

单词 梅瑟

See also:

Japanese apricot (Prunus mume)
plum flower
surname Mei

External sources (not reviewed)

格陵兰的伊路利萨特冰湾(40 240公顷)位于格陵兰岛西岸,北极圈以北250公里,是少数几个通过格陵兰冰冠入海的冰河之瑟梅库雅雷哥(Sermeq Kujalleq)的出海口。
Located on the west coast of Greenland, 250 km north of the Arctic Circle, Greenland’s Ilulissat Icefjord (40,240 ha) is the sea mouth of Sermeq Kujalleq, one of the few glaciers through which the Greenland ice cap reaches the sea.
这里是世界上最古老文明的发源地之一,其历史和神话产生出众多难忘的旅游名胜:罗马要塞、641 座城堡、数不胜数的与魔法着渊源的名胜。
The history and myths of one of the world's oldest civilisations have created an unforgettable
range of sights to explore; Roman forts, 641 castles, and countless sights
[...] linked to Kind Arthur and Merlin the magician.
It annually calves over 35 km3 of ice, i.e. 10% of the production of all Greenland calf ice and more than any other glacier outside Antarctica.
During Dr. Crouthamel’s visit, he met with the U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia who expressed that the NOAA project was the first US-sponsored program in three years that was not associated with drug interdiction.
2011 年论坛主席 Eduard Gnesa 大使宣布 2011 年论坛的最后辩论开始,与会 者还包括:瑞士联邦司法和警务部部长、联邦委员 Simonetta Sommaruga
女士; 联合国主管政策协调和机构间事务助理秘书长托马斯·施特尔策先生;负责国际
[...] 移徙与发展问题的秘书长特别代表彼得·士;代表全球移徙问题小组出 席会议的联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)社会科学及人文科学部门 [...]
助理总干事 Pilar
Alvarez-Laso 女士;以及,亚洲移徙论坛区域协调员兼 2011 年 论坛“民间社会日”主席 William Gois 先生。
The 2011 Forum concluding debate was opened by the Chair of the 2011 Forum, Ambassador Eduard Gnesa, in the presence of the head of Switzerland’s Federal Department of Justice and Police, Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga; the Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs; the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General for International Migration and
[...] Development, Peter Sutherland; the Assistant [...]
Director for the Social and Human Sciences,
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Pilar Alvarez-Laso, representing the Global Migration Group; and the Regional Coordinator of the Migrant Forum in Asia and Chair of the 2011 Forum Civil Society Days, William Gois.
[...] 动力的源泉,这将指导他整个任期内的工作,并将使 他得以巩固倍受尊敬的前任·戴斯先生取得的 重要成就。
We firmly believe that the leadership of the President-elect’s country will be a source of inspiration and motivation that will guide him throughout his
term of office and will enable him to consolidate the significant achievements of esteemed
[...] predecessor,Mr. Joseph Deiss.
在这一方面,法律顾问通知我,在提名候选人的 规定期限之后,若干国家团体提交了下列额外提名 (所有提名均与文件 A/66/182、A/66/183 和 A/66/184 所列其他国家团体已经提名的候选人有关):也已经 由马耳他国家团体提名的茨韦塔纳·(保加 利亚);也已经由马耳他国家团体提名的阿卜杜 勒·科罗马(塞拉利昂);也已经由哥伦比亚、刚果 民主共和国、萨尔瓦多、印度、列支敦士登、马耳 他和罗马尼亚等国家团体提名的小和田恒(日本);也 已经由罗马尼亚国家团体提名的朱立亚·塞布庭德 (乌干达);也已经由列支敦士登和罗马尼亚国家团体 提名的彼得·通卡(斯洛伐克);以及也已经由印度、 列支敦士登和罗马尼亚国家团体提名的薛扞勤(中 国)。
In that connection, the Legal Counsel has informed me that, after the established deadline for nominating candidates, the following additional submissions were received from several national groups, all of which relate to the candidates already nominated by other national groups appearing in documents A/66/182, A/66/183 and A/66/184: Tsvetana Kamenova (Bulgaria) has been nominated also by the national group of Malta; Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone) has been nominated also by the national group of Malta; Mr. Hisashi Owada (Japan) has been nominated also by the national groups of Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, India, Liechtenstein, Malta and Romania; Julia Sebutinde (Uganda) has been nominated also by the national group Romania; Peter Tomka (Slovakia) has been nominated also by the national groups of Liechtenstein and Romania; and Xue Hanqin (China) has been nominated also by the national groups of India, Liechtenstein and Romania.
根据安全理事会第 1973(2011)号决议,参加对利比亚军事行动的国家应当与 秘书长密切协调其行动,并立即向其通报他们为实施该决议正在采取的措施;有 鉴于此,国家杜马请俄罗斯联邦总杰夫指示外交部继续在安全理事会作 出一切可能的努力,确保在执行有关利比亚的决议时,严格遵行所宣称的人道主 义目标、《联合国宪章》和国际法公认的原则及准则。
Taking into account that, pursuant to Security Council resolution 1973 (2011), the States taking part in the military operation against Libya shall coordinate their actions closely with the Secretary-General and inform him immediately of the measures they are taking to implement the resolution, the State Duma requests President Medvedev of the Russian Federation to instruct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue to make every possible effort in the Security Council to ensure that its implementation of the resolutions concerning Libya is strictly in keeping with the stated humanitarian goals, the Charter of the United Nations and the generally accepted principles and norms of international law.
In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of Alexandria (wanting in one manuscript), Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, Prosper, Leo ("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to be accepted under anathema), and "also the treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated in nothing from the fellowship of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the grace of God until the end of their life in her communion; also the decretal letters, which most blessed popes have given at various times when consulted by various Fathers, are to be received with veneration".
到 2004 年初,按照 32C/5 减少的实际零增长方案的人事费限额,将会出现这样的情 形 :五个多国办事处将至少在五个计划部门各有一名计划专家(阿皮亚、曼谷、金斯敦、 蒙得维的亚和圣24 个多国办事处都将有教育专家, 19 个多国办事处将配备科学专 家, 11 个多国办事处将配备社会科学专家, 23 个多国办事处将配备文化专家, 24 个多国 办事处将配备传播与信息专家。
By the beginning of 2004, within the staff provisions of the reduced zero real growth scenario of document 32 C/5, the situation would be as follows: five cluster offices will have at least one programme specialist from each of the five programme sectors (Apia, Bangkok, Kingston, Montevideo, San Jose); education specialists would be present in 24 cluster offices, science specialists – in 19 cluster offices, social sciences specialists in 11, culture specialists in 23, and communication and information specialists in 24 cluster offices.
作为布伊斯(Joseph Beuys)于20世纪60年代创立的社会雕塑流派的接班人,奥塔的作品,在某种意义上,是自身具备独特功能的艺术文物——这些令人痴迷的拼合艺术中,有料理台、净水装置、还有他们为2007年远征南极洲而创作的世界护照,此举也是他们为推动1948年版《世界人权宣言》第十三条的修订所作的努力之一。
As heirs to the practice of social sculpture,
[...] formulated by Joseph Beuys in the [...]
1960s, the Ortas’ works are, in a sense, relics
of their own function—beguiling assemblages that are the platform for the preparation of food, mechanisms that actually purify water, and the world passport that they created for their 2007 expedition to Antarctica, part of an effort to amend Article XIII of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
专家组有文件证明,2009 年塞尔··美莱杰被任命为黑石物流公司和 [...]
乌阿兹-CI 公司总经理(见附件 21);不过,美莱杰的真正角色是兑现科特迪瓦国 库开具的支票,同时保留支票金额的 0.05%-0.08%作为个人佣金(见附件 22)。
As documented by the Group,
[...] in 2009SergeMel Meledje was appointed [...]
Managing Director of Darkwood Logistics and UAZ-CI (see
annex 21); however, Mr. Meledje’s real role was to cash cheques issued by the Treasury, keeping a personal commission of 0.05 to 0.08 per cent of the amount of the cheques (see annex 22).




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