单词 | 栎 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 瞎adjective—blindadj栎noun—oakn瞎—foolishly groundlessly no purpose 栎—Quercus serrataExamples:瞎弄—mess with fool around with 瞎掰—fool around (coll.) talk nonsense 熊瞎子—bruin
佩里戈尔后,栎树林,后佩里戈尔垂直的绿色牧场和森林,佩里戈尔相思后的白色岩石和Perigord [...] Pourpre紫色后,其周围贝尔热拉克葡萄酒产区葡萄酒。 leapfrog-properties.com | Perigord Noir after its oak woods, Perigord [...] Vert after itsgreen pastureland and [...]woods, Perigord Blanc after the white colour [...]of its rock and Perigord Pourpre- purple after its wine growing area around Bergerac. leapfrog-properties.com |
大致上,若你想去逛街瞎拼,可以考虑把Orbiter和Comet列为交通工具之一。 4tern.com | Basically, if you are into shopping, Orbiter and Comet would be one of your transportation options. 4tern.com |
没有跨域流通的资讯,本地的前线医护人员唯有瞎子摸象。 hkupop.hku.hk | Without the free flow of information across the border, our front-line medical workers could do nothing but search in the dark. hkupop.hku.hk |
在中俄两国就黑瞎子岛达成协议后,中国即在官方媒 体上就此作出解释。 crisisgroup.org | After China reached an agreement with Russia on Heixiazi Island/Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island, official media published articles justifying the deal. crisisgroup.org |
我无法想象没有牛群导航仪的生活;这将使我们如同瞎子摸象般的照料奶牛,茫无头绪。 delaval.cn | I cannot imagine life without Herd Navigator; it would be like looking after the cows blindfolded. delaval.cn |
我们对第一批“基督再临论者”(犹太 人)和第二批“基督再临论者”都很同情, 虽然两批人中间只有一小部分人认识到并几 乎能领会理解真理了,但是他们并未领会, 他们各自都被错误的期待弄瞎了眼睛。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | We have great sympathy for both the First Adventists (the Jews) and the Second Adventists, though only a few of either realized the truths they so nearly apprehended, yet failed to grasp, each being blinded by false expectations. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
结果表明,现有野生朱鹮种群的最大繁殖地—花园繁殖区的栖息地组成为:马尾松林占73.1%,次生疏林占16.9%,农田占4.8%,稀疏灌木林占4.2%,油松栎类混交林占1.0%。 actazool.org | The available habitat at the main breeding site of Huayuan was composed of Chinese red [...] pine 73.1%, secondary sparse forest 16.9%, paddy field 4.8%, sparse shrubbery 4.2%, [...] and oil pine-robur mixed forest 1.0%. actazool.org |
在清除整理园内满布焦木的地面后,Tapada的负责人在无法自然造林之处重新植树,遍植软木栎树。 audemarspiguet.com | Having cleared the area of all the charred wood, the Tapada’s managers planted mainly cork oaks everywhere that natural reforestation did not apply. audemarspiguet.com |
这两天有朋友问我要图解,实话实说,当时就是看着动画片,然后自己瞎琢磨的,都没有图,不过很简单,我是用了家里不带的旧棒球帽改的,大家一试就明白了,整个帽子就是织了三片缝在帽子上,然后加的翅膀,翅膀也是大致织出翅膀的样子,细节都是用普通缝衣针线对着动画片的样子勒出样子的,估计论坛高手姐妹一看就明白了。 pmaozi.com | These two days have my friend asked me to diagram, the truth, at that time is looking at cartoons, and then his torment, they are all without chart, but is very simple, I am using the home without old baseball cap change, we try to understand, the hat is woven three piece of seam in the hat, then add wings, wings is also roughly weave wings of appearance, details are made with ordinary hand sewing needle line to the appearance of the cartoon's like, estimate BBS superior sisters a see understand. pmaozi.com |
干燥的岸,峡谷,岩石的山腰,栎木林; 1700-3200米甘肃南部,四川北部。 flora.ac.cn | Dry banks, ravines, [...] rocky hillsides,Quercus forests; 1700-3200 [...]m. S Gansu, N Sichuan. flora.ac.cn |
文化普罗旺斯地区艾克斯(Aix-en-Provence的),偎依在25英亩的薰衣草门口的台阶上,的柏树和成熟的栎树,果园和橄榄树种植园,这令人印象深刻的房地产提供了一个和平的天堂。 zh-cn.aylesford.com | On the doorstep of cultural Aix-en-Provence, nestling in 25 acres of lavender, cypress & mature oak trees, fruit orchards and an olive plantation, this impressive estate offers a haven of peace. aylesford.com |
桑冉(Changins)农业学校开设制桶业原生栎树课程,并邀请爱彼基金会资助“栎树产地”标签的设计制作。 audemarspiguet.com | The Changins School of Agriculture has created a line of indigenous oak for cooperage and asked the Foundation to finance the creation of the “Terroir Chêne” (Land of the Oak) label. audemarspiguet.com |
兰博基尼还提供Giallo Quercus(栎黄色)作为可选颜色,其灵感来自于圣亚加塔·波隆尼盾徽中的黄橡树,与车漆完美搭配,是极致运动的象征。 lamborghini.com | An alternative color is Giallo Quercus, a yellow color matching the exterior and stressing the vehicle’s sporty nature, is named for the yellow oak tree in the Sant’Agata Bolognese coat of arms. lamborghini.com |
云技术让家电成为一体 智能吸尘机器人可以使用平板电脑作为智能操控,能够装配摄像头,而且自带识别软件,一改以往吸尘器又聋又瞎又傻的传统形象,只需安装了应用软件,用户手中的平板电脑就可以成为遥控器,指挥吸尘器在家中任何角落工作,同时平板电脑也能成为监视窗口,它的主人可以实时了解家中儿童或宠物的生存状态,而视频监控数据则能通过集成的Wi-Fi芯片发送给主人。 timeless.com.hk | Cloud” technologies - binding all appliances into one Intelligent vacuum cleaning robot may make use of tablet PC as intelligent control, could be equipped with camera and recognition software, face-lifting the vacuum cleaner from the past traditional image of deaf, blind and dump. By installing suites of application software, the tablet PCs currently in use could be transformed into remote control, directing the VC robot to work in any corner within the household; at the same time, tablet PC could also be turned into a surveillance window, enabling its master to monitor, in real-time, the current status of children/pets at house whereas video monitoring data could be streamed through Wi-Fi chip to the master. timeless.com.hk |