

单词 档次

See also:

grade (of goods)
official records
classifier for cross-pieces

External sources (not reviewed)

还可以对不档次的 产 品进行表面改造,提高工艺性能并进一步改善在具体用途中的机械特性。
The different product grades can also be surface modified to give improved processing characteristics and further enhance mechanical properties in the application.
(c) 强调各成员国和阿拉伯卫生部长理事会继续努力改善保健标准的重要 性,办法是发展和提高医疗单档次 , 实行家庭保健制度,特别是在农村、边缘 化和贫穷地区,改善提供给妇女、儿童和老龄人的保健服务,并集中力量建设卫 生队的技术能力。
(c) To underline the importance of continued efforts by member States and the Council of Arab Ministers of Health to improve health care standards by developing and upgrading health care units and applying a family health regime, particularly in rural, marginalized and deprived areas, improving the health services provided to women, children and ageing persons, and focusing on building the technical capacities of health teams.
内销车今年已新款自行车为主,提高了我们整车的质量 档次 , 展 会期间也深受国美外客户的问津和喜爱,外销以菜篮车和木箱车为主,在为期4天的展会期间,客户的人流量因国际经济形势的影响大不如前,但是我们的外销车仍旧吸引了众多国外客户,他们对我们的CARGO [...] [...]
Domestic car this year has been the new bike, improve our truckload
[...] quality and grades, during the exhibition [...]
but also by the United States and foreign
customers attention and love, for export to the features and wooden cars, over a period of 4 days, the customer flow is due to the influence of international economic situation as before, but we export the car still attracted a large number of foreign customers, to our CARGO BIKE, features and kiddie car are very interested, with customers directly in the exhibition place an order, there are a lot of customers to negotiate very pleasant, leaving detailed contact, we show that immediately after the pricing, and to the company site visits after place an order; at the same time, this exhibition we also visited peer learning advanced technology and culture connotation, this exhibition to our all the exhibitors and the company's development has the very vital role.
十三.3 秘书长在关于发展账户供资项目(A/66/84,表 1)执行情况的第七次进度 报告中说明,自 1998-1999 两年期以来,已有 204 个项目分七个连档次得到供 资,批款总额为 127 614 500 美元。
XIII.3 In the seventh progress report on the implementation of projects financed from the Development Account (A/66/84, table 1), the Secretary-General indicates that since the biennium 1998-1999, a total of 204 projects have been financed from the Account under seven consecutive tranches, with an overall appropriation of $127,614,500.
偏爱入耳式耳机的人可以选购档次 的 隔音Tour耳机。
Anyone preferring an in-ear set might gravitate toward the high-grade, sound-isolating Tour.
用于高挺括度烟膜、电工膜、高透膜的聚丙烯树脂目前仍被进口产品所垄断,BOPP树脂生产企业须尽快开发提高产 档次 , 加 快共聚产品及高速线用料的开发和生产,以满足市场。
High degree of cigarette film for keeps, electrical film, high transparent polypropylene resin film is currently still dominated by imported products, BOPP resin manufacturers to improve
product quality to be developed
[...] as soon as possible, accelerate the copolymer products and high-speed [...]
lines development and production
of materials, to meet the market.
本厂在力求档次优质 产品服务市场的同时,积极中国方圆标志委员会认证及ISO9002质量体系认证。
Factory in seeking to market high-grade quality products at the same time, the Commission signs an active area of China Certification and ISO9002 Quality System Certification.
治安管理处罚法》将违反治安管理行 为的处罚细分为1日至5日、5日至10日、10日至15 日三档次,大 大限制和规 范了公安机关在作出处罚决定时的自由裁量权,有利于减少和避免处罚的任意性和 不公正,体现过罚相当的原则。
The Law on Punishment in respect of Public Security Management establishes three categories of punishment — 1 to 5 days, 5 to 10 days and 10 to 15 days — for acts that violate public security management; these greatly limit and regulate the powers of the public security authorities when administering punishments and also help to reduce and prevent any arbitrariness or unfairness, thus reflecting the principle of appropriate punishment.
漫画本身依赖于闹剧的幽默,就像它的“祖先”,汤姆和杰瑞,只放大四肢的水平上升了一 档次 , 而 “传统”的闹剧的卡通人物相互喜欢砧和钢琴下降,这档节目甚至有时使用巴士或潜艇。
The cartoon itself relies on slapstick humour, much like its “ancestor”, Tom and Jerry, only amplifying the level of extremities up a notch; while “traditional” slapstick cartoon characters prefer dropping anvils and pianos on each other, this show sometimes uses even buses or submarines.
1 办公用房主要使用对象为全球领先的高新技术企业、金融类企业、服务类企业等,应有较高 的建档次。
3.1 Office space are primarily used by the world's leading high-tech companies, financial companies, companies of service etc., so the office space should be in fairly high standards.
为了有效评价工作人员实现其工作计划所述目标的程度以及他们体现联合 国核心价值观和能力的方式,秘书长推出了一个简化的、更明确界定的业绩评档次(从 1 到 4,而不是从 1 到 5)。
To effectively evaluate the extent to which staff members have achieved the goals set out in their workplans, and the manner in which they have demonstrated United Nations core values and competencies, the Secretary-General introduced a simplified, more clearly defined performance rating scale (from 1 to 4 rather than from 1 to 5).
为了提高产品在国际国内市场的竞争能力,调整产品结构,增加产品品种,提高产 档次 , 用 新产品代替和改变传统产品,生产高附加值的纺织品,扩大出口,进一步提高企业的经济效益,公司于2004年斥资400多万元引进日本WEMS公司先进电脑飞梭机,大大提高生产效率及产 档次 , 经 过两年的正常运作己经使公司由劳动密集型向技术密集型企业成功转型。
In order to improve the competitive
power of the
[...] product in international and domestic markets, the company strives to adjust product structure, increase product varieties, enhance product grade, use new products to replace and change traditional products, produce high value-added textiles and expand exports to further increase the [...]
economic benefits of the company,
besides, the company introduced the advanced computer shuttle embroidery machines from Japanese WEMS Corporation with investments of over 3 million Yuan in 2004, which greatly improve the production efficiency and product grade.
If you are a
[...] significant level, to find a use for [...]
many years will not sour the bed that elected leather bed if you are more
fashionable, and pay attention to the trend, then choose the fabric bed time are trustworthy quality, just do not too cheap to sell the kind of on the line, the general can be enough to use the same problem a few years. too good fabric bed a long time, will change color in the wash process.
壁纸的环保高低取决于材质和用 档次 、 印 刷工艺等方面,有条件现场可通过燃烧小样(环保等级高的壁纸 没有燃烧异味没有浓烟,灰烬是灰色粉末状)和闻( PVC 壁纸 有明显的塑胶味档次低的 壁纸有很浓的印刷油墨味)来鉴别,检测报告存有水分,并不能说明问题,新开卷且没有异味的纸浆壁纸环保等级是最高的,我们建议您儿童房不要用 PVC 壁纸。
Wallpaper of environmental high and low
depends on material
[...] and materials grade, and printing technology, aspects, has conditions scene can through combustion sample (environmental grade high of wallpaper no combustion smell no smoke, ashes is grey powder shaped) and smell (PVC wallpaper has obvious of plastic taste, and grade low of wallpaper [...]
has is concentrated of printing ink taste) to identification, detection report
has water, and cannot description problem, new uncoiling and no smell of pulp wallpaper environmental grade is Supreme of, we recommendations you children room don't with PVC wallpaper.
不过在其他方面,尤其是价格方面,蓝牙鼠标要比普通的2.4GHz鼠标贵一些,而 档次 鼠 标中,无线鼠标也要比有线鼠标价格稍高一些,因此我们在选择无线鼠标时还是需要精挑细选一番,毕竟数百元的价格在外设产品中也不算小数目。
But in other ways, especially the price, bluetooth mouse
than ordinary 2.4 GHz mouse more
[...] expensive, and the same grade in the mouse, [...]
wireless mouse than cable mouse a slightly
higher price, so we in the choice of wireless mouse or need when selected a. After all, hundreds of yuan price in peripherals is not in small Numbers.
电线及护套,采用抗阻燃材料;选购高性能免维护电瓶,增加了系统的可靠性和稳定性;配有国内 档次 的 电 气元件,可靠耐用。
Full hydraulic load sesing steering system is bery reliable and makes the poerating very easy and handy.super high pressure hydraulic pump extend service life by 30%.
kiddy 产品
[...] 提供给您的不仅仅是创新的高科技材质和产品,更是集功能性,乐趣和 档次 为 一 身。
By choosing kiddy you not only choose high-tech innovative materials and products.
kiddy’s products reflect the nature of children and parenting: they are fun, functional
[...] and have high standards of prduction.
如果我们仔细比较“拉曼恰法定产区”的橡木桶酿制酒,与西班牙 档次 规 格 的其他品牌葡萄酒相比,拉曼恰葡萄酒的质量之优,价位之廉令人赞叹,从“拉曼恰法定产区”规范委员会得知,他们对拉曼恰地区葡萄酒的质量严格监控-------一是为了赢得更好的品牌信誉度,二是由于一些消费者有选择消费的倾向,拉曼恰必须在所有品牌中努力做到最好以获取更强有力的竞争力。
If we focus on aged wines from Designation of origin La Mancha, compared with other wines of the same characteristics in the Spanish market, the quality is quite astounding for its price. In the Council of the Designation of origin La Mancha, we are aware that we must be more rigorous than others, due to the prejudices that still exist with some consumers, to achieve the same recognition, but this makes us strive and to further improve the quality that our wines already have.
天台赤城二小学建筑设计旨在建设一所上规模、 档次 有 特 色的省市级示范性、精品化学校,创造适应青少年德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的育人环境。
The project for the TianTai
[...] County ChiCheng Second Primary School [...]
strives for a unique design that will serve as a model
school which provides a beautiful environment for the cultivation of knowledge, culture, physical fitness, art and ethics for elementary school children.
儿童权利委员会也建议巴拿马特别注意弱势儿童,如女童、土著儿童和难民 儿童、童工和流落街头儿童的教育需求,以实现他们的基本教育权利,办法是提 升教育系统基础设施档次,提 供更多的非正规学习和职业培训设施,包括向那 些没有完成初等和中等教育的儿童提供。
CRC also recommended that Panama pay special attention to the educational needs of vulnerable children, for example, girls, indigenous and refugee children, working and street children, in order to fulfil their basic right to education, by upgrading the infrastructure of the educational system and offering more facilities for non-formal learning and vocational training, including for children who have not completed primary and secondary education.106 10.
为清楚起见,只列出正分数;在排位工作中,分为 0,1,或 2 三档次(分别 代 表:无关;重要,但只是间接或部分有关;直接有关)。
The real-time track will transmit data in an automated way to modelling centres so that data can be incorporated in models which provide nowcasts and forecasts, as described in Chapter 5.
目前,我国金属软管行业还是以量的扩张为主,形成了在国际市场中同一水平上的过度竞争,要改变这一发展方式,就要坚持创新的理念,在产品开发与技术改造方面创新,可以积极与科研单位、高等院校进行联合,共同开发新产品项目,努力开拓国内外市场,进而克服数量型增长,提升产 档次 , 提高产品的附加值,注重自主品牌建设,以提升我国金属软管企业在全球产业分工中的地位,提高抗风险能力与自身的"议价"能力,进而增强金属软管行业的可持续发展竞争力。
At present, China's metal hose industry or in the amount of expansion is given priority to, formed in the international market the same level of excessive competition, to change the development mode, will adhere to the concept of innovation, product development and technology innovation in reform, can actively and scientific research units, institutions of higher learning for joint, develop the new product project, and strive to develop the domestic and foreign markets, and overcome the quantitative growth,
improve product quality, improve the added
[...] value of products, pay attention to the [...]
independent brand construction, in order
to improve China's metal hose enterprises in the global industrial division of labor in the position, and improve the ability to resist risks and their own "negotiation" ability, and enhance the sustainable development of the metal hose industry competitiveness.
项目 11b信 息技 术 ( 增加 116万 美元 ) - 改进 互 联网 连 接 有限 的国 家 的互 联 网服 务, 提 高互 联网 服务 提供 商档 次从 而增 强知 识 共享 、合 作和 视频 会 议方面的能力(包括Skype)。
Project 11b Information Technology (USD 1.16 million increase)to improve the internet services in countries that have limited connectivity by upgrading the Internet Service Provider thereby improving knowledge sharing, collaboration and video conferencing capabilities (including Skype).
因此热收 缩的质量 具有非常重要的意义,它决定了产品 外观形象和信息的可视性,具有清晰光洁的外 观质量才能更好地体现产档次,增 强吸引力。
Heat shrinkage quality also plays a fundamental role as it determines the degree of legibility of the advertising messages and naturally contributes to increasing the appeal of the product.
作为散热产品来说同平台档次的提 供了最优秀的解决方案其实也就可以了,但是 [...]
Conduct and actions spread a hot product to said
together the terrace together a providing of
[...] file time the second to none solution [...]
in fact also all right, but the different
customer have different need, AVC oneself not only want to design a standard product to still want for the customer a specially made product style to are of a great variety to include Apple, SONY, HP etc. high level is industrial to design a product a support.
江苏嘉美产品以其环保优质、高雅大方、 档次 、 低 价格而闻名于全国护栏行业,公司系列产品曾被国家建设部认定,同时获得了当地政府授予的《专利先进企业》荣誉,并率先获得了ISO9001-2008质量体系认证,是江苏省重质量守信誉单位。
Jiangsu jiamei products to their environmental quality, elegant and
[...] generous, the high grade, low price and [...]
famous in national guardrail industry, company
series products have been recognized national ministry of construction, and receive the local government awarded the honor of "patent advanced enterprise", and takes the lead in won iso9001-2008 quality system certification, in jiangsu province is heavy quality prestige unit.
今后,我国BOPP树脂生产企业必须尽快提高产 档次 , 加快共聚产品及高速线用料的开发和生产,以满足国内市场的需求。
In the future, China's BOPP resin manufacturers must quickly improve product quality, speed and high-speed lines copolymer product development and production of materials to meet domestic market demand.
在就业领域,已经出台了具体倡议,以 提高妇女技能档次并通 过清除障碍和限制及鼓励妇女创业,从而鼓励她们更 积极地进入私营部门工作。
In the area of employment, specific initiatives are in place to upgrade the skills of women and encourage them to participate more prominently in the private sector by removing barriers and constraints and encouraging female entrepreneurship.
由于视频点播、互联网接入以及酒店综合信息服务都可以为酒店增加特色服务,提高酒店 档次 和 完善酒店的形象,更是吸引客源,提高入住率的最有效措施;增值服务项目的开展还能够为酒店带来更多更直接的经济效益,因此影视点播、上网、综合信息服务,将渐渐成为宾馆酒店的客房里必不可少的功能。
As video on demand, Internet access, and hotel information services can be a special feature that the hotel services and enhance and improve the grade of the hotel hotel's image, but also to attract tourists and improve the occupancy rate of the most effective measures; value-added services to carry out the project also able for the hotel, with more direct economic benefits, so video-on-demand, Internet access, integrated information services, will gradually become an essential hotel room hotel features.




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