单词 | 根音 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 根音—root of chord
继 卑尔根音乐节之后,“玫瑰城市”莫尔德于1961年举办首届挪威爵士音乐节。 norway.org.cn | In 1961, Molde, "the city of roses", [...] followed up the Bergen eventby organising [...]Norway’s first jazz festival. norway.or.kr |
弹奏的最低音便是根音。 casio.com.tw | The lowest [...] note fingered is used as the root. support.casio.com |
很早,可能不久之后写的福音根据约翰,四福音似乎已经团结起来。 mb-soft.com | Very early on, possibly soon after the writing of the Gospel according toJohn, the fourGospels appear to have been united. mb-soft.com |
在文化方面,教科文组织支持有助于推动地区一体化的地区活动,如瓦加杜古泛非电 影节 [...] (FESPACO),瓦加杜古国际手工艺展览(SIAO),泛非音乐节(FESPAM),非洲表演艺术 市场(MASA),福音与根音乐节国际非洲时装节 (FIMA)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In culture, UNESCO supports regional events that promote regional integration, such as the Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO), the Ouagadougou International Arts and Crafts Fair (SIAO), the Pan-African Music Festival (FESPAM), [...] the Market for African Performing [...] Arts (MASA), the Gospel andRoots Festivaland the [...]International Festival of African Fashion (FIMA). unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些提供的录音根据录音类型以及音质排序 zh.u2start.com | The available recordings are sorted on the type of recording and the quality of the recording. u2start.com |
根据音量、录像长度、画面、语言和音像节 目所表达的内容或主题,我们可决定其适合什么年龄的小孩。 cpsc.gov | The volume level, length [...] of the video program, visual images, language presentation, and content/theme represented in the [...]music or show determines the age for whom the audio and video elements are appropriate. cpsc.gov |
根据您的音量设置,自动音量功能将调节接收到的音频(又称 RX),以便长时间平均语音能量保持不变。 jabra.cn | Depending on yourvolume setting [...] the Auto Volume function will regulate the received Audio(a.k.a. RX) so that the long term [...]average speech energy is constant. jabra.com |
仅在接到要求时根据录音起草摘要记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | having Summary Records drafted only upon request [...] and on the basis of the sound recordings. daccess-ods.un.org |
瓦德四重奏演奏即兴当代音乐,根植于北欧歌咏和世界音乐。 norway.org.cn | Varde is improvised [...] contemporary music ,rooted in nordic chanting and world-music. norway.cn |
不过,根据笔者对音频调查系统的认识,有关系统应该能够清楚记录打出号码的数目和次数,和线路回应信号的类别,从而运算调查的回应比率。 hkupop.hku.hk | Nevertheless, accordingto the knowledge [...] of the author towards IVR surveys, its operation system should be able to record [...]the frequency of the dialed numbers and also the category of the contact response in order to calculate the response rate of the survey. hkupop.hku.hk |
其主要用途之一是捕捉笔记以及根据需要录制音频。 livescribe.com | One of its primary uses is to [...] capture notes and optionallyrecord audio. livescribe.com |
你更可选用特别用途的文字行为或音讯行为,它会根据有关轨道的音讯频率,引发参数上的转变。 mammals.org | Choose special-purpose Text [...] behaviors or theAudio behavior, which triggers parameter changes based on the audio frequency [...]of a track. mammals.org |
执行局委员可以自由 接触他们本人在公开或秘密会议上的发言录音,并且假如他 们希望的话,也可根据录音整理出发言的逐字记录。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Members of the Board may have free access to the sound recordings of their own interventions in public or private meetings and, if they so wish, may take a verbatim transcript of their own speeches. unesdoc.unesco.org |
芬兰探戈,以其带点悲哀的表达形式而闻名,深深植根于芬兰的音乐和舞蹈文化之中。 visitfinland.com | Tango, known for its fateful form of expression, has [...] long had deep roots inFinnish musicand danceculture. visitfinland.com |
Chatterbot配件适合12岁及以上的用户,产品包括一根USB线、音频线和用在电脑上的软件光盘(Mac用户可以通过网络下载);将其作为独立扬声器使用需要4个“AAA”电池(产品中不包括)。 tipschina.gov.cn | Appropriate for ages 12 years and up, the Chatterbot [...] accessories include aUSBcable, audiocable, and software [...]CD for PCs (downloadable version [...]of software available for Macs); 4 "AAA" size batteries (not included) are required for the standalone speaker function. tipschina.gov.cn |
驾车时通过语音发送电子邮件、使自定义播放列表上的歌曲音色更具深度,或使耳麦上的声音根据环境自动进行调整。 jabra.cn | Send e-mails with your voice while driving, add [...] extra depth to the songs on your custom [...] playlist, or havethe sound onyour headset [...]automatically adapt to your surroundings. jabra.com |
东北大学电子光理学研究中心•凝缩系核科学小组根据作用于超音波的液体金属Li照射重阳子光束,研究发现了这极大促进了DD核融合反应。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group of Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku University has discovered that deuteron bombardment on liquid metal Li exposed to ultrasonic waves greatly accelerates D-D fusion reaction. tohoku.ac.jp |
非统组织有其基本目标,其中的两 个是促进非洲国家的统一和团结,代表集 体的声音和根除一切形式的殖民主义。 regionalcommissions.org | Two of the primary objectives of the OAU were to [...] promote the unity and solidarity of the African States to act [...] as a collective voiceand to eradicate all [...]forms of colonialism. regionalcommissions.org |
保持低环境噪音级别事关各方的利益,而通过保持低环境噪音就可以根据计划继续使用无线电传输设备(也可以在未来继续使用)。 nemko.com | To maintain a low ambient noiselevel is in the interest of any party, and by that enabling radio transmission service to continue to operate as intended also in the future. nemko.com |
以斯拉•帕妮凡莉,1977年生于安卡拉,曾从师于杰出的中提琴演奏家Mikhail Kugel, 她同时拥有比利时根特皇家音乐学院与荷兰马斯特里赫特音乐学院的高级课程证书及硕士学位证书,并且均以 优异的成绩毕业。 wupromotion.com | Esra Pehlivanli (Ankara, 1977) studied with the eminent ViolistMikhail Kugel and holds diplomas of master degree and advanced studies from the Gent Royal Conservatory in Belgium and the Maastricht Conservatory in the Netherlands, finishing both degrees with the highest distinction. wupromotion.com |
该软件通过分析用户选择的第一首歌曲的音调,节奏和合弦,根据同样的声音软件会制定出一张适合每个用户的播放列表。 labbrand.com | Indeed, by analyzing the tones, rhythms [...] and chords of thefirst song picked by the user “Sense me” selects a play list to follow on the same sound without requiring [...]any effort on the user’s side. labbrand.com |
宇舶表倾情呈现王者至尊“大教堂”三问陀飞轮与柱轮计时码表。这款采用两根“大教堂”型音簧的三问腕表,融陀飞轮与柱轮计时码表为一体,表壳与机芯机板完全由碳纤维制成,完美地诠释了伟大制表传统与未来科技的“融合”。 hautehorlogerie.org | Hublot presents the King Power Cathedral Minute Repeater Column-wheel Chronograph [...] Tourbillon, a minute repeater watch [...] featuring two “cathedral” type gongs, atourbillon and [...]column-wheel chronograph, with carbon [...]fibre bridges in a case also made from carbon fibre. hautehorlogerie.org |
例如,ADSL使用最多256个频率不同的音频,每个音频的振幅都根据要传输的比特序列进行调制。 exfo.com | For example, ADSL uses up to 256 tones of different frequencies, each of which [...] is modulated in amplitude, depending on the bit sequences to be [...]carried. exfo.com |
(b) 避免在军事法庭上对儿童进行刑事审判,确保仅作为最后措施并尽可 能时间短地拘留儿童,并保障关于儿童的审判有音像记录,以及根据公平审判标 准而及时和公正地审判 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Refrain from holding criminal proceedings against children in military courts, ensure that children are only detained as a measure of last resort and for the shortest possible time, and [...] guarantee that proceedings [...] involvingchildren areaudio-visually recorded and that trials are conducted in a prompt and impartial manner,inaccordance with fair trial [...]standards daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国人权委员会特别报告员皮耶罗(Paulo Sergio Pinheiro)估计有 31 人遇害,而缅甸民主之音则根据缅甸 88 世代学生团汇编的数据列表,认为死伤人数达到 [...] 138 人。 crisisgroup.org | The UN Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro has estimated [...] that 31 were killed while [...] the Democratic VoiceofBurma puts the number at 138, basing its figure [...]on a list compiled by the [...]88 Student Generation group in Myanmar. crisisgroup.org |
(c) 资料管理产出:证据材料和信息来源索引,包括证人证言、录像带和录音带、根据规则第 70 条提交的情报资料、新闻稿及其他可自由查阅的相关材料; [...] 保管、控制和存储根据保管链程序提交的材料,包括去污和保存;软件系统和修 改计算机系统,检察官办公室数据库应用软件,包括电子披露系统、CaseMap、 [...]制裁和电子法院软件包;所有工作人员培训课程 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Information management outputs: indexes of evidentiary material and information sources, including [...] witness statements, [...] videotapes and audiotapes, intelligence material submitted under rule 70, and [...]press and other relevant, [...]freely accessible material; custody, control and storage of material submitted under chainof-custody procedures, including decontamination and preservation; software systems and modifications to computer systems, and database applications for the Office of the Prosecutor, including the Electronic Disclosure System, CaseMap, Sanction and e-Court software packages; and training courses for all staff daccess-ods.un.org |
奥利提到,一些书的人到有争议的一些:希伯来书,彼得后书,2John,3John,詹姆斯,裘德,巴拿巴的书信,牧羊人的hermas,didache和'福音根据希伯来人的。 mb-soft.com | Origen mentioned that a number of Books were disputed by some: Hebrews, 2Peter, 2John, [...] 3John, James, Jude, the Epistle of Barnabas, the Shepherd of Hermas, the [...] Didache,and the 'Gospel accordingtothe Hebrews'. mb-soft.com |