单词 | 栋梁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 栋梁 —pillar (of state)less common: ridgepole and beams • person able bear heavy responsibility • ridgepole • mainstay (of organization) Examples:雕梁画栋—richly ornamented (building) See also:栋—classifier for houses or buildings • ridgepole (old) 梁—beam of roof • name of Kingdoms and Dynasties at different periods • surname Liang
安栋梁谓, 太平洋亚洲旅游协会主席Peter de Jong先生,也将在此期间到澳门参观访问,并与行政长官及社会文化司崔世安司长会面。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Peter de Jong, CEO of Pacific Asia Travel Association will pay a visit to Macau and meet with the Chief Executive and Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Dr Chui Sai On. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
安栋梁表示 ,今次与澳门永利渡假酒店的合作,意味着有更多旅游企业参与旅游推广活动,促进澳门旅游业发展。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Antunes expressed that this [...] cooperation with Wynn Macau signified that more tourism related enterprises are participating [...]in promotional activities to enhance the tourism industry of Macau. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
安栋梁在签 署仪式上表示:「博彩旅游业是澳门经济的大方向、大政策。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Engineer Antunes expressed [...] at the signing ceremony that “gaming and tourism industry is the main direction and policy for the Macau’s economy. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
澳门旅游局局长安栋梁与新 加坡航空公司巿场部高级副主席陈职贵(Tan Chik Quee),签署了新的备忘录。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | The renewal of the MOU for another year from 1 September 2001 was signed by Mr. Joao Antunes, Director of MGTO and Mr. Tan Chik Quee, Senior Vice President (Marketing) of SIA. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
高栋梁先生 2004年加入南通经济技术开发区管委会,多年来一直致力于开发区外资项目投资建设例如通用电气、碧油海路、叶赛明医药、德钛、斯福瑞医药等。 china.biosparkchina.com | Mr. Jack Gao has been working [...] in NETDA for FDI attractions and projects execution with multinationals like GE (Momentive), [...]Biolux (CNOOC-Biolux), Yessamin Pharmaceutical, Xerafy, Tital, Siegfried, etc. since he joined NETDA in 2004. biosparkchina.com |
旅游局局长安栋梁(右 )及夏巴工程(澳门)有限公司总经理李子强(左)赠发头奖奖品──铃木Kei四驱房车予香港幸运儿高伟基(中)。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | João Manuel Costa Antunes, director [...] of MGTO (right) and Philip Lee, general manager of Harper Engineering (Macau) Ltd. (left) [...]presented the grand prize --- Suzuki Kei 4 wheel-drive car to the lucky winner from HK, Mr. Kou Wai Kei. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
澳门特别行政区政府旅游局局长安 栋梁 指 出 :「Visa国际组织以澳门作为一个“藏宝”的地方,推出《Visa遍地藏宝》成为“2006澳门世界遗产年”系列活动之一,在鼓励旅客消费之余又可推广“澳门历史城区”。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | João Manuel Costa Antunes, Director, Macau Government Tourist Office added, "Visa International has chosen Macau as the "treasure land" for "Visa Treasure Hunt", which corresponds very well to Macau's image as a city of cultural treasures. As one of the major activities for the "2006 Macau World Heritage Year" campaign, "Visa Treasure Hunt" encourages the spending of visitors to Macau while promotes at the same time "The Historic Centre of Macau". industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
素万那普国际机场执行长官Anirut Thanomkulbutra空军中尉表示说:“泰国素万那普国际机场已于2010年开始举办‘捐赠图书,构建和谐社会’活动,旨在为青年人推荐好书、鼓励读书,面向机场邻近社区和北拦府的图书馆、青少年中心等四十个地方捐赠图书,以期将他们培养成国家 之 栋梁 , 让 他们能够为国家建设发展做出更大的贡献。 suvarnabhumiairport.com | Anirut Thanomkulbutra, General Manager of Suvarnabhumi Airport, the Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) said that following the airport’s policy in support of youth education, the airport has been contributing to youth development by providing informative books to 40 schools in the neighborhood, an activity under the project ‘project ‘Sharing Knowledge with Community, Building Strong Bond for Harmony’ that has been implemented every year since 2008. suvarnabhumiairport.com |
旅游局局长安栋梁表示 :「这次得奖对我们起重要的鼓舞作用,证明我们的宣传推广手法得到国际的认同。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Director of Macau Government Tourist Office, Mr. Joao Manuel Costa Antunes said: "The winning of Grand Award is an inspiration to us showing that our works are being recognized by the international. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
我们不但将与通商中国、华社自助理事会、宗乡总会密切配合,共同开展文化、教育和社会活动,也将和其他族群的团体保持联系,积极推动社区参与计划,增进各种族之间的相互了解和信任,培养更多国家未来 的 栋梁。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Not only have we jointly organised cultural, educational and social programmes with Business China, Chinese Development Assistance Council and the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, plans are underway to work closely with other ethnic Chambers in the Community Engagement Programme. english.sccci.org.sg |
安栋梁表示,国家旅游局应旅游局的邀请,会面中将为旅游局海外代表介绍国家的旅游发展情况,让旅游局的海外代表进一步了解中国的旅游业,有助他们在外地推广澳门以至与内地的联线旅游。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | In the conference, Engo João Manuel Costa Antunes expressed that representative of the China National Tourism Administration will introduce the tourism development of China to the MGTO overseas representatives who can gain a better knowledge of the Tourism Industry of China. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
澳门旅游局局长安栋梁率领 旅游局主管及有关人员往港出席了「国际旅游展」的开幕礼。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Director of Macau Tourist Office (MGTO), Mr. Joao Costa Antunes lead the senior staff of MGTO to attend the Opening Ceremony of ITE HK 2002. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
会议期间,局长安栋梁代表澳门在会上发言,并介绍澳门申办2005年太平洋亚洲旅游协会年会的标书内容。太平洋亚洲旅游协会主席委员会稍后公布竞投结果,正式宣布澳门成功取得2005年第54届太平洋亚洲旅游协会年会的主办权。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | PATA Board Meeting announced the decision after Mr. João Manuel Costa Antunes, Director of Macau Government Tourist Office has made the presentation for the bid. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
旅游推广厅厅长霍慧兰及澳门格兰披治大赛车委员会协调员 安 栋梁 分 别 就澳门最新旅游业发展及第60届澳门格兰披治大赛车向考察团作深入介绍。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Head of Destination Marketing Department, Betty Fok and the [...] Coordinator of Macau Grand Prix Committee, João [...] Manuel Costa Antunes gave an elaborate [...]presentation about the latest tourism [...]industry development and the 60th Macau Grand Prix for the familiarization group respectively. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
从1997年开始,总商会每年都向本地大学的优秀学生颁发奖学金,2004年起,我们和回理会基金局又联合颁发奖学金,鼓励马来大学生,为国家的未来培育英才 和 栋梁。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | From 2004, we have been working with MENDAKI in presenting joint scholarships to Malay-Muslim undergraduates, laying the foundations of future talent for Singapore. english.sccci.org.sg |
打造富有关爱和相互支持的学校生活,培养学生成为自信、全面发展、富有责任感的社 会 栋梁。 ycis-bj.com | A supportive and nurturing school life which seeks to produce confident, balanced and socially responsible individuals. ycis-bj.com |
上海阁棂古董是中国规模最大、最壮观的古董中心,令人叹为观止的大规模展示厅包含数以万计的古董橱柜、室内和室外庭院大门、窗扉、雕刻、桌子、椅子、床、木和石雕佛像、道教以及各种教派的神像;牛角、天花板 、 栋梁 等 建 筑单元;祖先画像和佛教 / 道教绘画;古神殿 [...] / 宝座和婚礼轿;来自众多中国少数民族的精美刺绣、钱包和帽子,还有数之不尽精致优雅的小件收藏包括盒子、篮子、匣子、花盆、花瓶等等,足以满足您布置房间的所有需求。 shanghai-antiques.com | SHANGHAI GREEN ANTIQUES is China's largest and most spectacular antiques shop, with a truly amazing 100,000 sq.ft. showroom containing literally thousands of antique cabinets; interior and exterior courtyard doors; windows; carvings; tables; chairs; beds; wood and stone [...] Buddhist, Taoist, Animist, and other statues; [...] corbels, ceilings, beams and other architectural [...]elements; ancestor portraits and [...]Buddhist / Taoist paintings; ancient shrines, thrones and wedding palanquins; beautiful antique embroidery, purses and hats from many of the 56 minority tribes of China, and a fabulous collection of the small elegant pieces you need to finish any room, including boxes, baskets, chests, pots, vases and other items. shanghai-antiques.com |
澳门旅游局局长安栋梁在签 署仪式上致辞时表示:「我们与胜安航空签署谅解备忘录后,加强了两地的航空联系,交通便利,必能进一步吸引新加坡及区内旅客到澳门旅游;与此同时,藉着胜安航空的区域性航空联系,相信会有更多澳门人及邻近地区的旅客,选择乘坐胜安航空客机到新加坡及区内其他国家旅游,从而促进彼此以至区内的旅游业。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Mr. Joao Manuel Costa Antunes said, "I hope the signing of Memorandum of Understanding with SilkAir will enhance the air connection between the two territories. In addition to attract more tourists from Singapore and nearby regions to visit Macau and at the same time, this route will provide access for travelers from Macau and nearby regions to visit Singapore and the other countries through SilkAir's regional connection. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
她们 是国家的栋梁,是 其以农业为主体的经济的支柱。 daccess-ods.un.org | They are the backbone of the country and the mainstay of its largely agricultural economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
旅游局局长安栋梁致辞时表示,随着大型的会展及旅游设施陆续落成启用,澳门的会议展览奖励旅游将具备更好的发展条件,大家必须把握机遇,共同努力,使澳门成为区内着名的商务旅游目的地。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Addressing the ceremony, Director of [...] MGTO João Manuel Costa Antunes said that [...]the large-scale convention, exhibition and [...]entertainment facilities soon to be opened in Macau will provide favorable conditions for the development of meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions, and Macau has to capitalize on the opportunities to nurture the territory into a prominent business tourism destination in the region. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
局长安栋梁总结 过去8个月的旅业情况以及讲解与旅游有关的数据,当中包括访客数字、客源分布、酒店入住率、旅客逗留时间等。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Mr Antunes presented and concluded the information and data of Macau's tourism in the past 8 months, including the visitor arrivals, distribution of tourist sources, hotel occupancy rate and length of stay. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
旅游局局长安栋梁会上 表示,旅游局今次在韩国举办的大型宣传活动,重点项目包括为期一周的“澳门滋味”(Taste of Macau) 美食推广及澳门旅游图片展览 。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | From October 15 to 20, the ' Taste of Macau' Food Promotion is taking place at the Westin Chosun Hotel, where two chefs from the Westin Resort Macau bring to the Seoul citizens signature dishes of distinctive Macanese cuisine, while another highlight event, the Macau Photo Exhibition, launched at the Shinsegae Department Store, gave a pictorial glimpse of Macau to local residents. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
安栋梁强调 ,“中心”将示明澳门在竞争对手之间的策略定位,使澳门以一个新颖及活力的姿态,尽快跻身世界会展及商务旅游目的地之行列。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Antunes also stressed that [...] the "Centre" will, through defining Macau's main strategic orientation in relation to different [...]competitive destinations in terms of Business Tourism, position Macau as an innovative and dynamic destination for international meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
释联合国系统促进两性平等和妇女赋权任务规定的 栋梁。 daccess-ods.un.org | We agree with the Secretary-General that UN-Women constitutes the cornerstone for articulating the mandates of the United Nations system in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳门特别行政区政府旅游局局长安 栋梁 今 ( 28日)向旅游业界、社团及传媒介绍快将运作的澳门商务旅游中心。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Director of Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) João Manuel Costa Antunes introduced to the tourism related trade, civil associations and media today (March 28) about the new "Macau Business Tourism Centre" that will enter into operation shortly. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
安栋梁先生表示:「新航是其中一间最早使用澳门国际机场的航空公司,今次续签备忘录,显示澳门对新加坡和东南亚以及我们的伙伴新航的重要承诺,我们期望,能进一步吸引东南亚旅客到澳门旅游,与此同时,藉着新航与世界多国的航空联系,会有更多的澳门人及中国旅客乘坐新航客机到新加坡及其他国家旅游,促进彼此的旅游业。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Singapore Airlines is one of the earliest airline companies flying into Macao International Airport. The renewal of this MOU demonstrates the strong commitment of the MGTO to Singapore and Southeast Asia, as well as to our partner SIA. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
在社会文化司司长崔世安和新航负责人见证下,旅游局局长 安 栋梁 和 「 新航」代表 (Mr Huang Chen Eng, 市场策划部高级副总裁)负责签署。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | The Memorandum of Understanding will be signed by Mr João Manuel Costa Antunes, Director of MGTO and Mr Huang Chen Eng, Senior Vice President Marketing Planning of SIA, and witnessed by Mr Chui Sai On, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macau Special Administrative Region and Mr Michael Tan, CEO of SIA. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
旅游局局长安栋梁联同 十多名澳门业界及旅游局人员,于本月二十二至二十七日,在东京、大阪、神户及京都展开连串旅游推广活动,以配合 “2006澳门世界遗产年”的宣传。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | From May 22 to 27, a grand line up of activities were scheduled to take place in Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto, taking the promotion of "2006 Macau World Heritage Year" a step further. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
和真正的机会,通过参与决策来有效参加建设其国家 的未来,以此帮助他们成为可持续发展 的 栋梁 , 并 建 立一个为社会每个成员提供成功机会的经济制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | We also call for action to enable young people to enjoy fundamental rights and real opportunities for effective participation in building their countries’ future through participation in decision-making, helping them become a pillar of sustainable development, and building an economic system that provides opportunities for success for every member of society. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别代表会晤了政府官员、刚国军军事司令部、联刚团、联合国国家工作队、 [...] 金沙萨, 戈马, 布卡武, 马西西和栋古省 的民间社会及儿童和青年代表。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Representative met with Government officials, the FARDC Military Command, MONUC, the United Nations [...] Country Team, representatives of civil society and children and young people in Kinshasa, [...] Goma, Bukavu, Masisi and Dungu. daccess-ods.un.org |