

单词 格列高利历

See also:


high interest rate

External sources (not reviewed)

利比里亚继续历一系列的法 外 杀人和压制新闻和民间社会活动家的事件。
Liberia continued to experience a string of extra-judicial [...]
killings and crackdown on the press and civil society activists.
这个版本的圣本笃生平介绍是根据《对话录》的第二部而作;一般认为《对话录》是圣 格列高利 ( Sa int Gregory the Great,590-604 年任教皇)的作品。
This version of the life of Benedict, the patriarch
[...] of Western monasticism, is based on Book II of the Dialogues traditionally ascribed to Saint Gregory the Great [...]
(pope 590–604).
一年始格里高利历(G. C.)的 9 月 11 日或格里高利)闰年的 9 月 12 日。
The year starts on 11 September in the Gregorian Calendar (G.C.) or on the 12th in (Gregorian) Leap Years.
在第二场会议第二节期间,各国议会联盟经济及社会事 高 级 顾问 亚 历 山德 罗·莫特、最不发达等国高代办 代理主任兼会议执行秘书桑达格道里·额尔敦列格、以 及孟加拉国议会成员撒贝尔·乔杜里详细介绍了各国议会联盟和高级 代表处旨在推动议会今后积极参与执行《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的联合项目议案 及随附议会行动计划。
In session II.2 Alessandro Motter, IPU Senior Adviser for Economic and Social Affairs, Sandagdorj Erdenebileg, Acting Director of OHRLLS and Executive Secretary of the Conference, and Saber Chowdhury, Member of Parliament (Bangladesh), elaborated on a joint IPU/OHRLLS project proposal and accompanying parliamentary action plan to get parliaments actively involved in the future implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action.
各国政府在履行尊重、保护及落实 利 的 职能中,必须确保 没有购买力的妇女能应对格高涨和 市场混乱事件,从而避免持续遭受长期饥饿 或丧失资产,避免削弱她们今后的生产力并危及她们的生计及其供养者的生计。
Governments, in their mandates to respect, protect and fulfil, must
ensure that women
[...] without purchasing power can face episodes of high prices or market disruptions without enduring chronic [...]
hunger or asset shedding
that would erode their future productivity and jeopardize their livelihoods, as well as the livelihoods of those who depend on them.
爱沙尼亚语不利和房地产格高 昂, 妨碍了在爱沙尼亚其他地方找工作。
Lack of proficiency
[...] in Estonian and high real estate prices hamper the search [...]
for work elsewhere in Estonia.
一些委员指出承高等教育学历与资 格 的 重 要性,因为对某些会员国内部一些机构在发放文凭方面的做 法有争议。
Several members noted the importance of the issue of the recognition of studies and degrees in higher education, particularly on account of the questionable practices of certain institutions in some Member States regarding the issuing of degrees.
為提升效率,電訊局已修訂舉報格 , 利 便 市 民舉報涉嫌違例 的個案,並會定期檢討舉報程序、調查和執行情況,以確保有 效高效率的運作。
Reporting procedures, investigation and enforcement would be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure effective and efficient operation.
有关资源还将用于讨论如何加强条约 机构系统的一列利益攸 关方会议,并支持为期数日的一般性讨论、条约纪念日以及儿童权利 公约任择议定书问题政府间工作组,为专家和/或人 高 专 办 工作人员的差旅费、其他能力建 设活动、编写研究报告(例如关于国家报告的良好做法)提供经费。
They will also
[...] provide for a number of stakeholder meetings on discussions of how the treaty body system can be strengthened, and for supporting days of general discussions and treaty anniversaries as well as the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, through providing for travel of experts and/or [...]
OHCHR staff, other
capacity-building activities and the preparation of studies, for example, on good practices on State reporting.
最近的一份有关脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA) 的专利报告在仔细考虑该问题后,建议“应该考虑 这样一种概念,即把声称拥有自然生成的 DNA 序列权利的产 品的专利权仅限于专利申请 中所指明的用途,其创造性的基础仅是关于该基因序列的用途,而不是该 列 本 身历或说明。
A recent report on DNA patents, after considering the issue in detail, suggested that “consideration be given to the concept of limiting the scope of product patents that assert
rights over
[...] naturallyoccurring DNA sequences to the uses referred to in the patent claims, where the grounds for inventiveness concern the use of the sequence only and not the derivation or elucidation of the sequence itself”.25 This would lead to the researcher being awarded only the rights to the uses that she has set out in the [...]
specification, and not all uses.
(c) 秘书长应按照字母顺序,将按上文(a)段被提名的委员会候选人编制成 一份名单,列明提名的管理局成员,并将按上文(b)段提交的 格 说 明或 简 历列 在附 件中;该名单应在管理局举行选举的届会开幕前至少两个月内分发给管理局 [...]
(c) The Secretary-General shall prepare a list in alphabetical order of the persons nominated for election to the Commission in accordance with paragraph (a) above, indicating the nominating member of the Authority, and
containing an annex with
[...] the statements of qualification or curricula vitae submitted in accordance [...]
with paragraph (b) above; the list shall be circulated to all members
of the Authority not less than two months prior to the opening of the session at which the election is to be held (ISBA/13/C/6).
(e) 请秘书处间国民账户工作组与国民账户咨询专家组协商,考虑对 列问 题 提供指导:纳入非正规经济部门的贡献,以彻底衡量国内生产总值;家务部门 问题,包括家庭收入的分布;经济业绩和社会发展计量委员会报告(斯 格利茨 报告)及有关这个问题的其他国家报告和国际报告的调查结果反映的福祉问题; 研究和发展计量;金融服务计量;编制季度国民账户;以及汇编国内生产总值的 支出部分,并适时向委员会报告结果
(e) Requested the Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts to consider, in consultation with the Advisory Expert Group, guidance on incorporating the contribution of the informal sector for an exhaustive measure of gross domestic product, on household sector issues, including distributional aspects of household
income, on issues of
[...] well-being as reflected in the findings of the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (Stiglitz report) and of other national and international reports on this matter, on the measurement of research and development, [...]
on the measurement
of financial services, on the preparation of quarterly national accounts, and on the compilation of expenditure components of gross domestic product, and to report on the outcomes to the Commission in due course
采取了一列相应措施,包括:加强利 用食品和收入、养护、监测、个体渔业、当地社区的生存权和其他需要、促 进保证海产质量(促进进入市场、消费者信心和 高利 润 )、以及提供资金和 技术援助以加强发展中国家的捕鱼能力。
A range of corresponding implementation points were adopted including an enhanced utilization for food and income, conservation, monitoring, artisinal fisheries, the right to subsistence and other needs of local communities, promotion of quality assurance for seafood (to promote access to markets, consumer confidence and maximize returns) and financial [...]
and technical cooperation
to enhance capacities of developing countries in fisheries.
不久,确实有拉美圣人生命,其中圣马丁这是最有名的,但600年来几乎 高利 大 时 觉得还需要良好的抗议,由于可能被发现,如在意大利埃及和叙利亚,并出版了他的对话,以证明自己的观点,通过提供自己的国家有启发性的故事,把旁边的老和尚 历 史。
Soon indeed there were lives of
[...] Latin saints, of which that of St. Martin was the most famous, but the year 600 had almost come when St. Gregory the Great felt it still necessary to protest that as good might be found in Italy as in Egypt and Syria, and published his dialogues to prove his point, by supplying edifying stories of his own country to put beside the older histories of the monks.
从地理上看,罗马为代表克莱门特和黑马;波利卡普写道士麦那,那里还派了七个 格 书 信 ,他说,从安提阿途中经过小亚细亚,四名;帕皮亚是希拉波利斯主教在phrygia;在埃及的十二使徒遗训书面或 利 亚 ,在 亚 历 山 德里亚的巴拿巴信。
Geographically, Rome is represented by Clement and Hermas;
Polycarp wrote from
[...] Smyrna, whence also Ignatius sent four of the seven epistles which he wrote on his way from Antioch through Asia Minor; Papias was Bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia; the Didache was written in Egypt or Syria; the letter of Barnabas in Alexandria.
贫穷和饥饿密切相连,因为就算有足够的粮食来养活地球上的 68 亿人口, 粮食市场高价格也会 把穷人排斥在外,特别是由于主要主食的 格 在 经 历 多年 的相对稳定之后于 2006 年和 2008 年上半年大幅上扬。14 因此,据估计营养不足 者人数仅 2008 年一年就增加了 [...]
4 000 万,达到 9.63 亿人,而 2007 年为 9.23 亿 人,2003-2005
年期间为 8.48 亿人,15 从而加大了到 2015 年实现饥饿人口减半 的目标(千年发展目标 1)的难度。
Poverty and hunger are closely intertwined because, although there is enough food to feed the 6.8
billion people on Earth,
[...] poor people are priced out of the food market, all the more so because, after years of relative stability, the prices of major staple [...]
foods rose sharply between
2006 and the first half of 2008.14 Consequently, the number of undernourished people is reckoned to have increased by 40 million in 2008 alone, to reach 963 million, up from 923 million in 2007 and 848 million in 2003-2005,15 making it more difficult to reach the target of halving by 2015 the proportion of people who suffer from hunger (Millennium Development Goal 1).
2011年,智利鲑科鱼类产量大大增加,促进了利和秘 鲁对鱼油的需求,欧洲的生产者增加了供应,尽管用于食用的鲭鱼和鲱 鱼格高。
In 2011, a large increase in salmonoid production in Chile
boosted oil demand from Chile and
[...] Peru while producers in Europe were able to increase supply, despite high prices of mackerel and herring for direct human consumption.
为了营造保持一种健康的、学习的、积极的文化氛围,并帮助 高利 奧 人 和其家庭的整体生活质量,我们采取了一 列 具 体 措施,如:建立可容纳9000人的雅图仕印刷有限公司绿茵花园设施;举办各种体育和娱乐活动,包括一年一度的嘉年华、“利奧杯”综合运动会、利奧明星汇聚颁奖典礼、雅图仕慈善万人行活动和利奧文化节;改进餐饮设施,改善住宿、医疗和交通服务;通过培训课程、讲座、技能方案、会议和对外展览,扩充和增长员工的知识面。
To maintain a healthy, educational and
active cultural atmosphere at Leo and to
[...] contribute to the overall quality of life for Leonians and their families, we have undertaken a number [...]
of specific initiatives, such as:
establishing the Astros Greenfield Garden facility which accommodates up to 9,000 people; holding various sports and entertainment activities throughout the year, including an annual Christmas carnival, the Leo Cup, the Leo Star Awards Ceremony, the Astros Charity Walkathon, and the Leo Cultural Festival; improving dining facilities, accommodations, and medical and transportation services; and cultivating and enriching our workers through training courses, lectures, skills programs, meetings and external exhibitions.
这是因为澳大利亚的所有历资格都 可 以归于一个国家体系澳 利 亚 学 历 资 格 框 架 (AQF)。
This is because all Australian
[...] education qualifications are included under one national system - Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其 历 史 上 对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔 列 的 定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 [...] [...]
治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy
and legal framework;
[...] the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack [...]
of qualitative and
quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
点和意义中产生的现存价值的前提下改变其用途,从而 高历 史 城 市的生活质量; c. 强调将当代建筑恰当地融入历史城市景观中的必要性,并强调在计划进行当代干 预时开展文化或观赏影响研究的重要性; d. 请《世界遗产公约》缔约国将《维也纳备忘录》中确定的原则纳入各自的遗产保 护政策; e. 鼓励《世界遗产公约》缔约国在它们提名时和拟定已经提 列 入 《 世界遗产名 录》的地产管理规划时,综合考虑历史城市景观的概念。
b. further encourages the enhancement of quality of life of historic cities by improving living, working and recreational conditions and adapting uses without compromising existing values derived from the character and significance of the historic urban fabric and form
不幸的是,迄今为止,以列历届政 府没有对利 于实 现全面、持久、公正和平的重大举措做出与其 重要性相称的回应。
Unfortunately, that major initiative in favour of a comprehensive, lasting and just peace had not so far met with a response commensurate with its importance on the part of successive Israeli Administrations.
(b) 参加委员会成员选举的提名应加附一份资格说明或履历表,说明候选人 在委员会工作所涉领域的资格和专长,并且在管理局有关届会召开前至少三个月 寄达;对在管理局有关届会召开前不到三个月寄达的提名不予接受; (c) 秘书长应照字母次序,将按上文(a)段提名的委员会成员候选人编制成 一份名单,注明是哪个管理局成员提名,并将按上文(b)段提交的 格 说 明历表列在附 件中;应在将举行选举的届会召开之前至少两个月把该名单分发给管 理局全体成员。
(b) Nominations for election to the Commission shall be accompanied by a statement of qualification or curriculum vitae setting out the candidate’s qualifications and expertise in fields relevant to the work of the Commission and shall be received not less than three months prior to the opening of the relevant session of the Authority; nominations received less than three months prior to the opening of the relevant session of the Authority will not be accepted
论坛将于 2013 年 4 月 10 日至 7 月 21 日在范围极广的区域内举行,包括:(i) 1997 年列入教 科文组织《世界遗产名录》的那 利历 史 中 心;(ii) 位于 Mostra d’Oltremare 新近改造 的现代主义建筑地标区域;(iii) 科学城。
The Forum will be held from 10 April to 21 July 2013 in a vast area comprising: (i) the Historic Centre of Naples, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1997; (ii) the recently renovated landmark area of modernist architecture located in the Mostra d’Oltremare; and (iii) the Science Centre/Città della Scienza.
最新的影视制作已经使用了该制片厂的设施,包括《加勒比海盗:在陌生人潮》、《美国队长:第一复仇者》、《 利 波 特与死圣:第一部分》、《罗宾汉》、《月球》、 格列 佛 游 记》、《小杜丽》、《冰上舞蹈》、《魔术师》、《ZingZillas》、《别对我撒谎》和《雷吉-佩林》。
Recent film and TV productions that have used the Studios' facilities include Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger
Tides, Captain America:
[...] The First Avenger; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1; Robin Hood; Moon; Gulliver's Travels; Little Dorrit, [...]
Dancing on Ice,
The Magicians, ZingZillas, Would I Lie To You and Reggie Perrin.
委员会认为,各国政府应设法增强其社会保护方案,以帮助穷人 和脆弱群体应对粮食格高企所 产生的 利 影 响,并特别为此实行有 针对性的收入转移、以工作换食品、学校供餐、可持续生计等类方 [...]
The Committee was of the view that Governments at the national level should strengthen social protection programmes to help
the poor and vulnerable cope with the
[...] adverse effects of high food prices, through, among other [...]
things, targeted income transfer
schemes, food-for-work programmes, school feeding programmes, sustainable livelihoods programmes and public distribution systems.
他设想,一个中立的独立专家小组 将起草独立审计和监督委员会候选人的入围名单,该小组可筛选申请和评估格 和适当履历;然后,该名单将转高 级 专 员,以保密方式与执行委员会共享。
He envisaged that a shortlist of candidates for the IAOC would be drawn up by a neutral independent body of experts
who could screen
[...] applications and assess qualifications and appropriate profiles; the list would then be passed to the High Commissioner to share [...]
with the Executive
Committee in a confidential manner.




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