

单词 样板



model theater (operas and ballets produced during the Cultural Revolution)


last but not least

External sources (not reviewed)

第一次安 装 V 型分接开关时会根据要求免费提供该钻 样板。
If requested, the drilling template will be supplied with the first installation of a tap changer type V free of charge.
样,最不发达国家仍 在艰难地改善人类和社会发展。
Similarly, least developed [...]
countries continue to struggle with improving human and social development.
在 2002-2003 年的这一阶段,对外关系与合作部门/与全国委员会和新合作伙伴关系处 在传播能力方面的主要目标已经达到:对现有的四个数据库进行了第一阶段的现代化,建立 了全国委员会电子论坛,为全国委员会及其合作伙伴出版了一本《关于传媒关系的传媒指
南》,为全国委员会举办了有关传媒关系、信息和传播技术的一系列 10 个培训班,提出了
[...] 革新性传播项目,包括知识门户网站(其中有一个专用网站),为全国委员会制作了一个只 读光盘和一个万维样板,出 版了一年两期的简讯《全国委员会与新合作伙伴协同作用》。
At this stage in the 2002-2003 biennium, the main targets of the ERC/NCP communication capacity have already been met: the first phase of modernization of the four existing databases, the launching of an electronic discussion forum for National Commissions, the publication of a media guide on media relations for National Commissions and their partners, a series of 10 training seminars in media relations and ICT skills for National Commissions, the advancement of innovative communication projects including the Knowledge Portal (which houses a
dedicated website), the production of a CD-ROM
[...] and of a website template for National Commissions, [...]
and the publication of the twice-yearly newsletter NCP Synergy.
利用Dalma来开发Workflow应用程序能够让你像开发普通程序一样简单而不需要任 样板 文 件
To develop the use of Dalma Workflow application enables you to develop common procedures as simple as without any boilerplate .
[...] 工作的补充,已经有了发展;这一点是通过与当地的非政府组织合作,在实地开展有实效 的、成为反贫困斗样板和支 柱的具体活动来实现的:在尼日尔(培训贫困、失业妇女从事 [...]
导游工作,开辟环游线路“Imzadr 的明白人”;在阿尔及利亚(非物质遗产);在毛里塔尼
亚(为贫穷者举办文化旅游培训讲习班);在马里(修复一座房子,将其变成文化中心); 在摩洛哥(提高一个妇女合作社的能力)。
In addition to designing a strategy for the medium and longer term and efforts to raise the awareness of decision-makers and strategic stakeholders, UNESCO’s action has been pursued through specific field activities
that have tangible effects and serve
[...] as examples and springboards for combating [...]
poverty, in cooperation with local NGOs
in Niger (training of guides, T.O., women in poverty, the unemployed and establishment of the “Imzad listeners” tourism circuit), Algeria (intangible heritage), Mauritania (training seminar in cultural tourism for poor people), Mali (renovation of a house as a cultural centre) and Morocco (building the capacities of a women’s cooperative).
我国希望,在今后若干年中,中东将成为这方面样板,希望那里的所有国家,包括以色列和巴勒斯 坦都将实现和平与安全。
My country hopes that the Middle East will become an example of this in upcoming years, enjoying peace and security for all States, including Israel and Palestine.
尽管安理会今天未能通过这项决议,但我们想各 成员所表达的见解将会促使当事方进行认真反思,并 认识到,解决问题的唯一办法是重启有关所有未决问 题的谈判,以期建立持久的和平,而且如同今天许多 人在安理会这里提到的样,最迟能够在 2011 年 9 月份接纳一个以东耶路撒冷为首都、在安全和公认边 界内与以色列和平毗邻共存的独立、有生存能力和统 一的巴勒斯坦国加入国际社会大家庭。
Even though the Council today could not adopt the resolution, we expect that the sentiments expressed by its members will impel the parties to serious introspection and to the realization that the only way to resolve the problem is to restart talks on all pending issues so that a lasting peace is established and that — as mentioned by many in the Council today — by September 2011 we can welcome to the international community an independent, viable and united State of Palestine, living within secure and recognized borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, side by side and at peace with Israel.
联合会要求成员参加一个储蓄和信贷组织,并通过提供过桥融资协助成 员确保土地使用权和建设家园;促进各成员社区、城市之间的交流以增加知识、
[...] 技能和做法来解决城市贫困社区的共同需要;协助社区对定居点进行测绘以确定 需求并收集数据与市政当局进行谈判,此外建 样板 房。
It assists them by providing bridge-financing to secure land tenure and build homes; facilitating exchanges between member neighbourhoods and cities to increase knowledge, skills and practices to address common needs within poor urban communities; mapping and surveying
settlements to identify needs and collect data for negotiations with municipal
[...] authorities; and constructing demonstration homes.
它们影响到我 们理解安理会的工作并为其做贡献的能力,正如安理 会的结构样,最 终直接影响到安理会本身的合法 性。
They affect our ability to understand and contribute to the Council’s work and, in the end, like the Council’s structure, directly affect the legitimacy of the Council itself.
调 查结果依据这些规定描述了有关文书的分布情况,考察了某些在实际中已经成样板的重 要公约的筹备工作以及对有关规定作出的保留。
It proposed a description and a typology of the relevant instruments in light of these provisions, and examined the preparatory work of certain key conventions that have served as models in the field, as well as the reservations made to the relevant provisions.
但是,认为关于国家责任的条款是有关国际组织责任的条 款样板的观点遭到了一些代表团的批评,自动重复 [...]
2001 年通过的条款的做法 也遭到批评,因为国家和组织之间有重大差异,而且有各种不同的组织。
The assumption that the articles on State responsibility
[...] established a model template for the responsibility [...]
of international organizations was,
however, criticized by some delegations, as was an automatic repetition of the articles adopted in 2001, given the fundamental differences between States and organizations and the diversity of the latter.
(c) 采用委员会给秘书长的报告的标准 样板 , 以 减少起草时间,使委员会 成员能够着重于审议在年度报告审查和评价过程中产生的主要实质性问题。
(c) Adopt a
[...] standardized template for the Commission’s [...]
report to the Secretary-General in order to reduce the time spent
on drafting and enable the members of the Commission to focus on the main substantive questions that arise from the review and the evaluation of the annual reports.
样最具 根本性的是,所有国家都需要在正式和非正式的所有学习环境里 鼓励形成一种观点,认为文化和语言多元性使个人和群体成为能建设强大而有支 持力的可持续社区过程中的一项资源。
Fundamental also is the need for all States to foster the view in all learning settings, whether formal or non-formal, that cultural and linguistic diversity is a resource from which individuals and groups can build strong and supportive sustainable communities.
样,最 受欢迎的、对探测和预测都很重要的参数就出来了。
Data procedures to be established by JCOMM, with data then transferred to the global archive system.
如果订货时要求,钻样板将随 第一次安装的 M 型分接 开接开关免费提供。
Avoid uncontrolled tipping of individual devices.
然而, 近几十年来,越来越多地强调——甚至夸大——外国直接投资对经济发展的好 处,历史上是样,最近更甚。
However, in recent decades it has become more common to stress, if not exaggerate, the benefits of foreign direct investment in economic development, both historically and more recently.
正如 《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》所设想的 样 , 最 不发达 国家的发展伙伴应帮助它们发展人力资源,促进工 作与就业,以解决失业和建立社会保护;它们还应 履行官方发展援助承诺,取消最不发达国家的债务, 制定一个可预测、非歧视的多边贸易和金融制度; 它们应促进以优惠条件转让技术,推动移徙合作, 在全球一级推动政策的协调一致,以应对最不发达 国家的特殊发展挑战。
As envisaged in the Istanbul Programme of Action, the LCDs’ development partners should help them develop human capital, promote work and jobs to address unemployment and institute social protection; they should also fulfil ODA commitments, cancel the debt of LCDs, and develop a predictable and non-discriminatory multilateral trading and financial system; they should also promote technology transfer on favourable terms, to enhance cooperation on migration, and promote greater policy coherence and coordination at the global level to respond to the LCDs’ special development challenges.
本法制订了危害爱尔兰船只和爱尔兰领水内其他船只和大陆架固定平台安 全等具体罪名(经公诉审判可处以终身监禁),并因此以针对其他 4 项国际反恐公 约做出必要规定的 2002 年《刑事司法(恐怖主义罪行)法》 样板 , 按 标准行文 规定了域外管辖权,其中包括违背《公约》或《议定书》的规定在国外实施的罪 行、逮捕和羁押被指称犯罪人并将其移交主管当局、引渡、保释、避免一案二审 和其他必要事项。
The Act creates specific offences against the safety of Irish ships and other ships which are in Irish territorial waters and against fixed platforms on the Continental Shelf (subject to imprisonment for life on conviction on indictment), and consequentially provides, on standard lines, for extra-territorial jurisdiction to cover offences committed outside the State in breach of the Convention or Protocol, the apprehension and detention of alleged offenders and handing them over to the appropriate authorities, extradition, bail, avoidance of double jeopardy and other necessary matters, on the model of provisions of the Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Bill 2002 which makes necessary provision in relation to four other international conventions against terrorism.
缔约国送文样板表明 ,答复的篇幅最长限定为 25 页;并指出,缔约国只 可附上页数有限的统计数据附加页。
The transmittal note template for the States [...]
parties indicates a page limit of 25 pages for replies; it also indicates that
States parties may attach a limited number of additional pages of statistical data only.
子系统整合是要探讨的另一个问题,以便从 事开发方案者拥有一个问样板,以据此设计系统。
Subsystem integration is another topic that will be addressed
so that anyone undertaking a development
[...] programme will have a template of questions [...]
on which to base the system design.
样,最近在植物中发现了感知短波紫外线辐射的分子,这将有助于 [...]
评估太阳紫外线辐射的变化如何影响陆地生态系统,包括对作物的影响及其与 害虫和疾病的相互作用。
Similarly, the recent identification [...]
of the molecule responsible for sensing short-wavelength UV radiation (UV-B) in plants
would contribute to assessing how changes in solar UV radiation would affect terrestrial ecosystems, including crops and their interactions with pests and diseases.
思考的问题包 括:工作人员如何参与各种研究,总部外办事处在多大程度上需要评估, 样 最 好 地处理整 个教科文组织所开展的诸多评估。
This reflection will include how staff is engaged in the various studies, the extent to which an evaluation presence is required in field offices and how best to deal with the numerous evaluations undertaken throughout UNESCO.
保持喷枪与试样板的距离不变(约 6 - 8 英寸 [150 - 200 毫米]),试验喷型的雾 化效果。
Test the spray pattern atomization while keeping the gun a consistent distance, about 6 to 8 inches (150 to 200 mm), from the test piece.
开发面向全球的服装CAD系统,日升天辰服装CAD系统涵盖款式设计 样板 设 计 ,放码排料,工艺单管理、归号管理等各个服装设计生产环节,提供全方位销售和服务支持。
Develops face global clothing CAD system, date ascends to heaven clothing CAD system contains covers design design, model design, puts code, craft list management, turns over to number management verious clothing design production link, provides entire position sale and service support.
如果是样,最好是将用于备份的外 接硬盘驱动器从 FAT32 转换为 NTFS,因为,FAT32 系统的文件大小限制为 4GB。
If so, it is better to convert the external hard drive for backups from FAT32 into NTFS, because of the 4GB file size limit of the FAT32 system.
在此背景下,我们还要赞扬政府不懈努力为回返 者修样板村, 该项目包括为西达尔富尔的 100 [...]
个村 庄和社交俱尔部、医务所、学校和其它设施提供太阳 能发电。
In that context, we also pay tribute to the
tireless efforts made by the Government in
[...] rehabilitating model villages for the [...]
returnees, a project that involved the provision
of solar-generated electricity to 100 villages in Western Darfur and to social clubs, health centres, schools and other types of installations.
对于印度项目对其他国家没有用的关切,开发计划署代表说,它为示范项目提供了 很好样板,因 为它的目的是建立多边出资的销毁设施,多边基金的供资只是用作种子资 金。
In response to concerns that the project in India would not be useful for others, the representative of UNDP said that it provided a good model for a demonstration project as it aimed to develop a multi-financed destruction facility that used Multilateral Fund financing only as seed money.
除了位于世界各地50多个国家超过2,500间建筑事务所以外,各种工作机会、优质作 样板 间 和 活动日程表也可在实现这一目标时为建筑师和其他相关人士提供帮助。
In addition to the over
[...] 2,500 offices profiled from over 50 [...]
countries, job listings, a showroom of quality products, and
an events calendar help support architects and others in this goal.




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