

单词 桌上型电脑

See also:

桌上 n

desktop n
table n

桌上 pl

desks pl

电脑 n

laptop n

电脑 pl

laptops pl

External sources (not reviewed)

百敖UEFI固件帮助OEM/ODM厂商支持Intel公司不断更新的硬件产品,适用 桌上型电脑 , 笔 记本电脑,服务器,和嵌入式系统等领域。
Byosoft¡¯s UEFI firmware helps OEM / ODM manufacturers to support Intel Corporation's constantly
updated hardware products
[...] and is suitable for desktop computers, notebook [...]
computers, servers, embedded systems and etc.
只需将其安 装在任何运行 Windows® 98, NT 4.0, ME,
[...] 2000 以及 XP Professional 的桌上型电脑或 笔 记本电脑,即可对关键过程进行组态监控以及维护操作。
Simply install it on any desktop or notebook PC running [...]
Windows® 98, NT 4.0, ME, 2000 and XP Professional and you’re ready
to configure, monitor and maintain critical processes.
内容提供商(从音乐公司 到上游戏 开发商)和零售商可能会主动放 弃型平板电脑的硬 件利润,以鼓励现有用 户转向数字化、低成本的分销模式。
Content owners (from music
[...] companies to handheld games publishers) and retailers may want to actively forgo hardware gross margins on smaller tablets as a [...]
way of encouraging existing
customers to move to digital, lower-cost distribution models.
可鼓励各位代表随身携带其上型个 人 电脑 与 会 ,以便于查阅 会议文件,或可携带其自行印制的纸页文件与会。
Delegates would be
[...] encouraged to bring laptops in order to view the [...]
documents or print their own copies of the documents to bring to meetings.
通 讯 设 备 ” 指 手 提 电 脑桌 面 电 脑 丶 掌 上 型 电 脑 丶 个 人 数 码 助 理 丶 手 提 电 话 及 任 何 其 [...]
他 作 为 使 用 「 服 务 」 之 电 子 媒 介 及 / 或 器 材 。
Telecommunications Equipment" means laptop computers, desktop PCs, pocket PCs, [...]
personal digital assistants, mobile phones
and any other electronic media and/or equipment employed to use the Service.
[...] Corporation――性能和可靠性技术创新企业:全球财富1000强和福布斯500强企业的首席信息官、信息技术经理人以及系统管理员使用Diskeeper磁盘性能软件,为企业 上电脑 、 桌 面 电 脑和服务器提供无可比拟的性能和可靠性。
About Diskeeper Corporation -- Innovators in Performance and Reliability Technologies(R): CIOs, IT Managers and System Administrators of Global Fortune 1000 and Forbes 500 enterprises rely on Diskeeper disk
performance software to provide unparalleled performance and reliability to
[...] their business laptops, desktops and servers.
(f) 将居家办公的做法、包括不再用台式电脑而采用带有扩展坞的 上型 电脑的做 法在全组织推广,贯彻无纸化工作流程,在共用驱动器上保存关键文 件,这些大大方便业务连续性的保持。
(f) Mainstreaming of telecommuting practices throughout the organization, including usage of laptops with docking stations instead of desktops, implementation of paperless processes, and storing of critical documents on shared drives greatly facilitates business continuity.
希捷科技(纽交所:STX),世上最 大 的硬盘制造企业,今天宣布新一代数字存储产品将进入量产出货阶段,混 型 笔 记 本 电脑 硬 盘,采用闪存记忆,具有超级节能、启动启动和性能可靠等优点,适合快速扩张的笔记本电脑市场。
Seagate Technology
[...] (NYSE:STX), the world's number one hard drive maker, today launched a new era of digital storage by shipping in volume hybrid notebook disc drives that combine disc storage with flash memory to deliver ultra power efficiency, [...]
faster boot-ups and
greater reliability for the exploding laptop PC market.
在 5 月 21 日第 1 次会上,委员会举行了一次关于审查信息社会世界 脑会 议成果执行方面进展情况的部长级 桌 会 议 ,由国 电 信 联 盟秘书长哈玛德·图埃 主持,下列与会者参加了圆桌会议:安哥拉电信部副部长 Pedro Teta、莱索托常 驻日内瓦联合国代表 Mothae Anthony Maruping、利比亚通信和信息技术部部长 Anwar [...]
A.Elfeitori、毛里求斯信息和通信部代理常任秘书 Vishnou Gondeea、卡 塔尔全权公使 Hashem Al-Mustafawi Al-Hashemi、俄罗斯联邦电信和大众传播部 副部长 Ilya Massukh,以及沙特阿拉伯伊利亚马苏哈 Abdullah A.Al-Darrab。
At its 1st meeting, on 21 May, the Commission convened a ministerial round table on the review of progress made in the implementation of
[...] the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, moderated by Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union, in which the following [...]
took part: Pedro Teta, Vice-Minister of Telecommunications of Angola; Mothae Anthony Maruping, Permanent Representative of Lesotho to the United Nations at Geneva; Anwar A. Elfeitori, Minister of Communications and Information Technology of Libya; Vishnou Gondeea, Acting Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communications Technology of Mauritius; Hashem Al-Mustafawi Al-Hashemi, Minister Plenipotentiary of Qatar; Ilya Massukh, Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation; and Abdullah A. Al-Darrab, Governor of Saudi Arabia.
若打算桌上型個人電腦使用外部 USB 硬碟,請用一根短線連接硬碟和後部連接器,如此可確 [...]
If you plan to use an external USB
[...] hard drive with your desktop PC, connecting the [...]
drive to a rear connector using a short
cable will usually provide the most reliable operation, reducing the chance of data transfer errors during backup/recovery.
Jabra LINK 850 底部有一个标有桌面电话”和“ 电脑 ” 图标的手动开关。
At the bottom of the Jabra LINK 850, there is a manual switch with the Icons "Deskphone" and "PC".
它为移动电话桌面电脑和PD A提供一个公共的消息发送平台。
It is the mobile phone , desktop computer and PDA [...]
to provide a common messaging platform.
此外,通过以这种方式进行过渡,企业还能够有选择性地部署全新的云友 型 横 向 扩展 应用,从而在标电脑上快速 扩展服务,并同时根据需要保留较旧的静态应用。
It also allows the selective deployment of newer,
[...] cloud-friendly, scale-out applications that allow quick expansion of services on standard computers, while retaining [...]
the older, more static applications where necessary.
当前,电视背光(5630)跌幅约4%,(7030)在没有量产的情况下,平均报价看来并不是很有竞争力,但如果顺利量产后,预计到2012年底可望大幅度下跌;笔 型电脑 ( N B )应 用崛起,使得高亮度0.8tLED最大降幅达8%;手机部分,由于规格逐渐成熟,因此价格降幅约为5~6%;大功率LED部分,厂商致力于规格提升和旧品清仓,整体而言平均报价跌幅约10%左右;至于液晶屏背光产品,已经有品牌厂导入高电流驱动3014封装体,可减少约一半的LED使用数量;由于背光规格(5630)趋于成熟,且报价跌幅已大,使得越来越多照明应用制造商使用(5630)来制作LED灯管或是球泡灯,预估 2 0 1 2 上 半 年 报价跌幅在10%左右。
TV backlight (5630), a decline of about 4%, (7030) in the case of no production, the average offer does not appear to be very competitive, but if smooth postpartum sharp decline is expected by the end of 2012 is expected to ; notebook computer (NB)
rise, makes the high
[...] brightness 0.8tLED largest decline of 8%; mobile phone part, due to mature specifications, the price decline of about 5 to 6%; high power LED parts vendors committed to the specifications to enhance and the old goods clearance, the overall average quoted price drop of about 10%; LCD backlight products, has a brand factory import high current drive 3014 package, can be reduced by about half the number of LED used; backlight Specifications (5630) tends to mature, and offer the decline has been making more and more lighting applications manufacturer (5630) to produce LED lamp or Bulb, estimates quoted decline in the first half of 2012 was [...]
about 10%.
您可以将操作员控制面板安装到您 电脑上 , 从 桌 面 上 快速访问。
You can install the Operator Console on
[...] your computer and get a quick access to it right from your desktop.
这些行业为科学创新、以及教育教 学提供着知识“原材料”,并通过帮助创造基于信息的产品来促成生产力的显著增长,这 些产品包桌面排 版软件、电子邮件和精密科 电脑 数 据 库等。
These industries supply the intellectual “raw material” for science and innovation, as well as for education and instruction in general, and they have helped bring about dramatic increases in productivity through aiding the creation
of information-based
[...] products like desk-top publishing software, electronic mail or sophisticated scientific computer databases.
有了 Dell 開創的彈性運算解決方案,即隨 桌上型 電 腦 串流,這些問題便能迎刃而解,並在安全性與可用性之間取得平衡,為 [...]
IT 管理員提供集中的資料控制,以確保安全性與遵循法規,而不影響使用者的作業方式。
With Dell’s initial Flexible Computing
[...] Solution, On-Demand Desktop Streaming, those [...]
issues can be resolved with a balance between
security and usability, offering IT administrators centralized data control to help ensure security and compliance without affecting the way end-users work.
为了满足用户随时随地获取高质量信 息的需求,达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆正在从印刷文件向电子资源过渡,并已开始
[...] 建立将电子图书、电子报纸、电子杂志、电子日刊和电子数据库直接发送到世界 各地联合国工作人电脑桌面上的新 机制。
In response to users’ needs for quality information at any time and at any location, the Dag Hammarskjöld Library is transitioning from print collections to electronic resources and has started to prepare new mechanisms for the delivery of
e-books, e-newspapers, e-magazines, e-journals and
[...] e-databases onto the desktops of United Nations [...]
staff members worldwide.
現行硬碟機技術 (垂直磁性記錄,PMR) 用於將各式各樣的數位化資料 (從家桌上型電腦 和筆記型電腦所儲存的音樂、相片及視訊,到耗用資源的資料中心所儲存的商業資訊,均屬其範圍) 記錄在每台硬碟機內部快速旋轉的碟片上。
The current hard drive technology, Perpendicular Magnetic Recording (PMR), is used to record the spectrum of digitized data – from music, photos, and video stored on home desktop and laptop PCs to [...]
business information housed
in sprawling data centers – on the spinning platters inside every hard drive.
學校的網路由 14 台伺服器所組成,並透過虛擬化的方式將網路資源和資料分享給位於學校各處的 400 台桌上型電腦和 150 台筆記型電腦。
The school’s network consists of around 14 physical servers, some of which run virtualized servers that supply data to over 400 workstations and approximately 150 laptops.
在本届国际教育大会所采取的创新措施方面,应当指出是,大量使用了视听 手段和信息传播技术:在开幕式和闭幕式上播放介绍情况的录像资料;分别在六个专题 讨论小组开始讨论之前,播放在国际教育局的青年专业人员项目(BRIDGE)范围内制作
[...] 的“成功作法”录像资料;在当地“兰色莱芒湖”电视台的协助下,录制了一期(部长桌会议)电视节 目;在国际教育大会因特网 上 介 绍 了百项“成功作法”;次日即可 在因特网上查询前一天的会议讨论概要等。
Among the innovations marking this session of the Conference was the substantial use of audiovisual and information and communication technology: an introductory video at the opening and closing meetings; videos on good practices produced under IBE’s BRIDGE project (young professionals) to introduce each of the six workshops; the
recording of a
[...] television programme (round table of ministers) with the assistance of the local television station [...]
“Léman bleu”; the presentation of some 100 good practices on the Conference’s website;
summaries of the proceedings accessible on the Internet the following day, and so on.
泗水芝布特拉世界,Tunjungan商场,大城市,银河商场,Supermal Pakuwon Indah,泗水城市广场,Lenmarc,泗水皇家广场,东岸广场与泗水广场是当地著名的购物中心,而高科技购物中心与船塢廣場则是泗水 型 的 电脑 与 移动电话购物中心。
Ciputra World Surabaya, Tunjungan Plaza, Grand City, Galaxy Mall, Supermal Pakuwon Indah, Surabaya Town Square, Lenmarc, Royal Plaza Surabaya, East Coast and Surabaya Plaza are just some of the famous shopping centres available, while Hi-Tech Mall, WTC and Plasa Marina are the computer and mobile phone shopping centres in Surabaya.
[...] web服务到文档图像处理产品家族,开发人员可以构建稳健的、而且是轻量级的零编码的文档图像应用程序,这类应用程序可以运行在任 桌 面 、平 板 电脑 或 移 动设 上。
By adding on an HTML5 viewer control, JavaScript libraries and RESTful web services to the Document Imaging family of products, developers can build
robust, yet light-weight zero-footprint document imaging
[...] applications that run on any desktop, tablet or mobile device.
戴尔的XPS品牌,并以移动娱乐到新的高度和新的17英寸具有一个让人大跌眼镜, 上 腺 素 生产,高清晰3D显示器笔 型电脑 ( 三 维查看NVIDIA的NVISION公司需要3D眼镜,单独销售)。
Dell is taking the XPS brand and mobile entertainment to new heights with a new 17-inch laptop featuring an eye-popping, adrenaline-producing, high-definition 3D display (3D viewing requires NVIDIA NVision 3D glasses, sold separately).
[...] 处、日内瓦办事处、投资管理司和同国际电子计算中心新达成的信息技术基础设 施托管安排)的因特网、私人租赁线路、通信装置和设备及必要的通信线路;对 纽约的中枢网络基础设施进行升级,扩充其容量,以支持在把高速关键任务数据、 语音和视频等信息传送桌上电脑方 面 有着多种需求的用户
. Provision of backbone communications services, including Internet, private leased lines, telecommunication devices and equipment, and the required communication lines that are used for connecting the various offices of the Fund, including the Fund secretariat, the Geneva office, the Investment Management Division and the newly established information technology infrastructure hosting arrangement with the International Computing Centre; upgrading the New York backbone network infrastructure
with robust
[...] capabilities to support users with diverse requirements for high-speed mission-critical data, voice and video traffic to the desktop
尽管如此,虽 然许多沿海发展中国家设立了海洋学和(或)海洋科学研究方面的研究所或服务 中心,但开展海洋科学研究和获取海洋数据,需要昂贵的 型 设 施,如:研究船、 强电脑,以 及海洋抽样和监测所需的尖端工具。
Nevertheless, while many coastal developing countries have established institutes or centres for oceanography and/or marine scientific research, the undertaking of marine scientific research and the
acquisition of marine
[...] data require large and expensive facilities, such as research ships, powerful computers and the sophisticated [...]
instruments required
for sampling and monitoring the ocean.
CS1792與CS1794整合了設備集中管理的功能以及高品質的多媒體傳輸,對於遊戲玩家與專業電腦用戶而言是一套相當實用且能大幅提升作業效率 桌上型 解 決 方案。
The CS1792 and CS1794 combine centralized device management features with highest quality multimedia transfer, without even a slightest distortion,"said Kevin Chen, president of ATEN International.
电力塔 按其形状一般分为:酒杯型、猫 型 、 上 字 型 、 干 字型和桶型五种,按用途分有:耐张塔、直线塔、转角塔、换位塔(更换导线相位位置塔)、终端塔和跨越塔等,它们的结构特点是各种塔型均属空间桁架结构,杆件主要由单根等边角钢或组合角钢组成,材料一般使用Q235(A3F)和Q345(16Mn)两种,杆件间连接采用粗制螺栓,靠螺栓受剪力连接,整个塔由角钢、连接钢板和螺栓组成,个别部件如塔脚等由几块钢板焊接成一个组合件,因此热镀锌防腐、运输和施工架设极为方便。
power tower its shape is generally divided into: the wine glass type, cathead type, font, stem fonts and [...]
five bucket Purpose:
Strain tower, straight line tower, angle tower, transposition tower(tower replacement wire phase position), terminal tower and across the tower, the structural features of the tower are space truss structure, the rod is composed mainly by single equilateral angle or combination of angle iron, material generally used Q235 (A3Fboth) and Q345 (16Mn), the connection between the rod crude bolt by bolt shear connection, the whole tower angles, connecting steel plates and bolts, the individual components, such as tower leg by a few pieces of steel plate welded into a combinationparts, hot dip galvanized anti-corrosion, transportation, and construction is extremely convenient.
信息和传播技术为穷人所用,其主要方式包括 1)将信息和传播中心与各种社区媒体连 接起来,包括印刷媒体、有线广播和电视;2)在现有资源和网络的基 上 , 建 立穷人特别 是贫穷妇女的自助小组(SHGs),以及地方青年会;3)加强横向联系,比如在穷人和国立 大学之间,以及在更广泛的一般社区范围内;4)对信息和传播技术设施实行战略性配备, 比如在妇女之家、地方火车站和各类地方学校;并 5)调整和应用创新技术,如手持、手写 和触摸电脑。
Key strategies for ICT use by the poor include (1) linking ICT centres with various types of community media,
including print and both
[...] cable radio and television; (2) building on existing assets and networks of the poor, particularly women’s self-help groups (SHGs) and local youth clubs; (3) strengthening horizontal linkages, for instance between the poor and state universities and more broadly within the community-at-large; (4) strategically locating ICT facilities, in women’s homes, in local railway stations and various types of local schools; and (5) innovating adaptations and new applications of technology, including hand-held, tablet and touchscreen computers.




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