

单词 梅西

梅西 ()

Lionel Messi (1987-), Argentine footballer



Messier catalog of nebulae and clusters (1784)


Messier catalog of nebulae and clusters (1784)


Charles Messier (1730-1817), French astronomer who catalogued nebulas and galaxies


Charles Messier (1730-1817), French astronomer who catalogued nebulas and galaxies

See also:

plum flower
surname Mei
Japanese apricot (Prunus mume)

External sources (not reviewed)

自 2007年以来,他在他梅西基金 会也一直特别活跃,促进贫困儿童获得受教育和卫生保健的福利。
Since 2007 he has been particularly active in his
[...] Fundacion Leo Messi, which works to [...]
provide destitute children with access to education and health care.
法国作曲家、演奏家、教育家及鸟类学家奥利维 尔 · 梅西 安 (1908--1992)以其独创和 独特的风格,在和弦和旋律的节奏、色彩、配器等方面做出了创新。
French composer, performer, teacher and
[...] ornithologist, Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992), [...]
developed an original and unique style which
included innovations in harmony and melody in rhythm, colour and orchestration.
奥利维尔·梅西 安经常被认为是二十世纪第二位最重要的法国作曲家,是该世纪中全世界最具影响的 [...]
Olivier Messiaen is often regarded [...]
as the second most important French composer of the twentieth century and one of the
most influential composers of the century in any country.
調查小組亦徵詢其他專家的意 見,並借助香港大學及西蘭梅西大 學 傳染病學中心(Massey University [...]
The Investigation Team also sought views of other
experts and drew on the studies conducted by the University of Hong Kong and
[...] Massey University EpiCentre of New Zealand.
安托瓦内特耕(弗朗西丝·康罗伊),Despereaux的母亲试图向运行通过到停止的鼠标委员会发送Despereaux进地牢,但莱斯特(威 廉 H . 梅西 ) ,安托瓦内特的丈夫,抓住她的胳膊,因为他关心更多关于鼠标会比他约Despereaux。
Antoinette Tilling (Frances Conroy), Despereaux’s mother tries to run through to stop the Mouse Council from sending Despereaux into the dungeon, but Lester (William H. Macy), Antoinette’s husband, grabs her by the arm, because he cares more about the Mouse Council than he does about Despereaux.
我们强烈谴责克罗地亚总统斯捷潘· 梅西 奇先 生危险的武力恫吓和鼓动战争言论。
We strongly condemn the dangerous sabre-rattling and war-mongering statement of the Croatian President, Mr. Stjepan Mesić.
除了是与一群记者的非正式谈话外 梅西 奇 总统措词选用的是表明条件的时 态,即他推测如果发生另一个事件——塞族共和国实际脱离独立而又得到国际公 认的波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,并且并入塞尔维亚共和国——就有可能出现事端。
In addition to the fact that he was speaking informally to a group of journalists, President Mesić formulated his words in the conditional tense, i.e., he was speculating about something that might happen in the case of another event — the concrete secession of Republika Srpska from independent and internationally recognized Bosnia and Herzegovina, and its annexation to the Republic of Serbia.
我谨强调指出克罗地亚共和国感到遗憾的是,塔迪奇总统决定利用科索沃特 派团问题辩论会之际对克罗地亚共和国总统斯捷 潘 · 梅西 奇 先 生在新年媒体招待 会非正式谈话中提到邻国波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那解体可能产生的后果的说法作 出反应,这显然是毫无道理的。
I would like to stress that the Republic of Croatia regrets that President Tadić decided to use the occasion of the debate on UNMIK to deliver an unfounded response to the words of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Mr. Stjepan Mesić, about the possible consequences of the disintegration of neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina, uttered in an informal conversation during a New Year’s reception for the media.
[...] 童基金亲善大使成龙、安热莉克·基乔、优素·恩杜尔和莱昂内 尔 · 梅西 、 联合 国和平使者 Stevie Wonder [...]
和 Haya Bint Al Hussein 公主问 YouTube 观众如何 让我们的世界成为一个“更好、更安全的地方”,在活动过程中,有超过
56 000 人次观看这一视频。
Call-for-entry videos in English, French and Spanish featuring the SecretaryGeneral, United Nations Children’s Fund Goodwill Ambassadors
Jackie Chan, Angélique Kidjo, Youssou
[...] N’Dour and Lionel Messi and United Nations [...]
Messengers of Peace Stevie Wonder and
Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein asked YouTube viewers how to make our world a “better, safer place” and were viewed over 56,000 times during the campaign.
不过,我们可以肯定的是梅西和公 司都不会轻易放弃并认输。
But we are quite sure Messi and company won’t [...]
give up and throw in the towel easily.
如果说加泰罗尼亚人的比赛失利是由 梅西 的 话 ,这样指责对他而言是不公平的,如果他的队友发挥失常又或者没能给他很好的支持呢。
The Catalans race to Messi’s beat and it [...]
would be unfair to blame him for their current woes if some of his teammates play
below par and fail to provide him the needed backup.
他目前荣任联合国儿童基金会全球亲善大使,并在2007年为弱势儿童创建 梅西 基 金 会,协助他们获得教育与医疗照护。
He currently serves as a UNICEF global goodwill ambassador, and in 2007
[...] created the Leo Messi Foundation for [...]
disadvantaged children in order to give them
access to education and health.
像泰格•伍兹、安德烈•阿加西、姚明、罗里•麦克罗伊、莱昂内尔 梅西 和 威 廉姐妹都书写了同样的画卷——才华横溢的神童们成为了各自运动领域中最年轻、薪酬最高的职业明星。
Icons like Tiger Woods, Andre Agassi, Yao Ming, Rory
[...] McIlroy, Lionel Messi and the Williams [...]
sisters all paint the same picture: child
prodigy with stand-out talent goes on to be the youngest/highest paid star in their respective sport.
彼 亦 於
[...] 一 九 九 九 年 獲西 蘭 梅 西 大 學( Massey University [...]
)頒 發 工 商 管 理 碩 士 學 位,主 修 金 融 學。
She also obtained a master degree in business administration in finance
[...] from Massey University in New Zealand in 1999.
Bazaarvoice 是一家领先的社交软件公司,致力于将顾客的声音传达到企业的业务策略中心,目前在全球拥有 700 多家客户,其中包括百思买、Costco、戴尔 梅西 百 货 、宝洁、松下、QVC 和 USAA 等。
Bazaarvoice, a leading social software company, brings the voice of customers to the center of business strategy for more than 700 clients globally like Best Buy, Costco, Dell, Macy's, P&G, Panasonic, QVC, and USAA.
梅西百貨 國際顧客優惠卡,您可以在30天內享受購物10%折扣優惠,持卡人必須 梅西 百 貨連鎖店親自兌換優惠。優惠不適用於日常廉價品(EDV)、特價或超值商品、家具、床墊、地板鋪裝、地毯、電器/電子產品、化妝品、香水以及特許櫃檯。
Macy’s International Visitor Savings Card entitles you to 10% off merchandise purchases for 30 days and must be redeemed in person at any Macy’s. EXCLUDES: Everyday Values (EDV), specials, super buys; furniture, mattresses, floor coverings, rugs, electrics/electronics; cosmetics, fragrances, selected licensed Depts.
梅西式糕 點一向備受大眾歡迎,來自奧地利的資深餅師 Güenther Wolfsgruber悉心烘焙出獨一無二的糕點,包括誘人的「士多啤梨及菠蘿慕絲海綿蛋糕」、味道清新的「栗子忌廉及薑啫喱栗子海綿蛋糕」以及“芝”味人生濃味芝士餅等。
Choose from an assortment of cakes or select a favorite flavor, as all have been uniquely prepared and baked by MGM Macau's pastry chef GüntherWolfsburger using the finest and freshest ingredients.
由世界足球先梅西代言 的Adidas已经深深在消费者心目中刻上了足球的印记,近期一系列的品牌活动更是加深了这一概念,并通过强调其品牌差异,品牌相关性,品牌美誉度,和品牌知识来强化阿迪达斯的品牌资产。
Adidas brand is already strongly associated with football, and such activities strengthen the link.
2008 年 7 月 13 日至 15 日在里斯本梅西 奥广场举行,参展者包括来自各行政区的公共机构和民间社会,大约有 80 个民 间社会政治参展。
It took place from the 13th to the 15th July 2008 at the Praca do Comércio in Lisbon, involving public institutions and the civil society, around 80 civil society organisations, from the various areas of discrimination.
梅西埃公 司是赛峰集团飞机刹车领域的专家,是波音和空客的合作伙伴,为100座以上商用飞机、军用运输机(C-17, [...]
A400M, KC-135)、战斗机(幻影2000和阵风战斗机)、支线飞机及公务机(ATR72通勤者涡桨飞机、猎鹰公务机及 Learjet
Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, the [...]
Safran group’s aircraft braking specialist, Airbus and Boeing partner, provides wheels and carbon
brakes for mainline commercial jets (over 100 seats), as well as military tankers (C-17, A400M, KC-135) and combat aircraft (Mirage 2000 and Rafale fighters), and also regional and business aircraft (ATR 72 turboprop commuter, Falcon and Learjet 85 bizjets), and helicopters.
宴会厅, 布罗德里克, 康罗伊, 黑暗时代, 永恒的黑暗, 饥荒, 愁云, 争夺, 人类同伴, 孤独的公主, 梅西, 暴跌, 公主豌豆, 大鼠世界, 婢女, 纯粹的恐怖, 船舶航行, 一碗汤
banquet room, broderick, conroy, dark ages, eternal darkness, famine, gloom, grabs, human companion, lonely princess, macy, plunges, princess pea, rat world, servant girl, sheer terror, ship sails, soup bowl
本尼尼奥·西梅翁·阿 基诺三世总统领导的新政 府将进一步采取步骤与措施,落实一项确保保护处于 [...]
The new Administration of
[...] President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III will [...]
take further steps and measures to implement a long-lasting
solution in ensuring the protection of children in difficult circumstances.
果泥(fruit puree)(例如芒果泥西梅泥)的 製法跟製造 果肉相同,但果泥的質地較幼滑及幼細,而且可作為糕餅的餡料,但並不 [...]
Fruit puree
[...] (e.g. mango puree, prune puree) is produced [...]
in the same way, but has a smoother, finer texture, and may be used
as fillings for pastries, but is not limited to this use.
在其目前的形式核准父亲名单包括塞浦路斯,格雷戈里nazianzen,罗勒,亚他那修,金口,西奥菲勒斯,希拉里的亚历山德里亚(在一个想要手稿),刘汉铨,奥古斯丁,杰罗姆,繁荣,狮子座 西 里 尔(“每一丝一毫的”到弗拉维安 梅 是 根 据诅咒接受),和“的论文也对所有东正教神父,谁偏离在从神圣罗马教会的团契什么,并没有从她的信心和说教分离,但通过参与者神的恩典,直到他们在她的共融生活的结束,也是法令的信件,其中最幸运教皇在不同时代赋予不同的父亲咨询时,要与崇拜“收到。
In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of Alexandria (wanting in one manuscript),
Ambrose, Augustine,
[...] Jerome, Prosper, Leo ("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to be accepted under anathema), [...]
and "also the
treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated in nothing from the fellowship of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the grace of God until the end of their life in her communion; also the decretal letters, which most blessed popes have given at various times when consulted by various Fathers, are to be received with veneration".
牛蒡粉末:促進消化的傳統成西梅粉: 富含抗氧化物,有助改善輕微排便問題 朝鮮薊粉:促進肝臟健康的傳統成份 山竹果粉:藤黃屬倒捻子 (Garcinia mangostana) 於東南亞熱帶雨林培育。
Mangosteen fruit powder: Garcinia mangostana is cultivated in the tropical rainforests of some Southeast Asia.
贝尼尼奥·西梅翁- 阿基诺三世于2010年6 月走马上任,提出了一项称为 《与菲律宾人民的社会契约》的16 [...]
点议程,确认了进一步增进和保护人权的关 键领域。
President Benigno Simeon Aquino III assumed [...]
office in June 2010 and outlined a 16-point agenda known as the Social Contract
with the Filipino People that identifies critical areas that advance the promotion and protection of human rights.
根据安全理事会第 1973(2011)号决议,参加对利比亚军事行动的国家应当与 秘书长密切协调其行动,并立即向其通报他们为实施该决议正在采取的措施;有 鉴于此,国家杜马请俄罗斯联邦总 梅 德 韦 杰夫指示外交部继续在安全理事会作 出一切可能的努力,确保在执行有关利比亚的决议时,严格遵行所宣称的人道主 义目标、《联合国宪章》和国际法公认的原则及准则。
Taking into account that, pursuant to Security Council resolution 1973 (2011), the States taking part in the military operation against Libya shall coordinate their actions closely with the Secretary-General and inform him immediately of the measures they are taking to implement the resolution, the State Duma requests President Medvedev of the Russian Federation to instruct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue to make every possible effort in the Security Council to ensure that its implementation of the resolutions concerning Libya is strictly in keeping with the stated humanitarian goals, the Charter of the United Nations and the generally accepted principles and norms of international law.
专家组有文件证明,2009 年塞尔日·梅尔·美 莱杰被任命为黑石物流公司和 [...]
乌阿兹-CI 公司总经理(见附件 21);不过,美莱杰的真正角色是兑现科特迪瓦国 库开具的支票,同时保留支票金额的 0.05%-0.08%作为个人佣金(见附件 22)。
As documented by the Group,
[...] in 2009 Serge Mel Meledje was appointed [...]
Managing Director of Darkwood Logistics and UAZ-CI (see
annex 21); however, Mr. Meledje’s real role was to cash cheques issued by the Treasury, keeping a personal commission of 0.05 to 0.08 per cent of the amount of the cheques (see annex 22).
在这一方面,法律顾问通知我,在提名候选人的 规定期限之后,若干国家团体提交了下列额外提名 (所有提名均与文件 A/66/182、A/66/183 和 A/66/184 所列其他国家团体已经提名的候选人有关):也已经 由马耳他国家团体提名的茨韦塔纳· 卡 梅 诺 娃(保加 利亚);也已经由马耳他国家团体提名的阿卜杜 勒·科罗马(塞拉利昂);也已经由哥伦比亚、刚果 民主共和国、萨尔瓦多、印度、列支敦士登、马耳 他和罗马尼亚等国家团体提名的小和田恒(日本);也 已经由罗马尼亚国家团体提名的朱立亚·塞布庭德 (乌干达);也已经由列支敦士登和罗马尼亚国家团体 提名的彼得·通卡(斯洛伐克);以及也已经由印度、 列支敦士登和罗马尼亚国家团体提名的薛捍勤(中 国)。
In that connection, the Legal Counsel has informed me that, after the established deadline for nominating candidates, the following additional submissions were received from several national groups, all of which relate to the candidates already nominated by other national groups appearing in documents A/66/182, A/66/183 and A/66/184: Tsvetana Kamenova (Bulgaria) has been nominated also by the national group of Malta; Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone) has been nominated also by the national group of Malta; Mr. Hisashi Owada (Japan) has been nominated also by the national groups of Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, India, Liechtenstein, Malta and Romania; Julia Sebutinde (Uganda) has been nominated also by the national group Romania; Peter Tomka (Slovakia) has been nominated also by the national groups of Liechtenstein and Romania; and Xue Hanqin (China) has been nominated also by the national groups of India, Liechtenstein and Romania.




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