

单词 案板

External sources (not reviewed)

关于 家庭暴力,摩纳哥极为重视就这一问题制定专门法律,一项法律 案 最 近 已经通 过,并将很快颁布。
With regard to domestic violence, Monaco attached great importance to having a specific law on this issue, a draft law having been recently adopted and to be enacted soon.
至於在2007年年底,那個《決定》 ⎯⎯
有同事說是“阿爺”的決 定 ⎯⎯
[...] 當人大常委會作出那項《決定》時,人大常委會副秘書長喬曉 陽在《決定》的說明中指出《基本法》附件的修改步驟,如果要進行的 話,便要經過5個步驟,列出如下:特首要向人大常委會提交報告;人 大常委會決定是否需要修改;政府向立法會提交修改 案 , 並 經由立法 會全體議員三分之二多數通過;行政長官同意通過的 案 ; 最 後交由人 大常委會批准或案。
As for the Decision made at the end of 2007 ― some colleagues said it was the decision made by Grandpa ― when the NPCSC made that Decision, Mr QIAO Xiaoyang, Deputy Secretary General of the NPCSC, stated in the Explanations of the Decision the procedures for amending the Annexes to the Basic Law that any amendments made should go through the following five steps: the Chief Executive shall submit a report to the NPCSC; the NPCSC shall decide whether the relevant amendments are necessary; the Government shall introduce a bill on the amendments into the Legislative Council and endorsement by a two-thirds majority of all the Members of the Legislative
Council is required;
[...] consent shall be sought from the Chief Executive for the bill passed; and finally the amendments shall be reported to the NPCSC for approval and for the record.
执行委员会决定核准中国的申请,数额为 140,000 美元,外加给环境规划署的 18,200 美元的机构支助费用,但条件是,中国应提交书面文件,同意这些资金将是环境规划署作 为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划全部呈件的一部分提交的宣传和提高认识 案 最 后供资申请的预付 款。
The Executive Committee decided to approve the request for China at the level of US $140,000 plus agency support costs of US $18,200 for UNEP, on the condition that China provided a written agreement that those funds would constitute an advance on
the final request for
[...] funding for a programme on communication and awareness to be submitted by UNEP as part of the full HPMP submission.
對於陳偉業議員的修訂動議,我們匯點是會投棄權票,因為修訂的內容雖然能夠帶 出機場問題本身的政治性,但仍突出了要求㆗英雙方要盡早達成協議,而忽略了我修 訂案㆗最 重要的原則,就是興建新機場應該是屬於香港㆟的本㆞事務。
As regards Mr Albert CHAN's amendment, the Meeting Point will abstain from voting because even though it can bring out the political aspect of the airport issue, it nevertheless highlights the demand for an early agreement to be reached with China and neglects the most important principle in my amendment, that is, the construction of the New Airport should be Hong Kong people's own domestic affair.
科技创新政策(STI)审查 工作的各个阶段都与有关部委密切进行了合作,这些工作包括以下内容:本国和国际专家汇
[...] 批准的现状报告;确定国家优先事项、需求评估和商业计划;举办第二次国家磋商会议并提 请本国政府批准;以现状报告为基础,拟定一份修订的国家科技政策 案 ; 最 后,将项目实 施情况纳入国家发展规划。
The different phases in the STI policy review process which is undertaken in close collaboration with the relevant ministries, include the following: an inventory of existing national capacity and know-how in science and technology compiled by national and international experts; national multi-stakeholder meetings to discuss the status report which is submitted to governments for endorsement; identification of national priorities, needs assessments and subsequent business plans; a second national consultation and endorsement by governments; elaboration
on the basis of the status
[...] report of a draft revised national science policy; and finally, [...]
integration of implementation
projects in national development plans.
该报告案最初提交第五十三次会议,委员会在该次会议上决定“推迟审议为欧洲 和中亚区域臭氧网络提供以情报为主导的执法支持,同时要求环境规划署在未来会期重新 向执行委员会提交一份更翔实的案 ” (第 53/19(c)号决定)。
This project proposal was initially submitted to the 53rd Meeting where the Committee decided to “defer consideration of the intelligence-led enforcement support for the Regional Ozone Network for Europe and Central Asia (ECA) and to request UNEP to resubmit a more comprehensive proposal to the Executive [...]
Committee at a future
Meeting” (decision 53/19(c)).
委员会商定将经合组织评注关于分公司利润税务的第 60 和 61 段纳入联合国案文;联合国关于该条的评注案 最 初未纳入这些内容。
It was agreed to include OECD paragraphs 60 and 61, on
branch profits taxes, in the United Nations text;
[...] they were initially not included in the draft commentary on this article.
经讨论后,食典委在步骤 8 或步骤 5/8 通过了食品添加剂通用标准的食品添加剂 规定案和拟议草案(AL INORM 06/29/12 附录 VII 和附录 XI),但这两个附录中食品 类别编号、13.1.1、13.1.2 例外,决定推迟审议那些食品类别的食品添加剂规 定,直到油脂膏和混合膏标准案及 婴 儿配方标准 案 最 后 审定以及这些标准的添加 剂部分提交食品添加剂和污染物法典委员会通过时为止。
After some discussion, the Commission adopted the draft and proposed draft food additive provisions of the GSFA (ALINORM 06/29/12 Appendix VII and XI) at Step 8 or Step 5/8 with the exception of Food Categories Nos., 13.1.1, 13.1.2 in those two Appendices and decided to defer the consideration [...]
of food additive provisions of those food categories, pending finalization of the Draft Standard for Fat Spreads
and Blended Spreads, and the Draft Standard for Infant Formula and submission of the additives sections of these standards for endorsement by CCFA.
此外,一个专职小组将统筹各种与合作伙伴和其他 实体开展的活动和工作案,最 终形成更可靠和有效的合作,从而为这两个部门 [...]
Moreover, a dedicated team reduces transaction costs for the two
departments by bringing together various
[...] activities and work programmes carried out with [...]
partners and other entities, ultimately
fostering more predictable and effective engagement.
该职位 任职者将制定组织复原力计划和案 , 最 初是制定应对危机和业务连续性/复原领域 的计划和案,以 加强总部支持外勤业务关键职能的连续性,并指导和协助外勤业 务制定/审查和完善具体特派团的计划,以确定特派团关键职能和确保连续性。
The incumbent of the position
[...] would develop organizational resilience plans and programmes, initially in the areas of crisis response and business [...]
enhance Headquarters continuity of critical functions that support field operations, and guide and assist field operations in their development/review and refinement of missionspecific plans to identify and ensure continuity of mission-critical functions.
该工具可帮助决 策 者 评 估 基 于 市 场 的 工 具 (MBI) 是 否 适 用 于 解 决 自 然 资 源 管 理 问
[...] 题 , 并 确 定 哪 类 MBI案 最 为 合 适 。
The tool helps decision makers to assess whether market based instruments
(MBI) are a suitable tool for solving issues of natural resource management and which
[...] type of MBI may be most appropriate.
65 还有国家指出“应当对条款案最后 非常笼统地提到国际法的情况进行 澄清,以避免任何可能违反《联合国宪章》的情况”。66 正如第 20 条案的评 注 第(5)段所言(A/64/10,第 51 段),由于国际组织不是联合国成员,此处已用对 国际法的引述取代国家责任条款第 21 条中对《宪章》的引述。
Two States suggested the deletion of draft article 20, one of them on the basis of the argument that Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations applies only to States and not [...]
to international organizations.65 It was
also stated that “the very general reference to international law at the end of the draft article should be clarified to avoid any possible violation of the Charter of the United Nations”.66 As paragraph (5) of the commentary on draft article 20 explains (A/64/10, para. 51), the reference here to international law replaces the reference to the Charter in article 21 on State responsibility because international organizations are not members of the United Nations.
这届会议继续作为世 界各地模拟联合国案最佳做法的典范,同时鼓励在以前没有此类 案 的 地 方制 定新案,并 激励青年代表参与全球性问题。
The conference continues to serve as a model of best
practices for other
[...] model United Nations programmes around the world, encouraging the development of new programmes where they did not exist [...]
before and inspiring
youth delegates to become involved in global issues.
在中国和远东地区我们的专业人员能够帮助您优化您的產品采购策略,在您做出决策的过程中为您提供帮助,这样您便可获得最佳的物料,用以打造优秀的解决 案 , 最大限度的提高您的產品采购目标,满足国际产品安全标准的要求。
Our professionals in China and the Far East help you optimize your sourcing challenges and assist you in the decision-making process so that you obtain the best material inputs with which to create outstanding output solutions to maximize your sourcing goals and meet international product safety standards.
該報告再度確定隧道案最能 夠保護和保存維 港。
The Comparison Report has reaffirmed that the Tunnel Option serves best to protect and preserve the Victoria Harbour.
表达这一意见的代表团还指出,虽然空间资产议定书 案 最 终将通过统法 协会的程序由统法协会成员国谈判达成,但这一程序已有本小组委员会的许多 [...]
The delegations expressing that view also stated
[...] that, while the draft space assets [...]
protocol would ultimately be negotiated by States
members of Unidroit through the Unidroit process, that process had already included the participation of many States members of the Subcommittee and the consideration of requests from States not members of Unidroit that wished to participate.
这一修案是由瑞典代表团和第 I 组其他缔约国提出的。埃塞俄比亚、印度、日本和肯尼亚代表团以及欧 洲委员会代表纷纷发言,认为这项 1989 年公约在反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂领域起到了重要 作用,这一修案最终 得到了缔约方大会的批准。
This amendment was proposed by the Delegate of Sweden and other States Parties from Group I. This amendment was ultimately approved by the Conference of Parties, after interventions by the Delegations of Ethiopia, India, Japan, Kenya and the representative of the Council of Europe, about the important role that the 1989 Convention had played in [...]
the fight against doping in sport.
农发基金近几年来加强同土著人民的接触是基于三大支柱:(a) 在国际一级
[...] 发挥倡导作用;(b) 农发基金根据其贷款和赠款案最佳 做法拟订关于与土著人 民接触的政策;(c) [...]
The strengthened engagement of IFAD with indigenous peoples in recent years has been founded on three main pillars: (a) advocacy role at the international level; (b) development of the IFAD Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples, based
on the Fund’s best practices in its
[...] loans and grants programmes; and (c) microgrants [...]
in support of self-determined development
of indigenous peoples’ communities at the grass-roots level.
国民议会还通过了与刚果(金)武装力量改革有关的三项组织法 案 : 国 防总 组织法案,武 装力量的组织和运作法 案 , 最高国防委员会的供资和运作法案,以及通过了警察组织法案。
The National Assembly also
[...] adopted three draft organic laws related to the reform of FARDC — on the general organization of defence; on the organization and functioning of the armed forces, and on the organization, funding and functioning of the Superior Council of Defence — as well as a draft organic law on the police.
4.4.6 因此,在研究主幹道案,特 別是天橋 案 時 , 實際填海 填取的土地以及天橋案所影 響的海港水面面積均列為考 慮因素,以確定哪個案最能 夠保護及保存海港。
4.4.6 Therefore, when examining Trunk Road
[...] options, and especially when examining the flyover option, the land formation by physical reclamation is taken into account together with the water areas of the Harbour affected by flyover structures in order to determine which option may serve best to protect [...]
and preserve the Harbour.
妇女受教育权利案最初 是两个人的倡议,现在成为了一个具有内部组织结构 且与政府和其他伙伴相联系的组织。
[...] Right to Education Programme, which began as [...]
the initiative of two individuals, is now an organization with internal
organizational structures and linkages with governments and other partners.
与会者就修订该建议案提出 了各项提议,目的是提高确定性,更加明确 地列明各项建议案的以下具体目的:(a)提及建议 4 草案下的 各项义务,在 “而受到损害”一词前添加“由于违背建议 4 所述义务”并且删除“因董事行 为不当或不作为”一语;(b)将对公司所负责任改为对债权人或破产财产所负责 任的概念,或删除逗号之后的建议 案 最 后 部分,代之以“董事可能要对其行 为负责并且在破产程序进行期间可能要规定救济办法”;及(c)在“董事行为不 当或不作为”一语之前添加“在破产程序启动前阶段实施的”。
Various proposals were
[...] made to revise the draft recommendation to provide greater clarity and identify more clearly the specific objective of these draft recommendations as follows: (a) to include a reference to the obligations under draft recommendation 4 by adding, after the word “harmed”, the words “as a consequence of the breach of the obligations in recommendation 4” and deleting the words “improper acts or omissions of a director”; (b) to replace the notion of liability to the company with liability to the creditors or the insolvency estate, or to delete the final part of the draft recommendation after [...]
the comma and substitute
“the director may be responsible for their conduct and remedies may be imposed in the course of insolvency proceedings”; and (c) to insert the words “committed in the period before the commencement of insolvency proceedings” after the words “acts or omissions of a director”.
与会者要求说明在次级案 1(最 不发达国家)的目标中加入“持续、平等和包容性经济增长和可持续发展” 这些文字是否符合《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》规定的宗旨。
Clarification was sought concerning whether the introduction of the words “sustained, equitable and inclusive economic growth and sustainable development” in the objective of subprogramme 1, Least developed countries, was in accordance with the objectives stipulated in the Istanbul Programme of Action.
为了避免这些不利影响,已经制订了疾病控制 案 最 佳做 法守则。15 该守则要求将大多数疾病控制案和 活 动并入主要为病人提供服务的 保健中心和非盈利保健设施。
To avoid these detrimental effects, a code
of best practice for
[...] disease-control programmes has been developed.15 The code calls for the integration of most disease-control programmes and activities into [...]
health centres offering
patient-centred care and into not-for-profit health facilities.
对无限期休会的规范委员会制定的食典标准提出修 案 时 , 本程序将“决定以何种 方式处理该修正案最为 妥当”的职责委托给本委员会。
In the case of amendments proposed to Codex standards elaborated by Codex Committees which have adjourned sine die, the procedure places an obligation on the Commission to “determine how best to deal with the proposed amendment”.
在 3 月 22 日和 23 日第 7 至 10 次会议上,筹备委员会审议了题为“就所有 相关问题向会议提出建议,包括议程 案 、 议 事规则 案 、 最 后文件草稿、背景 文件以及会议主席和秘书长提名”的议程项目 10。
At its 7th to 10th meetings, on 22 and 23 March, the Preparatory Committee considered agenda item 10, entitled “Recommendations to the Conference on all relevant matters, including the draft agenda, draft rules of procedure, draft final documents, background documentation and nominations for President and Secretary-General of the Conference”.
案最初几年的成功和对投资案 连 续 性的保证,再加上 案 第 二 阶段 新目标的确定,使人对未来克服国家基础设施瓶颈和改善巴西人口的生活条件充 满希望。
The success of the programme in its initial years and the guarantee of continuity in the investment programme, in addition to the new goals set in the second phase of the programme, produce positive [...]
expectations for overcoming
the country’s infrastructure bottlenecks and an improvement in the living conditions of the Brazilian population in the future.
每个案最终 采用了几种不同、但相当简单的方法,所有这些 案 都 要 求未来做进一步的完善(各案的具体假设,详见 WBM,2007)。
Several different but fairly simplistic
[...] approaches were ultimately used for each of the scenarios, all of which require refinement in the future (see WBM, 2007 for detailed assumptions for each scenario).
工作组的工作重点是委员会的组成、其成员的选举、 法官和检察官的任命和纪律。高级司法和检察委员会的 案 一 旦 敲定,波斯尼亚 和黑塞哥维那司法部打算任命一个成员有限的新工作组,拟定将提交给部长会议 的修案最后案文。
Once the HJPC proposal is finalized, the Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Justice intends to appoint a new, more restricted working group to prepare the final text of the amendments to be submitted to the Council of Ministers.




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