

单词 栩栩生辉

See also:




brighten up (a room etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

清华大学重视基础研究、应用研究及科学和知识,取得了令人瞩目 辉 煌 学 术成就。
Placing great importance on basic research, applied research, and scientific and knowledge, Tsinghua has attained a prodigious number of significant academic achievements.
波兰和它最具实力的东部邻 邦俄罗斯之间一些备受瞩目的政治纠纷也对两国的贸易往来生了消极影响。
A number of high-profile political spats between Poland and its most powerful eastern neighbor, Russia, have also negatively affected trade between them.
闪耀迷人光彩的艺术家镂空表,于手表外壳周边镶嵌了整整56颗美钻,总重达0.5克拉,同时,表盘上的10颗钻石也熠 生辉。
The dazzling Artelier Skeleton comes complete with 56 delicate 0.50 carat diamonds set into the top ring and 10 diamonds set on the dial ring.
选择配备VISION引擎和AMD合作伙伴软件的PC,意味着互联网浏览速度更快、有应用软件一样的体验;1080p高清视频播放华丽、流畅、安静;标清视频看起来像高清;2D内容可转换成3D立体画面;即使是图形密集的网站也可快速加载;可快速、简单地操控高清内容;高清分辨率下的3D游戏速度快 栩栩 如 生。
Selecting a PC equipped with the VISION Engine and software from AMD partners means Internet browsing is a faster, application-like experience; 1080p HD video playback is gorgeous, smooth and quiet; standard definition video looks high-definition; 2D content can be converted into stereoscopic 3D; even the most graphics-intensive
websites load quickly; manipulating HD content is fast and easy; and 3D gaming
[...] at HD resolutions is fast and life-like.
含有大量圖形的網站與數位內容, 栩栩 如 生 呈 現 在您眼前。
Graphics-intensive websites and digital
[...] content will come to life before your eyes.
在减疟伙伴关系、联合国(包括其专门 机构,如世卫组织和联合国儿童基金会)及秘书长疟疾问题特使办公室、双边发 展合作伙伴,以及非洲领导人防治疟疾联盟(由
39 个非洲国家元首组成的小组, 致力于终止与疟疾有关的死亡,他们通过季度记分卡追踪进展情况)的持续支持 下,控制疟疾工作仍然是 2011
[...] 年全球发展议程上的高度优先事项,而利用当前 工具加快推动实现全面覆盖的工作继续 生 令 人 瞩目的成果。
With continued support from the Roll Back Malaria Partnership; the United Nations, including its specialized agencies, such as WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund, as well as the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Malaria; bilateral development partners; and the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (a group of 39 African heads of State working to end malaria-related deaths and who track progress through a quarterly scorecard); malaria control continues to be a high priority on the global development agenda in
2011, and the accelerated drive to achieve universal coverage with today’s
[...] tools continues to produce impressive results.
这座按照人物原型真实尺寸制作的南非前总统曼德拉的半身雕像在瓷白、银灰和深灰三色的衬托下熠 生辉 , 这位诺贝尔和平奖获得者是一位为自由而战的斗士。
It stands there glistening in white, silver-gray and dark-gray – a life-size bust of Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, freedom-fighter and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize – the back of the head crafted in porcelain, the face made of laser-welded platinum, the eyes set with black diamonds.
这个新的战略方向反映了儿童基金会高层管理高 瞻远瞩的视角,旨在让本机构在不断变化的国际教育援助世界中对自身进行重新定位。
This new strategic orientation reflects a forward-looking vision of UNICEF top management aimed at preparing the agency to reposition itself in the changing world of international aid to education.
我看到欧麦尔,提供晨(上午)果酱祈祷“,然后他站起身说,”异教徒没有离开(果酱“),直到太阳已经上升,他们说,'让我们上Thabir阳光下熠 生辉 ( 山 )。
I saw 'Umar, offering the Fajr (morning) prayer at Jam'; then he got up and said, "The pagans
did not use to depart (from Jam') till the sun had risen, and they used to say, 'Let the
[...] sun shine on Thabir (a mountain).
Before joining Pactera in 2007, Ms. [...]
Tan spent seven years with IBM, responsible for the financial services practices for
the region and managing local delivery teams in Thailand, Singapore, Greater China, and Malaysia.
虽然这个州的经济、工业和城市发展令人瞩目,基础设施状况良好,但是有关儿 生 存 、 发展和保护的人类发展指数却没有显示出相应的改观。
Despite its impressive economic, industrial and urban growth, and its good infrastructure, the human development indices of child survival, development and protection have not shown commensurate improvement.
生态系 统办法相关性和适用性方面的观念已经 生 令 人 瞩目的变化,包 括越来越多地肯定该办法能帮助处理与可持续社 生 态 系 统相联系的挑战,例如 影响特生态系 统的领域内和跨领域渔业问题。
A dramatic shift in attitudes as regards the relevance and applicability of the ecosystem approach has taken place, including an increasing appreciation of how this approach can help in addressing the challenges linked to sustaining socio-ecological systems such as fisheries, both within the sector and across sectors affecting a given ecosystem.
您可选择时髦诱人,结合黑色小牛皮与熠 生辉 的 水 晶网布的Intervalle 手镯﹔揉合都市风格与粗犷质感,且融入黑色陶瓷元素、透明水晶和 Pointiage® 低温陶瓷技术的时尚扣环手链﹔又或是在金属尖刺装饰末端镶嵌了水晶的前卫手镯 Style。
For the wrist, there is the sleek black calfskin and glistening Crystal Mesh “Intervalle” bangle; the on-trend, urban-looking chunky chain bracelet with its black ceramic links and clear crystal Pointiage®; and the edgy appeal of the “Style” bangle’s crystal-tipped metallic points.
对于 2012 年上半年的绩效,INTRALOT Group 首席执行官 Constantinos Antonopoulos 先生表示 :“INTRALOT 的业务在 2012 年第二季度获得了一些令人瞩目的发展:从运营的角度看,最重要的业绩有两项,一是更新了马耳他的彩票执照,并延续了 10 年的运营权,新执照能保证我们不间断运营马耳他国家彩票业务,二是通过与 Scientific Games 合作为德国国家体育彩票运营机构 Oddset 提供支持,进入德国体育博彩市场。
Commenting on the results INTRALOT Group CEO, Mr. Constantinos Antonopoulos, noted: “INTRALOT had some very interesting developments during the second quarter of 2012: From an operational view, the most important developments were the renewal of our Lottery license in Malta for another 10 years, a fact that guarantees our uninterrupted operation of the country’s National Lottery and our entry into the German sports betting market through the cooperation with Scientific Games for the support of Oddset, the State operator of such games in the country.
在 2010-2011 双年度的第一年,重大计划 II 最重要的特点是加强了国际伙伴关系,特 别强调非洲和性别平等这两个总体优先事项,并开展了备受瞩目、广为人知的活动。
In the first year of the 2010-2011 biennium, the most significant feature of MP II was the strengthening of international partnerships, with special emphasis on the two global priorities: Africa and gender equality organization, and with high-profile, high-visibility activities.
其作栩栩如生,深 受世界各地私人画廊和博物馆的欢迎。
The graphic appeal of his work has brought wide exposure in private galleries and museums around the world.
用戶亦可在支援 TRILUMINOS™顯示技術的 BRAVIA 電視上播放影片及靜態相片,展現色彩逼真 栩栩 如 生 的 影像,帶來仿如現場 般的視覺體驗。
Users will experience an expanded palette of vivid, ultra-realistic colours when videos and still images are played back on any BRAVIA TV with support for “TRILUMINOS™ Display”.
他的抗争和辉典范 已经载入当代历史,并激励 各方人士矢志努力建设一个更加美好的世界;一个更 加平等和公正的世界;一个尊重人权、差异、人人平 等和机会均等的世界;一个各民族和各国普遍相互理 解、精诚团结的世界;一个人人都应享有经济和社会 发展平等权利,而没有这种权利,稳定、和平与民主 就不可能实现的世界;一个没有歧视的世界。
His fight and towering example are imbedded in contemporary history and constitute an inspiration for all those who strive for a better world, a more equal and just world, a world respectful of human rights, of difference, of equality and equal opportunities for all; a world where mutual understanding and active solidarity among peoples and countries should be the rule; a world where everyone should have an equal right to economic and social development, without which stability, peace and democracy cannot thrive; a world free of discrimination.
评委会说,Olaf“是以为对工作充满激情的艺术家,他的作品画面丰满,描 栩栩 如 生。
According to the jury, Olaf, “has become an artist that exudes passion for the job, whose work is exceptionally rich in its image quality, and who is animated in his development.
比如布拉尼城堡(Blarney Castle) 有着著名的巧言石(Stone of Eloquence)、利普城堡(Leap Castle)——被认为是欧洲闹鬼最凶的城堡、特里姆城堡 (Trim Castle)——爱尔兰最大的盎格鲁诺曼城堡( Dunluce Castle), the spectacular castle-crowned crag on the famous north  Antrim coast, which was shaped when the sea cut deep into the rock, 以及基尔肯尼城堡(Kilkenny Castle)——被重建后熠生辉。
Try out Blarney Castle with its famous Stone of Eloquence, Leap Castle, which is reputed to be the most haunted castle in Europe, Trim Castle, the largest Anglo-Norman castle in Ireland, Dunluce Castle, the spectacular castle-crowned crag on the famous north Antrim coast, which was shaped when the sea cut deep into the rock, and Kilkenny Castle, which has been beautifully restored.
伦敦德里从曾经获奖的塔楼博物馆(Tower Museum)——让你可以了解伦敦德里 辉 煌 历 史,到众多一流餐厅、热闹酒吧和高档商店,再到让人震撼的古城墙和弗欧河(River Foyle)的美丽风景,这座城市是一个永远不会让你失望的非凡旅游地。
From the award-winning Tower Museum that gives a wonderful insight into the city’s history, to the astonishing array of excellent restaurants, lively pubs and great shops, to the haunting ancient city walls and scenic views across the River Foyle, Londonderry, County Londonderry is a remarkable destination that never, ever disappoints.
Baume and Mercier Riviera 男士手表系列有多种款式供您选择,包括熠 生辉 的 蓝 色表圈版本或精致的黑色版本,造型坚固却又不失动感和经典气质,正是 Baume and Mercier 手表一贯的设计风格。
The variety of options offered by the Men’s Baume and Mercier Riviera watches collection includes the radiant blue bezel or the sophisticated black version, both offering rugged styling in a sporty yet classic approach that Baume and Mercier Watches does best.
[...] Alive幼仔品種、Alive睡袋美眉(TM)和Alive迷你幼仔,這些都是國內外一些令人喜愛的 栩栩 如 生 的 長毛絨寵物,這些寵物可以對愛心和關懷作出反應。
WowWee, an Optimal Group company (NASDAQ: OPMR), has announced the retail launch of the new paw-sitively adorable WowWee Alive Baby Animal species,
Alive Sleeping Cuties(TM), and Alive
[...] Minis, a huggable and life-like collection of [...]
domestic and exotic plush pets that respond to love and attention.
家鸽在行为、羽饰和色彩图案上的引人注目的差异使得超过350个的品种得以确立;达尔文在很久以前就被它们所吸引,他多次称鸽子 生 物 多 样性的令人瞩目的例证。
Domestic pigeons, whose striking differences in behavior, feather ornaments and color patterns have led to the establishment of more than 350 breeds, long ago captured the attention of Charles Darwin, who repeatedly referred to them as dramatic examples of biodiversity.
就是這些取材上的差異突顯了 Carmel 作品的與眾不同,她以中片幅攝影令照片主題神態活現,無論在藝廊還是網上觀賞,總是感 栩栩 如 生。
That scalability is a distinguishing characteristic of Carmel’s images. Because she shoots in medium format, her photographs look as vertiginously clear blown up on her gallery walls as they do on her website.
Samsung尖端科技Wide Color Enhancer Plus專業版升級色彩廣闊度技術,能大大突顯畫質的細緻度 栩栩 如 生 地 展 現每一個細微的色彩變化,演繹出顏色更豐富的完美影像。
Using an advanced picture quality improvement algorithm, Samsung’s Wide Color Enhancer Plus drastically improves the quality of any image and uncovers hidden details.
随着业务的蓬勃发展,本集团不断进行重组及业务扩充,除了远东铝质工程有限公司在承办香港的工程外,还先后成立了力进工程(远铝)澳门有限公司负责参与澳门特区工程项目;恒辉国际有限公司负责投资及经营深圳新和 辉生 产 加 工中心;以及设立于上海、北京、深圳的代表办事处协调联络国内工程业务。
In addition to Far East Aluminium Works Company Limited undertaking Hong Kong projects, Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited was established in handling Macau projects, Heng Fai
International Ltd was formed to invest and operate Xin
[...] He Heng Fai Aluminium Products Factory [...]
in Shenzhen, and China projects are managed
by our offices in Shanghai and Shenzhen.
诺华(瑞士)是2009年申请量排名第一的申请人,有136件国际商标申请,接下来是利得(德国)、汉高(德国)、浙江医药公司(中国)、禧玛诺(日本)、KRKA(斯洛文尼亚)、吉瑞大药厂(匈牙利)、欧莱雅(法国)、博世和西门子(德国)、Egis制药(匈牙利) 辉 瑞 (瑞士)、杨森制药(比利时)、拜尔(德国)、葛兰素集团(联合王国)、勃林格殷格翰(德国)、雀巢(瑞士)、赛诺菲–安万特(法国)、卡拉威高尔夫公司(美国)和西门子(德国)。
With 136 international trademark applications, Novartis (Switzerland) was the largest filer in 2009 followed by Lidl (Germany), Henkel (Germany), Zhejiang Medicine Company (China), Shimano (Japan), KRKA (Slovenia), Richter Gedeon (Hungary), L’Oréal (France), BSH Bosch und Siemens (Germany), Egis Gyógyszergyár (Hungary), Pfizer (Switzerland), Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belgium), Bayer (Germany), Glaxo Group (UK), Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany), Nestlé (Switzerland), Sanofi Aventis (France), Callaway Golf Company (USA) and Siemens (Germany).
MSC游艇俱乐部将这一标准又提升了一个等级,在游艇俱乐部的私密专享酒吧(The One Bar)、顶级航行休息厅和餐厅(MSC幻想曲号的L'étoile餐厅、 M S C 辉 煌 号 的L'Olivo餐厅)都配备了令人垂涎的系列美食。
MSC Yacht Club takes this to even higher levels with an astounding variety of delicacies in the privacy of The One Bar, Top Sail Lounge and its own exclusive restaurants - Le Muse on MSC Divina, L'Étoile on MSC Fantasia, L'Olivo on MSC Splendida and La Palmeraie on MSC Preziosa.




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