

单词 桃花汛

See also:


peach n
peaches pl
pear n
pineapple n

high water
sprinkle water

External sources (not reviewed)

整個工程對及早解決汛,有十分重 要的作用。
The whole project is very important to the early
[...] solution of the flooding problem.
新年當然會擺桃花,但跟聖誕樹 不同,桃花枝上 放得太多東西便會折斷,我其實也很擔心今天這項議案真 的會“折斷”。
Of course,
[...] people will display peach blossoms during the Chinese New Year but unlike the Christmas tree, if too many items are hung onto a peach blossom, it will break and [...]
in fact, I am also
very worried that today's motion will really break.
它提供舒適的闊-窄琴頸彎曲及結合受歡迎的24音格樂器,配有溫暖及經典風格的楓木面板,一片 桃花 心 木 琴身和HFS/經典低音拾音器組合。
It offers our comfortable wide-thin neck carve and combines the clarity of our popular 24 fret
instruments with the warmth and classic style of a
[...] maple-topped, one-piece mahogany body and HFS/Vintage [...]
Bass pickup combination.
主席先生,北風又吹起, 我們又看到漫㆝的顛狂柳絮和輕 桃花。
Mr President, the northerly wind is blowing again now and we
[...] will see willow catkins and peach blossoms swaying in the wind, [...]
filling up the sky again.
CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农
[...] 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)花椰菜 、阔叶苣、苹果 桃 子 中 的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、桃、桃子 、 番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato;
cypermethrins (118) in
[...] cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, [...]
and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
(h) 在“吩諾汛;其 鹽類;其酯類及醚類;它門的鹽 類”一項中,在中文文本中,廢除“門”而代以 “們”。
(h) in the item “吩諾嗎汛;其鹽類;其酯類及醚類;它門 的鹽類”, in the Chinese text, by repealing “ 門 ” and substituting “們”.
一開始的清花果香,在飄散的瞬間撲鼻而來的是由洋梨、香橘與 桃 皮 組成的前調,如同搖滾樂瞬間節奏的開場;漸入香調的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉與 花 , 帶來清新與誘惑的味道,就像旋律由內心釋放出來,引領聽者到更高的境界;而在香調的一連串音符譜出搖滾的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所組成,雪松木、琥珀與香草,讓這首搖滾旋律散發能量,並以最溫暖的味道結尾,讓香味自己譜出一曲搖滾樂,讓聆聽者隨著樂曲的律動,感受ANNA SUI搖滾天后的搖滾魅力。
At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, [...]
bringing fresh and
enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
高速公路管理局全面启动《2012年度辽宁高速公路 汛 预 案 , 防 汛 人 员 按照24小时值班制度全部到岗,密切关注天气变化,随时收集降雨情况。
Highway Management Bureau is started in
the round"2012 year
[...] Liaoning highway flood control plan", according to the flood control and [...]
personnel on duty 24 hours
system all to work, pay close attention to the weather changes, at any time to collect rainfall condition.
生态系统保护方面存在许多立法 机会,例如采收方面的法律(木材、 汛 期 的 捕 捞、渔网的网孔大小);为游客、同时由游客进 行以确保生态系统服务为目的的支持工作(通过 巡查防止非法捕鱼);批准创新性的基础设施 (畜牧业的牲畜棚)。
There are many legislative opportunities for ecosystem protection such as harvest laws (timber, caps on fishing seasons, mesh size of nets); supporting efforts to ensure that ecosystem services are protected both for and from tourists (preventing illegal fishing with patrols) and approving innovative infrastructure (stables for animal husbandry).
长期以来,由于各种原因,防洪非工程措施建设滞后、基础工作薄弱,尤其是流域干支流水文站点、水库 汛 站 点没有考虑全流域 汛 抗 旱要求,测报设施普遍落后,设备老化,测报信息上报困难,珠江水情测报缺乏统一管理和协调机制,每遇大洪水等紧急状况往往“测不到、测不准、报不出”,不能满足珠江 汛 抗 旱 、水资源配置、水环境保护的协调、管理和决策需要。
Hydrological stations on main streams and branch streams and blood reporting stations at reservoirs don't take the overall river basin flood control requirements into account.
这款香水具有Trump最爱的香气,魔力、玫瑰 桃花 , 瓶 子的极简设计从Art Deco获得灵感。
The fragrance has some of Trump’s favorite notes such as
[...] jasmine, rose and peach blossom and sports a minimalist [...]
Art Deco-inspired bottle.
除了歌手的作品,他也参与许多電視劇和電影配樂如 桃花 小 妹》電視劇主題曲、《波麗士大人》電視劇片尾曲、《逆風18》,《第三代》,《初戀紅豆冰》, 《Lelio Popo》。
Besides album production, he also the composer for soundtrack such as《Momo Love》Taiwan Drama ‘s Theme Song, 《Police et vous》 Taiwan Drama ‘s, 《Love 18》, 《The Third Generation》,《Ice Kacang Puppy Love》,《Lelio Popo》.
它与汤显祖 的《牡丹亭》、孔尚任的桃花扇》 、洪升的 《长生殿》齐名, 并列为中国四大古典戏剧之一,在中国文学和戏剧史上产生了深远影响。
It ranks with Tang Xianzu’s Peony Pavilion,
[...] Kong Shangren’s Peach Blossom Fan, and Hong Sheng’s [...]
Palace of Everlasting Life as one
of the four great classical dramas of pre-modern China, and has had a far-reaching influence on the literature and theatrical history of China.
上河徽院” 位于华东两大山脉——天目山脉和黄山山脉的结合部绩溪县城东南3公里登源河畔,比邻有千年历史的仁里村 桃花 坝 和 徽杭古道。
The planning and design of the courtyard appropriately corresponds to its name, and fluently combines traditional architectural styles of Anhui Province with modern abstract trends.
为提高珠江水情测报、信息采集、决策支持能力,满足珠江 汛 抗 旱、水资源统一管理、水环境保护的需要,水利部珠江水利委员会提出建设珠江水情测报系统及决策支持数据中心建设项目,其主要建设内容包括
In order to improve the hydrological forecasting, information collecting,
decision support capability and meet the
[...] requirements for flood control and drought [...]
fighting, water resources management,
environmental protection requirements, Pearl River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of water resources proposes the project to develop Pearl River hydrological forecasting system and decision support data center construction, which mainly include
葡京酒店集團亦擁有及管理澳門多家優質餐廳和酒店,更是全球唯一擁有三間米芝蓮星級餐廳的葡京綜合城,包括享負米芝蓮三星榮譽的法國餐廳Robuchon a Galera、8餐廳桃花源小 廚中菜食府,盡顯集團對美酒佳餚的堅持及對追求美食之顧客的恆久承諾。
The Lisboa Hotels also currently owns and oversees the operations of several quality hotels in Macau and the Lisboa Hotels Complex is the only complex in the world with three Michelin-starred restaurants under one roof – Robuchon a Galera, The Eight and Tim’s Kitchen – underscoring the group’s commitment to culinary excellence in the region.
象鼻山靠近漓江桃花江, 外形酷似将鼻子深入河中饮水的大象,是大自然鬼斧神工的石灰石造型杰作。
Located in close proximity to
[...] where Li River and Peach Blossom River meet, Elephant [...]
Trunk Hill is a stunning limestone formation
which resembles an elephant drinking water.
多行幾步,原來才桃花源, 走進黑色的狹小門口拾級而上,竟然別有洞天!樓上是5,000呎的開揚空間,窗明几淨,天然光的照射更令MIRTH有一份時代美感;這裡由分別來自澳洲及紐西蘭女生KYLIE和ALEX創立,她們原本都是從事兒童服裝設計工作的,所以特別崇尚色彩鮮明和富自然美感之事物,於是二人便將這份理念投放到MIRTH之中。
Both of them have previously worked for Children’s fashion and traces of their background are evident throughout the design of the store.
像是取材靈感來自於頂級遊艇材質的遊 桃花 心 木(Yachting Mahogany)精緻內裝,便只能透過保時捷精裝配備及技術裝備選配。
Yachting Mahogany, an inspiration [...]
from exclusive yacht building, is particularly exquisite and is available for the Panamera
only through Porsche Exclusive & Tequipment.
苗族錫繡主要分佈於貴州省劍河縣境內,其基本特徵是以藏青色棉織布為載體,並以金屬錫絲條在棉 桃花 圖 案 上刺繡而成,對比分明,閃光明亮,光澤度好,酷似銀衣,配上各類銀器飾物,極其華麗高貴,已列入國家級非物質文化遺產項目。
Primarily found in Jianhe County, Guizhou Province, the
tin embroidery of the Miao ethnic group
[...] features fine peach blossom patterns in metallic [...]
tin thread on a navy blue cotton fabric background.
旗舰店以时尚、创新、优雅为设计理念:剔透明丽的品牌形象墙,名贵 桃花 芯 木家具,流畅的弧形墙以及陈列于店中央花朵形展柜中丰富的浪琴产品,使顾客能在梦幻、时尚的气氛中,近距离赏玩选购表款。
The flagship store features the design concept of fashion, innovation and
elegance - crystal and bright brand image
[...] wall, valuable mahogany furniture, flowing [...]
arch walls and the extensive variety
of Longines products exhibited in the flower-shaped cabinets in the store center offer a dreamlike and fashionable atmosphere for customers to appreciate and select watches at short distance.
随着市场对小体积高流量低压头泵的需求日益增长,尤其是防洪 汛 、 明 渠灌溉及污水处理厂抽水等领域的应用需求增长,飞力 Slimline 系列螺旋浆泵应运而生。
The Flygt Slimline propeller pump series was designed in response to growing market demand for smaller high-flow, low-head pumps for use in applications such as storm water and flood control, open-channel irrigation and wastewater treatment plant pumping.
桃花心木 套件有著淡色系的楓木鑲嵌其間,與深色 桃花 心 木 搭配出對比的優雅美感,整個套件包含內裝飾條、儀錶板、門板以及中央鞍座飾板皆升級為此美麗的木質,絕對能帶給您保時捷精裝配備與技術裝備專屬的高質感享受。
Light maple-wood inlays in dark mahogany provide a stylish contrast, the Yachting Mahogany Interior Package with trim panels on the dashboard and the doors as well as trim covers on the centre console all upgraded in this beautiful wood therefore offering an absolute highlight in the Exclusive & Tequipment range.
新款LX570内饰采用华丽考究桃花心 木 ,而出风口外包围面板、杯座盖、USB盒盖、后座加热控制面板及中控面板上部也均改为高亮度银材质,更彰显整车的品质和尊贵感。
Inside the LX 570,
[...] the exquisite mahogany trim, as well [...]
as the shining silver material used in the register panel, cup holder,
USB cover, rear heater control panel and the upper part of the central cluster, have both elevated the quality and nobility of the vehicle.
曾合作的藝術家及團體有城市當代舞蹈團、香港舞蹈團、香港芭蕾舞團、香港芭蕾舞學會、修芭娜‧嘉亞辛舞團(英國)、The Arts Fission Company(新加坡)、英國皇家舞蹈學院、香港話劇團、致群劇社 桃花 源 粵 劇工作舍、香港小交響樂團、Osage Art Foundation、香港電影資料館、英皇舞台、甘國亮、陳寶珠、王家衛、劉偉強、黎海寧、伍宇烈、楊春江、梅卓燕、邢亮、桑吉加、王延林、周書毅及葉詠詩。
Artists and organization that he has worked closely with include City Contemporary Dance Company, Hong Kong Dance Company, Hong Kong Ballet, Hong Kong Ballet Group, Shobana Jeyasingh Dance Company (UK), The Arts Fission Company (Singapore), The Royal Academy of Dance (UK), Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Amity Drama Club, Utopia Cantonese Opera Workshop, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Osage Art Foundation, Hong Kong Film Archieve, Emperor Stage, KAM Kwok-leung, Connie CHAN, WONG Ka-wai, Andrew LAU, Helen LAI, Yuri NG, Daniel YEUNG, MUI Cheuk-yin, XI Liang, SANG Jijia, Andy WONG, CHOU Shu-yi and YIP Wing-sie.
桃花」系 列作品中,周春芽選擇一個原已充滿神話與民俗意涵的傳統主題,利用驚人的色彩與效果探 桃花 的 象 徵意義。
In his Peach Blossom series, Zhou utilizes a subject already replete with significance from mythology and lore, augmenting the inherent symbolism of the "peach blossom" in his paintings [...]
through his striking
utilization of color and effect.
楼道的潦草图片下面画了一桃花象 征 春天,这个部分很‘现代’,指的是构图上运用的西方现代派的营造,至少当时自己是这样想的,就像他养的鸟的数量,多而单调,很在乎,也很无所谓,每周买一只,而且都是金色。
So I just gave it a single wash of ink. Underneath the
[...] sketch I drew a peach to represent spring.




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