

单词 核弹



nuclear reentry vehicle


nuclear missile


nuclear-powered missile submarine

See also:


bullet n
ball n

play (a string instrument)
pluck (a string)
(of cotton) fluff or tease
shoot (e.g. with a catapult)
elastic (of materials)
spring or leap

External sources (not reviewed)

所有运出乌克兰的战略和战核弹头 已在俄罗斯联邦境内的核电公司拆除 和销毁。
All strategic
[...] and tactical nuclear warheads removed from Ukraine have been dismantled and destroyed at nuclear power companies [...]
in the Russian Federation.
空中组成部分:2008 年,法兰西共和国总统宣布削减包括核武器 核导 弹和载核弹战机 在内的空中核力量的三分之一。
The airborne component: reduction announced by the President of the
French Republic in 2008 of one third of the
[...] number of nuclear weapons, missiles and aircraft in [...]
the airborne component.
作为框架公约,该公约可包括以下方面:禁止生产、发展 及使用或威胁使用核武器;所有防御理论都应否认核武器的威慑作用;防止在任
[...] 变材料;在议定时限内宣布所有武器级裂变材料库存以及彻底销毁这些材料;宣 布所有弹头并以可核查的方式解除其戒备状态;在规定时间内按计划逐步以不可 逆转的方式消核弹头。
This convention could be a framework treaty encompassing the following areas: banning the production, development and the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons; renouncing the deterrence values of nuclear weapons in all defence doctrines; preventing the deployment of nuclear weapons in all areas, namely on the ground, underwater, in space and outer space; banning the production of fissile material for military purposes; declaring all stocks of weapons-grade fissile material and their elimination in an irreversible manner within an agreed timetable; declaring all warheads and
de-alerting them in a verifiable
[...] manner; eliminating nuclear warheads in a phased programme [...]
and in an irreversible manner within a specific time frame.
如我们通过新议程联 盟所强调的那样,削减已部署战 核弹 头 数 量虽然值得欢迎,但是无法替代不可 逆转地裁减和彻底销毁核武器。
As Ireland has emphasized, through the New Agenda
Coalition, reductions in the number of
[...] deployed strategic nuclear warheads, while welcome, [...]
are not a substitute for irreversible
cuts in, and the total elimination of, nuclear weapons.
注意到法国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国最近宣布了核 弹头的 总体储存情况,俄罗斯联邦也通报了其核武库的最新情况,认为这进一步 [...]
加强了透明度和增进了互信,并在这方面注意到,已宣布将于 2011 年在巴黎举 行 2010 年审议大会的五个核武器国家第一次后续会议
Noting the recent announcements on
[...] overall stockpiles of nuclear warheads by France, the [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and the United States of America, as well as the update of the Russian Federation on its nuclear arsenals, which further enhance transparency and increase mutual confidence, and noting in this regard the announcement of the first 2010 Review Conference followup meeting of the five nuclear-weapon States, to be convened in Paris in 2011
修正的 CE 329/2007 号条例禁止直接或间接向朝鲜民主主义人民共和国提供 与供应、制造、维护或使用可能有助 核 、 弹 道 导 弹或其他大规模杀伤性武器计 划的武器或物项、物质、材料、货物和技术有关的技术或金融协助。
Amended Council Regulation (EC) No. 329/2007 prohibits the direct or indirect provision to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea of technical or financial assistance related to the supply, manufacture, maintenance or use of weapons or of items, materials, equipment, goods and technologies which could contribute to nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国的发展不需核弹 , 也 不会核弹作为荣誉或尊严之源,伊朗自身打算执行此类举 措。
The Islamic Republic of
[...] Iran, which did not need nuclear bombs for its development [...]
and did not regard them as a source of
honour or dignity, was prepared to do its part in carrying out such initiatives.
(d) 2010 年 10 月 19 日,联合王国公布了其《战略防御与安全审查》,其中
[...] 特别保证,该国不会对《不扩散核武器条约》的非核武器缔约国使用或威胁使用 核武器,并宣布削减核弹头库存。
(d) On 19 October 2010, the United Kingdom released its Strategic Defence and Security Review, in which it, inter alia, provided assurances that it will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States parties
to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and announced reductions in
[...] its stockpile of nuclear warheads.
2008 年宣布将机载部分中的核武器核导 弹 与 核 飞 机 的数量 减少三分之一,使法国的武库降至不到 300 枚核弹头。
A one-third reduction in 2008 in
[...] the number of nuclear weapons, missiles and aircraft in the airborne component, bringing France’s total arsenal to fewer than 300 nuclear warheads.
[...] 这些措施,其中包括立即停止生产用于核武器的裂 变材料;拆除核设施和试验场地,而且拆除退役核弹头; 秉持美国和俄罗斯联邦缔结新条约的精神, 削减所有核武库;针对极端自卫情况,限制核武器 [...]
各国持有核武器数量的透明度;所有国家,特别是 附件二列示的尚未加入该文书的国家迅速批准《禁 试条约》;立即开展关于裂变材料禁产条约的谈判。
Those measures, which had been taken up by the European Union, included an immediate halt to the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons; the dismantlement of nuclear installations and
test sites, but also of
[...] decommissioned nuclear warheads; a reduction of all nuclear arsenals, in [...]
the spirit of the new treaty
between the United States and the Russian Federation; a limiting of the role of nuclear weapons in defence doctrines to extreme cases of self-defence; greater transparency as to the number of nuclear weapons held by each State, following the example of France and the United States; prompt ratification of the Test-Ban Treaty by all States, particularly annex II States, that were not yet parties to that instrument; and immediate negotiation of a fissile material cut-off treaty.
更有甚者,美国继续部署数百枚核武器,在军事同盟框架内计划在其他国 家部核弹头和 导弹防御系统,培训这些国家的空军投掷这些武器,美国新的《核 [...]
态势评估报告》承认上述行为违反了《不扩散条约》,美国还向那些其核设施在 原子能机构全面保障监督范畴之外运行的《不扩散条约》非缔约国转让核技术与
核材料,美国的这些行为违反了《条约》第一条关于《条约》的每个核武器缔约 国都承诺不向任何国家转让任何核武器的规定,也违反了第六条关于核武器国家 作出彻底裁军承诺的规定。
Furthermore, by continuing the deployment of hundreds of
nuclear weapons, planning for the
[...] deployment of nuclear warheads and defence [...]
missile systems in other countries and training
the air forces of those countries to deliver these weapons in the framework of military alliances, which are violations of the Treaty confessed to in the new United States Nuclear Posture Review, and by transferring nuclear technology and materials to the non-parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons whose nuclear facilities are operating outside IAEA full-scope safeguards monitoring, the United States is in non-compliance with article I of the Treaty, which stipulates that each nuclear-weapon State party to the Treaty undertakes not to transfer to any recipient whatsoever nuclear weapons, and with article VI, which sets out the complete disarmament commitments of the nuclear-weapon States.
安全理事会第 1874(2009)号决议另外规定了措 施,包括扩大武器禁运和与禁运相关的金融措施,并 禁止提供可能有助于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 核、 弹道导 弹或其他大规模杀伤性武器相关计划的金融 服务、金融资产或资源转让或对朝贸易公共金融支 持。
The Security Council by resolution 1874 (2009) imposed additional measures, including an expansion of the arms embargo and the financial measures related thereto, as well as a ban on the provision of financial services, the transfer of financial assets or resources or public financial support for trade with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea that could contribute to that country’s nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related and other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
[...] 指控,再次试图转移世界舆论对以色列秘密研制和非 法持有数百核弹头、 建设核武库和发展其他威胁整 个地区、侵犯国际和平与安全的大规模杀伤性武器的 [...]
The Israeli regime’s baseless allegations against the peaceful nature of our nuclear activities is another attempt to divert the attention of world public opinion from its clandestine
development and unlawful possession of
[...] hundreds of nuclear warheads, nuclear weapons arsenal [...]
and other weapons of mass destruction,
which threaten the region as a whole and act against international peace and security.
以色列拥有的核武库有逾 300 枚核弹,它的核导弹射程超过 7 000 公里,可到 达欧洲、中国和美洲。
Israel possesses a nuclear arsenal made up of over 300 nuclear bombs, and nuclear missiles with a range [...]
of over 7,000 kilometres
that can strike Europe, China and America.
[...] 究,即改装活动、关于协调烈性炸药的工作,以及最 后,关于携核弹头的 流星导弹的工作。
For two years now, the Agency has been investigating the alleged military studies, namely on conversion
activities, work on coordinated high-power explosives and, finally, work on a Shahab
[...] missile to carry a nuclear warhead.
审议大会还应查清核武器国家如何辩解其违反对《条约》的承诺,继续发展 和扩散数千核弹头, 从而损害《条例》的信誉和精神的行为。
It should also ascertain how nuclear-weapon States
justify continuing to develop and proliferate
[...] thousands of nuclear warheads in contravention [...]
of their undertakings under the Treaty,
thereby prejudicing the credibility and spirit of the Treaty.
[...] 国系统的联系特别是与裁军机制的联系的同时,我们 借此机会重申,鉴于 22 000 多核弹头的 存在本身 和促使长期拥有和使用这些武器的军事学说和战略 [...]
对国际和平与安全及人类生存造成的严重威胁,我们 必须继续共同努力,以保持核裁军作为最高优先事 项。
While underscoring the important role of the IAEA and its links with the United Nations system, in particular the disarmament machinery, we take this opportunity to reiterate
that our joint efforts must continue
[...] in order to uphold nuclear disarmament as the highest [...]
priority, given the grave threat
that the mere existence of more than 22,000 nuclear warheads and the military doctrines and strategies that perpetuate their possession and use poses to international peace and security and the survival of humankind.
尽管 原子能机构以扩散危险为借口不断对非核武器国家 施加巨大压力,但那些拥核弹的国 家却继续享有 充分豁免。
While IAEA continued to put significant
[...] pressure on non-nuclear-weapon States on the pretext of the risk of proliferation, those that had nuclear bombs continued to [...]
enjoy full immunity.
该系统的弹道导弹可配备集束 弹头(由 50 枚小炸弹组成)和核弹头。
The ballistic missiles of this system can be equipped with cluster warheads (consisting of
[...] 50 bomblets) and nuclear warheads.
在核问题上,我要说,以色列政权私自开发并非 法拥有数百核弹头和一座核武器库,这是区域及世 界和平与安全的唯一威胁。
On the nuclear issue, I should say that the Israeli regime’s clandestine
development and unlawful possession of
[...] hundreds of nuclear warheads and a nuclear weapons arsenal [...]
are the only and single threat
to regional and international peace and security.
除在 13 个实际步骤方面取得进展外,墨西哥希 望此次大会能促成:尚未这样做的核武器国家承诺 公开宣布其武库中核弹头数量及其警戒水平;在 联合国系统内建立核武库核算体系;核武器国家承 诺不首先使用核武器;开始谈判一项关于消极安全 保证的具有法律约束力的文书;以及重申核武器国 [...]
家的承诺,即销毁核武库并就一项关于禁止核武库 的公约展开谈判。
Mexico hoped that, in addition to progress on the 13 practical steps, the Conference
would result in: a
[...] commitment by nuclear-weapon States that had not yet done so to declare publicly the number of nuclear warheads in their arsenals [...]
and their alert
levels; the establishment of a nuclear arsenal accounting system within the United Nations; a no-first-use pledge by nuclear-weapon States; an undertaking to negotiate a legally binding instrument on negative security assurances; and a reaffirmation of the commitment of nuclear-weapon States to destroy their nuclear arsenals and negotiate a convention on their prohibition.
[...] 而且这些国家在审议大会上做出承诺,但持续发展、 部署和保留其储备的数千核弹头, 仍旧威胁着国 际和平与安全。
Despite the obligations of nuclear-weapon States under article VI of the Treaty and the commitments made by those States at review conferences, the ongoing
development, deployment and
[...] maintenance of thousands of nuclear warheads in their stockpiles [...]
continued to threaten international peace and security.
核 弹头仍 处于作战部署,而美国和俄罗斯各有 2 000 多件核武器处于危险的高 [...]
级戒备状态,随时准备在意识到遭受攻击时立即发射——在各自总统仅仅 4-8 分钟的决策时间窗内即可发射。
Nearly half of all warheads are still operationally [...]
deployed, and the U.S. and Russia each have over 2,000 weapons on dangerously
high alert, ready to be launched immediately – within a decision window of just 4-8 minutes for each president – in the event of perceived attack.
现 在已得到公认的是,以色列政权秘密发展和非法拥有 100 至 300 枚核弹头,而且它不断威胁对某些国家使 用这些弹头,从而对区域和国际和平与安全构成了特 [...]
It is now widely recognized that the Israeli regime’s clandestine
development and unlawful possession of
[...] between 100 to 300 nuclear warheads, and its constant [...]
threats to use them against certain
countries, pose a uniquely grave threat to regional and international peace and security.
仅使用庞大全球核武库中微不足道的一部分,也就是 说仅爆炸 100 枚核弹头,便可在几小时之内导致核冬 天。
The use of only a negligible part of the
[...] huge global nuclear arsenal, that is, the explosion of 100 warheads, would bring about nuclear winter in a [...]
few hours.
禁止提供与可能有助核、弹道导弹或其他大规模杀伤性武器计划的武器或 物项、物质、材料、货物和技术转让(向或从朝鲜民主主义人民共和国转让)有关 的技术或金融协助。
Ban on providing technical or financial assistance related to transfers to or from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea of weapons or of items, materials, equipment, goods and technologies which could contribute to nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes
例如,冷战的结束以及终于建成团结一致的欧 洲,导致过去 20 年中美国、俄罗斯联邦、联合王国 和法国核弹头数量锐减。
Thus, for example, the significant reduction in the number of nuclear warheads in the United States, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and France over the past 20 years was made possible by the ending of the Cold War and the construction of a Europe that was finally united.
如果申请保险信用证所针对的物项、服务或技术有可能用于或有助于朝鲜民 主主义人民共和核、弹道导 弹或其他大规模杀伤性武器计划的情况而不提出报 [...]
Failure to report that the goods, services or technologies in respect of which the credit insurance application is
made could be intended for or
[...] contribute to the nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related [...]
or other weapons of mass destructionrelated
programmes of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will entail loss of rights under the credit insurance policy.
[...] 定保持透明和建立信任的措施,同时在这方面注意到核武器国家在其核武库,包 括其现核弹头数 目问题上增加了透明度
Calls upon all nuclear-weapon States to undertake reductions of nuclear weapons in a transparent manner, and invites all nuclear-weapon States to agree on transparency and confidence-building measures, while noting in this regard the increased transparency
demonstrated by nuclear-weapon States on their nuclear arsenals, including the
[...] current number of their nuclear warheads
尽管第 六条规定了义务,核武器国家在 1995
[...] 年不扩散条约审议和延期大会作出承诺并 在 2000 年审议大会上作出明确承诺,但核武器国家继续发展和部署核武库中的 数千核弹头, 仍在威胁着国际和平与安全。
Despite the obligations under article VI and commitments made by the nuclear-weapon States at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty and their unequivocal undertaking of the 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty, the continued development
and deployment of thousands
[...] of nuclear warheads in the stockpiles of the nuclear-weapon States [...]
still threaten international peace and security.




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