

单词 校外

External sources (not reviewed)

所有評核及考試的結果均由考試委員會審慎覆核及校外考試 委員討論後決定,而特別個案及學歷頒授名單則由學科學務委員會批核。
All assessment results and examinations are determined by the Boards of
Examiners after careful scrutiny and
[...] deliberation with the External Examiners, and with [...]
the ratification of the Discipline
Academic Committees on special cases and award list.
国际学生通常喜欢和自己的同学一起 校外 合 租 住房。
Sharing off-campus accommodation is [...]
very popular with international students.
几个组织强调了加强师资培训、提高各国政府对合格教师和包 校外 各级培训人员的重要性的认识 的必要性。
Several organizations insisted on the need to intensify teacher training,
raising awareness of governments to the importance of qualified teachers and trainers at
[...] all levels, including out of school.
There are also several non-governmental organisations which offer skills training and life skills
[...] programmes to out of school youth.
根据《教育法》的规定校外教育 活动是对各类学校(其中包括培养学生在 科学、技术、艺术、体育、旅游等方面的创造能力的学园)教育程序的有益补 充,也是对空闲时间的有效利用,同 校外 教 育 机构开展活动可得到政府预算的 资助,而且这些机构的服务通常都是免费的,这使得它们可以惠及所有申请人 (不分籍贯、社会信仰、宗教等)。
According to the Law on Education, these implement
[...] complementary activities to the educational process at all types of schools, including lyceums with the purpose to develop the creative skills of pupils in the field of science, technology, arts, sports, tourism, etc., as well as beneficial and pleasant leisure management, whilst the activity of the extra-school institutions is [...]
financed from the state
budget, the services of these institutions being usually free of charge, this making them available for all applicants irrespective of their origin, social adherence, religion, etc.
是 項檢討 範圍包括教學㆟員的職級名稱、 聘用教學㆟員的模 式、教學
[...] ㆟員的晉升機會、 薪酬架構與聘用條 款校 外執業 、 工作表 現 評 估 與員工發展、 [...]
學 術 領導的 策略性 管 理、以及退 休 年 齡 與 終身聘 任 。
The review covers various aspects, including titles of academic staff, patterns of employment of academic staff, promotion prospects of
academic staff, salary structures and terms
[...] of employment, outside practice, performance [...]
review and development, strategic
management of academic leadership, and retirement age and employment on tenure.
委 員亦得悉,八所教資會資助院校都同意根據海外經驗,積極檢討申訴 程序,並考慮實施教資會提出的四項具體建議( 如現行申訴程序沒有 這些安排) :
[...] (i)委任調解人員;(ii)訂明處理申訴的時限;(iii)防範報 復行為;以及(iv)校外人士 參與處理最後階段的上訴程序。
Members noted that the eight UGC-funded institutions had all agreed actively to keep their grievance procedures under review in the light of overseas experience, and to consider implementing the four specific recommendations made by the UGC, namely i) appointment of mediators; ii) stipulating the time limits for handling
grievances; iii) guarding against
[...] retaliation; and iv) involvement of external parties in the final [...]
level of appeal, if these recommendations
were not featured in their existing grievance procedures.
來年可增加參校外比賽 的人次,並透過調動時間表,安排校巴等行政支援鼓勵 學生多參與課外活動。
The number of students
[...] participating off-campus activities will be increased [...]
next year, and administrative measures, such
as rescheduling and arranging the time slot of the school buses, may be implemented to encourage students to take part in extracurricular activities.
为了满足人们对正规校校外有关 教育活动信息的需求,统计研究所正在与基础教育 处、日本的教科文组织亚太地区文化中心(ACCU)以及某些会员国合作,启动试点项目, [...]
Responding to the need for information on educational activities,
[...] which take place outside the formal school system, the [...]
UIS is cooperating with the Basic
Education Division, the Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) of Japan and selected Member States, in launching pilot projects to establish management information systems for non-formal education and to field-test concepts, methodologies and software applications for the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of information on non-formal education.
摩尔多瓦共和国全体公民都有资格参加 校外 机 构 组织 的考试。
All citizens of the Republic of Moldova enjoy the
[...] right to sit for the external examination.
R4.4 爲了提升不同工商管理碩士課程之間各個標準的可比性和一致性,同時配合港大 經修訂校外主考 政策,以及正視因學生人數衆多而引致委 校外 主 考 的困難, 將會(當現時在任校外主考 任期屆滿之後)委任單一 校外 主 考 ,負責審視工 商管理碩士課程的整體結構和設計,另外委任四 校外 主 考 ,分別檢視兩個工商 管理碩士課程的四個學習專題(即財務管理;中國和亞洲業務管理;創業、創新 和營運管理;以及市場及服務管理)。
R4.4 With a view to enhancing comparability and consistency of standards across MBA programmes, aligning with the University’s revised EE policy and addressing the difficulty posed by large cohort size, one single EE will be appointed (when the current EE appointments expire) to review the overall MBA programme structure and design, and four other EEs will be appointed for each of the specialist themes of study to scrutinise both MBA programmes at the course level, viz. in Finance Management; Managing in China and Asia; Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Operations Management; and Marketing and Services Management.
他們可以提校外的延 展學習經驗以支援課程,例如與子女討論與化學有關的社會、道德和倫理 [...]
For instance, they can support the
curriculum by providing extended learning
[...] experiences outside school, e.g. by discussing [...]
the social, moral and ethical issues
related to chemistry with their children; and they can instil in them an appreciation of the value of learning.
[...] 間,以便進行需時較長的學習活動,例如參觀 校外 科 學探究、或其他可 促進化學學習成效的全方位學習活動。
Lastly, schools are also encouraged to include half-day or whole-day activity sessions in the time-table, to allow continuous
stretches of time for visits, scientific
[...] investigations outside the school, or other life-wide [...]
learning activities that can enhance
the effectiveness of learning in chemistry.
我们 强调有必要提高小学后各级教育的质量和相关性,包括针 校外 儿 童 开展的 联合教育和技能发展方案,通过发展技术与职业教育培训方案、学徒和创业 [...]
We emphasize the need to improve the quality and relevance of post-primary levels of education, including joint
educational and skills development
[...] programmes for out-of-school children, by enhancing [...]
school-to-work transition for both
youth and adults through the development of technical and vocational education and training programmes, apprenticeships and entrepreneurship education.
除 Ringo 指挥官和 Ngabo 中校 外,已于 4 月 5 日带 50 [...]
人开小差的 Bunyakiri 第 106 团的 Alexis Muhire 上校, 也成功地带部下抵达马西西。
Alexis Muhire of the 106th regiment in Bunyakiri, who
[...] had deserted separately on 5 April with [...]
50 men, also succeeded in reaching Masisi with his troops.
如所在的教育机构设有海外办事处,您可以在出国前很早就向其进行咨询,以了解 校 内 校外 的 住宿 选择。
They might be able to provide you with links to accommodation boards on their website or within the community.
岁儿童的自治组织,儿童通过这一组织并在其学校管理委员会的帮助下安排 游览、访问、外地实践和其校外活 动 ,关于朝鲜招募幼童参军并对他们实行军 事化的指控是对事实的严重歪曲。
Allegations that DPRK conscripts children from and early age and militarizes them are very distorted information.
校內服務崗位的數目與運作已漸見成熟,故來年將進行著眼於領袖培訓及籌校 外的服 務學習活動,以提升學生自信心、領導才能及責任感。
Therefore, we will focus on leadership training and service-learning activities next year to improve students’ self-confidence, leadership skills and sense of responsibility.
校外教育和教学机构设立了兴趣社团(小组、团体、工作室)分支网络,主 要活动旨在于激发学生的天性,扩大知识面和提高认知能力,培养健康的生活方 [...]
There is an extensive network of interest groups (clubs,
[...] leagues, workshops) in extracurricular education and training [...]
institutions whose main areas
of activity include developing the learner’s natural abilities, extending knowledge and developing intellectual interests and encouraging healthy lifestyles, as well as physical activities and sports.
校与校外食物 供应公司协作,为有意在校用餐的同学提供午餐。
The School co-ordinates with an outside catering service [...]
company to provide lunches for students who do not bring a packed lunch to School.
对于不识字的成年女性和已经错过上学机会或在完成全部初 等教育周期前辍学校外青年,非正规教育方案可以为鼓励他们的孩子参加学前 教育并提高这些儿童的学习成果和生活机会作出重大贡献。
For non-literate female adults and out-of-school young people who have missed out on opportunities to gain access to schooling or who have dropped out before having completed the full cycle of primary education, a non-formal education programme can make a major contribution to encouraging the enrolment of their children in preschool education and enhancing the learning outcomes and life chances of those children.
但對於最終學年的學位試及教務委員會不時建議的其他學位試,如切實可行的話,就構成規定的課程的 每一科目或每組科目,須委任最少一 校外 獨 立 主考。
Provided that for degree examinations for the final year and such other examinations for degrees as the Senate may from time to time recommend, at least one external and independent examiner
shall be appointed for each subject or group of subjects forming part of the
[...] course of studies required, if practicable.
會委校外考試 委員有權覆核 所有經評核後的習作,包括試卷、專題習作報告及其他作業。
The External Examiner has the [...]
right to examine any assessed material including examination scripts, project reports and
other programme work of all students in the programme.
公民教育委员会于1986 年成立,是民政事务局辖下的咨询组织,负责联 同有关政府部门校外推广公民教育。
The Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education (CPCE) is an advisory body under the Home
Affairs Bureau set up in 1986 to promote
[...] civic education outside schools in liaison with relevant [...]
Government departments.
至今投身教學工作愈十年,現時擔任建築系課程(一年級)總監,除教學及建築系的校內評核工作外,同時亦兼任英國皇家建築師學會(RIBA)學術審評組主席 校外 考 官(External Examiner),參與學會認可課程的學術審評及專業資格試的評核工作。
In addition to the teaching role, Mr. Wilson is an external examiner for the Architects Registration Board based in London, as well as a member of the Validation Board for the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and is responsible for validating courses of architecture for the RIBA.
h. 當學生的講話發生校外,而 且是發生在非學 校主辦的活動中,或者該講話沒有導致或不太 可能導致對學校環境的破壞或學校活動的正常 進行。
h. Student speech that occurs off campus if the speech is at a non school-sponsored event and does not cause or is not likely to cause a material and substantial disruption to the school environment or a school activity.
質保局建議,就現時於夥伴院校授課但由港大頒授學位的課程質素保證而言,港大應 (a) 訂明港大與夥伴院校各自的角色和責任;以及 (b) 如這些課程與港大開辦的本地課
[...] 程名稱及/或性質相同或類似,港大可考慮委任相同 校外 主 考
The QAC recommends that, in regard to the on-going quality assurance of programmes delivered at partner institutions which lead to HKU awards, the University (a) clearly document the roles and responsibilities of HKU and each partner, and (b) consider appointing the same External
Examiner(s) where programmes of the same or similar title and/or nature are offered by
[...] HKU and at a partner institution.
在莫桑比克,由人口基金提供支助、由青年设计开发的 Geração Biz 项目,获得了国际开拓者组织的技术援助,项目通过开展包括体育运动在内的各 种活动,在青年中心以及学校和社区开展干预活动,使在校青年 校外 青 年 都能 受益。
In Mozambique, Geração Biz, a UNFPAsupported project designed and developed by young people with technical assistance from Pathfinder International,
reaches both in-school
[...] and out-of-school youth through a variety of activities, including sports, youth centres and school- and community-based [...]
但是,課程中的部分目標,尤其是那些在技能及態度方面的目標, 不容易透校外的筆 試作評估(原因包括受制於考試時間、題目類型、可 使用的工具及考生能力的參差等)。
However, quite a number of the
learning objectives in the
[...] curriculum, particularly those in the skills and attitude domains, cannot be readily assessed in external written examinations [...]
for various reasons
(e.g. limited time, limited question types, the tools available, the wide ability range of candidates).




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