

单词 桥本龙太郎

See also:


Japanese surname Hashimoto

External sources (not reviewed)

其他領袖中,大中華地區民眾對本 首 相麻 生 太郎 都 較 有信心,綜合比率均有34%,另外,大中華地區民眾對印度總理曼莫漢.
As for other leaders, publics in GCR had more confidence in Japan's Prime Minister Tara Aso, with a combined percentage of 34%.
在众多品牌为情人节准备的特别宣传活动中,高级钢笔和珠宝制造商万 龙 在 本 周 推 出的“爱恋 桥 ” 微博活动脱颖而出。
Amongst the other brands preparing Valentines’ Day with special targeted
campaigns, fine pen and jewelry maker Mont Blanc
[...] stands out with its “Lovers’ bridge” Weibo campaign launched this week.
几乎所有的字符出现在这列火车,包括黑杰克大师 本 间 太郎 ” 死 字符。
Almost all of the characters appear in this train include dead characters as Black Jack Master “Honma Jotaro”.
东北大学大学院医学系研究科放射性同位素中心 本桥 H o z um i准教授,与同医化学领域的光石阳 郎 博 士 、田口惠子助教、山本雅之教授、东京大学先端科学技术研究中心的油谷浩幸教授、国立癌研究中心研究所癌基因组学研究领域的柴 龙 弘 领 域长的研究小组,共同研究发现了导致癌细胞恶化的代谢控制组织。
Associate Professor Hozumi Motohashi at Center for Radioisotope Sciences, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Dr. Yoichiro Mitsuishi, Assistant Professor Keiko Taguchi, and Professor Masayuki Yamamoto at Division of Medical Biochemistry, Tohoku University Graduate School [...]
of Medicine, Professor Hiroyuki Aburatani
at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, and Division Leader Tatsuhiro Shibata at the National Cancer Center have jointly discovered the metabolic control mechanism that drives the malignant evolution of cancer cells.
龙头风格特点:桥式龙头, 灵感来自于传统工业设计。
The mixer’s
[...] characteristic features: the bridge mixer based on [...]
traditional industrial design.
Brocade 1010(单端口)和 Brocade 1020(双端口)聚合网络适配器 (CNA) 集成了 10 Gbps 以太网网络接口卡 (NIC) 功能与光纤通道技术 - 通过新型数据中桥接 (DCB) 和太网光 纤通道 (FCoE) 协议实现了经由 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) 连接的传输,并提供一流的 LAN 连接和 I/O 整合,以帮助在下一代数据中心环境中降低 本 和 复 杂度。
The Brocade 1010 (single port) and Brocade 1020 (dual port) Converged Network Adapters (CNAs) integrate 10 Gbps Ethernet Network Interface Card
(NIC) functionality with Fibre Channel
[...] technology—enabling transport over a 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) connection through the new Data Center Bridging (DCB) and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) protocols, providing best-in-class LAN connectivity and I/O consolidation to help reduce [...]
cost and complexity in next-generation data center environments.
先后在皇后学院和哥伦比亚大学获得工程学学位、地球科学博士学位后, 桥太郎 博 士 目前是哥伦比亚大学拉蒙特 -- 多尔提地球科学研究所 [...]
(Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) 的资深学者。
After earning a degree in engineering, a doctorate in Earth Science and a
professorship at Queens College and Columbia
[...] University, Dr. Taro Takahashi is now a Senior [...]
Scholar at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University.
作为北美最大的博物馆之一,皇家安大略博物馆里珍藏着数千件工艺品和 本 , 包括 恐 龙 、 中 国古代、中世纪的欧洲、装饰艺术、古埃及、纺织品、印度 太 平 洋 岛民等主题艺术展品。
Featured subjects include dinosaurs, Ancient China, medieval Europe, art deco, ancient Egypt, textiles, India, and Pacific islanders.
大家都 記得,自 1996 年以來,首相本龍太郎開創 了到靖國神社作官式參拜的傳 統,直到今天也沒有改變。
As Members may remember, the tradition of paying official homage to the Yasukuni Shrine has never ceased since it was first started by the then Prime Minister Hashimoto RYUTARO in 1996.
從這個角度出發,我們會更明白:為甚麼日本的歷任首相,由中曾根康 弘到本龍太郎,以 至今天的小泉純一郎,都要用盡各種理由來參拜靖國神 社,把祭祀東條英機正常化,並藉着修改憲法,將自衞隊發展成軍隊,用維 護和平的藉口派兵海外?
From this angle, we can better understand why successive Japanese Prime Ministers, from Yasuhiro NAKASONE, Ryutaro HASHIMOTO to the incumbent Junichiro KOIZUMI have exhausted every possible means to homage to the Yasukuni Shrine, turned the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Hideki TOJO into a normal practice, developed its Self-Defence Force (SDF) into an army by amending its constitution, and dispatched troops overseas under the pretext of keeping peace.
该委员会于 2008 年 9 月由陆克文总理和时任首相麻太 郎在纽约正式发起,作为澳大利亚与 本 政 府 的联合倡议。
The Commission was launched in New York in September 2008 by Prime Minister Rudd and then Prime Minister Taro Aso as a joint initiative of the Australian and Japanese Governments.
今年 7 月,在以全球卫生为主题的 经济及社会理事会年度部长级审查高级别会议部分,本副外务大臣伊藤太郎先生代表 本 作 了国家 自愿情况介绍,而且是在会上这样做的唯一发达国 家。
During the HighLevel Segment of the annual ministerial review in the Economic and Social Council in July, at which global health was the main theme, Mr. Shintaro Ito, Japan’s Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, gave our national voluntary presentation (NVP), the only developed country among the participating NVP countries.
作家桥源一郎(Ge n’ichirō Takahashi)因所著的 « Sayonara Christopher Robin* »(新潮社2012年4月25日出版)而获得了第48届谷崎润一郎文学奖,而第7届中央公论文艺奖则颁给了东野圭吾(Keigo Higashino),其获奖作品是 « Namiya Zakkaten no Kiseki ** »(本角川书局2012年3月30日发行)。
In accordance with tradition, Gen’ichirō Takahashi, winner of the 48th Jun'ichirō Tanizaki Prize for Sayonara Christopher Robin* (pub. 25/04/12 by Shinchosha) and Keigo Higashino, winner of the 7th Chūōkōron Literary Prize for Namiya Zakkaten no Kiseki ** (pub. 30/03/12 by Kadokawa Shoten) were both presented, in addition to their prizes, [...]
with an elegant Piaget Altiplano watch.
此外,总干事 还在 C/4 草案中强调,教科文组织特别是海委会的海洋计划, 本 组 织 的 龙 头 计 划之一。
In addition thereto, the Director-General highlighted in the draft C/4 document that UNESCO’s oceans programme, and in particular IOC, as one of the Organization’s flagship programmes.
这些活动包括于 2011 年
[...] 11 月协调举办中亚经济体特别方案经济论坛;参与欧-亚太“绿桥”伙伴关系方案筹备进程最终会议;促进使用信通技术更好 [...]
These include coordinating the SPECA Economic Forum in November 2011; taking part in the
final meeting of the preparatory
[...] process “Green Bridge” Europe-Asia-Pacific partnership programme; [...]
and facilitating capacity-building
activities for the use of ICT to better manage disaster risk and adapt to the challenges of climate change.
这些版本的克拉科夫来自于媒体对伊萨 本 阿 龙 P r o ss nitz,其意图是为了使德国在“妇女与公布整个 太 圣 经 ,儿童可能能够读取未经帮助教师”(珍珠, “月刊,”二十五。
These editions of Cracow came from the press of
Isaac ben Aaron
[...] Prossnitz, whose intention it was to publish the whole Bible in Judæo-German in order that "women and children might [...]
be able to read without
the help of a teacher" (Perles, in "Monatsschrift," xxv. 353).
當然,我們必須緊記一個問 題,儘管今天的政治舞台上的日本政客,不管是首相小泉純一郎,還是東京 都知事石原太郎,都是由本國民一人一票選出的,他們在一定程度上代 表了整個日本社會,特別是成年人的想法,假如我們不據理力爭,擺出史實 與日本人討論,恐怕在他們的政治宣傳下,支持者會與日俱增,將歪理變為 事實,進一步支持右翼政客的擴張企圖。
To a certain extent, these politicians represent the entire Japanese society, particularly the way of thinking of adults. Should we fail to argue on the basis of reason and present the historical facts in discussions with the Japanese people, it is feared that, under their political propaganda, the number of supporters will continue to grow and false reasoning will become facts, thereby giving further support to the right-wing politicians in their expansion attempts.
本使用条款为适用于居住在日本国外的顾客,在使用株式会社Navibird(位于 本 大 阪 市中央区 太郎町 2-5-12 八木春太郎大厦7楼。
The following Terms and Conditions shall apply to parties living in countries or regions outside Japan using or purchasing items from JSHOPPERS.com (hereinafter “the Site”), a website administered by Navibird, Inc.
在一个低成本FPGA结构中具有SERDES / PCS块的LatticeECP3和LatticeECP2M器件对各种 太 网 交换机集成电路提供了理想的低 本桥 接 解 决方案,。
The LatticeECP3 and LatticeECP2M devices with
SERDES/PCS blocks in a low-cost FPGA
[...] fabric provide the ideal low-cost bridging solution to various Ethernet switching ICs.
主席女士,我提出不要全面失去自 本 位 的原因,不是香港 郎 自 大, 可是,我們更不應妄自菲薄,覺得隨着內地經濟 20 年來的開放和改革,香 港漸漸失去優勢,以致我們只有一條出路,便是完全融入內地成為一個經濟 城市,從而找出生存的空間。
Madam President,
[...] my reason for saying not to lose sight of our own position completely is not that Hong Kong is blinded by self-conceit, [...]
but that we should
not improperly belittle ourselves by thinking that Hong Kong will gradually lose its edge in the opening and reform of the mainland economy in the past 20 years and thus we only have one way out, that is, through integrating fully with the Mainland as an economic city for survival.
下一代虚拟网络:OCe11000系列产品旨在支持新兴的VEPA(虚拟以太网端口聚合器)和VEB(虚拟 太 网 桥 ) 标 准
Next Generation Virtual Networking: The OCe11000
family is designed to support emerging VEPA (Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator) and VEB
[...] (Virtual Ethernet Bridge) standards.
我公司律师受“卢比康”公司(“彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克”冶金联合体)的委托为阿穆尔河( 龙 江 ) 铁路 桥 及 相 连的比 罗比詹-列宁斯克铁路支线基础设施建设制定了私有投资及投资回收的方案。
In the interest of the Managing Company “Rubicon” (Metallurgical Alliance “Petropavlovsk” UCATES specialists have developed a concession model for
realization of a project for creation of an
[...] international railway bridge over the Amur river near [...]
Nizhneleninskoe (Russia) - Tuntsyan,
Heilongjiang province (China).
本氟氯化碳/哈龙加速 淘汰计划, 世界银行作为牵头机构将每年编制一份行政摘要,说明加速淘汰计划和核查所涉年度实施 [...]
Under this CFC/Halon Accelerated Phase-out [...]
Plan, the World Bank as lead agency will facilitate an Executive Summary each
year on implementation status of the APP and all sector plans active in the year covered by the verification.
[...] 范围的经济状况的影响,包括受到特里斯坦-达库尼亚向美国和 本 市 场 提供龙虾价 格最近下跌的影响,价格下跌导致这一部门 [...]
2009 年的收入减少。
The Tristan economy also remains vulnerable to wider
economic circumstances, including a recent
[...] fall in the price of lobster that Tristan da Cunha [...]
provides for the United States and
Japanese markets, which led to a reduction of income from this sector in 2009.
这些投资的范围从小型企业到大型企业,包括大连万达集团最近的数十亿美元的AMC影院连锁公司的收购以及像天津钢管,尚 太 阳 能, 金 龙 精 密 铜管这样的公司,甚至像中海油,中石化和中航工业这样的国有企业的重大投资项目。
These investments range from small enterprises to large, including Dalian Wanda’s Group’s recent multi-billion dollar acquisition of the AMC theater chain as well as major
investments by companies like Tianjin
[...] Pipe, Sun Tech, Golden Dragon Precise Copper, and [...]
even state-owned enterprises like CNOOC, SINOPEC, and AVIC.
它支持多种连接选项,包括传统 ToR
[...] 服务器部署、以太网 Fabric,以及以太网光纤通道 (FCoE)、iSCSI 和 NAS 的以太网存储连接,还有光纤通道存储区域网络 (SAN) 与太网 Fabric 的桥接。
It supports multiple connectivity options, including classic ToR server deployments, Ethernet fabrics, and Ethernet storage connectivity for Fibre
Channel over Ethernet (FCoE),
[...] iSCSI, NAS, and bridging Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks (SANs) and Ethernet fabrics.
2010 年,咨询委员会公布桥本行动 计划第二版,其中提出了在融资、卫生、 监测和报告、水资源综合管理以及水与灾害等五个领域的政策、战略和行 动 (桥 本行动计划第一版中的行动简编见 A/C.2/61/4,附件一)。
In 2010, the Board released the second
[...] version of its Hashimoto Action Plan (HAP II), in which it proposes policies, strategies and actions in five areas: financing; sanitation; monitoring and reporting; integrated water resources management; and water and disaster (see A/C.2/61/4, annex I, for the compendium of actions under the first Hashimoto Action Plan).
这一国际年是由联合国秘书长的水和卫生咨询委员会(UNSGAB),在2006年3月第四届世界水论坛上发起 桥本 行 动 计划中的一项建议而产生。
The Year was one of the recommendations of the Hashimoto Action Plan launched by the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB) in March 2006 at the 4th World Water Forum.
2009 年 3 月 13 日,日本常驻联合国代表团告知秘书处,麻 太郎 首 相 在当 天就本政府 作出的关于打击索马里沿海海盗行为的两项决定发表了谈话。
On 13 March 2009, the Secretariat was informed by the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations that, on the same day, the Prime Minister, Taro Aso, had made a statement concerning two Cabinet decisions by the Government of Japan related to anti-piracy activities off the coast of Somalia.




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