单词 | 核工程 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 核工程—nuclear engineeringSee also:工程n—engineeringn projectn workn 工程—an engineering project undertaking
内部审核包括覆核工程师检查报告所载资料是否足够和进行实地核证。 devb.gov.hk | The internal audit involves reviewing the adequacy of information in the EI reports and conducting site verification. devb.gov.hk |
北京核工程研究设计院(核工业第二研究设计院)的主页。 business-china.com | Beijing nuclearproject research design institute (nuclearindustry second [...] research design institute) home page. business-china.com |
几天 之前,准确地说是 9 月 29 日,另一个武装恐怖团伙 暗杀了核工程师、胡姆斯大学校长奥斯·阿卜杜勒·卡 里姆·哈利勒。 daccess-ods.un.org | A few days ago, on 29 September, to be exact, [...] another armed terrorist group assassinated Aws Abdel [...] Karim Khalil, a nuclear engineer and dean of [...]the University of Homs. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,在原子能机构的区域项目下,非洲各国已建立了利 用信通技术在核科学技术方面对核工程师、电子计算机科学家和技术人员进行培 训和教育的可持续的国家和区域能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, under IAEA regional projects, African countries have established sustainable national and regional [...] capabilities in the use of ICT for training [...] and education of nuclear engineers, computerscientists [...]and technicians in the fields [...]of nuclear science and technology. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔斯通公司宣布,近期分别与中国核工业集团公司下属的EPC工程总承包公司中国核电工程有限公司及中国广东核电集团下属工程总承包公司中广核工程有限公司签订供货合同,总额约4000万欧元。 dynabondpowertech.com | Paris, March 2, 2011 — Alstom, partnering with Shaanxi Diesel Heavy Industry, has won a contract to supply emergency diesel [...] generators for the [...] Chinese Tianwan nuclear powerplant, and at the same time secured contracts to supply gas stripping and evaporation unit equipment to the Ningde, Fangchenggang, Yangjiang, Fuqing andTianwannuclear powerplants. dynabondpowertech.com |
教学平 台包括机械工程及自动化、热能与动力工程、工业工程、核工程与核技术、航空航天等 5 个专业,覆盖设计与制造、车辆工程、机械电子工程、微机电制造、塑性成型、动力 机械工程、制冷与空调、热能工程等 12 个专业方向。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Under these programs, there are 12 specialty directions: mechanical design and manufacturing, vehicle engineering, mechatronic engineering, manufacturing of micro-electro- mechanical systems, plastic deformation engineering, power mechanical engineering, refrigeration and cryogenics engineering, thermal engineering and etc. We recruit students according to the general concept of discipline, during the undergraduate period, we take the“2+1+1” education model. unesdoc.unesco.org |
评核工程进度表现时,会利用两个基本互补的「工具」 (即进度规划和进度指标日期),以更全面和广泛的角度评核屋宇装备承办商的实际工程进度。 housingauthority.gov.hk | The progress performance is assessed by using two basic complementary "tools" (i.e. against the programme and against the milestone dates) to evaluate the actual progress achievement in the period under assessment in a more complete and wider perspective. housingauthority.gov.hk |
运用我们的工厂评估检查表,我们的审核员可以进行玩具指令审核程序(工厂评估、工程风险等级鉴定、纠正措施),我们也可与您一同创建检查表以满足您的特殊需要。 sgsgroup.com.cn | Our auditors can [...] run the toy directiveauditprogram (factory assessment, identification [...]of the factory risk level, corrective [...]actions) using our factory assessment check-list or we can create a check list with you to meet your specific needs. sgsgroup.com.ar |
获得的主要成果包括:为《2009 年全民教育全球 监测报告》编撰了有关 184 个国家的教育立法、治理和经费筹措的数据汇编、完成了对 129 [...] 个国家教育部长(在第四十八届教育会议上)发言内容的综合分析报告和对 2008 年拉丁美 洲和加勒比地区关于全纳教育的国家报告的分析研究、为出版 2008 年《全球教育文摘》, 完成了对 80 个国家的初等教育学制、法定入学年龄等数据的复核工作、完成了第四十八届 国际教育会议最后报告的起草和包括会议所有文件内容的 CD-ROM 光盘制作工作、完成了 国际教育局课程设置工作文件新系列中两份新文件和《教育实践》丛书中一册书的撰写工 作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Main results included: a compilation of data on educational legislation, governance and financing in 184 countries for the 2009 EFA Global Monitoring Report; a content analysis of 129 messages from Ministers of Education (48th ICE session); an exploratory analysis of 2008 National Reports on inclusive education in Latin America and the [...] Caribbean; the cross-checking of dataon primary education duration and statutory entry age in 80 countries for the Global Education [...] Digest 2008; the final report of the 48th ICE and a CD-ROM containing all ICE materials; two papers of the IBE Working Papers on Curriculum Issuesseries; and one issue of the Educational Practices series. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2.2 委员会的工作涵盖本集团的整体业务,并对整个集团的财务报告、内部控制及审核程序负有监督 责任,以及监察业务单位审核委员会(包括保诚集团亚洲区总部审核委员会、M&G 审核及合规 委员会、保诚英国/欧洲审核委员会、Prudential plc 北美审核委员会及 Prudential Capital plc 审核及合规委员会)的工作。 prudential.co.uk | 2.2 The Committee is concernedwith the whole of the Group’s business, and has oversight [...] responsibilities over financial reporting, internal control and audit processesGroup-wide,and monitors the activities of business unit audit committees (comprising the Prudential Corporation Asia Audit Committee, the M&G Audit & Compliance Committee, the Prudential UK/Europe Audit Committee, the Prudential plc North American Audit Committee and the Prudential Capital plc Audit and Compliance Committee). prudential.co.uk |
有一点须注意的是,计划的 开支趋势,在 2008-09 财政年度开始时属低水平,其後數年会提高,原因是 这项全新的活化计划,需要时间进行基本的筹备工作,才能取得成果(例如 进行审核程序、向财委会及辖下的工务小组委员会申请拨款,以进行翻新工程等)。 devb.gov.hk | This is because the Revitalisation Scheme is entirely new, and lead time is required to carry out the basic ground work until [...] the [...] projects come into fruition (e.g. going through the vetting process, bidding funds from the PWSC of the FC for the renovation [...]works, etc.). devb.gov.hk |
事先筛选的名册概念 的依据是:战略性的工作人员规化、使用通用空缺通 知、在不同职业类设立专家组、在整个秘书处采用中 央审查机构以及侧重上游的审核程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | The concept of pre-screened rosters was based on strategic workforce planning, the [...] use of generic vacancy [...] announcements, the creation of expert groups in the various occupational groups, the use of central review bodies throughout the Secretariat and an upstreamedclearance process. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过协调一致和有深度协商进程,核定了一个联合国各实体都放心的行动计 划,各实体有信心,行动计划将为振兴联合国系统促进性别平等和增强妇女权能的工作作出有意义的贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | The consistency and depth of the consultative processhas ledtotheapproval of an action plan that United Nations entities feel assured will meaningfully contribute to the revitalization of the work [...] of the United Nations system on gender [...]equality and the empowerment of women. daccess-ods.un.org |
指定程序包括独立于甄选行动的审核程序,该程序旨在确保所有担负管理财 政、人力或物质资源重要职责的工作人员均具备履行所负责任的必要资历和经 验。 daccess-ods.un.org | The designation process consists of a clearance procedure, independent from the selection action, that is designed to ensure that [...] all staff members that perform significant [...]functions in the management of financial, human or physical resources have the requisite qualifications and experience to carry out the responsibilities assigned to them. daccess-ods.un.org |