

单词 梅林



muslin or mousseline silk fabric

See also:

Japanese apricot (Prunus mume)
surname Mei
plum flower


forest n
woods pl

a collection (of similar things)
surname Lin
circle(s) (i.e. specific group of people)

External sources (not reviewed)

办事处与人口基金、儿童基金会及艾滋病规划署合作,实施 梅林 达 和比 尔·盖茨基金会资助的艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防教育项目。
In cooperation with UNFPA, UNICEF, and UNAIDS, the Office implements an HIV/AIDS prevention education project funded by the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.
戈什女士讨论了比尔梅林达·盖 茨基金会的活动,重点是努力帮助所有人 都能过上健康和有贡献的生活。
Ms. Ghosh discussed the activities of the Bill and Melinda Gates [...]
Foundation, which focused on working to help all people
lead healthy and productive lives.
在 4 月 12 日第 4 次会议上,约翰霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共健康学院教授 兼比尔梅林达盖 茨人口和生殖健康研究所主任 Amy Tsui 女士作为主旨发言人, 就“改善计划生育服务以实现人人生殖健康”这一主题在委员会发了言,并回答 了印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、肯尼亚、马来西亚、美利坚合众国和荷兰代 表以及挪威、丹麦和冈比亚观察员提出的问题。
At the 4th meeting, on 12 April, the keynote speaker, Amy Tsui, Professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, addressed the Commission on the theme “Improving family planning services to achieve universal reproductive health” and responded to questions raised by the representatives of Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, the United States of America and the Netherlands and by the observers for Norway, Denmark and the Gambia.
比尔梅林达·盖 茨基金会为一些重大卫生和技术举措提供资金。
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided funding for a number of high-profile health and technology initiatives.
不過,蕭邦(Chopard)將不惜一切證明他的手錶LUC的價值它的範圍是最負盛名的想法,加工和組裝的的工廠弗勒里耶 梅林 , 位於日內瓦附近。
But Chopard will stop at nothing to prove the value of his watches LUC Its range is the most prestigious thought, machined and assembled by members of the factories Fleurier and Meyrin, near Geneva.
答复中还有几项与下列组织建立新合作伙伴关系的建议:比尔 梅林 达 ·盖 茨基金 会、福特基金会、加乐福基金会、世界妇女大会、富布赖特奖学金、英国远程学习所、英联 邦学习组织、行动援助国际、拯救儿童基金、总部外宗教间对话网、阿拉伯教育、科学及文 化组织(ALESCO)和伊斯兰教育、科学及文化组织(ISESCO)。
Several proposals for new partnerships were contained in the responses: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Carrefour Foundation, the World Conference on Women, Fulbright Scholarships, the British Distance Learning Agency, the Commonwealth of Learning, Action Aid International, Save The Children, interreligious dialogue networks in the field, ALECSO and ISESCO.
其他为难民署方案作出重要贡献的还有:比尔 梅林 达 盖 茨基金会、阿拉伯 联合酋长国红新月会协会、谢赫·法蒂玛难民妇女基金、荷兰和瑞典邮编彩票、 联合国基金会、Lebara 基金会和威尔士王妃戴安娜纪念基金。
Other key contributors to UNHCR’s programmes included the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Society, the Sheikha Fatima Fund for Refugee Women, the Postcode Lottery in the Netherlands and Sweden, the United Nations Foundation, the Lebara Foundation, and the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund.
此类别下最大的三个捐助 方分别是欧洲联盟、比尔梅林达 ·盖 茨基金会和国际发展研究中 心(发研中心)。
The three largest contributors under this category were the European Union, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
项目厅还推广可再生能源技术,例如,以开发署和比尔·盖茨 梅林 达 ·盖 茨基金会的名义,在撒哈拉以南非洲实施的促进减贫的能源获取项目,该项目鼓 励利用植物油发动机代替柴油发动机,为小型农业企业提供动力。
Renewable energy technologies were also promoted, for example under an energy access project for poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa, on behalf of UNDP and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which encouraged the use of vegetable oil engines, instead of diesel engines, to power small agro-enterprises.
后者是以开发署和比尔·盖茨梅林达·盖 茨基金会的名义进行的,向农村地区输送电力,以建立妇女经营的 可持续农业企业。
The latter, conducted on behalf of UNDP and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, provided power to rural villages in order to establish sustainable agro-enterprises run by women.
除了公司伙伴关系外,难民署与主要的慈善基金会,如比尔 梅林 达 ·盖 茨基金 会、联合国基金会、若利·皮特基金会和霍华德·巴菲特基金会之间,以及与难民 署亲善大使之间的关系也带来了重要贡献和重大支持,并在宣传方面发挥了至关重 要的作用。
In addition to corporate partnerships, UNHCR’s relationships with major charitable foundations, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Foundation, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, and the Howard G. Buffet Foundation, as well as with the Office’s Goodwill Ambassadors, brought about important contributions and material support, and played a critical role in terms of advocacy.
私营部门在生产和销售粮食方面的作用得到公认; 特别提到目前正与比尔梅林达盖 茨基金会和洛克菲勒基金会以及联合国一道 努力,更好地让小农户进入市场,2008 年发展中国家的粮食收购预算为 10 亿美 元。
The role of the private sector in production and distribution of food was recognized; particular mention was made of current work with The Bill & Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations and the United Nations to better connect small farmers to markets, against the budget of US$ 1 billion of food purchase in developing countries in 2008.
人口基金积极参与非正式团体健康 8 的活动,该团体由在卫生领域非常活跃 的 8 个国际机构(卫生组织、儿童基金会、联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署(艾 滋病规划署)、世界银行、比尔梅林 达 ·盖 茨基金会、全球抗击艾滋病、结核 病和疟疾基金以及全球疫苗和免疫联盟)组成,旨在加强协调,特别是国家一级 的协调。
UNFPA is active in the H8, an informal group of eight international agencies active in the area of health (WHO, UNICEF, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the World Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), aimed at better coordination, particularly at the country level.
在巴基斯坦,联合国儿童基金会与该国政府和世界卫生组织合作,在国际扶轮社(Rotary International)、疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)、比尔 梅林 达 .盖 茨基金会、美国国际开发署和日本国际合作署的支持下,提供疫苗、进行媒体宣传、支持挨家挨户拜访,以推进疫苗接种。
In Pakistan, UNICEF works with the government and the World Health Organisation (WHO), with the support of Rotary International, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID and Japan International Cooperation Agency, to provide vaccines, engage with the media, and support door-to-door visits promoting immunization.
2010 年资发基金五个最大的捐助方是瑞典、澳大利亚、比利 时以及两个基金会(比尔梅林达·盖 茨基金会和万事达基金会)。
The five largest donors to UNCDF in 2010 were Sweden, Australia and Belgium and two foundations (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The MasterCard Foundation).
儿童基金会的主要捐助方有国际扶轮 社(4 800 万美元)、比尔梅林达·盖茨基金会(4 500 万美元)、免疫联盟全球 儿童疫苗基金(1 400 万美元)、加拿大微营养素倡议(1 100 万美元)和全球抗击 艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基金(620 万美元)。
Among the major contributors to UNICEF were Rotary International ($48 million), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ($45 million), GAVI Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines ($14 million), Canadian Micronutrient Initiative ($11 million) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria ($6.2 million).
[...] 织发展援助委员会主席埃克哈德·多伊切尔、比尔 梅林 达 ·盖 茨基金会发展融 资与政策高级项目官员加奇·戈什、非洲联盟委员会主席让·平、国际行动组织 [...]
Statements were made by the panellists: Bader Al Dafa, Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia; Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani, President of the Islamic Development Bank; Eckard Deutscher, Chair of the Development Assistance Committee of the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
[...] Development; Gargee Ghosh, Senior Program [...]
Officer for Development Finance and Policy
of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Jean Ping, Chairperson of the African Union Commission; and Sam Worthington, President and CEO of InterAction.
卫生组织和世界银行与作为伙伴的比尔 梅林 达· 盖茨基金会、联合王国国际发展部以及威廉·克林顿基金会资助了一个支持 非洲统一药品登记倡议的财团,旨在帮助非洲国家通过区域经济共同体一级的区 域统一和能力建设来建立有效的药品登记制度。
In partnership with the
[...] Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Kingdom Department for International Development and the William J. Clinton Foundation, [...]
WHO and the World Bank
funded a consortium to support the African Medicines Registration Harmonization Initiative, which aims to help African countries to build effective medicine registration systems through regional harmonization and capacity-building at the regional economic community level.
[...] 一个气候卫星,这是一项甲烷遥感光探测和测距(激光雷达)飞行任务(梅 林”)
DLR and the French space agency, the Centre national d’études spatiales (CNES), are working
jointly to develop a climate satellite, the methane remote sensing light detection and
[...] ranging (Lidar) mission (Merlin).
[...] 86P高空轰炸机对英国本土发动新的攻势,急需发展一种新的“喷火”战斗机来拦截这些装备增压器的轰炸机,新机装备新型 梅林 ” Mk .6发动机。
Late in 1940, the RAF predicted that the advent of the pressurised Junkers Ju 86P bomber series over Britain would be the start of a new sustained high altitude bombing offensive by the Luftwaffe, in which
case development was put in hand for a pressurised version of the Spitfire, with a
[...] new version of the Merlin (the Mk VI).
目前網站內只包括五項人居署專案,不 梅林 強 調 至今年年底,所有自1月1日核可的專案內容都將上傳,其餘專案將在明年底之前悉數公開,他亦提到,網站將採每季更新,還會加入其他新文件等資源,例如藉由電子郵件達成的協議。
Currently, the site only hosts five UN-Habitat projects, but Melin said that by the end of 2012 all projects approved since January 1 will be added, and all remaining projects will be added by the end of 2013.
在英國,滙豐亦超越與政府達成 梅林 協 議 下的 放款目標,為中小企提供超過119 [...]
In the UK, we also
[...] exceeded our Project Merlin lending intentions, [...]
agreed with the government, by providing £11.9 billion in new lending to SMEs.
例如,与(美国)总统的艾滋病 紧急救援计划、音乐电视网(MTV)以及比尔 梅林 达 ·盖茨基金会合作,提出了 对肯尼亚、特立尼达和多巴哥以及乌克兰境内以媒体为主导的艾滋病毒信息干预 措施的评价。
Collaboration with the (United States) President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the television network MTV and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, for example, produced an evaluation of media-based HIV information interventions in Kenya, Trinidad and Tobago and Ukraine.8The results indicated that through exposure to the soap opera shows, young people reported higher levels of knowledge, increased intention to get tested for HIV and better attitudes about people living with HIV.
只有两名代表团成梅林达·泰勒女士和海伦·阿萨夫女 士起初被视为要接受审讯的嫌疑人;检察长办公室下令释放代表团另外 两名成员,不过,这两名成员决定声援同事,自愿与她们关在一起。
However, they decided voluntarily to remain out of solidarity with their colleagues.
網站上亦建置「舉發」功能,民眾若注意到人居署專案內,疑似出現貪污或經費用途不當情事,可選擇匿名或公開告發,人居署對外關係部門主 梅林 ( Thomas Melin)表示,舉發資訊將交給人居署,並組織特別委員會調查。
The site also features a “whistle-blower” function which enables people to report suspected corruption or mismanaged funds in connection with a UN-Habitat project, with the choice to remain anonymous.
2009 年其他政府间组织和非政府组织捐助了 3,183,770.76 美元, 占已收捐助总额的 20.1%,与 2008 年的 1,236,835.32 美元相比,增加了 157%,原因是一个新的 440 万美元的废品管理项目收到梅林达 ·盖 茨基 金会的初步捐款。
Other intergovernmental organizations and NGOs contributed $3,183,770.76, or 20.1 per cent, of the total funds received in 2009, representing a 157 per cent increase from $1,236,835.32 in 2008, owing to an initial contribution from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for a new $4.4 million project on waste management.
这里是世界上最古老文明的发源地之一,其历史和神话产生出众多难忘的旅游名胜:罗马要塞、641 座城堡、数不胜数的与亚瑟和魔法 梅林 有 着 渊源的名胜。
The history and myths of one of the world's oldest civilisations have created an unforgettable
range of sights to explore; Roman forts, 641 castles, and countless sights linked to
[...] Kind Arthur and Merlin the magician.
本次会议将汇集脊灰炎流行国家的元首、传统捐助者和新涌现的捐助者、比尔梅林达·盖 茨基金会比尔·盖茨以及根除世界各地脊灰炎行动的其他主要合作伙 伴。
The meeting will bring together Heads of State of polio-endemic countries, traditional and emerging donors, Bill Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other key partners in the fight to eradicate polio around the world.
萧邦位梅林(Meyr in)、普福尔茨海姆(Pforzheim)和弗勒里耶(Fleurier)的三处生产基地,现在已经成为延续技艺、培养专才的中心,汇聚了45个不同类别的工艺,充满活力与生机。
The three Chopard production sites in Meyrin, Pforzheim and Fleurier are dynamic and vibrant hubs where skills are handed down and expertise is cultivated and 45 different crafts are represented.




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