单词 | 校董 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 校董 noun, plural —managers plExamples:校董会 n—School Council n See also:董—director • supervise • surname Dong
(a) 如任何教員將受僱擔任某個在《資助則例》所規定的教職員編制 內的教席,或受僱為期不少於 6 個月,其聘用須由學校的大多數 校董批准 language-education.com | (a) any teacher, who is to be employed to occupy a teaching post in the staff establishment provided [...] for in the Codes of Aid or for a term not less than 6 [...] months, has to be approved by the majority of managers of the school language-education.com |
根據現有的《香港大學條例》,校董 會 名 義上是大學的最高管治 機構,但實際上,根據大學的規程, 校董 會 的 角色其實只是一個諮詢 團體,可說是大學的最高諮詢團體,但真正負責管理大學的其實是校 務委員會。 legco.gov.hk | Under the existing University of Hong Kong Ordinance, the Court is the supreme governing body in name but in practice, under [...] the HKU Statutes, the role of the Court [...]is actually just an advisory body, or it can be considered as the supreme advisory body of the university, but it is actually the Council that is truly managing the university. legco.gov.hk |
伊巴丹大学医学院学术委员会会员(1988 年起);伊巴丹 Ijokodo 残疾人学校董事 会 成员(2007 年起);伊巴丹大学学院医院专区循环基金委员会会员(1993-2002)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Member, Academic Board, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (since 1988); member, Board of Trustees, School for the Handicapped, [...] Ijokodo, Ibadan [...](since 2007); member, Theatre Revolving Fund Committee, University College Hospital, Ibadan (1993-2002). daccess-ods.un.org |
部 分 委員認為,在設有法團校董會學校工 作一 段 短 時 間 , 兼且與有關 人選並不熟 悉的臨 時教師,應不 符合資格 在教員校董的選舉中投票。 legco.gov.hk | Some members considered that temporary teachers who worked in an IMC school for a short period and were not familiar with the candidates should not be eligible to [...] vote in the election of a teacher manager. legco.gov.hk |
克里 学校董事会 (加拿大)提供资金支持开发一个关于克里知识和与自然环境相关的风俗习惯的 [...] CD-ROM 光盘。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Cree School Board (Canada) provided [...] funds to support the development of a CD-ROM on Cree knowledge, practice and rituals [...]relating to the natural environment. unesdoc.unesco.org |
於社會公職方面,郭先生為香港地產建設商會董事、香港總商會理事及香港中文大 學 校董 會 副 主席。 wingtaiproperties.com | In civic activities, Mr. Kwok is a director of The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong, a member of the General Committee of The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and Vice Chairman of the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. wingtaiproperties.com |
(5) 校董會、校務委 員會或教務委員會的任何作為或決議,不得純粹因該團體出現空缺、其中任何 成員欠缺資格或任何成員的選舉或委任無效而致無效。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | (5) No act or resolution of the Court, the Council, or the Senate shall be invalid by reason only of any vacancy in, or any want of qualification by or invalidity in the election or appointment of any member of, any such body. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
在多样性高度政治化和工具化的社会里,日常的问题,如 学 校董 事 会、储蓄 和信贷社、甚至运动队的组成问题,都由于因基于族裔、种族、宗教和地方主义 [...] 的代表或缺乏代表发生的激烈争吵,而停滞不前。 daccess-ods.un.org | In societies with a high degree of politicization and instrumentalization of [...] diversity, day-to-day issues, such as [...] the composition of school boards, savings and [...]credit associations, or even sports teams [...]become paralysed by acrimonious debates over representation or lack thereof on the basis of ethnicity, race, religion and regionalism. daccess-ods.un.org |
4.9 校 方 會 定 期 檢 討 校 本 處 理 投 訴 的 政 策 及 向 校 董 會 報 告 處 理 本 校 投 訴 的 情 況,例 如 有 關 投 訴 /上 訴 個 案 的 數 據,並 在 有 需 要 時, 提 [...] 出 改 善 措 施 , 以 完 善 校 本 [...]處 理 投 訴 機 制 及 程 序 。 deliahw.edu.hk | 4.9 Our school will regularly review the school-based complaint handling policy, report to the SMCs the situation [...] on handling complaints, [...]such as providing the data of relevant complaint/appeal cases, and if necessary, suggest improvement measures to enhance the school-based complaint handling mechanism and procedures. deliahw.edu.hk |
教区透过与教育局谈判,就成立《2004年教育(修订)条例》所要求的「法 团 校董 会 」 ,尝试取得政府的最大让步。 catholic.org.hk | The diocese, through negotiations with the Education Bureau, tried as far as possible to obtain concessions for [...] the setting up of the ¡§Incorporated [...] Management Committee (IMC)¡¨ as prescribed [...]by the ¡§Education (Amendment) Ordinance 2004¡¨. catholic.org.hk |
(2) 除非另有明文規定,否則任何委員會均可 由 校董 會 、 校 務 委 員會、教務委員會或任何學院的院 務委員會(視屬何情況而定)成員以外的人士出任其部分成員。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | (2) Unless otherwise expressly provided, any committee may consist partly of persons who are not members of the Court, the Council, the Senate or the Board of any Faculty, as the case may be. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
法團校董會測量系統公司及其合作夥伴 添加劑 GmbH公司宣布新的家庭法團校董會“Cronosflex”之稱的到來。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The imc measurement systems GmbH and its partners Additives GmbH announce the arrival of your new family imc "Cronosflex" known. en.developmentscout.com |
应特别通过班级委员会、学生会以及 学 校董 事 会和委员会中的学生代表来 实现儿童对决策进程的扎实参与,在这些组织中儿童可以对学校政策和行为守则 的制定和执行自由发表意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Steady participation of children in decision-making processes should be achieved through, inter alia, class councils, student councils and student representation on school boards and committees, where they can freely express their views on the development and implementation of school policies and codes of behaviour. daccess-ods.un.org |
教育经费的利用将需要社会各界和从家长、教师和地方 学 校董 事 会到国家决 策者、投资者、非政府组织、捐助国政府和国际机构等更广泛的利益攸关者更多 [...] 参与。 daccess-ods.un.org | Leveraging education funding will require greater engagement across all sectors of society and among a wider [...] range of stakeholders, from parents, [...] teachers and local school boards to national [...]policymakers, investors, non-governmental [...]organizations, donor Governments and international institutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 各直接資助( 直資) 學校,按位津貼學校及私立學校的校 監及校董—— 備考及適用者備辦 language-education.com | (b) Supervisors and Managers of all schools under Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS), caput schools and private schools – for reference and action where applicable language-education.com |
彼为香港大学校务委员会成员及香港城市大 学 校董 会 成 员。 vtech.com | He is a council member of The University of Hong Kong and the City University of Hong Kong. vtech.com.hk |
大学政策总局接手原大学事务总局的各项职责,并对大学政策大会和 大学校董会提供帮助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Directorate-General for University Policy, which carries out the functions formerly assigned to the Directorate-General for Universities and also provides assistance and support to the General Conference on University Policy and the Council of Universities. daccess-ods.un.org |
他現任多項公職,包括世界自然(香港)基金會副會長兼信託人、亞洲文化協會香港分會會友委員會主席、亞洲文化協會信託人委員會委員、紐約洛克菲勒兄弟基金成員、香港科技大學大學學會會士 和 校董 會 成 員、環境諮詢委員會成員、香港貿易發展局香港╱歐盟經濟合作委員會成員、Asia Society Hong Kong Center 諮詢委員會委員和信託人委員會委員,以及香港紅十字會顧問團成員。 wharfholdings.com | He currently holds a number of public offices, namely, the vice-president and a trustee of World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong, the chairman of the Friend's Committee of the Asian Cultural Council Hong Kong, a Board Member of the Asian Cultural Council Board of Trustees, affiliate of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, New York, an honorary fellow and a council member of the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, as well as a member of the Advisory Council for the Environment, Hong Kong European Union Business Co-operation Committee of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Advisory Council as well as Board of Trustees of Asia Society Hong Kong Center and Advisory Board of the Hong Kong Red Cross. wharfholdings.com |
彼現為香港兒童癌病基金終生會員、海洋公園保育基金信託人、無止橋慈善基金榮譽秘書、香港體育委員會成員、香港房屋協會委員、香港嶺南大 學 校董 會 成 員、加拿大西安大略大學(鄭裕彤工商管理學院)亞洲顧問委員會成員、香港中文大學高級管理人員工商管理碩士課程諮詢委員會成員、香港大學職業諮詢委員會成員及雲南省政協委員,並獲授香港公開大學及香港大學榮譽大學院士榮銜、香港中文大學工商管理學院 Beta Gamma Sigma 及香港特別行政區政府太平紳士及銀紫荊星章。 nwd.com.hk | She is currently a life member of the Children's Cancer Foundation, trustee of Ocean Park Conservation Fund, Honorary Secretary of the Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation, a member of the Sports Commission of Hong Kong, a member of the Hong Kong Housing Society, a court and council member of Lingnan University, a member of the Asian Advisory Board of the Cheng Yu Tung Management Institute, Richard Ivey School of Business (University of Western Ontario, Canada), a member of the Advisory Board of the EMBA Programme of CUHK, a member of the Career Advisory Board of HKU, a member of The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the Yunnan Province, and a recipient of Honorary University Fellows from OUHK and HKU, Beta Gamma Sigma from CUHK/BA, Justice of Peace and Silver Bauhinia Star by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. nwd.com.hk |
他们可能只参加关于其子女教育的商谈,也可能参 加 校董 会, 还可能参加本地或国家政策审查小组。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They might be involved simply in [...] negotiating provision for their child, or in [...] becoming part of school governing bodies, or [...]in joining local or national policy-review groups. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,美國選民不僅要在總統選舉和國 [...] 會選舉中投票,而且還要投票選舉成千 上萬名州和地方政府的官員,其中包括 州議員、州長及副州長、州審計員、縣 長、鎮長及市長、市政委員會委員、法 [...] 官、警官、執法官、治安官、治安法官 以及中小學和大學校董會成員、公用委 員會成員和其他具有公信力的官員。 americancorner.org.tw | Consequently, U.S. voters are asked to vote not just for president and Congress but also for thousands of state and local government officials, including state legislators, state governors and lieutenant governors, state auditors, county commissioners, mayors of towns and cities, aldermen, judges, constables, [...] magistrates, sheriffs, justices of the [...] peace, and members of school boards, college [...]boards, utility boards, and other positions of public trust. americancorner.org.tw |
彼為香港大學校務委員會成員及香港城市大 學 校董 會 成 員。 vtech.com.hk | He is a council member of The University of Hong Kong and the City University of Hong Kong. vtech.com.hk |
在加入政府前,陳先生曾擔任多項公職,包括立法會議員、法律援助服務局主席、西九文化區管理局董事局成員、策略發展委員會非官方委員、香港中文大 學 校董 會 成 員和廉政公署社區關係市民諮詢委員會委員。 devb.gov.hk | Before joining the Government, Mr CHAN held a number of public service positions including member of the Legislative Council; Chairman of Legal Aid Services Council; Board Member of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority; non-official member of the Strategic Development Commission; Council Member of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and member of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. devb.gov.hk |
教育组织法》也对学校董事会 和教职员工的职权进行了规 定。 daccess-ods.un.org | It further regulates the [...] responsibilities of school boards and teaching staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
她為香港科技大學校董、 香 港科技園公司董事及中國航天國際控股有限公司(一家股 份 現 時 於 聯 交 所 主 板 上 市 之 公 司, 股 份 代 號31)之 非 執 行 董事。 cre8ir.com | (a company the shares of which are currently listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange, Stock Code 31). cre8ir.com |
他自二○○七年六月起獲委任為策略發展委員會非官方成員,一九九五年至二 ○○○年期間出任醫院管理局主席,一九九三年至一九九七年出任香港理工大 學 校董 會 主 席,二○○○年至二○○七年獲政府委 任為香港貿易發展局主席。 wharfholdings.com | He had served as the chairman of Hospital Authority from 1995 to 2000, the council chairman of Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 1993 to 1997 and the Government-appointed chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council from 2000 to 2007. wharfholdings.com |
在中心,这里的一方或双方在地方,它指的是前一点的工作,不配合学校的日子, 学 校董 事 会,理事会或社会,做不到这一点,对各中心的负责人少三个单位可酌情,一个或两个非读书的时候,必须在普通学校的课程规定,援引传统,习惯或方便pedagójica。 colexio-karbo.com | In centers where one or both parties working at the local, which [...] refers to the previous point, do not [...] coincide with school days, school boards, social councils [...]or, failing that, the heads of [...]the centers of less three units may, as appropriate, one or two non-school days, which must be provided in the general school program, citing tradition, custom or convenience pedagójica. colexio-karbo.com |
鄭怡敏(阿金)香港出生,2002年以優異成績完成香港藝術學院與皇家墨爾本理工大學合辦的文學士(純藝術)學位課程(主修素描),2007年獲香港中文大學比較及公共歷史碩士學位,2002至2008年任下葵涌官立中 學 校董。 artcontainer.hk | Born in Hong Kong. In 2002, Gum completed with distinction the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) [...] programme (major in Drawing) co-presented by the [...] Hong Kong Art School and the Royal [...]Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University. artcontainer.hk |
如 有 需 要,本 校 /辦 學 團 [...] 體 會 成 立 專 責 小 組 處 理 某 些 特 別 投 訴 個 案 , 因 應 [...] 情 況 , 小 組 可 包 括 校 董 會 成 員 及 辦 學 團 體 [...]代 表 ; 或 邀 請 獨 立 人 士 , 例 如 社 工 、 律 師 、 心 理 [...]學 家 等 , 及 與 個 案 無 關 的 家 長 或 教 師 , 加 入 小 組 , 以 增 加 公 信 力 , 並 就 專 業 問 題 提 供 意 見 和 支 援 。 deliahw.edu.hk | To enhance [...] credibility, the school will invite independent [...]person(s) such as social worker, lawyer, psychologist, parent [...]or teacher who are not involved in the case to join the task force to provide professional advice and support. deliahw.edu.hk |
4月19日,「Adobe®創意大學計劃」與江門雅圖仕職業技術學校簽約儀式在利奧文化演藝中心隆重舉行,鶴山市副市長楊超,鶴山市教育局局長鄧國華,Adobe®中國區董事總經理黃耀輝先生 (Mr. Yew Hwee [...] Ng)及其團隊、北京中科希望軟件股份有限公司、香港利奧紙品印刷集團董事暨江門雅圖仕職業技術 學 校校董 黎 景 隆先生及集團各董事、江門雅圖仕職業技術學校及雅圖仕培訓學校的相關領導與代表等出席了簽約儀式。 leo.com.hk | Representatives from various organizations attended to support the ceremony, including the Vice-Mayor of Heshan, Mr. Chao Yang, the Director of Heshan [...] Education Bureau, Mr. Guo-wah Deng, [...] the Managing Director of Adobe® China Region, Mr. Yew Hwee Ng, a [...]representative from Beijing Hope Software Co. leo.com.hk |