单词 | 核裁军 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 裁—decision judgment trim diminish cut out (as a dress) cut back (e.g. on staff) 裁军n—weaponsn non-proliferationn
他们重申了国际法院协商一致结论的重要性,即有 义务在严格而有效的国际监督下,诚意地开展谈判,并达成关于各方面核裁军的结论。 daccess-ods.un.org | They reaffirmed the importance of the unanimous conclusion of the ICJ that there exists an obligation to pursue in good faith [...] and to bring to a conclusion [...] negotiationsleading to nuclear disarmament in allits aspects [...]under strict and effective international control. daccess-ods.un.org |
本公司执行董事及副行政总裁魏义军先生於一九九六年六月三日与亚洲卫星有限公司订立服务合约, 初步为期两年,由一九九六年六月十八日至一九九八年六月十七日,并於往後继续生效,除非或直至任 何一方向另一方於最初两年届满时或其後之任何时间发出不少於六个历月之书面通知,予以终止。 asiasat.com | Mr. WilliamWADE,an ED and the DCEO of the Company entered into a service contract with Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited on 3 June 1996 for an initial term of two years from 18 June 1996 to 17 June 1998 and thereafter, the contract shall continue unless or until terminated by either party in writing giving to the other not less than six calendar months’ notice in writing to expire on or at any time after the end of the initial two-year period. asiasat.com |
皇名下的军事独裁政体。c.军国主义是日本的扩张主义及侵略行动的主要因素,也是日本转变成一个军国、极 权国家的主要因素。 hkahe.com | Japan’s conversion into a militarist, totalitarian state. hkahe.com |
现任副行政总裁魏义军先生将接替翟氏获委任为行政总裁。 asiasat.com | Mr. William WADE, currently the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, will be appointed as the Chief Executive Officer in place of Mr. Jackson. asiasat.com |
y 通过我们的促进裁军、国际安全和稳定的承诺,建设一个更加安全、 更加安定的世界,铭记全面彻底的核裁军仍是建设无核武器世界的唯 一路径,同时,应确保所有国家享有和平利用核能这一不可剥夺的权 利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Achieve a safer and more secure world through our commitment to promote disarmament, international security and stability, [...] bearing in mind that total [...] and complete nucleardisarmament remainsthe only [...]route to a world free fromnuclear weapons, while the inalienable [...]right of all States to peaceful uses of nuclear energy should be assured. daccess-ods.un.org |
各位部长重申核武器国家在所有与履行其核裁军义务有关的措施中落实透 明、不可变更和可核查原则的重要意义。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of the application of the principles of transparency, irreversibility and verifiabilityby NWS in all measures related to the fulfilment of their nuclear disarmament obligations. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此背景之下,他们吁请美国和俄罗斯联邦对此类裁 减适用透明、不可逆转和可核查原则,并进一步削减核武库,包括弹头和运载 系统,从而推动履行其核裁军义务并促进尽早实现一个无核武器的世界。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context they called on the United States and the Russian Federation to apply the principles of transparency, irreversibility and verifiability to such cuts, to further reduce their nuclear arsenals, both warheads and delivery systems, thus [...] contributing to the fulfilment [...] of theirnuclear disarmamentobligations and facilitating the realisation of a world freeof nuclear weapons at [...]an earliest date. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚洲卫星行政总裁魏义军说:「我们很高兴及荣幸能为 FIC 这个亚洲卫星的长期合作夥伴,提 [...] 供额外及具价值的服务,透过供应卫星容量及地面站基建设施方案,在协助他们於拓展亚洲区 广播服务的角色上发挥作用,应付他们现时及未来的广播需要。 asiasat.com | We are very pleased to provide this additional valuable [...] service to FOX International Channels, AsiaSat’s [...]long standing customer. We are proud [...]to play an expanding role in FIC’s distribution service in Asia by offering space and ground infrastructure solutions that address their broadcast needs, now and in the future,” said William Wade, President and Chief Executive Officer of AsiaSat. asiasat.com |
法国并不需要裁军﹐亦不需 要作任何赔款。 hkahe.com | So, Russia was also afraid of revolution. hkahe.com |
沙皇亚历山大提出了一些理想化的计画﹕裁军﹑组织一支国际军 队﹑组成一个统一的力量以保护现有的政权反对革命。 hkahe.com | Tsar Alexander put forward some of [...] his idealistic [...] projects-a scheme fordisarmament,the formation of an international army, ageneral [...]union to protect existing [...]governments against revolution. hkahe.com |
为应对这些挑战,埃及代表团期待着积极参加关 于“促进实现核裁军和不扩散核武器目标的建议”的 第一工作组、关于“宣布 [...] 2010 年代为第四个裁军十 年的草案纲要”的第二工作组以及将讨论“常规武器 领域切实可行的建立信任措施”议题的第三工作组的 审议工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | To meet those challenges, the delegation of Egypt looks forward to actively participating in the deliberations of Working Group [...] I on “Recommendations for achieving [...] the objective ofnuclear disarmament and non-proliferation [...]of nuclear weapons”, Working [...]Group II on “Elements of a draft declaration of the 2010s as the fourth disarmament decade”, and Working Group III, which will discuss the topic “Practical confidence-building measures in the field of conventional weapons”. daccess-ods.un.org |
一如本工作文件所简述,美国承诺以身作则,努力促进履行《不扩散核武器 条约》第六条规定的核裁军和非核裁军义务和 2010 年《条约》行动计划阐述的 各项承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | As summarized in the present paper, the United States is committed to leading by example by working towards fulfilling the nuclear and non-nuclear disarmament obligations under article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the commitments set out in the 2010 Treaty action plan. daccess-ods.un.org |
支持核不扩散和裁军议员联盟成员参加了不扩散条约审议大会的筹备委员 会第三届会议和 2010 年审议大会(有的作为本国政府代表团成员,有些作为独立 [...] 观察员),在会上组织了一些教育论坛,包括一次有潘基文秘书长参加的主题为 “推进核裁军:议会的力量”的小组讨论。 daccess-ods.un.org | Members of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament participated in the third session of the Preparatory Committee and the 2010 NPT Review Conference, some as members of their Government delegations and others as independent observers, at which they organized a number of [...] educational forums, including a panel on the [...] theme “Advancingnuclear disarmament: the power of parliaments”, [...]featuring Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. daccess-ods.un.org |
越南特别重视即将召开的 2010 年不扩散核武器 条约(不扩散条约)缔约国审议大会,并且认为,促进核裁军与核不扩散的最佳途径是提高《不扩散条约》 的效力,因为该条约是核裁军、核不扩散与和平利用 核能的基石。 daccess-ods.un.org | Viet Nam attaches special importance to the upcoming 2010 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and is of the [...] view that the best way [...] to advance nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation is to enhance the effectiveness of the NPT, which is the cornerstone of nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and peaceful usesof nuclear energy. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚洲卫星行政总裁魏义军说:「我们很高兴 SpaceX 成为我们未来两次卫星发射的合作伙伴,我 们期待能按计划於 2014 年成功地把亚洲六号卫星及亚洲八号卫星发射升空,使我们的卫星数目 由现时的四枚增加至六枚,为亚太地区提供更多高质素及全面的卫星服务。 asiasat.com | We are pleased to have SpaceX as our launch partner for the two upcoming missions. We look forward to the timely and successful launches of AsiaSat 6 and AsiaSat 8, thereby expanding our fleet from four to six satellites in 2014 to provide more high quality and comprehensive satellite services in the Asia-Pacific region,” said William Wade, President and Chief Executive Officer of AsiaSat. asiasat.com |
UL 的贡献包括员工在超过 60 个北美活动中充当安全顾问达 2,500 个志愿工作时数;赞助和指导地方 FIRST 队伍;在 FIRST 区域和冠军赛中担任裁判,包括参与评选年度安全宣传动画奖;以及为 FIRST 提供媒体和宣传支援。 ul.com | UL’s contributions include 2,500 employee volunteer hours as safety advisers at more than 60 events across North America; event sponsorship and mentoring of local FIRST teams; judging at the FIRST regional and championship levels, including the judging of an annual safety animation award; and providing media and marketing support to FIRST. ul.com |
各位部长商定,核武器国家采取具体行动的需求仍然日益增加而且最为紧 迫,即这些国家依据其多边商定的承诺紧急采取进一步的实质性具体措施,在 明确的时限内实现完成核裁军的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers agreed that there remains an ever growing and most pressing need for concrete actions by Nuclear-Weapon States, to take further substantive and practical measures urgently, according to their [...] multilaterally agreed commitments, to attain [...] the goalof complete nucleardisarmament within aspecified [...]framework of time. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 推动了秘书长核裁军五点建议的非正式核心之友小组一些成员,最近由 乌拉圭与和平市长会议合作牵头,继续努力为就彻底消除核武器的路线图建立国 际共识寻找具有创意的新办法,其中包括一份国际法律文书。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Members [...] of theinformal coregroup of friends that promoted the Secretary-General’s five-point proposal for nuclear disarmament, [...]most recently led by [...]Uruguay in partnership with Mayors for Peace, have continued their efforts to pursue new and innovative means for building international consensus on a road map for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, including by means of a universal, legal instrument. daccess-ods.un.org |
里约集团成员国作为大约 40 年前通过《特拉特 [...] 洛尔科条约》宣布为无核武器区的第一个人口密集地 区,欢迎召开建立无核武器区条约缔约国和签字国及 蒙古第二次会议,讨论加强缔约国和签字国、条约机 [...] 构和其它有关国家协商的办法和途径,以便促进在执 行这些条约的规定以及加强核裁军和不扩散制度方 面的协调和趋同。 daccess-ods.un.org | The States members of the Rio Group, as part of the first densely populated area declared a nuclearweapon-free zone through the Treaty of Tlatelolco about 40 years ago, welcome the convening of the Second Conference of States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia to consider ways and means to enhance consultations among States parties and signatories, treaty agencies and other interested States, with the aim of promoting coordination and convergence in the [...] implementation of the provisions of these treaties and in [...] strengthening the regime of nucleardisarmamentand non-proliferation. daccess-ods.un.org |