

单词 核安全

See also:



安全 adj

safe adj
safer adj

External sources (not reviewed)

我们正在坚持我们的一贯政策,即支持国际社会 努力在各方面加核安全,其 中包括在俄罗斯举办国 际培训课程,就各种议题培训该领域的专家。
We are maintaining our consistent policy of
supporting international efforts
[...] aimed at strengthening nuclear security across a broad spectrum [...]
on this topic, including through
the organization in Russia of international training courses to train experts in that area on various subjects.
还在处理更广泛的核法律事项的其他国家或区域研讨会框 架内提供关核安全的法律咨询意见。
Legal advice on nuclear security had also been provided in the context of other national or regional workshops
[...] addressing broader nuclear legal issues.
(b) 其次,《热核实验堆协定》规定,所赋予的特权和豁免不得减损或影响 热核实验堆组织、总干事和工作人员遵守《热核实验堆协定》第 14 条所载条例
[...] 的义务,这些条例即东道国在公共和职业卫生 安全 、 核安全 、 辐 射防护、许 可、核物质、环境保护及防止恶意行为等领域适用的国内法律和条例。
(b) Secondly, the ITER Agreement establishes that the privileges and immunities granted shall neither diminish nor affect the duty of the ITER Organization, the Director-General and members of staff to comply with the regulations set out in article 14 of the ITER Agreement, namely, applicable national laws and regulations of the host State in
the fields of public and occupational
[...] health and safety, nuclear safety, radiation protection, [...]
licensing, nuclear substances,
environmental protection and protection from acts of malevolence.
它对巴基斯坦在国家一级核安全和 安保采取的步骤表示满意,这些步骤在 推行国家核电发展计划时将继续是重要的考虑因素。
It expressed satisfaction at the
steps taken by Pakistan at the
[...] national level for nuclear safety and security, [...]
which continue to be important considerations
in the context of national nuclear power development plans.
在完满执行了以前的一些项目、协助各国确保重大公共活动 核安全 后 , 原 子能机构继续讨论未来一些重大公共活动 核安全 问 题 :2010 年在中国上海举行 的世博;2010 年南非举行的世界杯赛;2012 年在大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 举行的奥林匹克运动会和在 [...]
2012 年在波兰和乌克兰举行的欧洲杯赛。
Following the successful implementation of previous projects
to assist States in
[...] ensuring the nuclear security of major public events, the Agency continued discussions on nuclear security for future [...]
major public events to
take place in China (2010 Shanghai EXPO), South Africa (2010 World Cup), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2012 Olympics) and Poland and Ukraine (2012 Eurocup).
委員察悉核安全諮詢 委員會的職責包 括就運營公司負責營運管理的核電站,討論其運行和工程建設 事宜核安全規劃和執行安排的報告;以及根據國 核安全法 規,並參考國核安全機構的核安全 資 料 和 核安全 情 況, 就核 安全提出意見和建議。
Members noted that the roles of NSCC included discussing the reports on
[...] planning and implementation of nuclear safety on operational and construction matters of the nuclear power stations under the operation and management of DNMC, and providing opinions and suggestions on nuclear safety based on national nuclear safety regulations, with reference to the nuclear safety information of international [...]
nuclear safety organizations and nuclear safety situations.
此外,摩洛哥积极推动 2010 年 4 月 12 日和 13 日在华盛顿举行核安 全峰会 的工作,该会议涉及不扩散和保障核武器和核材 安全 , 以及 2010 年 5 月 3 日至 28 日在纽约举行的《不扩散条约》2010 年审议大会 的工作。
Morocco was an active participant in the
[...] proceedings of the Nuclear Security Summit, held on 12 and 13 April 2010 in Washington, which dealt with the non-proliferation and “securitization” of nuclear weapons and material, and of the eighth Review Conference of the Parties [...]
to the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, convened from 3 to 28 May 2010 in New York.
本次会议将使我们有机会确认通过打击核恐怖主义全球倡议和防止武器和 关于防止大规模毁灭性武器和材料扩散的全球伙伴关系倡议所取得进展,并支持
[...] 国际原子能机构(原子能机构)关于在 2013 年举办一次国际会议加强各核安全 活动之间的协调和互补的建议。
This meeting will also be an opportunity to recognize the progress made through the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and the Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction and support the proposal of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to
organize an international conference in 2013 to strengthen coordination and
[...] complementarity among nuclear security activities.
巴基斯坦核管制局正在把国际原子能机构(原子能机构)的 INFCIRC/225 号文
[...] 件“核材料和核设施的实物保护”以及《原子能机构放射源安全与保安行为准则》 作为指导性文件,拟定国核安全条 例
The Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority is using IAEA document INFCIRC/225, entitled “The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities” and the IAEA Code of Conduct on the Safety
and Security of Radioactive Sources as guidance documents for the formulation of
[...] national regulations on nuclear security.
原子能机构继续帮助建立和加全球 核安全 和 核 保 安 制度,该制度的基础是强有 力的国家基础结构、国际文书、安全标准和保安准则,并通过同行评审、咨询服务、 [...]
The IAEA continues to help develop and
[...] strengthen the global nuclear safety and security regime, [...]
which is based on strong national
infrastructures, international instruments, safety standards and security guidelines, and is implemented through peer reviews, advisory services, knowledge networks and capacity building activities.
核保安支助中心设在刑事侦查和国际刑警总局内,由原子能机 核安全 和保 安司核保安办公室主任 Anita Nilsson [...]
在 2010 年 10 月 19 日主持揭幕。
The Centre is located within the Directorate of Criminal Investigations and Interpol and was inaugurated on 19 October
2010 by Anita Nilsson, then Director of
[...] the IAEA Office of Nuclear Security, Department [...]
of Nuclear Safety and Security.
秘书处汇报了最近取得的成就,其中包括以下活动的成果和结果:(1)五个水教 育地区研讨会(2008 年 12 月,巴拉圭;2009 年 2 月,印度尼西亚;2009 年 2 月,南 非;2009 年 2 月,荷兰;2009 年 5 月,苏丹;这些研讨会全都是与一些合作伙伴共同 举办的,详见有关介绍);(2)教科文组织世界可持续发展教育大会期间(2009 年 3 月 /4 月,德国),在教科文组织-国际基础结构、水利和环境工程学院水教育研究所 (UNESCO-IHE)、教科文组织联系学校项目网(ASPnet)和教科文组织国际技术和 职业教育与培训中心(UNESCO-UNEVOC)的积极配合下,由国际水文计划、联合国 水机制十年能力发展方案和德国联邦环境、自然保护 核安全 部 共同举办了水资源可 持续发展教育研讨会。
The Secretariat reported on recent achievements, including the results and outcomes of (1) the five Regional Workshops on Water Education (held in Paraguay, December 2008; Indonesia, February 2009; South Africa, February 2009; The Netherlands, February 2009; and Sudan, May 2009; all with several partners detailed in the presentation) and (2) the Workshop on Education for Water Sustainability that took place at the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (Germany, March/April 2009) and was organized by IHP, UNW-DPC and BMU, with the active collaboration of UNESCO-IHE, ASPnet and UNESCO-UNEVOC.
认识到使用核武器的可能性对人类构成的危险,以及有必要解决核扩散增加 的风险、减少核武库,加强核保障和巩 核安全 , 我 们认为迫切需要降低核风 险,在迈向无核武器世界的道路上取得具体进展。
Recognizing the danger to humanity posed by the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons and the necessity to address increased proliferation risks, to decrease
nuclear arsenals, to
[...] strengthen nuclear security and to improve nuclear safety, we consider [...]
it urgent to reduce nuclear
risks and achieve tangible progress on the path towards a world free of nuclear weapons.
这种援助涵盖核法律的所有领域 核安全 、 核 保 安、保障和核损害的民事责任等,并 以国际、地区和国家讲习班和研讨会、国家法律起草方面的双边援助、人员培训和制 作基准材料的方式提供。
This assistance covers all
[...] areas of nuclear law such as nuclear safety, nuclear security, safeguards, and civil liability for nuclear damage, and [...]
is provided through
international, regional and national workshops and seminars, bilateral assistance in drafting national laws, training of individuals and the development of reference material.
需要致力于 建立一个旨在加强核保安的全面和有效的国际框架,并利用核保安 核安全 之 间 协同 作用的潜力,这依然是一个高度优先的事项。
The need to work towards a comprehensive and effective international framework for strengthening nuclear security, and to exploit the
potential for synergy between
[...] aspects of nuclear security and aspects of nuclear safety, remain a [...]
matter of high priority.
又表示注意到《放射源安全和安保行为准则》5 和《放射源的进口和出口导 则》6 作为加强放射源安全和安保的重要文书(虽然认识到《行为准则》是不具法 律约束力的文书)、国际原子能机构的《放射源安全和安保订正行动计划》7和 《2010-2013 年核安保计划》8 以及会员国对国际原子能机核安全 基 金 提供的自 愿捐款的重要性
Taking note also of the importance of the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources5 and of the Guidance on the Import and Export of Radioactive Sources6 as valuable instruments for enhancing the safety and security of radioactive sources, while recognizing that the Code is not a legally binding instrument, and of the International Atomic Energy Agency Revised Action Plan for the Safety and
Security of Radioactive
[...] Sources7 and its Nuclear Security Plan for 2010–2013,8 and of the voluntary contributions of Member States to the International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Security Fund
这些协定涉及各种问题,包括研究活动 (核安全、核研究 和聚变能源研究),以及其他支持和平利用核能的活动。
These agreements address various issues, including research
[...] activities (nuclear safety, nuclear research and [...]
fusion energy research), as well as
other activities supporting peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
印度也欢迎奥巴马总统有关作为东道国于下月 召核安全首脑会议的倡议,以应对这一全球挑战。
India has also welcomed the initiative of President
[...] Obama to host the Nuclear Security Summit next month [...]
to address this global challenge.
针对运输能源舱位的开发并根据相关国际文件的条文,俄罗斯联邦目前正 在编拟本国监管文件,例如关于核推进系统安全问题的一般条例、关于无人驾 驶航天器机载核动力反应堆设 核安全 问 题 的条例以及关于空间核动力源辐射 安全问题的条例,在编拟时将适当顾及外层空间核动力源应用安全框架的规 定,该框架称,在空间核动力源应用地面阶段所开展的活动,例如开发、测 [...]
试、制造、处理和运输都将在地面核设施与活动相关国家和国际标准中予以处 理。
In connection with the development of the transport energy module and in accordance with the provisions of the relevant international documents, national regulatory documents such as the General Regulations Governing the Safety of Nuclear Propulsion Systems,
the Regulations
[...] Governing the Nuclear Safety of Nuclear Power Reactor Facilities aboard Unmanned Spacecraft and the Regulations Governing the Radiation Safety of Nuclear Power Sources [...]
in Space are currently
being prepared in the Russian Federation with due regard to the provision of the Safety Framework for Nuclear Power Source Applications in Outer Space that states that activities occurring during the terrestrial phase of space nuclear power source applications, such as development, testing, manufacturing, handling and transportation, are addressed in national and international standards relating to terrestrial nuclear installations and activities.
10 月 18 日,毒品和犯罪
[...] 问题办公室参加了原子能机构主办的与中国高级官员关于建立国 核安全 综合 法律框架的会议。
On 18 October, UNODC participated in a meeting with senior
Chinese officials, hosted by IAEA, on the establishment of an integrated national
[...] legal framework for nuclear security.
另一方面,我們亦成功爭取到內地在2004年10月27日簽署的CEPA補充協議下,同意允許符合相關規定的香港居民參加18項與建築及工程服務有關的內地專業資格考試,包括:註冊建築師、註冊結構工程師、註冊土木工程師(岩土)、監理工程師、造價工程師、註冊城市規劃師、註冊安全工程師、註 核安全 工 程師、建造師、註冊公用設備工程師、註冊化工工程師、註冊土木工程師(港口與航道)、註冊設備監理師、環境影響評價工程師、房地產估價師、註冊電氣工程師、註冊資產評估師及註冊諮詢工程師(投資)。
Separately, under the Supplement to CEPA signed on 27 October 2004, we have successfully secured the agreement of the Mainland to allow eligible Hong Kong residents to take part in the following 18 Mainland professional examinations related to the construction and engineering services: registered architect, registered structural engineer, registered civil engineer (geotechnical), construction supervising engineer, cost
engineer, registered town planner,
[...] certified safety engineer, registered nuclear safety engineer, [...]
constructor, registered public
facility engineer, registered chemical engineer, registered civil engineer (harbour and waterway), registered facility supervising engineer, environmental impact assessment engineer, real estate appraiser, registered electrical engineer, certified public valuer and registered consulting engineer (investment).
核安全目标 以及会员国共同的核裁军、核不扩散与和平利用核能目标的 重要意义,并欣见 2010 年 4 月 12 日和 13 日举行核安全峰会,认为这是对加核安全及降 低核恐怖主义威胁的重大贡献
Recognizing the importance of
[...] the objective of nuclear security, along with the shared goals of Member States of nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and welcoming the Nuclear Security Summit, held on 12 and 13 April 2010, which represented a remarkable contribution to strengthening nuclear security and reducing [...]
the threat of nuclear terrorism
安全理事会欢迎原子能机构核安全 行动 计划》获得通过,回顾原子能机构 2011 年 6 月 召核安全问题部长级会议和秘书长 2011 年 9 月召开联合核安全与核保安 高级别会议,认为 国际社会为此采取的举措和做出的努力很重要。
The Security Council welcomes the adoption
[...] of the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety, recalls the IAEA June 2011 ministerial conference on nuclear safety and the September 2011 United Nations high-level meeting on nuclear safety and security convened [...]
by the Secretary-General
and values various international initiatives and efforts to that end.
各国承诺 尽自己的力量共同努力可以取得的成果的具体例子 包括,2010 年 4 月划时核安全峰会 、《美国核态势 评估报告》、美国行政当局声明打算咨询参议院并请 参议员同意批准非洲和南太平洋无核武器区条约议 [...]
定书,2010 年 5 月成功举行的不扩散核武器条约缔约
方审议大会,以及最近 2011 年 2 月 5 日美国与俄罗 斯联邦新裁武条约生效。
Specific examples of the success that can be achieved when nations commit to doing their part and working together
include the April 2010
[...] groundbreaking Nuclear Security Summit, the United States Nuclear Posture Review, [...]
the United States Administration’s
stated intent to transmit to the Senate for its advice and consent to ratification of the Protocols to the African and South Pacific nuclear-weapon-free zone treaties, the successful Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in May 2010, and most recently, the 5 February 2011 entry into force of the New START treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation.
1 月 28 日和 29 日,毒品和犯罪问题办公室参加了主题为“加核安全与打 击核恐怖主义法律框架”的高级研究讲习班,讲习班在维也纳举 [...]
On 28 and 29 January, UNODC participated in an advanced research workshop on the
theme “Legal framework for
[...] strengthening nuclear security and combating nuclear terrorism”, [...]
held in Vienna and organized
by the Center for International Trade and Security of the University of Georgia, United States of America.
由于 热核实验堆位于法国境内,热核实验堆组织必须遵守适用于某些领域的法国法 律,即公共和职业卫生安全、 核安全 、 辐 射防护、许可、核物质、环境保护 以及防止恶意行为等领域(《热核实验堆协定》第 [...]
14 条)。
Since the ITER reactor is located in French territory, the ITER Organization is required to comply with French law as applicable to certain areas, namely
public and occupational
[...] health and safety, nuclear safety, radiation protection, [...]
licensing, nuclear substances, environmental protection
and protection from acts of malevolence (ITER Agreement, article 14).
覆檢工作涵蓋多個範 疇,包括檢討適用情況、國際最 核安全 標 準 及應變做法、核 事故通報機制、香港的輻射監測及評估工作、應急準備工作, 以及應變計劃啟動後的措施和工作等。
The review covered various aspects, including its
application, the latest
[...] international nuclear safety standards and contingency measures, the notification mechanism for nuclear incidents, radiation [...]
monitoring assessment
in Hong Kong, contingency preparations, and measures and actions to be taken upon activation of the contingency plan.




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