

单词 梵册贝叶

See also:


pattra palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras

External sources (not reviewed)

. rules to
[...] filter the use of leaf bass and custom e-mail [...]
spam filter .
此外,贝多因妇女在怀孕期间也越来越多地遵 照建议补叶酸,贝多因 胎儿和新生儿中开放性神经管病变的病例也越来越少。
Moreover, there has been increased compliance with recommendations
[...] for supplemental folic acid among Bedouin [...]
women in their fertile years, and a decrease
in the incidence of open neural tube defects (NTDs) among Bedouin fetuses and infants.
对历史有兴趣的公众和专家可能会发现或再发现丘吉尔、罗斯福和戴 高乐写的信函以及象形文字书稿;音乐爱好者可以欣赏莫扎特 贝 多 芬 或肖邦的乐谱;艺术 家可以钻梵高、 高更、马蒂斯或马格里特的信件;科学家可以发现爱因斯坦 贝 索 的 原始 计算稿,或者是巴斯德和居里夫人的工作成果;文学爱好者可以观赏他们曾经读过的作品的 原稿,如托尔斯泰或歌德的小说、左拉或萨特的宣言、韦尔莱纳的诗歌;宗教研究者可能惊 [...]
The public and experts with a passion for history may discover or rediscover letters written by Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle and the hieroglyphics of the scribes; music
lovers may admire the scores of Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin; artists may delve into the letters of Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse or Magritte; scientists may discover Einstein’s and Besso’s original calculations, or the works of Pasteur and Marie Curie; literature buffs may regard the originals of texts that they have read such as the novels of Tolstoy or Goethe, the manifestos of Zola or Sartre and poems by Verlaine, and theologians may marvel at a surah of the Koran or a verse of the Old Testament.
数据同化的基本思路很直接,尤其在以采用前期和后期分布概念 贝叶 斯 规 则解释 时。
Provide flood control for coastal and estuarine systems and shoreline protection from erosion by oceanic swells and tropical storms.
为与青年和为青年开展的活动提供财政和技术支持, 例如:达喀尔:教科文组织参加第四次世界青年论 坛;支持促进和平和非洲一体化联欢节和对世界青年 论坛和联欢节参与者进行的信息与传播技术培训;巴 马科:参加西部非洲大学教科文组织俱乐部文化联欢 节(FESCUAO
);布琼布拉:摄制和传播电影 “MAGUME”;曼谷:亚洲和太平洋地区的国际青
[...] 年志愿者服务、培训讲习班;河内:编写《青年人参 与遗产保护册》;贝鲁特 和莫斯科:印制两种译成 阿拉伯语/俄语的青年协调组出版物;提高教科文组织 [...]
Financial and technical support for action with/for youth, such as Dakar: UNESCO’s participation in the fourth WYF; Support to: La Caravane pour la Paix et l’Intégration Africaine and ICT training for both the WYF and the Caravane participants; Bamako: Involvement in the Festival Culturel des Clubs UNESCO Universitaires de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (FESCUAO); Bujumbura: preparation and dissemination of film MAGUME; Bangkok: Training Workshop for International Youth Voluntary Service in Asia and Pacific; Hanoi: Preparation of Guidebook for
the participation of young people in
[...] heritage conservation; Beirut and Moscow: printing [...]
of two UCJ publications translated
in Arabic/Russian; Increased, cost-effective quality participation of UNESCO in youth events; Increased awareness of UNESCO FOs of UNESCO’s strategy with and for youth.
除了父亲Paulinus,已经提到,是神甫罗素,谁被选为协助完成了大量的“薄 梵 往 世 书”的比尔努夫开始,翻译和出版谁除了对印度教有趣的研究有;神甫杜波依斯,谁发表了巧妙地阐述了现代印度教,题目是“印度教的礼仪,习俗和礼仪”(牛津,1897年);和父亲j的Dahlmann,律政司司长最后,但公平地注意到有相当出色的翻译工作是由当地印度教学者所做神圣的印度教和解释文本。
Besides Father Paulinus, already mentioned, are the Abbé Roussel, who was chosen to
assist in completing the translation of the
[...] voluminous "Bhagavata Purana", begun [...]
by Burnouf, and who has besides published
interesting studies on Hinduism; the Abbé Dubois, who published a masterly exposition of Modern Hinduism under the title "Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies" (Oxford, 1897); and Father J. Dahlmann, SJ Finally, it is but fair to note that considerable excellent work is being done by native Hindu scholars in translating and interpreting sacred Hindu texts.
设在坎帕拉的艾滋病患者援助组织负责人朱 叶 · 滕 贝 女 士 讨论了不同的性 别期望、相互作用和规范如何导致感染艾滋病毒和及其影响。
Ms. Juliet Tembe, Chair of the AIDS Support Organization (TASO), Kampala, discussed how different gendered expectations, interactions and norms contribute to the contraction and impact of HIV.
該阿維斯塔文語言是印度支那日耳曼舌,屬於更具體伊朗集團的其他成員被老波斯的楔形文字銘文的巴列維,並Pazend (或中東伊朗)
[...] ,以及後來的方言,新波斯語,庫爾德語,阿富汗等阿維斯塔文講話,是非常密切相關 梵 文 , 事實上,我們能夠移調任何詞從一種語言到其他的應用特別拼音法。
The Avestan language is an Indo-Germanic tongue and belongs more specifically to the Iranian group, the other members being the Old Persian of the cuneiform inscriptions, the Pahlavi, and Pazend (or Middle Iranian), and the later dialects, New Persian, Kurdish,
Afghan, etc. The Avestan speech is very closely
[...] related to Sanskrit; in fact, we [...]
are able to transpose any word from one language
into the other by the application of special phonetic laws.
候选人都必须通过 一项测试,以确定他们是否了梵蒂 冈 的法律 制度和各个遗址的位置。
Candidates must pass an examination that tests, amongst other things, knowledge of the legal
[...] system of the Vatican and the location [...]
of various monuments.
上述文字引自国王亨利七世授予 John Cabot
[...] 和他的儿子的特许证,这些文 字可直接追溯到上文提到梵蒂冈 教皇诏书的悠久传统。
The above quoted language from King Henry VII’s
charter to John Cabot and his sons traces directly back to the long
[...] tradition of the Vatican papal bulls [...]
mentioned above.
人口司为改进对避孕药具使用率趋势的估算,着手建立一个模式,以 贝叶 斯方 法基础上估算避孕普及率和未得到满足的计划生育需求,因此,来自邻国的 [...]
To improve estimation of trends in contraceptive use, the Population Division initiated work on a model to estimate contraceptive
prevalence and unmet need for family
[...] planning based on a Bayesian approach, where [...]
data from neighbouring countries inform
the estimation of country-specific trends.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的册 , 编 制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理册中存 在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational
group, managing his or
[...] her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in [...]
gender and geographic
representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
然而梵蒂冈 高级官员指示天主教主教确保“天主教会没有任何在我们管辖 [...]
[...] high-ranking Vatican officials instructed [...]
Catholic bishops to ensure that “no ‘religious leaders’ of the Catholic
Church and subject to our jurisdiction agree and sign” the statement.
此外,任何人(作为欧洲联盟居民并为某成员国国民的任何自然人;在欧洲联盟册的任 何法人;在欧洲联盟以外定居的任何成员国国民和在欧洲联盟以外设立而由 某成员国国民控制的船务公司;作为欧洲联盟居民的任何其他自然人;在欧洲联盟内、 包括在其领海和领空以及由某成员国管辖或控制的任何飞机或任何船只从事职业活 动的任何其他自然人)不得遵守任何直接或间接基于或产生于“1996 年古巴自由和民 主团结法”或在该法基础上或由其产生的行动的规定或禁令,包括外国法院的命令。
Furthermore, no person (any natural person being a resident in the European Union and a national of a member state; any legal person incorporated within the European Union; any national of the member states established outside the European Union and shipping company established outside the European Union and controlled by national of a member state; any other natural person being a resident in the European Union; any other natural person within the European Union, including its territorial waters and air space and in any aircraft or on any vessel under the jurisdiction or control of a member state, acting in professional capacity) shall comply with any requirement or prohibition, including requests of foreign courts, based on or resulting, directly or indirectly, from the “Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996” or from actions based thereon or resulting therefrom.
经常性出版物:《贸易和发展报告》(2);《贸发会议统计 册 》 (硬 拷 贝 、 DV D 和网络 版)(2);《发展和全球化:事实和数据》(1); ㈡ 非经常性出版物:贸发会议讨论文件(12);债务和发展筹资当前问题(简编)(1);全 球化和发展政策当前问题(2);供二十四国国际货币事务与发展政府间小组讨论的文 件(6);以金融手段缓解外部冲击(1);落实发展中国家资产债务管理(1);国际货币 和金融政策及全球化问题(简编)(2);巴勒斯坦经济发展研究(2);南南合作和区域一 体化研究丛刊(6);有效债务管理需求和挑战(1)
(ii) Non-recurrent publications: UNCTAD discussion papers (12); current issues in debt and development finance (compendium) (1); current issues in globalization and development policies (2); discussion papers for the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-four on International Monetary Affairs and Development (6); financial instruments for the mitigation of external shocks (1); implementing asset-liability management in developing countries (1); issues in international monetary and financial policies and globalization (compendium) (2); studies on Palestinian economic development (2); study series on South-South cooperation and regional integration (6); the needs and challenges of operational debt management (1)
一个统一的切尔贝利登记册成为 管理目标明确的医疗援助和组 织大型辐射和流行病学研究的基础。
A unified Chernobyl registry serves as the basis for managing targeted medical assistance and organizing large-scale radiation and epidemiological studies.
此手抄本可能曾被美国传教士伊莱·史密斯(Eli Smith,1801-1857
[...] 年)使用,他是将《圣经》翻译成阿拉伯文的新教翻译家之一,曾于 19 世纪初期至叶在贝鲁特工作。
The codex appears to have been used by Eli Smith (1801–57), an American
missionary and one of the Protestant translators of the Bible into
[...] Arabic, who worked in Beirut in the early to [...]
mid-19th century.
查看“更多信息”下的“格罗茨-贝克 特 的暗缝V型机针”产品 册 , 了 解格罗 茨 - 贝 克 特 方体暗缝针的更多信息。
Find out more about blindstitching with Groz-Beckert, and the square-blade needles that are used, in the product brochure "Blindstitching with Groz-Beckert V needles" under "Further Information".
现在可立即下载一个免费、具备所有功能的试用版(未 册 的 PI CVid eo 拷 贝 在 用 codec进行压缩和保存的时候将被打上永久的水印)。
A free full-featured trial version is available for immediate download (unregistered copies of PICVideo will permanently watermark videos compressed and saved with this codec).
单击“更多信息”下的“特殊用途机针– MR曲背机针”产品册,了解格罗茨- 贝 克特 MR 缝针的更多特殊性能。
Then find out more about the special
[...] features of the Groz-Beckert MR needle – in the product brochure "Special Application [...]
Needle MR" under "Further Information".
单击“更多信息”下的“特殊用途机针SAN®6”产品 册 , 了 解格罗 茨 - 贝 克特 SAN®6 GEBEDUR®缝针的更多优点和特性。
You can find out more about the benefits and special features
of the SAN®6 GEBEDUR® from
[...] Groz-Beckert in the Product brochure "Special application needle [...]
SAN®6" under "Further Information".
爱尔兰每一个亲切的酒吧里都有着文学气氛,因为乔伊斯 叶 芝 、 贝 克 特 、王尔德和卡瓦那的鬼魂就藏匿在各个角落。
Ireland's literary tradition haunts just about
every one of its friendly pubs, with the ghosts
[...] of Joyce, Yeats, Beckett, Wilde and Kavanagh [...]
lurking round every corner.
[...] 学的研究人员合作,建立了用于生育率概率预测 贝叶 斯 分 层模型(BHM)。
The Population Division cooperated with researchers from the University of
Washington and the University of Singapore to
[...] develop the Bayesian hierarchical [...]
model that was used in the probabilistic fertility projections.
在挪威方面,来自能源节约国际组织(ENSI)的伊娃•霍鲁波娃(Iva Holubova)和罗尔夫•赛尔莫(Rolf Selmer)分别就“市政能源效率规划”和“奥斯陆市能源效率基金”的有关经验做了十分有价值的介绍,而挪威创新署的柯 梵 先 生 则就建筑内部能源管理与能源监测系统的相关原则与实际范例做了详细介绍。
From the Norwegian side, Iva Holubova and Rolf Selmer from Energy Saving International (ENSI) gave valuable presentations about Municipal Energy Efficiency Planning and experiences from Oslo Municipal Energy Efficiency Fund, while IN’s  Sven Karlsen gave a thorough presentation of the principles and practical examples of Energy Management and Energy Monitoring Systems in buildings.
可以预料贝叶斯法将会被广泛地应用到系统进化分析上[动物学报 49(3):380~388,2003]。
There is no need to conduct bootstrap analysis to evaluate branch support because divergences on the tree are represented by the posterior probabilities[Acta Zoologica Sinica 49(3):380-388,2003].
根据联合国损失登册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
在头 三年,提供了培养多种技能的14门课程,包括种群评估(初 级和高级)、生态系统建模、模型建立、管理战略评估贝 叶斯推 断、渔业建议、拖网勘探设计和评价以及综合生态系 统评估。
In the first three years, 14 courses have been offered in a wide variety of skills, including stock assessment (introductory and advanced), ecosystem modelling, model building, management strategy evaluation, Bayesan inference, fisheries advice, trawl survey design and evaluation and integrated ecosystem assessment.
本研究通过LA-PCR 技术对草兔线粒体基因组全序列进行PCR 扩增、序列测定和分析,并基于线粒体基因组12 个蛋白质编码基因10 776 bp的核苷酸序列,采贝叶斯法(BI)和最大似然法(ML)构建哺乳纲(Mammalia) 灵长总目(Euarchontoglires)5 个目12 种动物的系统发育关系,结果支持兔形目(Lagomorpha)的单系起源,其中草兔与欧洲野兔(L. europaeus)亲缘关系最近,两者互为姐妹群,进而与家兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus)构成姐妹群关系。
Moreover,its subspecies taxonomic status has been under debate for years. In present study,we reporte the complete mitochondrial genomic sequence of the cape hare from Yancheng City,Jiangsu Province,China,and that the gene composition / order of which were identical to that observed in most other mammals.




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