

单词 档案


档案馆 n

archive n


file service

档案员 n

archivist n

See also:

grade (of goods)
classifier for cross-pieces
official records

External sources (not reviewed)

行动的重点在于传统媒体和数字媒体、图书馆 档案 馆 的 巩固或重组,以及这一环境下 的在线教育服务。
Action focused not only on traditional and digital media, but also
on the consolidation or restructuring of
[...] libraries and archives as well as online-based [...]
educational services in this environment.
此外,还有必要收集卫生系统和其他实体的资料,将司 档案 记 录合 并在一起,以此整合有关的信息。
It is also necessary to consolidate information in this field by bringing together judicial records with information from the health system and other entities.
代表团 要求监狱主管文件的人员档案中找 出囚犯的案件,但他们无法找到其任何痕 迹。
The delegation asked the staff in charge
of documentation at the prison to identify
[...] the prisoner’s case in the files, but [...]
they were unable to find any trace of him.
此外,该 办事处帮助开展一项关于清理情 档案 方 面 经验的国际交流,以及关于民族管制 情报部门机制问题的国际交流。
In addition, it facilitated an international-level exchange of experiences on purging intelligence files, and on mechanisms for the democratic control of intelligence services.
[...] 2008年全球纵览白皮书,在所有发达国家和发展中国家,电子健 档案 将 成 为标准,这是因为国家需要更好的和更具成本效益的医疗保健系统。
HIMSS,2008 Global Perspective white [...]
paper, EHRs will become standard in all developed and developing countries driven by
the internal need for better and more cost-effective healthcare.
她正在勤奋工作,建立一个甄别法庭记录的系统; 档案 和 记 录管 理科及联合法档案战略 工作小组一道制订一项记录保留政策,用于整个法庭的 记录;开始全面审查法庭内几项不同的记录保存计划表建议;正在牵头开展审查 [...]
She is working diligently to establish a system to identify records at the institution; is
developing, in
[...] conjunction with the Archives and Records Management Section and the Joint Tribunals Archival Strategy [...]
Working Group,
a records retention policy for records throughout the Tribunal; has begun a comprehensive review of the several different retention schedule recommendations within the Tribunal; and is leading a review to ensure that the records retention schedule represents an internally consistent system.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括 档案 和 图 书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the
preservation of digital
[...] heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; [...]
to develop media education programmes
for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
法庭表示:(a) 已经启动一个项目,以便档案和记 录管理组制订电子邮件 管理政策提供资讯,涉及这些事项的工作目前正在进行中;(b) 应急和灾害复原 规划工作组已于 2012 年 2 月成立,预计将于 2012 年 12 月 31 日前交付一份计划, 其中包括有关工作人员培训的规定;(c) 两个保管库没有进出登记簿的原因是库 里并没档案,里 面存放的是等待销毁的材料;其它两个保管库没有进出登记簿 的原因是工作人员必须在保管员的陪同下才能入库。
The Tribunal stated that: (a) a project was initiated to inform the development
of an e-mail
[...] management policy by the Archives and Records Management Unit and the work on these issues was ongoing; (b) a working group on emergency response and disaster recovery planning was established in February 2012, and the group expected to deliver a plan by 31 December 2012, which would include the provision for staff training; and (c) two vaults did not have an access logbook because they were not archives, although they contained [...]
material to be
destroyed, and two vaults did not have an access logbook because staff had to be accompanied by the custodian in order to enter the vault.
2012-2013 两年期间,该办公室工作方案的重点领域将集中在以下方面:增建的办公设施于 2012 年竣工;完成出入控制系统,这是标准化出入控制项目第二阶段下的项目;提升各次区域办事
处的现有信通技术基础设施,以确保复原力和可靠性,包括利用意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基 地和西班牙巴伦西亚联合国支助基地预计将可提供的灾后恢复网址;为达到要求的 5%空缺率开
[...] 展征聘活动;实施和支持《公共部门会计准则》以及“团结”项目的推出;有效管理非洲经委 会的财务运作;改进档案和记录管理系统的管理。
Key areas of focus in the programme of work of the Office during the biennium 2012-2013 will be in the following areas: completion of the construction of the additional office facilities by 2012; completion of the access control system under the PACT II project; upgrading of the current ICT infrastructure in the subregional offices to ensure resilience and reliability, including making use of the disaster recovery sites expected to be available at the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and the United Nations Support Base at Valencia, Spain; recruitment drive to achieve the required 5 per cent vacancy rate; implementation and support for the International Public Sector Accounting Standards and roll-out of Umoja;
effective management of ECA financial operations; and the improved
[...] management of the archiving and records management system.
但是,被关押在不人道的、有辱人格的条件下,得不到适 当的医疗服务或个人医档案,也 没有公平审判的机会,这构成了酷刑和残忍和 不寻常的待遇或处罚。
However, being held in inhuman, degrading conditions, with no access to proper medical care or to one’s medical file and no chance of a fair trial, does constitute torture and cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.
妇女署将开发和维持一个追踪管理部门对评价意见所作反应的系统,并将 建立一个供公众查阅的网上评价报 档案。
UN-Women will develop and maintain a system for
tracking management responses to evaluations and will
[...] establish an online archive of evaluation [...]
reports for public access.
为了减少武器的非法流动,我敦促各国借助《管 制火器议定书》来填补国家立法中的漏洞;加强对武 器运输的管制;建立关于收缴非法武器的区域数据
[...] 库;促进各政府管理部门内的机构间合作;建立关于 可疑货物档案;同其他国家分享信息以便核查遵守 [...]
To cut the illicit flow of weapons, I urge States to use the Firearms Protocol to close loopholes in national legislation, tighten up regulations on weapons transport, develop regional databases on seizures, promote
inter-agency cooperation within national
[...] administrations, profile suspicious shipments [...]
and share information with other countries
to verify compliance with international agreements.
本《协定》在华盛顿签订,正本一份,保存于国际复兴开发银 档案 库 内 ;银行在协议下方 签字表明愿意承担保存本《协定》的责任并负责将本《协定》根据第九条第一款开始生效的 [...]
日期通知附录 A 中所列的各国政府。
DONE at Washington, in a single copy which shall remain
[...] deposited in the archives of the International [...]
Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
which has indicated by its signature below its agreement to act as depository of this Agreement and to notify all governments whose names are set forth in Schedule A of the date when this Agreement shall enter into force under Article IX, Section 1 hereof.
商导会财档案没有 这些设备的登记;相反, 却存放在租用公寓内,然后,又搬到了他儿子的车库里。
The equipment was not registered in the financial records of the organization; instead it was kept at the rented apartment and then moved in his son’s car to a garage.
前南斯拉夫各国的合作仍然至关重要,尤其是在以下几个方面:(a) 查档 案、文件和接触证人;(b) 保护证人;(c) [...]
找到、逮捕和移交余下的两名逃犯(包 括对其支持者采取措施)。
Cooperation from the States of the former Yugoslavia
remains vital, particularly in the areas
[...] of: (a) access to archives, documents and [...]
witnesses; (b) the protection of witnesses;
and (c) efforts to locate, arrest and transfer the two remaining fugitives (including taking measures against those who support them).
[...] 有着最长、最黑暗的恐怖主义记录,将需要一本百科 全书、一座博物馆和一档案馆来 记录和揭露以色列 在其整个血腥历史上对巴勒斯坦人、叙利亚人、黎巴 [...]
嫩人、埃及人、约旦人和其他人民犯下的灭绝种族罪、 战争罪和族裔清洗罪。
Israel’s statements do not alter the fact that Israel possesses the largest, blackest record of
terrorism, which would need an encyclopaedia, a
[...] museum and an archive to document and [...]
shed light on the crimes of genocide, war
crimes and ethnic cleansing carried out against the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Egyptians, the Jordanians and others by Israel throughout its bloody history.
(a) 其与责任国际组织之间任何可适用的争端解决程序项下的义务; (b)
[...] 尊重责任国际组织的机关或代理人以及该组织馆舍 档案 和 文 件的不可 侵犯性的义务。
(b) To respect any inviolability of organs
or agents of the responsible international organization and of
[...] the premises, archives and documents [...]
of that organization.
执 行委员会也对巴基斯坦政府由于不幸事件而丧失其臭氧机构的设施表示同情,并希望体制
[...] 建设项目的这个新阶段将帮助巴基斯坦的全国臭氧机构重建 档案 材 料 ,从而支持其工作。
The Executive Committee also wishes to convey to the Government of Pakistan its sympathy for the loss of its Ozone Office due to
unfortunate events, and is hopeful that this new IS project phase will support the NOU of
[...] Pakistan in helping rebuild its files.
上诉法院层面审查了整案情档案, 从 而考虑到法律方面的问题,也考虑到 这些案情显然已得到下级法院的审议,随后决定依法断夺,不准许上诉。
The appellate
[...] level reviewed the case file in its entirety, [...]
thus taking into account both matters of law and fact as they
had obviously been considered by the lower court, and decided to use its discretion under the law not to grant leave to appeal.
[...] 在继续审议版权及相关权的限制和例外,近期辩论的核心是残疾人(尤其是视障 者)对于获取无障碍格式内容的需求,以及图书馆 档案 馆 和教育用户的限制和 例外。
Limitations and exceptions to copyrights and related rights also continue to be considered in the agenda of the Committee and recent debate has focused on the needs for access to content in accessible formats by persons with disabilities,
particularly visually impaired persons, as well as on the limitations and
[...] exceptions for libraries, archives and educational uses.
多数国家的国家版权法在“公平交易”与“合理使用”的基础上都有对下列例外情况作出了 规定:为个人、研究、教育档案、 图书馆、新闻报道而进行的复制。
National copyright laws in most countries incorporate
exceptions for copying for personal use,
[...] research, education, archival copying, library [...]
use and news reporting, based on principles
of ‘fair dealing’, or ‘fair use’ (US).
委员会还请秘书 处确保定期将某些类别的资料存入国 档案。
It has also asked the secretariat to ensure that certain types of information are regularly
[...] placed in the country files.
(b) 为每个案件建立书记官处档案,在 其中记录与筹备审案有关的所有行 动、采取这些行动的日期、书记官长办公室收到或发送任何构成诉讼程序一部分 的文件或通知的日期
(b) Establish
[...] for each case a master Registry file, which shall record all actions taken in connection with the preparation of the case for hearing, [...]
the dates thereof and
the dates on which any document or notification forming part of the procedure is received in or dispatched from his or her office
讲习班的主要议题是:(a)通过国际数 档案 获 取 空间飞行任务数据和图像,(b)发展航天项目, (c)发展国际航天项目的并行设计能力,(d)发展中国家参与国际大型空间项目,(e)过去联合国/欧空 局基础空间科学讲习班成就评估个案研究,(f)太阳系天体物理学和空间科学。
Programme topics for that workshop would be, among others, (a) access to data and imagery from space missions through international data archives, (b) space mission [...]
project development,
(c) concurrent design capability for the development of international space-related projects, (d) participation of developing countries in large international space-related projects, (e) case studies in the evaluation of the achievements of past United Nations/ESA workshops on basic space science and (f) astrophysics and space science of the solar system.
举例: 最近在联合王国对纺织 品外观设计者进行的调查表明, 80% 回答表明, 设计者总是保存其原始外 观设计文件档案, 而且了解他们要 证明版权所有权的重要性。
Example: In a recent survey of fabric designers in the United Kingdom, 80% of respondents said they always kept a record of their original design documents and were aware of their importance for proving copyright ownership.
大会第 64/230 号决议第三节第 5
段重申秘书长需要确保所有工作地点采用 的技术相互兼容,并确保此种技术便于所有正式语文采用;大会在同一节第 6 段
[...] 中请秘书长优先完成把所有六种正式语文的联合国全部重要旧文件上载联合国 网站的工作,以便会员国也能通过这一媒介取得这 档案 资 料
In section III, paragraph 5, of its resolution 64/230, the General Assembly reiterated the need for the Secretary-General to ensure the compatibility of technologies used in all duty stations and to ensure that they are user-friendly in all official languages; and in paragraph 6 of the same section, it requested the Secretary-General to complete the task of uploading all important older United Nations documents onto the United Nations website in all six official
languages on a priority basis, so as to
[...] ensure that these archives are also available [...]
to Member States through that medium.
信息服务司应评估是否可以在 SAP 的安全功能和 SAP 的人事数据之间建立自 动链接,以便授予、修改或终止
[...] SAP 访问权所需的用户信息可以系统地由用户的 人档案提供
ITSS should assess the feasibility of developing an automated link between the SAP security function and the SAP personnel data so that user
information required to grant, modify or disable SAP access rights is provided systematically
[...] from users’ personnel files.
[...] 的是,索菲亚王后博物馆正在主持开展一个名为“统 档案 ” 的 项目:该项目由来 自西班牙、欧洲和拉丁美洲的合作者共同参与,旨在通过共同的文件和材料系 [...]
Finally, it should be noted that
the MNCARS is spearheading a project
[...] entitled “Universal Archive”, which incorporates [...]
partners from Spain, Europe and Latin
America, aimed at creating mechanisms for shared access to a documentary corpus and material previously restricted to each institution.
将某名囚犯 分配到监狱内的某一具体牢房或区片,应当遵循正规、客观标准,并应以透明方 式记录在囚犯个档案中。
Allocation of an inmate to a particular cell or block within a prison should take place in accordance with formal objective criteria, and should be recorded in a transparent manner in the inmate’s personal file.




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