单词 | 核子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 核子 noun —nuclear n (almost always used)less common: nucleus n Examples:核子医学—nuclear medicine 欧洲核子中心—European center for nuclear research CERN, at Geneva 欧洲核子研究中心—European center for nuclear research CERN, at Geneva
市府官員亦與加州和聯邦相關的機 構,例如﹕核子管理委員會、加州應急管理辦公室、及加州公共衛生署,保持緊密的聯 繫。 cchrchealth.org | City officials remain in close contact with State and Federal [...] agencies such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission [...](NRC), and California Emergency Management [...]Agency (CA EMA) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH). cchrchealth.org |
只有放射性核素技术可以确定爆炸是否源 自 核子 , 世界范围内的放射性核素台站和实验室负责监测大气层中是否存在微粒和惰性气体。 un.org | Only the radionuclide technology can determine if an [...] explosion is nuclear in origin; its [...]stations and laboratories around the world [...]monitor the presence of particulates and/or noble gases in the atmosphere. un.org |
(b) 在包裹內封密核子物料的裝備; (c) 檢查包裹或封蓋是否完整的裝備;或 [...] (d) 檢查固體燃料的最後處理的裝備。 stc.tid.gov.hk | (b) Seals the nuclear materials within [...] the cladding; (c) Checks the integrity of the cladding or the seal; or (d) Checks [...]the finish treatment of the solid fuel. stc.tid.gov.hk |
当电子同核外电子相互 作用时,就会产生单能量特征X射线光子;轫致辐射则是通过加速电子同 原 子核 中 的 核子 相 互 作用产生的。 iba-asiapacific.com | Characteristic [...] mono-energetic X-ray photons are produced by the electron interaction with orbital electrons; bremsstrahlung photons are produced by the interaction with the nucleus of an atom. iba-asiapacific.com |
市民應密切監察 發電對環境的影響,這對快將落成的大亞灣核電廠尤其重要,因為該核電廠利 用 核子 科技發電,使㆟對操作安全及核子廢 物處理表示擔憂。 legco.gov.hk | The environmental impact of power generation should be a matter of close public scrutiny. This is particularly true in the case of Daya Bay, now [...] approaching completion, [...] where the use of nuclear technology brings the worries of operational safety and nuclear waste disposal. legco.gov.hk |
化學課 [...] 程標準中包含了原子與分子結構、週期表、化學鍵、物質與化學計量的保持、氣體、溶 液、化學熱力學、反應率、化學平衡、有機與生物化學以 及 核子 程 序 等。 sfusd.edu | Included in the chemistry standards are atomic and molecular structure, the periodic table, chemical bonds, conservation of matter and stoichiometry, gases, acids and bases, [...] solutions, chemical thermodynamics, reaction rates, chemical equilibrium, organic and [...] biochemistry, and nuclear processes. sfusd.edu |
在苏格兰,纽约和阿尔斯 特(Ulster) [...] 的复兴引发起很 多复兴祈祷会的成立,情 况就像核子连锁的反应一 样,复兴的火焰很快地便 [...]延展到苏格兰各地。 ccineurope.org | In Scotland, news of revival in New York and Ulster sparked off prayer meetings [...] for revival like a nuclear chain reaction. ccineurope.org |
歐洲核子研究中心記者採訪到卡爾·哈根採訪到,羅切斯特大學的理論物理學家卡爾·哈根,在歐 洲 核子 研 究 中心的最新成果,對希格斯玻色子的搜尋。 portalhispano.info | CERN to Carl Hagen Interview Interview to Carl Hagen, theoretical physicist, Rochester University, about the latest results at CERN on the Higgs boson searches. portalhispano.info |
Seagate 產品在未獲美國政府授權或特例之前,不得出口或再出口給涉及開發、生產或散佈大規模殺傷性 (化學、生化或核子) 武器 、導彈技術或其他恐怖活動的限制人員、禁運或制裁國家,或一般使用者。 seagate.com | Seagate products may not be exported or re-exported without prior government authorisation or exception to restricted parties, embargoed or sanctioned countries, or end users involved in [...] developing, producing or distributing chemical, [...] biological or nuclear weapons of mass [...]destruction, missile technologies, or other terrorist activities. seagate.com |
由于继续发展和生产生物、核子和常 规战争的军需品和武器已证明影响淡水的质 量和可利用性,因此,关于利用和保护淡水资源的公约还应呼吁与这些产业有关 [...] 的、但也追求和平的国家停止此类活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | as the pursuit of munitions and artillery development and [...] production for biological, nuclear and conventional [...]warfare has a proven impact on the quality [...]and availability of fresh water; the convention on accessibility and protection of freshwater resources should also call on the nations involved in these industries to cease this activity also in the pursuit of peace. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不論本法律任何條款,或是美國總統給予「中華人民共和國」外交承認之舉、或是臺灣人民和美國之間沒有外交關係、美國對臺灣缺乏承認、以及此等相關情勢,均不得被美國政府各部門解釋為,依照1954年原子能法及1978年防 止 核子 擴 散 法, 在行政或司法程序中決定事實及適用法律時,得以拒絕對臺灣 的 核子 輸 出 申請,或是撤銷已核准的輸出許可證。 ait.org.tw | Nothing in this Act, nor the facts of the President's action in extending diplomatic recognition to the People's Republic of China, the absence of diplomatic relations between the people on Taiwan and the United States, or the lack of recognition by the United States, and attendant circumstances thereto, shall be construed in any administrative or judicial proceeding as a basis for any United States Government agency, commission, or [...] department to make a [...] finding of fact or determination of law, under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978, to deny an export [...]license application [...]or to revoke an existing export license for nuclear exports to Taiwan. ait.org.tw |
DOE 的使命就是建立一個安全和可靠的能源系統,以確保環境和經濟方面的持續成長。同時,負責監管美 國 核子 武 器 ,清理各個 DOE 設施,繼續幫助美國維持在科學和技術方面的領導地位。 ul.com | The mission of DOE is to foster a secure and reliable energy system that is environmentally and [...] economically sustainable, be a responsible [...] steward of U.S. nuclear weapons, clean [...]up DOE facilities, and support continued [...]U.S. leadership in science and technology. ul.com |
自2006 年起,養和醫院於各大著名學術期刊及國際會議刊載及發表的論文超過200篇,項目涵 蓋 核子 醫 學、正電子/電腦掃描、診斷及介入放射學、放射治療、心臟科、病理科及眼科。 hksh.com | Since 2006, the Hospital has published over 200 research papers in academic journals [...] covering a wide range of specialties and [...] topics, including nuclear medicine, PET/MRI [...]technology, diagnostic and interventional [...]radiology, radiotherapy, pathology, clinical oncology, cardiology and ophthalmology. hksh.com |
博科澳大利亚及新西兰区域总监Graham [...] [...] Schultz表示:“博科的联网解决方案现在已经成为一些全球领先的超级计算机机构的辅助性基础设施的重要组成部分,这些机构包括位于瑞士的全球最大和最受尊敬的科研中心欧 洲 核子 研 究委员会(CERN)以及美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne [...] National Laboratory)和洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Los Alamos National Laboratory)。 tipschina.gov.cn | Brocade networking solutions today are integral to the supporting infrastructure at some of the world's leading supercomputer facilities, including CERN [the [...] European Organization for Nuclear [...] Research], one of the world's largest and most respected centres [...]for scientific research in Switzerland, [...]and the Argonne and Los Alamos National Laboratories in the U.S.," said Graham Schultz, Regional Director Australia and New Zealand, Brocade. tipschina.gov.cn |
一次典型的盒式岩芯钻取器活动包括:描述所收 集的沉积物和锰结核;对沉积物顺序作二次抽样;对锰结核进行测量和归档;对 结核子样品 进行选定地球化学分析;对结核进行妥善保护,以便在国内实验室中 作进一步分析。 isa.org.jm | A typical box corer session included describing the recovered sediment and Mn nodules, subsampling the sediment sequence, and measuring and archiving Mn nodules, selected geochemical analyses of nodule subsamples and proper conservation of nodules for further analyses in home laboratories. isa.org.jm |
2012年7月4日生產的希格斯玻色子更新搜索在歐 洲 核子 研 究中心研討會於2012年7月4日2012年7月4日,大型強子對撞機在歐 洲 核子 研 究 中心的大型強子對撞機,7月4日的2012更新的希格斯玻色子的希格斯玻色子更新搜索研討會在大型強子對撞機搜索:CERN視頻製作總監:CERN視頻製作15:00分。 portalhispano.info | 4th July 2012 at CERN Seminar on the Higgs Boson Update searches at the LHC, 4th July 2012 4th July 2012, Seminar at CERN on the Higgs Boson Update searches at the LHC, 4th July 2012 Update on the Higgs Boson Produced searches at the LHC by: CERN Video Productions Director: CERN Video Productions 15:00 min. portalhispano.info |
另一名成員則認為, 香港郵政電子核證對 於提升電子政府服務的使用率並無幫 助。 forum.gov.hk | Another member pointed out that the Hongkong Post e-cert has not facilitated the uptake of e-Government services. forum.gov.hk |
该装置可以在不停束流的情况下,通过位置关联,对注入的不同种 原 子核 的 衰 变粒子进行准确的归属判定,同时给出衰变的起始时间信号。 chinese.eurekalert.org | By correlating the implantation nuclei with their subsequent beta decays within the same pixel of a double-sided silicon [...] detector (DSSD), we can measure the decay [...] time of the implantation nuclei with much less disturbance [...]from the neighboring unstable nuclei and background. chinese.eurekalert.org |
某些原子核,如1H和13C,用于激发分 子 的 核 自 旋 状态。 labome.cn | Certain nuclei, such as 1H and 13C, are used to excite nuclear spin states of molecules labome.com |
日本政府提交 [...] 的项目是为蒙古制定一项最终淘汰管理计划(第二期),该计划已在议程项目 7(a)下一揽 子核准。 multilateralfund.org | The project submitted by the Government of Japan was for a TPMP (second tranche) for [...] Mongolia and was approved under blanket approval in [...]agenda item 7(a). multilateralfund.org |
由香港郵政所發的電子證書/電子核證 服務有限公司所發的ID-Cert (只包括類別1及2)。 rocars.gov.hk | E-certificate issued by the Hong Kong Post or ID-Cert (Class 1 and 2 only) issued by the Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited. rocars.gov.hk |
c. 使用新電腦系統有助路政署加快處理申請、讓申請人即時查看申 請進度、加強電子核證以 鼓勵使用電子遞交途徑,以及減省路政 署用以處理不同電腦系統之間轉換空間數據的工作的人力資源。 devb.gov.hk | c. The new computer system will enable Highways Department to process the applications faster; enable the applicants to view the status of [...] their applications in real [...] time; enhance electronic authentication to promote electronic submissions; [...]and reduce Highways Department’s [...]staff resources in carrying out spatial data conversion exercises between different computer systems. devb.gov.hk |
由于金具备有独一无二的完美的性质,它具有极高的抗腐蚀的稳定性;良好的导电性和导热性;金的 原 子核 具 有 较大捕获中子的有效截面;对红外线的反射能力接近 100%;在金的合金中具有各种触媒性质;金还有良好的工艺性,极易加工成超薄金箔、微米金丝和金粉;金很容易镀到其它金属和陶器及玻璃的表面上,在一定压力下金容易被熔焊和锻焊;金可制成超导体与有机金等。 scgfx.com | Because of the unique perfect with hardware property, it has a very high resistance to corrosion of stability; Good [...] electrical conductivity and thermal [...] conductivity; Gold nuclei with larger neutron capture the [...]effective section; Infrared reflection [...]ability of close to 100%; In the gold in the alloy catalyst with various properties; Gold and good technology, easily processed into ultra-thin gold foil, micron golden and gold; Gold is easy to plating to other metals and pottery and glass surface, under certain pressure JinRongYi be welded and forge welding; Gold can be made into superconductors and organic gold. scgfx.com |
东北大学回旋加速器・放射性同位素中心、大阪大学核物理研究中心、京都大学大学院理学研究科、甲南大学、美国诺特丹大学等组成的研究小组,通过用加速器对 原 子核 散 射 的超精密测定,发现了对于宇宙中元素合成过程中扮演重要角色的碳 12 原 子核 的 新 激发状态。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Konan University, University of Notre Dame and some other institutions has [...] discovered a new [...] excited state of Carbon-12 nucleus which plays a crucial role in the nucleosynthesis in the Universe, through the high-precision measurement of nuclear scattering by using a ring-cyclotron [...]accelerator. tohoku.ac.jp |
根据谅解备忘录的条文,Visa会与香港邮政合力研究开放平台是否适合支援香港邮政的 电 子核 证 证 书及公开密码匙基建,以及载入香港邮政 电 子核 证 证 书的开放平台智能卡是否适合用作核证持卡人身分的媒体。 hongkongpost.gov.hk | Under the MOU, Visa and Hongkong Post will jointly study the suitability of the Open [...] Platform to support [...] Hongkong Post's e-Cert and its Public Key Infrastructure, and the suitability for an Open Platform smart card to carry a Hongkong Post e-Cert as a [...]medium to authenticate the identity of the holder. hongkongpost.gov.hk |
秘书处的代表 [...] 指出:其中有一个项目已经列入在议程项目 7(a)下审议的供一揽子核准清 单;有一个项目 已经撤回;执行委员会已决定延后审议为中国制定一项适当的 [...]HCFC 长期管理战略的项目 提案(见第 42/7 号决定);有 12 个项目和活动将在议程项目 7(d)下审议。 multilateralfund.org | The representative of the Secretariat [...] pointed out that one project was already [...] included in the blanket approval list considered [...]under agenda item 7(a), one project [...]had been withdrawn, the Executive Committee had already decided to defer consideration of the project proposal on development of a suitable strategy for the long-term management of HCFCs in China (see Decision 42/7), and 12 projects and activities would be considered under agenda item 7(d). multilateralfund.org |
申訴專員建議糾 [...] 正醫管局和衞生署現時接納所有身份證持有人均符合資格使用獲資助 公營醫療服務的安排,並應盡快引進 電 子核 實 方 法,作為長遠的解決 方案。 legco.gov.hk | It recommended that the current practice of HA and DH to accept all holders of HKIC as eligible for subsidised [...] public healthcare services should be [...] rectified and that electronic checking should [...]be introduced as the long-term solution as soon as possible. legco.gov.hk |
如以電子方式遞交申請,申請機構須按照《電子交易條例》 [...] (第553章)第11(2)條的指定格式,並以《電子交易條例》所 [...] 指定的認可證書證明的數碼簽署,透過電子郵件,將申請表軟 複本及以上所載列的證明文件遞交予工貿署的電郵地址: sdf_apply@tid.gov.hk。請注意,秘書處只會接受由申請機構的 獲授權人士透過受認可的電子核證( 機構)證書提交的申請。 smefund.tid.gov.hk | If the application is submitted electronically, the applicant shall submit the softcopy of the application form and the supporting documents mentioned above, in the format specified under Section 11(2) of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553) (ETO) with valid digital signature supported by a recognised certificate as referred to in the ETO, via internet e-mail to the Department’s email address at sdf_apply@tid.gov.hk. [...] Please note that only [...] recognised e-cert (Organisational) for the authorised person signing the application will be accepted for making [...]the application. smefund.tid.gov.hk |
欧洲原子核研究委员会(CERN)/教科文组织针对配备了 CERN Invenio 系统的数字图 书馆的第二期系列讲习班(重点优先项目 3)于 2010 年 11 月在摩洛哥拉巴特举办(第一期于 2009 年在卢旺达的基加利举办),参加者来自贝宁、喀麦隆、加纳、摩洛哥、塞内加尔和 突尼斯。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The second in the series of CERN/UNESCO schools on digital libraries deploying the CERN system Invenio (MPP 3) was held in Rabat, Morocco, in November 2010 – the first had been held in Kigali, Rwanda, in 2009 – with participants from Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia. unesdoc.unesco.org |