

单词 梁的

See also:

surname Liang
beam of roof
name of Kingdoms and Dynasties at different periods

External sources (not reviewed)

阿尔及利亚对于结果文件表示失 望,因为它与过去一年里建立梁的 努 力 不相称。
It expressed disappointment at the outcome document as not doing justice to the efforts of bridge-building made over the past year.
在此背景下,将对作为国家和全球层面 之的桥梁的区域 主义的作用进行审查。
In this context, the role of regionalism as a bridge between the national and global spheres will be examined.
可变性也得到保证:大型多点传感非接触式找 梁的 每一个传感器都能够随着衡梁移动,从而适应各种工 况 。
Variability is also assured: the individual sensors of the Big MultiPlex Ski can be moved along the beam to optimally adapt to any job site.
为了保护建筑上裸露的边缘,带夹具扶手 S 可以轻松连接到木工梁的任何点上。
For safeguarding exposed edges on buildings, the Handrail clamp S can easily be attached to any point on a timber formwork beam.
因此,建議措施的目標,是加強區議會作為政府在地區事務方面 的主要顧問和政府與公眾溝的橋 梁的 基 本 角色,以及使區議會能更 積極參與部門在地區層面的工作並發揮其影響力。
The thrust of the proposed measures is, therefore, to enhance the fundamental role of the DCs as Government’s key advisers on district affairs and communication channel with the public, as well as to enhance their participation in and ability to influence the work of departments at the district level.
这样的项目应当 被看作传播、相互充实和在以色列和巴勒斯坦知识分子和学术困体之间建立 梁的 重 要手 段。
Such projects should be seen as important tools for communication, mutual enrichment and bridgebuilding between Israeli and Palestinian intellectual and academic communities.
相反,可持续发展不仅是在经济、社会和 环境议程之间,而且是在发达国家和发展中国家之间、各国政府、企业和民间社 会之间以及今世和后代之间消除分歧和构筑 梁的 途 径
Rather, sustainable development is a way of transcending divisions and building bridges, not only between economic, social, and environmental agendas, but equally between developed and developing countries, between Governments, business and civil society, and between the present and future generations.
票站調查顯示,同區中,梁國雄和鄭經翰的支持者最不滿意特區政府 梁的 支 持 者更是最多人參加七一遊行的組群。
From the results of the exit polls, the
[...] supporters of Leung and Cheng are [...]
the most dissatisfied group with the Hong Kong SAR government.
这就是它为何难以持 续的理由,这也就是我们为何现在必须找到勇气,力 行克制,重新建立沟的桥梁的理由
That is why it is unsustainable, and why we must now find the courage to harness the forces of moderation and rebuild bridges.
巴基斯坦代表团向论坛通报说,作为在相关的欧亚会议上所作决 定的后续跟进行动,巴基斯坦计划于 2010 年 4 月间由其交通部在伊斯兰堡 主办一个称作“欧亚陆路连通梁” 的 专 家 级会议。
The delegation of Pakistan informed the Forum that, as a follow-up to the decision taken in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the Government of Pakistan planned to host an expert-level conference on a “Eurasian Land Bridge” at Islamabad in April 2010 under the aegis of the Ministry of Communication.
特里敲小丑的欢乐蜂鸣器的控制,破 梁的 制 导 系统,使其头的工厂。
Terry knocks the Joker’s joy buzzer into the controls, destroying the beam’s guidance system, causing it to head to the factory.
(a) 设施和基础设施(9 476 400 美元),主要是由于朱巴的“联合国之家” 建设计划所需经费减少,维修服务费用降低,发电机更换和住宿设备所需经费减 少,以及安保和安全装备更换方面的所需费用减少,但下列方面的所需经费增加 对此有所抵消:主要是安保服务外包以及设施的改建和翻修,包括道路和 梁的 修缮 、机场、直升机停机坪的维修以及位于联苏特派团当前地点的朱巴后勤基地 的扩建
(a) Facilities and infrastructure ($9,476,400), due mainly to reduced requirements in the construction programme of the United Nations House in Juba, lower maintenance services costs, lower requirements for the replacement of generators and for accommodation equipment and lower requirements in connection with the replacement of security and safety equipment, offset by additional requirements primarily for the outsourcing of security services and for the alteration and renovation of facilities, including repair of roads and bridges, airfield and helipad maintenance and extension of the Juba logistics base at the current UNMIS location
2007 年 3
[...] 月,新闻学会的代表出席了在教科文组织总部举行的关于“不同文化和 文明对话:人权与道德价值观之的 桥 梁 ” 的 研 讨 会。
In March 2007, an IPI representative
[...] attended a seminar at UNESCO headquarters [...]
on “dialogue of cultures and civilizations:
a bridge between human rights and moral values”.
我们充分认识到,阿富汗的经济活力取决于 它能否更充分地融入周边地区,从而恢复它作为南 亚、中亚、中东和欧亚大陆之间 梁的 历 史 作用。
We are fully cognizant that the economic viability of Afghanistan depends on its fuller integration into its neighbourhood so that it can regain its historical role as a land bridge between South Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and Eurasia.
呼吁加强区域经济合作进程,包括采取措施促进区域贸易和便利过境, 增加外来投资和发展基础设施,包括能源供应和综合边境管理,同时注意到阿富 汗在历史上起到的亚洲陆地梁的作用
Calls for the strengthening of the process of regional economic cooperation, including measures to facilitate regional trade and transit, increase foreign investments and develop infrastructure, including energy supply and integrated border management, noting Afghanistan’s historical role as a land bridge in Asia
整个梁的重量 由一个免维护的推力关节轴承支撑,力矩由两个向心关节轴承承担,这都是由我们宽泛的免维护轴承系列提供。
The entire weight of the bridge [...]
is supported by one maintenance-free axial spherical plain bearing and the moment loads
are supported by two radial spherical bearings from our large bearing range that are also maintenance-free.
铭记人民、国家、文化和个人之间的友谊能够激励和平努力并提供社区间架 设梁的机会,尊重文化多样性
Bearing in mind that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and presents an opportunity to build bridges between communities, honouring cultural diversity
在加强社会变革管理计划作为研究和政策制定之 的 桥 梁的 作 用方 面,此文件提出了两个重要目标。
The paper suggested two major objectives in the context of reinforcing MOST’s role as a bridge between research and policy.
[...] 还为在全球层面表述区域性关切和优先事项提供了一个重要手段,并 在全球、区域和国家议程之间扮演了 梁的 角 色
It also provides an important means of articulating regional concerns
[...] and priorities at the global level [...]
and acting as a bridge between global, regional and national agendas.
推广服务必须推动在地方知识与科学知识和新技术之间建立 梁的 进 程 , 从而帮助地方社区创新和减少对于外部投入的依赖并促进有地方针对性的可持续 生产制度。
Extension services must facilitate the process of building bridges between local and scientific knowledge and new technologies that help local communities innovate and reduce dependency on external inputs and that promote site-specific sustainable production systems.
和平梁”的一个 成功故事特别值得注意,即国际妇女促进世界和平联合 会的妇女中东和平年会的诞生和持续举行。
A Bridge of Peace success story that is of particular note is the birth and continuation of the WFWPI annual Women’s Conference for Peace in the Middle East.
该司的一名协调人参加政治部的准则和最佳做法文件的编 写工作,该司另一名工作人员作为政治部代表参加了秘书处关于解决冲突的论 坛,讨论以色列和巴勒斯坦民间社会组织为解决分歧架设 梁的 努 力
A divisional focal point has contributed to the preparation of a Department-wide document on guidance and best practices, and a staff member of the Division represented the Department in a Secretariat-wide forum on conflict resolution, discussing efforts by Israeli and Palestinian civil society organizations aimed at bridging the divide.
对于这座 400,000 m² 体育场的“骨骼”,包含 52 个具有中空对角悬臂阶梁的墙墩 ,多卡提供无地面支持的模板解决方案 - 一种专门为这种阶梁开发的爬升 悬臂模板。
For the 'skeleton' of this 400,000 m² stadium, consisting of 52 wall piers with
hollow, diagonally
[...] cantilevering stepped beams, Doka supplied a ground-support-free formwork solution – a climbing cantilever formwork developed specifically for these stepped beams.
它们能确保刮梁的平直 度,以使涂布的横幅曲线达到最佳状态,因此能防止机械变形和热变形,而无需使用昂贵的补偿系统。
They ensure the straightness of the blade beam for optimal coat CD profiles, thereby preventing mechanical and thermal deformation without costly compensation systems.
想象一下,体育场和运动竞技场,办公室大楼中庭,航站,箱体支架,道路结构,公共交通车站和 梁的 创 建 ,没有任何的安排并且所有的一切自动的从3D计算机辅助设计模型到车间?
Imagine the creation of stadiums & sports arenas, office building atriums, airline terminals, tank supports, road structures, public transport stations and bridges, with no lay out and everything automatic from the 3D CAD model down to the workshop?
国际司法梁的主要 目标是,依据《世界人权宣言》概述的基本原则,确保保护 发展中国家普通公民的基本合法权利。
The primary aim of International Bridges to Justice is to secure the protection of the basic legal rights of ordinary citizens in developing countries, as outlined by the fundamental principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
商团会员希望本会组织更多与政府部门的对话会或研讨会,扮演好政府与商界 梁的 角 色 ,同时也希望总商会能够在申请银行贷款和政府资助方面提供咨询服务。
Trade Association members also hoped that the Chamber could organise dialogues or seminars with government agencies, reinforcing our vital role as bridge between the government and the private sector.
测量实际安装情况下的真实模态振型相当重要,因为基座支撑的电机较重(超过 100 磅),且连接在支梁的几个 位置上,电机的重量和基座的安装会明显改变模态振型和共振频率,因此简单地测量基座在自由状态条件下的共振频率是不够的。
It was important to measure the true [...]
mode shapes in the actual set up since the pedestal supported a heavy motor (over 100
pounds) and was mounted on several sides to the guide bars.
我们的方案是在西夏人贺兰石上,用汉人制作砚台的手法,雕刻上伊斯兰的图案,这展示着历史的传承与多元文化的融合,切合规划展示馆在中阿之轴起点的地理位置,以及银川作为中国通往阿拉伯世界 梁的 历 史 使命。
It will become a landmark of the history as evidence and will be the starting point of the China and Arab Axis; furthermore, Yinchuan as the historical mission of China's bridge to the Arab world.
波形护栏板是半钢性护栏的主要形式,它是一种以波纹状钢护栏板相互拼接并由立柱支撑的连续结构,可以利用土基、立柱、 梁的 变 形 来吸收碰撞能量,并迫使失控车辆改变方向,回复到正常的行驶方向,防止车辆冲出路外,以保护车辆和乘客,减少事故造成的损失,再加上波形护栏板钢柔相兼,波形护栏具有较强的吸收碰撞能量的能力,具有较好的视线诱导功能,能与道路线形相协调,外形美观,可在小半径弯道上使用,损坏处容易更换。
Waveform guard plate is semi-rigid guardrail is the main form, it is a kind of corrugated steel guardrail plates are spliced and supported by a vertical column continuous structure, can use the soil matrix, column, beam deformation to absorb collision energy, and forcing the runaway vehicle changes direction, and return to the normal direction of travel, to prevent the vehicle from road, to protect the vehicle and passenger, reduce the losses caused by the accidents, plus the waveform guard plate steel soft phase and waveform guardrail, has a strong ability to absorb collision energy, has a good sight line induction function, with the road alignment coordination, pleasing in appearance, can be used in small radius, damage easy to change.




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