

单词 梅州



Meizhou prefecture level city in Guangdong province

See also:

plum flower
Japanese apricot (Prunus mume)
surname Mei

External sources (not reviewed)

此网络得到不梅州、建设和交通参议员支持,目前已包括 125 家公司。
This partnership is
[...] supported by the Bremen Senator for Environment, [...]
Construction and Transport and includes currently 125 companies.
他是联邦内政部行政程序法咨询委员会、莱因兰-普法尔茨州政府公共和 私营合作伙伴关系指导委员会、不梅州的社会和生态方面负责任的行政行 为咨询委员会等各种政府委员会的成员。
He is a member of various Government commissions and committees, such as the Advisory Board for Administrative Procedural Law at the Federal Ministry of the Interior; the Steering Committee for Public-Private Partnerships of theGovernment of Rheinland-Pfalz; and the Advisory Board for Socially and Ecologically Responsible Administrative Behaviour of the Government of Bremen.
1973 年,Schaefer 先生在纽州梅尔 (Melville) 办事处作为跟踪服务 [...]
(FUS) 部的一名员工开始了自己在 UL 的职业生涯。
Mr. Schaeferbegan hiscareerat UL in [...]
1973 at the Melville, New York office, as a member of the Follow-Up Services (FUS) Department.
1965 年,Mader 先生作为助理工程师加入 UL 纽州梅尔办事处的电气部,并由此开始了他在 UL 的职业生涯。
Mr. Mader began his career at UL in 1965 as an assistant engineer in the Electrical Department at UL's Melville, New Yorkoffice.
我们位於北卡罗莱州梅(Maiden) 的全新数据中心,建筑设计具能源效益又环保,充分显示了我们减低各项设施对环境影响的决心。
Our new data centre in Maiden, North Carolina, demonstrates our commitment to reducing the environmental impact of our facilities through energy-efficient, green building design.
5 在位于美国亚利桑州梅空军研究实验室的培训设施 中,工作人员为一个显示屏安装了 [...]
13 台投影机。
5 The training facilities at the Air Force Research
[...] Labs in Meza, Arizona, US,features [...]
13 projectors for a single display.
1993 年,时任主管印第安人事务助理部长的 Ada Deer (一名来自威斯康州梅尼 印第安部落的妇女)对印第安土着部落进行了最权威的清点。
The most definitive listing of Alaska Native tribes was undertaken by then Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, Ada Deer (a woman from the Menominee Indian Tribe in the state of Wisconsin), in 1993.
按照 2006 年 7 月 17 日第 2006/231 号共和国总统令,喀麦隆第一次任命两 位女性担任中部省梅福-阿范州梅以及南部省姆维拉州 Mengong 区的专区 区长。
99. Under Presidential Decree No. 2006/231 of 17 July 2006, two women were appointed sub-prefects (in the districts of Mfou, Mefou Afamba department, Province of Centre, and of Mengong, Mvila department, Province of Sud) for the first time in Cameroon.
Kenneth Shadlen 着,“世贸组织和其他组织中促进发展的政策空间:知识产权方面”,全球发 展和环境研究所工作文件,No.05-06(马萨诸州梅:塔夫茨大学,2005 年)。
Kenneth Shadlen, “Policy space for development in the WTO and beyond: the case of intellectual property rights”, Global Development and Environment Institute Working Paper, No. 05-06(Medford, Massachusetts: Tufts University, 2005).
但即使是训诂精神有轻微的让步使这些翻译向现代给宿舍罪行一些,一个对手圣经房子,Orthodoxe Israelitische比贝尔- Anstalt,成立,其中,根据我们的基础州梅堡的“哈Ketab - haḲabbalah“(莱比锡,1839年),制作注释)(ib.第1865犹太传统翻译圣经严格的路线上。
But even the slight concessions made in these translations to the modern exegetical spirit gave offense in some quarters; a rival Bible-house, the Orthodoxe Israelitische Bibel-Anstalt, was established, which, on the basis of JZ Mecklenburg's "Ha-Ketab we-haḲabbalah" (Leipsic, 1839), produced a translation of the Bible strictly on the lines of Jewish traditional exegesis (ib. 1865).
Hummel 拥有马萨诸州梅塔夫斯学院的国际关系学士学位,之后继续在本校的弗莱彻法律和外交学院学习,获得法律与外交专业硕士学位。
Hummel holds a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from Tufts University and a Master's degree in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Medford, MA.
在这一方面,法律顾问通知我,在提名候选人的 规定期限之后,若干国家团体提交了下列额外提名 (所有提名均与文件 A/66/182、A/66/183 和 A/66/184 所列其他国家团体已经提名的候选人有关):也已经 由马耳他国家团体提名的茨韦塔纳·(保加 利亚);也已经由马耳他国家团体提名的阿卜杜 勒·科罗马(塞拉利昂);也已经由哥伦比亚、刚果 民主共和国、萨尔瓦多、印度、列支敦士登、马耳 他和罗马尼亚等国家团体提名的小和田恒(日本);也 已经由罗马尼亚国家团体提名的朱立亚·塞布庭德 (乌干达);也已经由列支敦士登和罗马尼亚国家团体 提名的彼得·通卡(斯洛伐克);以及也已经由印度、 列支敦士登和罗马尼亚国家团体提名的薛扞勤(中 国)。
In that connection, the Legal Counsel has informed me that, after the established deadline for nominating candidates, the following additional submissions were received from several national groups, all of which relate to the candidates already nominated by other national groups appearing in documents A/66/182, A/66/183 and A/66/184: Tsvetana Kamenova (Bulgaria) has been nominated also by the national group of Malta; Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone) has been nominated also by the national group of Malta; Mr. Hisashi Owada (Japan) has been nominated also by the national groups of Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, India, Liechtenstein, Malta and Romania; Julia Sebutinde (Uganda) has been nominated also by the national group Romania; Peter Tomka (Slovakia) has been nominated also by the national groups of Liechtenstein and Romania; and Xue Hanqin (China) has been nominated also by the national groups of India, Liechtenstein and Romania.
根据安全理事会第 1973(2011)号决议,参加对利比亚军事行动的国家应当与 秘书长密切协调其行动,并立即向其通报他们为实施该决议正在采取的措施;有 鉴于此,国家杜马请俄罗斯联邦总杰夫指示外交部继续在安全理事会作 出一切可能的努力,确保在执行有关利比亚的决议时,严格遵行所宣称的人道主 义目标、《联合国宪章》和国际法公认的原则及准则。
Taking into account that, pursuant to Security Council resolution 1973 (2011), the States taking part in the military operation against Libya shall coordinate their actions closely with the Secretary-General and inform him immediately of the measures they are taking to implement the resolution, the State Duma requests President Medvedev of the Russian Federation to instruct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue to make every possible effort in the Security Council to ensure that its implementation of the resolutions concerning Libya is strictly in keeping with the stated humanitarian goals, the Charter of the United Nations and the generally accepted principles and norms of international law.
In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of Alexandria (wanting in one manuscript), Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, Prosper, Leo ("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to be accepted under anathema), and "also the treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated in nothing from the fellowship of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the grace of God until the end of their life in her communion; also the decretal letters, which most blessed popes have given at various times when consulted by various Fathers, are to be received with veneration".
专家组有文件证明,2009 年塞尔··美莱杰被任命为黑石物流公司和 [...]
乌阿兹-CI 公司总经理(见附件 21);不过,美莱杰的真正角色是兑现科特迪瓦国 库开具的支票,同时保留支票金额的 0.05%-0.08%作为个人佣金(见附件 22)。
As documented by the Group,
[...] in 2009SergeMel Meledje was appointed [...]
Managing Director of Darkwood Logistics and UAZ-CI (see
annex 21); however, Mr. Meledje’s real role was to cash cheques issued by the Treasury, keeping a personal commission of 0.05 to 0.08 per cent of the amount of the cheques (see annex 22).
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统,
[...] 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management
System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at
[...] the district and oblastlevel.
[...] 学,采用实用的动手学习方法教授科学和数学,与尼日利亚科学和数学教师协会合作鼓励采 用创新的教学法,以及对几施加影响促使它们对的科学教育给予更有力的 支持方面,起到了推动作用。
Monitoring and evaluation reports suggest that the project has served a useful purpose in popularizing science, in the adoption of a practical hands-on approach to teaching of science and mathematics, in stimulating innovative teaching methods in collaboration with the associations of science and
mathematics teachers in
[...] Nigeria and in influencing several state governments to provide better support [...]
to science education in their schools.
从 2010/11 年度拟议预算(A/64/632)第五节 B 部 分提供的资料中,行预咨委会注意到,鉴于联苏特派团在整个任务区执行各项建 设项目的时限、其有限的能力以及旱季进行任何施工时间较短等因素,特派团决 定先兴建一些永久建筑物,以应付因部队重组而来到区总部的工作人员的住宿需 求以及增多的实务人员,然后再替换任何现有的硬墙宿舍。
The Committee notes from the information provided in section V.B of the proposed budget for 2010/11 (A/64/632) that, given the time frame for UNMIS to implement the various construction projects throughout the Mission area, the limited capacity and the short time frame available during the dry season to undertake any construction work, the Mission determined that permanent structures would be built to cater for any shortfalls in accommodation requirements for staff in sector headquarters as a result of the reconfiguration of military units and the additional presence of substantive personnel at the state level, before any replacement of existing hard-wall accommodation.
委员会第四次会议审议了项目 5.6,同时重点关注了建立三个中心的建议--即关于设立地区水下考古中心 (克罗地亚扎达尔)的建议;关于在中国建立亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心的建议;以及关于在阿贝奥库 塔城奥卢塞贡·奥巴桑乔总统图书馆建立非洲文化与国际交流研究所(尼日利亚奥建议。
At its fourth meeting, the Commission examined item 5.6 focusing simultaneously on the proposal to create the three centres: Proposal for the establishment of a regional centre for underwater archaeology (Zadar, Croatia); Proposal for the establishment in China of a world heritage training and research institute for the Asia and the Pacific region; Proposal for the establishment of an institute for African culture and international understanding at the Olusegun Obasanjo presidential library in Abeokuta (Ogun State, Nigeria).




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