单词 | 桂冠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 桂冠noun—laurelnless common: laurelspl 桂冠—victory garland (in Greek and western culture)Examples:金桂冠—Kim KyeGwan 김계관 (1943-), North Korean diplomat, vice-foreign minister of 月桂冠—victory garland (in Greek and western culture) laurel crown See also:桂n—laureln osmanthusn 桂—cassia surname Gui 冠n—crownn capn crestn hatn 冠—be first put on a hat surname Guan dub
该网站讲述了世界超级跑车锦标赛2007赛季的精彩故事,在这个激动人心的赛季,玛莎拉蒂包揽了GT1组别的全部四项 桂冠。 maserati.com.cn | The site that tells the story of the extraordinary FIA GT 2007 season in which Maserati has won all four titles up for grabs in the GT1 class. maserati.it |
MAG 2008 年,该杂志出版 2006 年以来,"专业认可"的桂冠涵盖了各方面的业务和俄罗斯度假城市的文化生活。 gurnal-mir--dom...-dom.g-sochi.ru | Published since 2006, laureateof "professional recognition" MAG 2008, the magazine covers all facets of business and cultural life of the Russian resort city. gurnal-mir--dom...-dom.g-sochi.ru |
在参加我们 分会的时装表演後我开始在分会层级捐款, 而且在加入不久後就开始透过桂冠基金 捐款. soroptimist.org | After attending our clubs annual style show I started donating on the club level and shortly after joining also started donating through the Laurel Society. soroptimist.org |
16位分别來自玛莉诺书院、嘉诺撤圣玛莉书院、沙田学院及西岛中学的预科生和4位香港大学文学院本科生今天(3 月11 日)參加香港大学举办的「樂膳‧好师 与杰出学人对谈」活动,与1999-2009年英国 桂冠诗人安德鲁‧莫逊教授(Professor Sir Andrew Motion)見面,一边共进午膳,一边轻松交流。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | A group of 16 secondary school students from Maryknoll Convent School, St. Mary's Canossian College, Sha Tin College and West Island School, together with four undergraduates from the University's Faculty of Arts [...] joined the "Lunch with [...] a Laureate" activity and had a dialogue with Professor Sir Andrew Motion, British Poet Laureate from 1999 [...]to 2009, over an informal lunch today (March 11, 2011). xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
Pilará Piaget马球队夺得2012阿根廷马球三冠赛之一,托尔图加斯公开赛 桂冠。 piaget.com.hk | Pilará Piaget Polo team won the opening match of the 2012 Tortugas Open, Argentina's Triple Crown of polo. en.piaget.com |
这个在2008年拿下足总杯桂冠并在次年驰骋联盟杯的球队现在不得不在英甲联赛中挣扎。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | UEFA cup thenext season, but now is struggling in League one. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
审查现有“桂冠计划”(该计划为高中考试最佳候选人海外学习提供全 额奖学金),力求令该系统更加公正性,并为来自低收入家庭、虽极具 [...] 优势却很可能会被剥夺奖学金的聪明学生提供机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The review of [...] the existing Laureate Scheme (that [...]offers fully funded scholarships for overseas studies to the best candidates [...]in the HSC examinations) aims at bringing more equity into the system and providing opportunities to bright students from low-income families who otherwise would have been deprived of a scholarship although they are highly meritorious. daccess-ods.un.org |
在1341年他获得了在罗马的桂冠诗人多觊觎 桂冠。 mb-soft.com | In 1341 he gained at Rome the much coveted crown of the poet laureate. mb-soft.com |
2008年中兴通讯宽带接入产品ZXDSL FSAP 9806H凭借低功耗、低噪声、高可靠性、高集成度等优势,在英国SOFNET论坛上获得通讯行业的顶级 桂冠“绿 色环保创新奖”。 zte.com.cn | Our broadband universal access system ZXDSL FSAP 9806H was awarded the prestigious “Best Green Innovation” award at Convergence World 2008 at SOFTNET England. The ZXDSL FSAP 9806H has low power consumption, low noise, high reliability, and high integrational capacity. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
被誉为"海上桂冠"的上海东方体育中心,采用了博世一系列安防与通讯解决方案来保障场馆的顺利运营,涵盖了EV专业音响、视频监控、公共广播与紧急语音疏散系统。 life.bosch.com.cn | Known as the "Sea Crown" in China, Shanghai Oriental Sports Center has installed a range of Bosch solutions to safeguard smooth operations in all venues. life.bosch.com.cn |
2003年12月,娜娜荣获联合国儿童基金会的亲善 桂冠( Goodwill Laureate award)。 unicef.org | In December 2003, she received the UNICEF Goodwill Laureateaward. unicef.org |
7月中旬,案例征集与评审相继顺利完成,一无返顾、勇往直前的12人自驾房车环球旅行团队“不可掉头”与年逾花甲才学车,立志驾房车横穿欧亚大陆的张志武(长老也)先生获得了“年度人物”的 桂冠,并 将受邀访问世界顶级房车展——Caravan Salon Düsseldorf 2012;开房车走遍全中国(曾驾房车到达珠峰大本营),即将开始房车环球的张广智先生与中国首位驾国产房车抵达珠峰大本营的王仁和先生获得了“希望人物”的称号。 aic.atcshow.com | They are the persons of the year and were invited to Caravan Salon Düsseldorf 2012, the world’s top class caravaning trade show; Mr. Zhang Guangzhi, who is just set out to start his RV world trip, and Mr. Wang Renhe, who was the first Chinese driving a domestic RV to Everest Base Camp were awarded in the name of ‘Characters of Hope of the year’. aic.atcshow.com |
如果她今年能在澳大利亚网球公开赛上赢得 桂冠,便会更加巩固她在世界人口第一大国中璀璨之星的地位。 tipschina.gov.cn | If she can win the deciding match of the Australian Open this year, she will further confirm her place as a genuine star in the world's most populous nation. tipschina.gov.cn |
他同时是达拉斯乐团的永远普乐桂冠指挥 ,并连续第七季参与芝加哥交响乐团的「星期五晚电影夜」系列音乐会,指挥经典和当代电影音乐,以及曾被电影借用的古典音乐。 hkphil.org | He holds the permanent title of [...] Pops Conductor Laureate with the Dallas [...]Symphony and currently in his seventh season with [...]the Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert series, “Friday Night at the Movies”, conducting classic and contemporary film music, as well as classical music used in motion pictures. 2011-2012 concert season also marks Maestro Kaufman’s 21st season as Principal Pops Conductor of Orange County’s Pacific Symphony. hkphil.org |
Simons以前是石溪大学(Stony Brook [...] University)的数学教授,2006年和2007年均荣登这个排行榜,他从亿万富翁John Paulson手中夺回了收入第一的桂冠。tipschina.gov.cn | Simons, a former Stony Brook University math professor who [...] took top honors in the 2006 and 2007 rankings, [...] reclaimsthe crown ofhighest [...]earner from fellow billionaire John Paulson. tipschina.gov.cn |
生机屋顶」可做为环保宣言,例如在丹麦哥本哈根的Oerestad地区,「八屋」计画设有两条斜坡式屋顶,即为1700平方公尺的绿意,如同胜利的 桂冠,这项住商混合开发案共包办公空间及540户住家,甫赢得「2011世界建筑节」住宅类奖项,获选为「北欧最佳绿屋顶」,这肯定是极大的荣耀,因为在迈向永续城市的路途上,德国与北欧早已遥遥领先。 thisbigcity.net | The 1,700 square metres of living, breathing greenery on two long sweeping slopes of roof are the crowning glory, for instance, of the ‘8 house’ in Copenhagen’s Oerestad district. thisbigcity.net |
威尔伯•肖于1939年5月30日驾驶8CTF赛车夺得了印第安纳波利斯500英里大奖赛的 桂冠,并在第二年再次夺魁。 maserati.com.cn | On 30 May 1939 it scored an important victory in the Indianapolis 500 with Wilbur Shaw at the wheel of the 8CTF, a feat it repeated the following year. web.maserati.com |
虽然最终由蛇口国际学校摘取了桂冠,我们的Lilla Beres 和 Yee Ching Wong同学却被选为锦标赛的「最有价值球员」(MVP),再次恭喜她们。 ycis-bj.com | Congratulations to Lilla Beres and Yee Ching Wong on being chosen as tournament "Most Valuable Players" (MVP). ycis-bj.com |
Markus 对自己的表现非常满意,并且期待在明天的比赛中能够更加接近总冠军的 桂冠;今 天他对 Alexandre 发出全面挑战,后者在 10 圈比赛中的每个弯道都试图超越 Markus ,但最终却只保留了第二的位置。 old.frdsports.com | Happy with his performance, Markus said he was looking forward the next race tomorrow to close the gap in his battle for the overall title against Alexandre, who had to be contended with second place despite challenging Markus at every turn throughout the 10-lap race. old.frdsports.com |
应用经销商组方面,今年夺得“杰出应用大奖” 桂冠的设 计是武汉万达中心二期豪宅。 emerson.com | The Emerson Cup, Future Star Award aims to encourage engineering students to develop innovative HVACR system designs. emerson.com |
来自意大利本土的百乐得公司为我们带来了来自意大利的全进口产品帕尔玛火腿,D.O.P. 表示“保护原始品名”,帕尔玛火腿的原始品名已经在1966年进行了注册保护,使用 桂冠商标作为特征标记。 sinodis.com.cn | Parma Ham’s” original name was first registered in 1966, and the DOP crown mark is your assurance that the ham was produced only from pigs raised in the Italian province of Parma – which is known for some of the best ham in the world. sinodis.com.cn |
代表 Autovitesse Garage R. Affolter 出战的 Cédric Leimer 在本周末第一场比赛后,通过确保充分的得分优势确立了不可撼动的领先地位,最终摘得 2012 兰博基尼宝珀 Super Trofeo 挑战赛桂冠。 lamborghini.com | Cédric Leimer, racing for Autovitesse Garage R. Affolter, was crowned 2012 Lamborghini Blancpain Super Trofeo champion after the first raceof the weekend by securing sufficient points to open anunassailable lead. lamborghini.com |
东航曾先后荣获国际航空运输协会授予的“航空航天 桂冠奖” 和“10年民航倾心服务奖”以及美国优质服务协会在世界范围内颁发的“五星钻石奖”,并在中国民航协会组织的“旅客话民航”活动中连续多年蝉联第一,于2010年还荣获中国上海世博会首家全球合作伙伴及唯一航空客运承运人的殊荣。 pricelessbeijing.com | China Eastern has one after another won the “Annual Laureate Award” and the “10-Year Cordial Service Award” of the International Air Transport Association and the “Five-Star Diamond Award” awarded worldwide by American Academy of Hospitality Sciences and ranked first for the successive years in the activities of “Passengers Talking About Civil Aviation”organized by China Civil Aviation Association. pricelessbeijing.com |
而豪雅这一传奇赛道的渊源要回溯至1975年9月一个温暖日子,当时瑞士车手克莱·格桑尼(Clay [...] Regazzoni)在蒙扎赛获得分站冠军,而他的队友,尼基·劳达(Niki Lauda)获得季军,如此佳绩足以令他为法拉利车队摘得 F1总冠军的 桂冠。tagheuer.com | TAG Heuer’s link to the legendary goes back to a warm day in September 1975, when Swiss driver Clay Regazzoni took first place at Monza, [...] and his teammate, Niki Lauda, took third, which was enough for him to win the [...] Formula OneWorld Championship for Ferrari. tagheuer.com |
继英国桂冠诗人安德鲁‧莫逊後,其他即将到访香港大学的杰出学人包括: 2002 年諾贝尔化学奖得主库尔特‧维特里希教授(Professor Kurt Wüthrich),着名经济学人吴敬琏教授及2009 年諾贝尔经济学奖得主埃莉諾‧奥斯特羅姆教授(Professor Elinor Ostrom)。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Apart from Professor Sir Andrew Motion, other eminent scholars who will visit HKU in March and May include Professor Kurt Wüthrich, 2002 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry; Professor Wu Jinglian, renowned economist in China; and Professor Elinor Ostrom, 2009 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
分别从中国、韩国、泰国、菲律宾、马来西亚五国区赛胜出的10支大学生车队参加,最终,来自泰国的Maejo车队凭借出色的驾驶技巧,以1公里场地竞速赛1分43秒的优异成绩摘得亚洲总冠军 桂冠,中 国北京理工大学的奋进者车队则以14秒之差的成绩屈居亚军。 life.bosch.com.cn | Team Maejo from Thailand ultimately prevailed, finishing the final race in 1'43" and became the 2011 Asian Champion. life.bosch.com.cn |