

单词 校本



corrected edition

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校本評核 包括在公開評核內,就是嘗試 在香港中學文憑中,增加進展性評估或促進學習的評估的成分。
The inclusion of SBA in public assessment is an attempt to enhance formative assessment or assessmentfor learning within the context of the HKDSE.
成果不佳的一部分原因是学校所无法消减的社会人口和社会经济因 素,另一部分原因是校本身的状况。
Such low results are explained partly by
socio-demographic and socioeconomic factors that
[...] schools are unable to mitigate, and partly by dynamics intrinsic to the schools.
[...] 育,教肓局一直為學校提供額外資源、專業支援和教師 培訓,並鼓勵學校發展共融文化 校本 政 策 及措施,照 顧有特殊教育需要的學生。
To assist ordinary schools in implementing the Whole School Approach to Integrated Education, EDB has been providing the schools with additional resources, professional support and teacher
training, and encouraging them to develop an
[...] inclusive culture, school-based policy and [...]
practices in care of students with SEN.
[...] sastra”,所谓的学者认为,因为在一个“达摩,经”古摩纳 校本。
Of these the most ancient and most famous is the "Laws of Manu",
the "Manava Dharma-sastra", so called as scholars think, because based on a "Dharma-sutra" of
[...] the ancient Manava school.
(b) 大部分中學教師均具備足夠的專業知識及技能,並享有足夠 的空間,發校本課程 和改善教學法,推行更有效的“拔尖保 [...]
底 ”策略,使大部分學生在完成初中教育時,其中文、英文及 數學的表現均已達到基本能力要求的水平。
(b) the majority of secondary school teachers possessing sufficient
professional knowledge and skills, as well as the
[...] space to develop school-based curriculum [...]
and effective teaching pedagogies to cater
for widened student diversity to ensure that most of their students meet the basic competence in Chinese, English and Mathematics when they complete junior secondary education.
如果您已经有一个配置了PHP的Web服务器,您可以把 校本 放 在 一个Web Document目录下并执行它。
If you already have a web server configured with PHP, you can place this script in a web document folder for that server and execute it.
4.9 校 方 會 定 期 檢校 本 處 理 投 訴 的 政 策 及 向 校 董 會 報 告 處本 校 投 訴 的 情 況,例 如 有 關 投 訴 /上 訴 個 案 的 數 據,並 在 有 需 要 時, 提 出 改 善 措 施 , 以 完校 本 處 理 投 訴 機 制 及 程 序 。
4.9 Our school will regularly review the school-based complaint handling policy, report to the SMCs the situation on handling complaints, such as providing the data of relevant complaint/appeal cases, and if necessary, suggest improvement measures to enhance the school-based complaint handling [...]
mechanism and procedures.
學生宜在一個低風險的環境下接 校本評 核 的作業,從中練習和體驗,以期在沒有壓力下學習(即作為進展性評估 的用途);另一方面,為了評定分數,總結學習,學生其後須完成類似的作 業,作為公開評核的一部分(即作為總結性評估的用途)。
While it is desirable that students are exposed to SBA tasks in a low-stakes context, and that they benefit from practice and experience with such tasks for formative assessment purposes without penalty, similar tasks will need to be administered subsequently as part of the public assessment to generate marks to summarise the learning of students (i.e. for summative assessment purposes).
( 教师用) ”,协助教师识别有言语及语言障碍的小学生及中学生,以及 转介有需要的学生接受校本言语治疗师或教育局提供的评估及治疗。
The EDB has also developed the “Observation Checklist for Teachers (Primary School)” and the “Observation Checklist for Teachers (Secondary School)” for primary and secondary schools respectively to assist teachers in
identifying primary and
[...] secondary school pupils with speech and language impairment and referring those in need to school-based speech therapists [...]
or the EDB for assessment and therapy.
對於 數學科來說校本評核 的主要理念是要提高整體評核的效度,並將評核延 [...]
伸至涵蓋學生在批判性思考、創意、構思、探究及數學推理的能力及與人 溝通和清晰及邏輯地表達意見的能力。
The primary rationale for SBA in Mathematics [...]
is to enhance the validity of the overall assessment and extend it to include
testing candidates’ ability to think critically and creatively, conceptualise, investigate and reason mathematically, communicate with others and express their views clearly and logically in mathematical language.
課後功課輔導包括有圓玄社會服 務部的校本課後 學習支援計劃」、家庭學習協會的「區本課後學習支援計劃」、 明愛中心的「課後中文班」、「課後功課輔導班」等。
And initiatives
[...] of after-school tutoring include the "School-based After-school Learning [...]
Support Programme" by Yuen Yuen
Social Service, the "District-based After-school Learning Support Programme" by Family Learning Association, as well as the "After-school Chinese Lessons" and "After-school Homework Tutor Class" by Caritas Centre.
世界大型定居点的犹太人数量希腊各地区,巴勒斯坦希腊化的,和犹太人在耶路撒冷存在的所有国家,特别是影响那些在希腊的时间, 校本 课 程迫使拉比对待的问题更多宽松。
The settlement of large numbers of Jews in various parts of the Greek world, the Hellenization of Palestine, and the presence in Jerusalem of Jews from all countries, especially from those under Greek influence, in course of time forced the Rabbis to treat the question more liberally.
委员会关切的是,校本科最低年龄为16 岁以上,但其课程包括军事科 目,如武器处理、陆海空后勤、军纪和国际法。
The Committee is concerned that at undergraduate level, where the minimum age for attendance is 16 years and over, the curriculum includes military subjects, such as weapons handling, land, naval and air logistics, military disciplines, and international laws.
为了做好成绩分析,需做好两个排名:一是排出每位学生在全市相同专业的学生中的名次;二是排出每位学生 本校本 专 业 中的名次;两个排名都以总分为依据。
In order to do performance analysis should be done two rankings: one discharge every student majors in the same city
in the ranking; second is discharged each
[...] student in the school's ranking in this [...]
profession; two rank to Total as the basis.
此次本校医学 院小儿科的吴繁夫副教授等人的小组,发现了跟患此病有关的RNF213基因,同时也发现约有70%的日本人患者有此基因的突变。
A research group led by Associate Professor Shigeo Kure at Tohoku
[...] University Graduate School of Medicine identified [...]
RNF213 as Moyamoya disease gene,
and found that 70% of Japanese patients have the same gene mutation.
本校有一 套安全計劃以應對緊急情 況,並經常為學生安排演習,確保他們在緊急事故下懂得應變。
We have developed safety protocols for emergency situations and practice with our students how to handle emergency situations should they arrive.
本校的平 衡計分卡目標包括: 平等、社會公平、愉快學習及服務社群,皆與校區的目標一致,務求減少學生人口的影響因素。
The school's Balanced Scorecard [...]
goals include : equity, social justice, joyful learning, and service to the community.
1.住宿於淡水校園附近本校教職 員生可申請中華電信公司的 ADSL 網路,以擁有 經濟且高速的固接式網路,可至資訊中心網路管理組申請(外籍生除外)。
1. Students and faculty who live near Tamshui Campus can apply for an affordable and fast-speed Chunghwa Telecom ADSL internet account at the Network Management Section in the Information Processing Center (excluding foreign students).
f. 本校將有 規則教導違反午膳安排的學生,讓他們學習承擔後果及作負責任的青 [...]
f. The School will instruct those [...]
students who are in breach of the lunch arrangements rules, and let them know that they
ought to bear the consequences and become responsible youngsters.
[...] 满足各自社区学习者的多样化需求,承担制定全纳教育计划方面的 风险,积极主动地与其它各部门协调,动员社区资源 本校 学 生受 益。
This allows schools to manage their own resources in order to meet the diverse needs of learners in their communities, to take risks in developing inclusive education programmes
and to be proactive in co-ordinating other services and mobilizing community resources
[...] in the interests of their students.
如回收桶因自然耗損 致不能使用本校會安 排廢物回收商妥善回收該回收桶。
If the plastic waste separation bin(s) are no longer usable due to natural wear and tear, we will arrange a recycler to collect the bin for recycling in a proper way.
校長須明白中央課 程架構,並充分了本校情況 ,如學生的需要、化學科和科學教育學習領 域其他科組的長處,以及學校的組織文化。
They need to understand the central curriculum framework and be well aware of contextual factors such as the needs of the students, the strengths of the Chemistry Panel and other panels in the Science Education KLA as well as the organisational culture of the school.
3.5.1 射頻信號發生器的本校正工 作一般包括測試輸出電平準確度 、電平不平坦度及頻率準確度。
3.5.1 The basic calibration of a RF signal [...]
generator normally includes tests on output level accuracy, level flatness, and frequency accuracy.
本校榮獲香港藝術發展局頒發 2008 年藝術教育獎銅獎,評審指本校的 藝 術計劃打 破傳統教學的框框,把藝術帶進社區,與市民分享成果。
Besides, our school has won the bronze award in the 2008 Art Education Awards of the Hong Kong Arts Development [...]
Council, which has shown that our art program have broken through the standard pattern of traditional teaching, and brought
arts into communities such as sharing fruits with Hong Kong citizens.
本校6歲 以 上的學生交付年費10元後,便可以全年使用該俱樂部。
SFC students who are at least 6 years old may use the Club for an annual membership fee of $10.
本校医学 院细胞生物学讲座生物化学专攻的武藤哲彦讲师、五十岚和彦教授的研究小组, 本校 国 际 高等研究教育机构、广岛大学原子弹放射线医学研究所等小组合作,把转录因子Bach2和Blimp-1基因结合,发现通过控制这一结合能抑制浆细胞的分化和抗体的产生。
A research
[...] group led by Professor Kazuhiko Igarashi and Senior Assistant Professor Akihiko Muto at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine discovered [...]
that Bach2,
a transcription factor, represses Blimp-1gene to inhibit plasma cell differentiation and to promote antibody class switch.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上诉人的情况下,对 本 应作 出更多解释,然本报告 限于篇幅而不能做此解释,但可以说的是,正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的校工作 必须整体一起完成,而不是分卷完成(这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for
greater explanation
[...] than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for [...]
translation of a judgement
must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
本 校 在 建 立 各 種 有 效 溝 通 渠 道 的 同 時 , 亦 會 鼓 勵 家 長 、 學 生 及 員 工 善 用 有 關 渠 道 , 向 校 方 表 達 意 見 和 抒 發 感 受 , 促 進 雙 方 瞭 解 , 建 立 互 信 關 係 , 以 避 免 產 生 不 必 要 的 誤 會 。
While being aware of the importance of building various effective communication channels, our school will encourage parents, students and staff to make good use of these channels to express their opinions and feelings, so as to enhance mutual understanding and trust and avoid unnecessary confusing messages.
而本會除推出這個區域內的唯一 本校 園 雜 誌,並同時開辦「家庭課堂」,讓因塔利班政府統治下而無法上學的女童、以及超過小學年齡的群眾可在家中接受教育,直至他們到達初中學習水平。
A school magazine has been created [...]
and is the only one in the region. There are « Homeschools » too: young girls who weren't
allowed to go to school during the Talibans' dictatorship and who are too old to go to primary school, can follow special classes until they reach middle school level.




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