入管教所,而是努力使家庭以及社会参与到保护和恢 复儿童权利的工作当中。
IHNFA runs three major programmes: the Family Welfare and Community Development Programme, with a predominantly preventive focus and with its main initiatives in three key areas, namely child welfare, strengthening the family and publicizing and promoting children’s rights; the Social Intervention and Protection Programme, which aims to protect children at social risk by avoiding placement in care and to that end involving the family and society in the process of intervention and restitution of rights.
尽管目前的安排符合工程处的组织指令,但审计委员会认为, 如由一名独立的非高级行政官员担任主席,将增进内部监督咨询委员会在外界眼 中和实际的独立性。
Although the current arrangement is in line with the Agency Organizational Directive, the Board is of the view that an independent and non-executive chair would enhance the perceived and actual independence of the Advisory Committee on Internal Oversight.
零售商亦須在供應地點的顯 眼位置展示訂明格式的告示,告知顧客關於天然翡翠、鑽石、黃金、 黃金合金、白金或白金合金的定義,以及供應商須就該等商品發出詳 細發票或收據的責任。
The retailers are also required to display prominently at the point of supply prescribed notices informing customers respectively of the definitions of natural fei cui, diamond, gold, gold alloy, platinum or platinum alloy and the supplier's obligation to issue a detailed invoice or receipt.
秘书长认为,现行做法的替代办法,即为应计的离职后健康保险福利 部分或全额供资,将使:(a) 眼下和未来的费用得以解决;(b) 费用得到 更好地匹配,从而使福利费用计在接受雇员提供服务时期的预算下;(c) 对会员国长期缴款的要求得以减少,因为投资收益开始补充预算;(d) 无 供资的离职后健康保险债务的增长得到遏制,使之不会变成联合国的一 项更沉重的负债(同上,第 45 段)。
The Secretary-General believes that the alternatives to the current approach, namely, partially or fully funding the after-service health insurance liabilities as they accrue, would (a ) address both immediate and future costs; (b ) enhance the alignment of costs so that the costs of the benefits are incurred under the budgets receiving the services from the employees; (c ) reduce the long-term contribution requirements by Member States as investment earnings begin to supplement budgets; and (d ) contain the growth of unfunded after-service health insurance obligations from becoming a greater liability on the United Nations (ibid., para. 45).
这种自愿机制应切实有 效,并应着眼于调动稳定而可预测的资源,这些资源应补充而不是取代传统的资 金来源,应根据最不发达国家的优先事项发放,而且不会给这些国家带来过重负 担。
Such voluntary mechanisms should be effective and should aim to mobilize resources that are stable and predictable, which should supplement and not be a substitute for traditional sources of finance and be disbursed in accordance with the priorities of least developed countries and not unduly burden them.
虽然厄立特里亚当局可能继续向索马里武装反对派团体提供 财政和其他形式的援助,他们的活动未被查出,但监察组认为任何此种援助无足 轻重,而且厄立特里亚目前在索马里是很不起眼的角色,对事态发展进程的影响 极小,无论是正面还是负面影响。
Although it is possible that the Eritrean authorities have continued to provide financial and other forms of assistance to armed opposition groups without their activities being detected, it is the Monitoring Group’s assessment that any such assistance is negligible, and that Eritrea is currently a marginal actor in Somalia, with little, if any, influence, either positive or negative, on the course of events.
該系統之設計旨在提供合理但非絕對之保證,避免出現重大的錯誤陳述及損失,著眼於管理營運系統, 而非減低故障風險,以確保達致本集團之業務目標。
The system is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against material misstatement or loss, manage rather than eliminate risks of failure in operational systems, and to ensure achievement of the Group’s objectives.
该泄压阀 减少了严重伤害的危险,包括液体溅泼到眼 睛中或皮肤上。
The drain valve reduces the risk of serious injury, including splashing in the eyes or on the skin.
(i) 於公司細則第 44(i)條內,刪除「2 港元費用(或本公司股份上市所在指定證券交 易所當時批准的有關較高金額)或董事不時規定的較少金額」,並以「不超過 指定證券交易所當時批準費用的相關費用(如有)」字眼替代。
(i) In Bye-law 44(i), by deleting “fee of HK$2 (or such higher amount as shall for the time being be approved by the Designated Stock Exchange on which the shares of the Company are listed) or such lesser sum as the Directors may from time to time require” and substituting the words “such fee, if any, not exceeding the fee as for the time being approved by the Designated Stock Exchange”.
(b) 应在设计计划开展的各种“次级作物和减贫工作讲习班” 时,着眼于推动在本区域那些从事次级作物和减贫工作的研究中心之间建 立一个网络并促进彼此开展合作。
(b) The planned activity “Workshop on secondary crops and poverty alleviation” should be designed in such a way as to establish a network and foster cooperation among the research centres dealing with secondary crops and poverty alleviation in the region.
应当作出努力,组织和促进着眼于结果的综合研究,审查女性所犯的罪行、 女性对抗刑事司法系统的诱发原因、二次判罪和监禁对女性的影响、女性罪犯的 特征,以及用以减少女性重新犯罪的方案,以此作为有效的规划、方案开发和政 策制定的基础,以便对女性罪犯重新融入社会的需求做出回应。
Efforts shall be made to organize and promote comprehensive, resultoriented research on the offences committed by women, the reasons that trigger women’s confrontation with the criminal justice system, the impact of secondary criminalization and imprisonment on women, the characteristics of women offenders, as well as programmes designed to reduce reoffending by women, as a basis for effective planning, programme development and policy formulation to respond to the social reintegration needs of women offenders.
因此,缔约国得出结论,她那些似是而非,含糊其词的言词,不可置信,而她所 谓眼下从事政治活动的说法无可信之处。
The State party therefore concludes that her testimony, which remains vague and unclear, is implausible and that her claim of current political activity is not credible.
小 组委员会建议监狱当局制定有关管理囚犯之间暴力行为的政策,包括大幅增加工 作人员数量,并进行人员培训,应着眼于建立和保持囚犯之间以及工作人员与囚 犯之间的良好关系:对监狱工作采取动态安全方法。
The SPT recommends that prison authorities develop their policy on managing inter-prisoner violence, including significantly increasing staff numbers and conducting staff training, which should focus on building and maintaining positive relations among prisoners, as well as between staff and prisoners: the dynamic security approach to prison work.
(d) 因此,对成果的衡量不应局限于每个阶段,而应着眼于整体累积效果,以了 解:一)部门/国家计划的累积成果在多大程度上有效地实现了多年期协定的 整体目标;二)获得了哪些经验/教训,可用于避免先前所犯错误并改进、简 化同种行业计划今后采取的执行行动/措施或增加其价值;三)那些经验对同 一国家、同一区域和/或全球范围内其他部门的淘汰计划有何贡献;四)在考 虑到各执行机构依照不同组织程序运作的情况下,其他执行机构还可采纳哪 些经验以改进执行进程。
(d) Therefore, measurement of achievement should not be limited to each tranche, but should look at the overall cumulative effect, to see i) how effective the cumulative achievements of the sectoral/national plans have addressed the overall goals of the MYA, ii) what are the lessons/experience gained that may be applied to avoid 11 previous mistakes, and to improve, simplify, or add value to actions taken in future implementation actions/steps of the same sector plan, iii) what those experiences can contribute to phase-out plans in other sectors in the same country, same region and/or globally, iv) what experiences can also be adopted by other IAs to improve those implementation process, taking into account the fact that each IA operates with different organizational procedures.
委员会还注意到,缔约国断言,虽然在 这一时期政治反对者受到暴力镇压,但在亚美尼亚当局眼中,不会仅仅因为提交 人拒绝接受金钱为萨尔基相投票就将其视为政治活动分子;因此,提交人未能证 实他因此吸引当局的特别兴趣。
The Committee also notes the State party’s assertion that although political opponents were violently suppressed during this period, the author cannot be considered to be a political activist in the eyes of the Armenian authorities, simply because he refused to take money to vote for Sarkisian; and that the author has therefore not substantiated that he would be of special interest to the authorities for this reason.
For government leaders and some scholars, Hong Kong people are economic animals; they are apathetic towards politics; they think and act based upon calculation of concrete material interests rather than abstract principles; they are busy with their work; and they solve their own problems with individual rather than collective actions.
在国家产量统计和粮农组织预计中有记录的5种杂交鱼类2010年世界产量为罗 非鱼杂交种33.33万吨(中国和巴拿马的奥利亚罗非鱼x尼罗罗非鱼)、胡子鲶杂交 种11.69万吨(泰国的革胡子鲶x斑点胡鲶)、巨脂鲤杂交种2.16万吨(巴西的细 鳞巨脂鲤x大盖巨脂鲤)以及巨脂鲤另外的杂交种4900吨(巴西的大盖巨脂鲤x短 盖巨脂鲤)和条纹鲈杂交种4200吨(美国、意大利和以色列的金眼鲈x条纹鲈)。
Five finfish hybrids have been recorded with national production statistics and FAO estimates, indicating world production levels in 2010 of 333 300 tonnes of blue and Nile tilapia hybrid (Oreochrom aureus x O. niloticus, in China and in Panama), 116 900 tonnes of Clarias catfish hybrid (Clarias gariepinus x C. macrocephalus, in Thailand), 21 600 tonnes of “tambacu” hybrid (Piaractus mesopotamicus x Colossoma macropomum, in Brazil), 4 900 tonnes of “tambatinga” hybrid (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus brachypomus, in Brazil) and 4 200 tonnes of striped bass hybrid (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis, in the United States of America, Italy and Israel).
但 是 在 實 際 層 面 上 , 我 們 認 為 不 論 銀 行 在 這 具 體 事 宜 上 是 否 對 客 戶 負 有 任 何 合 約 責 任 、 受 信 責 任 或 一 般 責 任 , 審 慎 的 業 務 常 規 是 由 銀 行 知 會 其 公 司 客 戶 根 據 現 行 有 效 的 法 律 , 只 有 使 用 某 些 字 眼 顯 示 簽 署 人 是 代 委 託 人 或 是 以 代 表 的 身 分 簽 署 支 票 , 獲 授 權 簽 署 人 方 可 在 支 票 不 兌 現 時 肯 定 可 以 避 免 對 受 款 人 負 有 個 人 法 律 責 任 。
At the practical level, however, we consider that whether or not it may be said that bankers owe any contractual, fiduciary or general duty of care to their clients in this particular matter, it would be prudent banking practice for bankers to advise their corporate account holders that, as the law stands at the moment, it will only be the use of words indicating that the signatory signs for or on behalf of a principal or in a representative character which will be certain to avoid the personal liability to the payee of the authorized signatory on a dishonoured company cheque.
如果联合国通过其秘书长和他的代表做出的提 议不能得到适当考虑,本组织及其机构——特别是安 全理事会将在手无寸铁的平民的眼中丧失所有的公 信力,因为他们呼吁我们承担起责任在武装冲突中保 护他们。
If the proposals presented by the United Nations through its Secretary-General and his representatives are not given due consideration, the Organization and its main bodies, the Security Council in particular, will lose all credibility in the eyes of unarmed civilians, who call on us to assume our responsibility for protecting them in armed conflict.
2004 年 4 月 26 日;亚洲报告 N°52,《缅甸报告:少数民族政治》,2003 年 5 月 7 日;亚洲简报 N°21,《缅甸:武装力量的未来》,2002 年 9 月 27 日;亚洲简报 N°15,《缅甸:艾滋病危机》,2002 年 4 月 2 日;亚洲报告 N°32,《缅甸:人道主义救援政治》, 2002 年 4 月 2 日;亚洲报告 N°28,《缅甸:军政权眼中的世界》, 2001 年 12 月 7 日;亚洲报告 N°27,《缅甸:民间社会的作用》, 2001 年 12 月 6 日;亚洲报告 N°11,《缅甸:军政权到底有多 强大?
26 April 2004; Asia Report N°52, Myanmar Backgrounder: Ethnic Minority Politics, 7 May 2003; Asia Briefing N°21, Myanmar: The Future of the Armed Forces, 27 September 2002; Asia Briefing N°15, Myanmar: The HIV/AIDS Crisis, 2 April 2002; Asia Report N°32, Myanmar: The Politics of Humanitarian Aid, 2 April 2002; Asia Report N°28, Myanmar: The Military Regime’s View of the World, 7 December 2001; Asia Report N°27, Myanmar: The Role of Civil Society, 6 December 2001; Asia Report N°11, Burma/Myanmar: How Strong is the Military Regime?
有关渔业补贴的讨论一直着眼于改善环境管理和可持 续发展,谈判有两个关键部分:市场准入元素,以减少边境措施,主要是关税壁 垒;具体渔业部门的谈判,禁止和以其他方式惩戒扭曲贸易及助长过度捕捞和能 力过剩的补贴。
Discussions on fishing subsidies have been oriented towards improved environmental stewardship and sustainable development and have had two key components: a market access element to reduce border measures, mainly tariff barriers, and a fisheries sectorspecific negotiation to prohibit and otherwise discipline subsidies that distort trade and promote overfishing and overcapacity.
更具特色的仍然是饶的巴勒斯坦当代河Johanan查看:所有由先知所承诺的未来幸福只是指救世主的时候,而在这方面的商店是为在世界上是正义来说:“没有你的眼睛也看见旁边,阿神”(以赛亚lxiv 3 [影音4 ]苏贝34B条;比赛,但是,前河第四十五,在年底,根据该神展示给。
More characteristic still is the view of Rab's Palestinian contemporary R. Johanan: All the bliss for the future promised by the Prophets refers only to the Messianic time, whereas in regard to that which is in store for the righteous in the world to come it is said: "No eye hath seen it beside thee, O God" (Isa. lxiv. 3 [AV 4]; Ber. 34b; comp.




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