单词 | 核电厂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 核电厂 —nuclear power plant核电厂 noun —nuclear plant nExamples:核发电厂—nuclear power plant See also:核电 n—nuclear n • nuclear energy n • nuclear electricity n 电厂 pl—power plants pl 电厂—electric power plant
根据核能政策,为了保障波兰的能源需求,波兰应在 2030 年之前建造三座 核电厂,总发电能力大约为 10 000 兆瓦。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Polish energy policy, in order to [...] secure its energy demand, Poland [...] should construct three nuclear power plants, with [...]a total capacity of approximately 10,000 MWs by 2030. daccess-ods.un.org |
不确定因素和主要挑战仍然是: 核电厂 仍 然 没有得到 控制,在中期来看,人口老龄化和减少,以及试图降低巨额公共债务将拖累内需。 daccess-ods.un.org | Uncertainties and major [...] challenges remain: the nuclear power plant has still not [...]been brought under control and, in the [...]medium run, the ageing and shrinking population and attempts to bring down the huge public debt will drag domestic demand. daccess-ods.un.org |
评估得出的结论是:加拿大核电厂是 安全 的,加拿大核监管框架是强有力的,应急准备和应对措施是足够的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The assessment concluded [...] that Canadian nuclear power plants are safe, the Canadian nuclear regulatory [...]framework is strong and [...]that emergency preparedness and response measures are adequate. daccess-ods.un.org |
日本救灾人员正在继续作出英勇的努力,但我们知道,福岛第 一 核电厂 遭 受的损坏对附近居民构成严重危胁。 embassyusa.cn | Even as Japanese responders continue to do [...] heroic work, we know that [...] the damage to the nuclear reactors in Fukushima Daiichi plant poses a substantial [...]risk to people who are nearby. eng.embassyusa.cn |
我们对核反应堆核心以及核电厂的动态进行全面的检查,并且在每个核心零部件的整个服务寿命进行。 tuv-sud.cn | We take a holistic view of reactor core and plant dynamics and examine and assess every core component during its entire service life. tuv-sud.com |
是一个会员国根据第 [...] 1737(2006)号决议第 5 段发来的 通知,涉及提供物项供伊朗布歇赫尔 核电厂 使 用 ;一 项是国际原子能机构(原子能机构)根据第 1737(2006) [...] 号决议第 13(d)段发来的通知,该段规定为与该决议 第 3(b)㈠和㈡分段中规定的物项直接相关的活动所 [...] 必需的资产免受冻结;一项是一个会员国根据第 1737(2006)号决议第 15 段发来的通知,涉及收到和 (或)解冻资金以便支付根据在一个实体被列入名单 之前生效的合同到期应付的资金事宜。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the current reporting period, the Committee received three notifications — namely, from a Member State with reference to paragraph 5 of resolution 1737 [...] (2006), concerning the delivery of [...] items for use in the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran; [...]from the International Atomic [...]Energy Agency (IAEA) pursuant to paragraph 13 (d) of resolution 1737 (2006), which provides for an exemption to the assets freeze for activities directly related to the items specified in paragraphs 3 (b)(i) and 3 (b)(ii) of the resolution; and from a Member State pursuant to paragraph 15 of resolution 1737 (2006), in connection with the receipt and/or unfreezing of funds in order to make a payment due under a contract entered into prior to the listing of an entity. daccess-ods.un.org |
在报告所述期间,委员会收到了某会员国针对第 [...] 1737(2006)号决议第 5 段发出的三项通知,内容涉及 提供伊朗布歇赫尔核电厂所使 用的物品问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the reporting period, the Committee received three notifications from a Member State with reference to [...] paragraph 5 of resolution 1737 (2006), concerning the delivery of [...] items for use in the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家为没有工作,也没有领取国家养恤金,并参加消除核灾难、核试 验或核电厂事故 后果的人,为领取根据《社会福利法》发放的社会救济的 人,缴纳社会税。 daccess-ods.un.org | The state pays social tax for a non-working person who does not receive a national pension and participates in the [...] elimination of the consequences of a nuclear [...] disaster, nuclear test, or accident of a nuclear power plant, and for a person [...]receiving a social [...]benefit granted on the basis of the Social Welfare Act. daccess-ods.un.org |
与会者 敦促还没有这样做的国家迅速对 核电厂 应 对 具体的极端自然灾害、包括多种灾害 的可能影响的设计进行国家评估,并及时采取必要的纠正行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | States that have not done so were urged to [...] promptly undertake a national [...] assessment of the design of nuclear power plants against site [...]specific extreme natural hazards, [...]including the possible impact of multiple events, and to implement the necessary corrective action in a timely manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本报告所述期间,委员会收到了根据第 1737 (2006)号决议发出的若干通知:4 份通知根据第5段 [...] 提出,与交付物项供伊朗伊斯兰共和国布歇赫 尔 核电 厂使用有关;3 份通知根据第 13(b)段提出,涉及免 [...] 受资产冻结的非常开支;1 份通知根据第 13(d)段提 出,其中规定与第3段(b)㈠及㈡列出物项直接相关 [...]的活动免受资产冻结;8 份通知根据第15段提出,涉 及收取资金和(或)解冻资金,以 便支付各相关实体在 列入名单之前所签订合同规定的款项。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee received a number of notifications under resolution 1737 (2006) during the reporting period: four notifications under [...] paragraph 5 concerning the delivery of [...] items for use in the nuclear plant at Bushehr, [...]Islamic Republic of Iran; three notifications [...]under paragraph 13 (b) regarding exemptions to the assets freeze for extraordinary expenses; one notification under paragraph 13 (d) which provides for an exemption to the assets freeze for activities directly related to the items specified in paragraphs 3 (b) (i) and (ii); and eight notifications under paragraph 15 in connection with the receipt and/or unfreezing of funds in order to make payments due under contracts entered into prior to the listing of the respective entities. daccess-ods.un.org |
为贯彻落实乌克兰和国际原子能机构之间协定的附加议定书,国有企业切尔 诺贝利核电厂拟定 并实施了有关原子能机构核查活动的条例。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to implement the Protocol Additional to the Agreement between Ukraine and the [...] International Atomic Energy Agency, [...] the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, a State enterprise, [...]has developed and implemented [...]regulations on IAEA inspection activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球经济发展持续保持稳健、积极态势,但将受到若干全球事件的影响,包括日本地震海啸 及 核电厂 危 机 、中国的利率攀升、中东冲突、欧洲债务危机及美国政府财政预算赤字。 emerson.com | Global economic growth remains solid and positive, but will be negatively impacted by [...] many global issues – including the [...] earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan, [...]China interest rate hikes, Middle East conflicts, [...]the European debt crisis, and the U.S. government budget deficit. emerson.com |
在日本福岛第一核电厂于 2 011 年 3 月发生事故之后,法国总理责成核安全局对基本核设施进行额外的安全评估。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the accident at the [...] Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan in March [...]2011, the Prime Minister of France [...]tasked the Nuclear Safety Authority with carrying out additional safety assessments of basic nuclear installations. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天早些时候,我们讨论了八国集团成员国以及其他 20 [...] 多个国家、欧洲联 盟和欧洲复兴开发银行为结束切尔诺贝 利 核电厂 运 转并将受损反应堆现场变为 安全和可靠环境而进行国际合作所取得的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Earlier today, we discussed the outcome of international cooperative efforts, embracing the countries members of the Group of Eight as well as more than 20 other States, the European Union and the European Bank for [...] Reconstruction and Development, to [...] decommission the Chornobyl nuclear plant and transform [...]the damaged reactor site into an environmentally safe and secure condition. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国台湾马鞍山核电厂的工程师需要更换 Biach RPV 螺柱拉伸系统时,他们再次找到海卓泰特,因为 该 核电厂 多 年 来一直信赖海卓泰特的产品。 hydratight.com | When engineers at the Maanshan nuclear plant in Taiwan needed to replace their Biach RPV stud tensioning system, they returned to the company whose [...] products they had known and [...]trusted for years – Hydratight. hydratight.com |
这就是为什么我要求核管理委员会(Nuclear Regulatory [...] Commission)根据日本目前自然灾害的灾情,对我国国内 的 核电厂 进 行 全面评估。 embassyusa.cn | That’s why I’ve asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to [...] do a comprehensive review of the safety [...] of our domestic nuclear plants in light of [...]the natural disaster that unfolded in Japan. eng.embassyusa.cn |
与会者表示更愿意计及福岛事故中与 核电厂 的 潜 在脆弱性相关的经验教 训,处理核安全与核安保之间的关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants expressed heightened interest in addressing [...] the nexus between nuclear safety and security, [...]and to take account of the lessons [...]learned from the Fukushima accident relating to the potential vulnerabilities of nuclear power plants. daccess-ods.un.org |
核电厂 附近的森林吸收了核电厂爆炸 释放的放射性核 粒子,一场持续10天的大火又使森林重新释 放出这些放射性颗粒。 worldinfo.org | The forests [...] near the plant which absorbed radionuclides from the explosion [...]and 10 day fire re-release radioactive particles [...]when a fire occurs in the forest. worldinfo.org |
毗邻风险 (机场、地铁站和主要交通枢纽、 核电厂 及 其它高风险位置) molexpn.cn | (airports, underground train stations and [...] major road junctions, nuclear plants and other [...]high risk locations) molexpn.cn |
第 315 条,非法建造核工厂 “任何人如违反有关法规允许或开始建 造 核电厂 、 核 燃 料 生产厂或已用 核废料处理厂,判处 6 个月至 5 年的有期徒刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | “Anyone who contrary to regulations allows or [...] starts construction of [...] a nuclear power plant, plants for production of nuclear fuel or plants for processing of used nuclear waste, shall [...]be punished by an [...]imprisonment sentence of six months to five years. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过推行一项五点计划、努力打破裁军谈判会议僵局、以及在日本福岛第 一 核电厂 灾 难后愈加重视核安全及核安保,秘书长一直在寻求重振裁军工作。 un.org | The Secretary-General has sought to rejuvenate the disarmament agenda through a five-point plan, efforts to break the deadlock [...] at the Conference on Disarmament and [...] renewed attention to nuclear safety and security [...]in the aftermath of the tragedy at the [...]Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. un.org |
他向安理会报告了该委员会从一个联合国会员国收到的关于运送供在伊朗 伊斯兰共和国布歇赫尔核电厂使用 的材料和解冻资金以供支付伊朗伊斯兰共和 国与一个第三国所订合同的费用的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | He reported to the Council information that the Committee had received from a State Member of the United Nations [...] concerning the delivery of material [...] intended for use in the nuclear power plant at Bushehr, Islamic [...]Republic of Iran, and the unfreezing [...]of funds for the payment of contracts between the Islamic Republic of Iran and a third State. daccess-ods.un.org |
号决定,其中要求鉴于福岛第一 核电厂 的事 故,热核实验堆组织的基本核设施接受一次安全评估。 daccess-ods.un.org | See decision No. 2011-DC-0215 of 5 May [...] 2011 of the Nuclear Safety Authority, requiring the basic nuclear installation [...]of the ITER Organization to undergo [...]a safety assessment in the light of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近几年,Biach [...] 已为反应堆压力容器顶盖应用开发出世界领先的专家知识和产品,超过 90% 的美国核电厂都在使用 Biach 拉伸系统。 hydratight.com | In recent years, Biach has developed world-leading expertise and products for [...] reactor pressure vessel head applications; over [...] 90% of US commercial nuclear plants have Biach [...]tensioning systems in use. hydratight.com |
虽然这些情况对全球经济的影响可能是短暂 的,不确定因素依然存在,特别是与日 本 核电厂 放 射 性泄漏有关的那些情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | economy may be short-lived, uncertainties remain, particularly those associated with the leakage of [...] radioactivity at a Japanese nuclear power plant. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为锅炉、压力容器或核电厂设备生产商,您完全可以信赖TÜV德国莱茵为您提供的一站式服务——从初始设计方案到产品验收。 tuv.com | As a manufacturer of boilers, [...] pressure vessels, or nuclear plant equipment, [...]you can rely on support from TÜV Rheinland – [...]from the initial design proposal to product acceptance. tuv.com |
同年,大会通过了第45/190号决议,呼吁“国际合作处理和减轻切尔诺贝 利 核电厂 的 后 果”。 un.org | That same year the General Assembly adopted resolution [...] 45/190, calling for “international cooperation to address and mitigate the [...] consequences at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. un.org |
全世界的核电厂均采用 Climax 的解决方案对 MSIV 阀门进行铣削和抛光;维修控制棒传动机构防护罩无法达到区域的管道裂缝;维修蒸汽发电机人行道的开裂密封圈;改造涡轮机防护罩以提高输出功率(兆瓦特)。 climaxportable.com | Nuclear Plants throughout the world [...] have adopted Climax’s solution for milling and polishing MSIV valves; for repairing [...]pipe cracks in inaccessible areas of Control Rod Drive Mechanism housing, to repair steam generator man-way opening seals, and to retrofit turbine housings for increased megawatt output. climaxportable.com |
肖特电子封装事业部是为敏感电子元件提供长期可靠保护的外壳和其他元件的领先制造商,为LNG船舶 、 核电厂 等 严 苛环境下的多种工业应用提供电子贯穿件。 nec-schott.co.jp | SCHOTT Electronic Packaging is a worldwide leading [...] manufacturer of electrical penetrations for harsh environment applications like LNG [...] vessels, terminals and nuclear power plants. nec-schott.co.jp |
中国已颁布实施《中华人 [...] 民共和国民用核设施安全监督管理条例》、《中华人民共和国核材料管制条例》、 《中华人民共和国核电厂核事故 应急管理条例》、《中华人民共和国放射性污染防 治法》等多项法律法规。 daccess-ods.un.org | China has enacted a series of laws and regulations in this regard, including the regulations on civil nuclear establishment safety surveillance, the regulations on the control of nuclear material, the [...] regulations for the emergency [...] management of nuclear accidents at nuclear power plants and the [...]law on radioactive pollution prevention and control. daccess-ods.un.org |