


blind (as with dust)
narrow one's eyes







fire escape

External sources (not reviewed)

这段防波 墙会经过方块海堤登与两侧的沉箱海堤连接,而 方块海堤登可作为防波墙与重力沉箱海堤构件之 间的过渡溶合结构。
These are tied back into the caisson seawalls on either side, with blockwork landing steps providing a transition between the piled wave walls and the gravity caisson seawall units.
谨请协助将本信及以下附件作为大会议程项目 33 下的文件分发为荷:阿布 哈兹共和国总统谢尔盖·巴加普什先生阁下给秘书长的信(附件一),以及南奥国外交部长穆拉特·吉奥耶夫先生阁下给秘书长的信,其中转递南奥国总统爱德华·科科伊季先生阁下的声明(附件二)。
I have the honour to request your kind assistance in circulating the present letter and its annexes: a letter addressed to you by the
President of the Republic of Abkhazia, H.E. Sergey Bagapsh (annex I); and a letter addressed to you by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the
[...] Republic of South Ossetia, H.E. Murat Jioev, enclosing the statement of the President of the Republic ofSouth Ossetia, H.E. Eduard Kokoity [...]
(annex II), as
a document of the General Assembly under agenda item 33.
即使包括车站的能源消耗在内(通风、空调、照明、,中国的地铁系统也要比 普通城市公交车和客运汽车更为节能。
Even if energy consumption of stations (ventilation,
[...] airconditionig, illumination, escalators, etc.) is included, [...]
metro systems in China are more energy-efficient
than the average urban bus and passenger cars.
建造业议会正与香港机电工程商聯会、会及职业训練局(职训局)积极 商讨,为建造业机电工种(包括升降机及自)提供更多培训,各方已原 则上同意为机电工种推行「承建商合作培训计划」,并为有志於完成职训局的机 电基本工艺课程後,投身成为机电学徒的学员提供资助,以提升机电工种的人力 资源。
To increase the manpower for the trade, they have agreed in principle to introduce the Contractor Cooperative Training Scheme for the electrical and mechanical trade and provide subsidy to those trainees who intend to join as electrical and mechanical apprentices after completing VTC's basic craft courses in electrical and mechanical engineering.
本研究的目的是:(一)回顾及总结有关法定最低工资对薪酬反应的影 响的文献、研究及其他经济体系的经验;(二)进行追溯性问卷调查,以了解香港零售 业及饮食业的职级及薪酬架构、报酬及福利条件、工资及其分布和工作时數等(统称为 「组织架构」)及其实际变化;(三)了解变化是否因实施法定最低工资所引致;及(四) 评估实施法定最低工资对零售业及饮食业中的细分行业及不同规模企业的薪酬反应的影响。
The objectives of this Study are as follows: (i) to review and summarise the relevant literature, researches and experience in other economies on the knock-on effect of SMW on pay hierarchies; (ii) to conduct a retrospective survey to examine the rank and pay structures, remuneration packages and fringe benefits, wage and its distribution, working hours, etc (collectively known as “organisational structures”) of the retail and restaurant sectors in Hong Kong and their empirical changes; (iii) to examine whether the changes were caused by the implementation of SMW; and (iv) to assess the impact of knock-on effect of SMW on pay hierarchies of enterprises in different sub-sectors and of different sizes in the retail and restaurant sectors.
[...] 保护居住在格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹地区和格鲁吉亚茨欣瓦利地区/ 南奥口的 基本人权的能力。
Georgia will not consider these recommendations as they are made by a state that directly hinders Georgia’s ability to protect even the basic human
rights of the population residing in its regions of Abkhazia, Georgia and the Tskhinvali
[...] region/South Ossetia, Georgia.
这可以防止打印密 度不均匀,并且能打印出形码或者从微观上看是直线的垂直网格线。
This prevents unevenness of print density and results in the printing of narrowladder bar codes or vertical grid lines that are straight from the microscopic viewpoint.
本校获得2007年6月通过的A提案拨款资助,完成了校舍升级及改善工程,包括安装了新课室门和 新火警系统。
Major upgrades funded by Prop A in June 2007 resulted in the
[...] addition of a newelevator,replacement [...]
of classroom doors, and the installation of a new fire alarm system.
[...] 面,他们强调现行经费分摊比额表方法的核心要素,例如基准期间、国民总收 入、汇率、低人均收入调整、会最低比率、最不发达国家最高比率和 [...]
In this regard, they emphasized that the core elements of the current methodology of the scale of assessments, such as base period, Gross National
Income, conversion rates, low per capita
[...] income adjustment,gradient,floor,ceiling [...]
for Least Developed Countries and debt
stock adjustment must be kept intact and are not negotiable.
2.12 乘客赔偿之责任 若乘客损坏承运人任何财产,则必须负责赔偿,包括但不限於船只之 结构、机器、机件、齿轮组、配件、装饰、设备及用品及承运人之登 岸头建筑物,而承运人保留扣留乘客的托运行李的权利,直 至承运人以其绝对之酌情权认为所获之赔偿达满意为止。
A Passenger shall be held responsible for and shall indemnify the Carrier against any damage caused by him to any property of the Carrier, including but not limited to the structure, machinery, gear, fittings, furnishing, equipment and appliances of the Vessel and the Carrier’s landing stage and terminal buildings, and the Carrier reserves the right to detain the Passenger’s Checked Luggage until compensation satisfactory to the Carrier in its absolute discretion has been made to the Carrier.
现在,各种因素之间的关系更为复杂,因为涉及的不止两类国家而是四类国 家:㈠ “在位”发达国家;㈡ 通过工业化和结构变革实现增长的“追赶”国家; ㈢
[...] 受益于高商品价格的“商品兴旺”国家;及(d)尚未建立生产能力以攀爬收入收入资源贫乏“致远”国家。
This time around the dynamics are more complex because there are not two groups of countries, but four: (a) the ‘‘incumbent’’ developed countries; (b) the ‘‘catching-up’’ countries that are growing through industrialization and structural transformation; (c) the ‘‘commodityboom’’ countries that are benefiting from the high commodity prices; and (d) the ‘‘aspiring’’ countries,
those low-income, resource-poor countries that have yet to build their productive
[...] capacities to move up the incomeladder.
依照 2000 年 4 月 14 日通过的《关于给予特定群体特殊社会保障的法律》 (第 933-XIV 号),可以将记名补贴理解为为以前赋予的特权交易支付的金钱、公 用事业费 –
[...] 供暖、冷热水供应(冷水加热)、烹饪和取暖用天燃气、污水处理、 (固体和液体)垃圾清运、筑维修或租赁等费用。
Within the meaning of the Law on special social protection of certain categories of population No. 933-XIV from 14 April 2000, nominative allowance is understood as payment of money in exchange of privileges previously given; and public utility services – heating, cold and hot water (heating of cold water), natural gas used for
cooking and heating, sewage disposal, garbage evacuation (both
[...] solid andliquid), elevators, building’smaintenance [...]
or rent.
贝尔蒙先生提出并且 32 C/INF.8 所载的米奥利斯/邦万楼区修复改造计划(2002 年总值 为 6,300 万欧元,2007 年经重新核算后总值为 8,500
万欧)特别说明了每年根据可动用资金 情况应实施的一些重点工程(第 1 号重点工程和第 2 号重点工程):为消除污染的危险更换
[...] 热水供应管网,修理 V 号楼外的应急须更换 V 号楼和 VI 号楼内的变压器,以及改 [...]
进 VI 号楼内的消防安全系统。
The plan for the restoration and improvement of the Miollis/Bonvin site, proposed by Mr Belmont and set out in document 32 C/INF.8 (€63 million, value in 2002, €85 million, value in 2007 after recosting), describes, inter alia, a number of priority works (priority No. 1 and priority No. 2) which are to be carried out each year depending on the resources available: replacement of the hot water supply networks in order to eliminate the
risks of contamination, repairing of the
[...] externalemergencystairs of Building V, compulsory [...]
replacement of the pyralene transformers
located in Buildings V and VI and improvement of the fire-safety system in Building VI.
终为真或假时, RTA 指令 将不起作用。
The RTA instruction will have no
[...] effect ifthe rung isalways [...]
true or false.
我们认为,这 20 名观察员的主要任务是监察并 通知欧安组织参加国南奥鲁吉亚之间边境 地区的安全局势以及格鲁吉亚将其部队和军事设备 撤回营地的执行程度以防止格鲁吉亚在南奥发动攻击。
We believe
[...] that the key task of those 20 observers is to prevent further Georgian aggression in South Ossetia by monitoring and informing participating States of the OSCE on the security situation in [...]
the border areas
between South Ossetia and Georgia, as well as Georgia’s implementation of its commitments to withdraw its troops and military equipment to their cantonments.
[...] 行模式中删除识别的内存模块,则在下一描结束时将该位清零。
If a recognized memory module is removed during an executing mode, this bit is cleared (0) at
[...] the endof thenext ladderscan.
[...] 访客将会惊叹於这艘着名船舶的辉煌,还有为该展览特别重塑出来的 27 尺高豪华大等 船舱与邮轮的散步甲板等。
Marvel at the splendour of this famed ship, while walking through the
beautifully and accurately recreated ballroom,
[...] 27-foot-high Grand Staircase, First Classcabin [...]
and the ship’s promenade deck.
它特别要求国际法院下令俄罗斯联邦不得采取任何种族歧 视措施,防止任何团体或个人对格鲁吉亚籍人士采取这类行为和避免采取或支持
[...] 各种剥夺格鲁吉亚籍人行使他们返回南奥布哈兹和邻近地区的权利的措 [...]
In particular, Georgia had requested the Court to order the Russian Federation to refrain from any acts of racial discrimination; to prevent groups or individuals from subjecting ethnic Georgians to such acts; to refrain from taking any actions or supporting any measures that obstructed the
exercise of ethnic Georgians’ right of
[...] return to South Ossetia, Abkhazia and [...]
adjacent regions; and to facilitate the delivery
of humanitarian assistance to all individuals in the territory under its control.
MSC游艇俱乐部的客人可以通过专属直达设施丰富的MSC Aurea Spa健身理疗中心。
The MSC Yacht Club offers private lift access to the opulent MSC Aurea Spa wellness centre.
实用楼面面积"指楼层或建筑物内的楼面面积总和,但不 包括任何众通道空间、升降机等候处、洗手间、水 厕、厨房,以及由任何为建筑物而提供的升降机、空调系统 [...]
Usable floor area” means the aggregate of the areas of the
floor or floors in a storey or
[...] building excludinganystaircases,public circulation [...]
space, lift landings, lavatories,
water-closets, kitchens, and any space occupied by machinery for any lift, air-conditioning system or similar service provided for the building.
(l) 截面图显示符合《建筑物(建造)规例》第 90 条及《2011 年建筑物消防安全守则》中有关阻隔火势及烟雾於樓层
[...] 之间,同一樓层内的不同防火隔室之间,以及一层樓中 的实用部分与其走火防护门廊之间蔓延的规 定。
(l) sections showing compliance with Regulation 90 of the B(C)R and the Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011 on such relevant aspects as the protection against spread of fire and smoke between floors, between different fire
compartments on the same floor, and between the accommodation of a
[...] storey andthe required staircase or itsprotected lobby.
需注意的是,以上零售业及饮食业連锁反 应的影响,除包括薪酬反应的影响外,亦可能包括其他因素,例如与其他行业 的勞工需求所造成的互为影响。
It should be noted that apart from the impact of knock-on effect related to pay hierarchies, the above impact of knock-on effect in the retail and restaurant sectors might also be affected by other factors such as competing labour demand among different sectors.
可以通过采取行动实现能源效率和可再生形式 能源的扩大使用,例如以可再生能源取代化石燃料,减少制造过程中的能源使 用强度,以及通过共生和能源的级使用减少能源的浪费。
d) Use Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Expanded use of energy efficiency and renewable forms of energy can be achieved through actions such as substituting fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, reducing energy intensity in manufacturing processes, and reducing energy waste through co-generation and energy cascading.
在开发KD33的过程中,特殊设计了可移动格栅 部分,从而确保了石头及其它磨损成分可以从渠道底部 提起来,同时保证格栅间距恒定。
In connection with the development of Step Screen KD 33, particular care has been taken in connection with the movable screen part to ensure that stones and other abrasive elements are lifted from the channel bottom, and furthermore that the gaps are kept as constant as possible.
国家计划开设 一些新的如下部门和中心专职从事:新的技术和管理;广告和图书营销;技术文 献和精确科学;民众组织和文化事件;为残疾人服务;论文、登记和统计;图片
[...] 出版物;供暖和卫生设施单位、电子设备和单位;防火安全单位、建筑 和维修单位、大众宣传、法律信息中心、塔吉克研究中心、语言中心、展览组办 [...]
There are plans to open new departments and centres devoted to the following: new technologies and management, advertising and library marketing, technical literature and exact sciences, organization of popular and cultural events, service for the disabled, dissertations, registration and statistics, cartographic publications, a heat and
sanitation unit, a unit to service
[...] electrical equipmentandelevators,units forfire [...]
safety, construction and repair, publications,
a legal information centre, a centre for Tajik studies, a language centre, a department to organize exhibitions, a media centre, a service for further training of librarians and a centre for library science studies and teaching.
申 索 中 介 人 会 在 这 些 办 公 地 点 的或 接 待 处 流 连 , 寻 找 涉 及 劳 资 纠 纷 的 申 请 人 、 法 律 援 助 的 申 请 人 或 交 通 意 外 受 害 人 或 他 们 的 家 人 , 向 他 们 兜 揽 生 意 。
Claims intermediaries would loiter in the lift lobbiesor reception areas of the relevant offices and approach applicants involved in labour disputes, applicants for legal aid, or victims of traffic accidents or their family members to solicit business.




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