单词 | 标量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 标量 noun —scalar n标量 —scalar quantity
为了为缩小这些差距奠定基础,因此,在进行任何评估之前,重 要的是了解和探索千年发展目标衡 量标 准和 WIPO 注重成果的管理框架之间的联系。 wipo.int | In order to lay the foundation for closing these gaps it is important therefore, before undertaking any [...] assessment, to understand and explore the conceptual linkages [...] between the MDGs measurement metrics and WIPO’s [...]RBM framework. wipo.int |
熟料和水泥等成品需受正规控制程序制约,这是按适用的国家或国际质 量标准所规定的常见质量规范的要求。 ficem.org | Final products such as clinker and cement are subject to regular control [...] procedures required by the usual quality specifications as laid down in applicable national [...] or international quality standards. ficem.org |
因此,ITC在各个国家之间 都采用统一的标准化调查方法和衡量 标准,以便调查结果可以在国家之间 进行比较,为设计最有效的警示标签 [...] 提供参考。 itcproject.org | The use of standardized methods and measures across all ITC [...] surveys ensures that the effectiveness of [...] health warning labels can be compared [...]across countries in order to provide guidance [...]on best practice in the design of warning labels. itcproject.org |
除非这些主要社会指标得到改善,国 家效力的一个重要衡量标准仍将继续显示很差的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unless those key social indicators improve, an important barometer of State effectiveness will continue to show worryingly poor results. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为目前普通采用的主要标准,SAE [...] J2360已被许多北美设备制造商以及全球其他地区越来越多的设备制造商指定为全球 质 量标 准。 cn.lubrizol.com | By far the premier standard in common use today, SAE [...] J2360 is a global quality standard specified by many North American OEMs and [...] by growing numbers elsewhere [...]in the world. lubrizol.com |
这样的要素可包括保护消费者健康的原材料质量、可感知的口味、气味、颜色和 质地方面的规定,以及为防假冒而为最终产品制定的基本 质 量标 准。 codexalimentarius.org | Such factors could include the quality of the raw material, with the object of protecting the health of the consumer, provisions on taste, odour, colour and texture [...] which may be apprehended by the senses, and [...] basic quality criteria for the finished [...]products, with the object of preventing fraud. codexalimentarius.org |
国际法定度量衡组织的观察员介绍了 CAC/31 INF/12 号文件中提供的信息并向食 [...] 典委通报了有关情况:其组织架构和宗旨、出版物及该组织其他工作并重点说明了国际 法定度量衡组织与食典的共同工作领域,即有关预包装的产品 数 量 、 标 识 及 理化度量手 段的工作。 codexalimentarius.org | The Observer of the OIML introduced the information provided in CAC/31 INF/12 and informed the Commission of the organizational structure and purpose of the OIML; its publications; other work of the organization and highlighted the common areas of work of the OIML and Codex, [...] namely, work relating to quantity of product [...] in pre-packages, labelling and instruments for physico-chemical measurements. codexalimentarius.org |
将通 过提供新的呼叫跟踪和客户管理工具、重新制定业务程序以及制定 质 量标 准 政 策,来提高 对查询做出反应的能力。 wipo.int | Responsiveness to enquiries will be improved through the provision of new call tracking and [...] customer management tools, the redefinition of operational procedures and the [...] establishment of quality standard policies. wipo.int |
(h) 已采取初步措施落实一项评审学校的建议,以确保卡塔尔所有学校的质 量标准统一。 daccess-ods.un.org | (h) Initial steps have been taken to [...] implement a proposal for accrediting schools, in order to [...] ensure uniform quality standards in all schools [...]in the State. daccess-ods.un.org |
对公务员制度委员会而言,其工作与 [...] 工作人员的服务条件有关,人事统计是决定性的 衡 量标 准 , 而对行政首长协调会 秘书处而言,其工作包含全系统问题,费用分担的百分比有 [...] 50%是基于人员,有 50%是基于活动规模,人员和活动规模以经审计的支出水平衡量(另见下文第 十.14 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the case of ICSC, whose work is related to conditions of [...] service for staff, personnel statistics are [...] the determining measure, while in the [...]case of the CEB secretariat, whose work encompasses [...]a portfolio of system-wide matters, the percentage of cost-sharing is based 50 per cent on personnel and 50 per cent on the scale of activity, measured by audited expenditure levels (see also para. X.14 below). daccess-ods.un.org |
( 第六和二十六条)。 [...] 缔约国应确保所有西岸居民平等根据世界卫生组织的质量和 数 量标 准 享 用水 资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should ensure that all residents of [...] the West Bank have equal access to water, in accordance with the World Health [...] Organization quality and quantity standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,还 与世界银行共同开展了关于衡量‘完成初等教育’情况的项目,从而使这两个组织之间能够 分享原始数据和更加密切地合作开展各项活动;为了实现全民教育目标 4,启动了采用新的 [...] LAMP 方法来衡量各国在扫盲方面所取进展的试办项目,还制定了衡量各国在谋生技能方面 所取进展的指标,并继续制订非正规教育的 衡 量标 准。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition, a joint project for measuring “primary completion” with the World Bank allows sharing of raw data between the two organizations and closer collaboration on activities; pilot projects for the new LAMP method for measuring countries progress in literacy against EFA Goal 4 were also begun and development of [...] indicators for measuring countries [...] progress on life skills, and development of measurement in nonformal [...]education continued. unesdoc.unesco.org |
寄宿机构中 的儿童保育、教育和社会化的最低质 量标 准 已 经制定,并于 2007 年 1 月 1 日生 效。 daccess-ods.un.org | Minimal Standards of quality on childcare, education and socialising of children in residential institutions have been developed and entered in force on 1 January 2007. daccess-ods.un.org |
5.2 产品质量应符合相应产品的质量标准 要 求。 greencouncil.org | 5.2 Pollutant emission of the company should be obliged to conform with [...] pollutant emission standards nationally or locally. greencouncil.org |
我们的质量标准符合ISO 9001德国工业标准,更重要的保证,是温特豪德的信誉。 winterhalter.com.cn | Our standard in quality is awarded with DIN ISO 9001, but [...] more so, this is the Winterhalter reputation. winterhalter.com.cn |
教育方案将向巴勒斯坦难民儿童和青年提供学习机会,传授知识、技能和经 验,其质量、标准和 规范与东道国当局在联合国各项原则总框架内所提供的知识、 [...] 技能和经验保持一致。 daccess-ods.un.org | The education programme will provide Palestine refugee children and youth with learning opportunities, [...] knowledge, skills and experience that are [...] consistent in quality, standards and norms with [...]those offered by the host authorities within [...]the overall framework of the principles of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会在第 63/248 号决议第二.B 节第 1 段中请秘书长确保实施基本建设总计 划,包括会议服务人员临时迁至周转空间,不影响以六种正式语文向会员国提供 会议服务的质量,不影响对各语文服务部门一视同仁,各语文服务部门应当获得 同等有利的工作条件和资源,以确保达到最高的服务 质 量标 准。 daccess-ods.un.org | B, paragraph 1, of its resolution 63/248, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to ensure that implementation of the capital master plan, including the temporary relocation of conference-servicing staff to a swing space, would not compromise the quality of conference services provided to Member States in the six official languages and the equal treatment of the language services, which should be provided with equally favourable working conditions and resources, with a view to receiving the maximum quality of services. daccess-ods.un.org |
会员国与秘书处之间的相互配合对于确保教科文组织的出版物始终达到较高的 质 量标 准 是 不 可或缺的,这样能够通过适当的渠道将教科文组织的出版物送到各种受众手中。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The interaction between the Member States and the Secretariat will be essential for ensuring [...] that UNESCO publications consistently [...] meet high quality standards which can be delivered [...]to a large variety of audiences [...]through the appropriate channels. unesdoc.unesco.org |
将 界定该战略联盟在使用创新协作方式倡导实施国际公认的法医学 质 量标 准 和推 进法医领域国际合作中的牵头作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The leading role of the Alliance in [...] advocating the implementation of internationally [...] accepted quality standards in forensic science [...]and advancing international cooperation [...]in the forensic field by using innovative ways of collaboration will be defined. daccess-ods.un.org |
这确保了所有部件在最高质量标准的 情况下 拥有优秀的服务寿命,也确保了每时每刻的针距都精确无 比。 groz-beckert.pl | This ensures a long service life for all used components to the [...] very highest standard of quality, and [...]also guarantees precise gauge accuracy every time. groz-beckert.pl |
问责:依照组织条例和规则行事,在规定的时限、费用范围和 质 量标 准 要 求内交付 成果。 multilateralfund.org | Accountability: operates in compliance with organisational regulations and rules, delivers outputs within prescribed [...] time, cost and quality standards. multilateralfund.org |
该产品通过高温烧制测试,提高了针对任务关键型应用的 DRAM 模块质量标准。 digikey.cn | ATP also introduces Enterprise Grade DRAM modules featuring [...] Elevated Temperature Burn In Testing, [...] raising the quality standard for DRAM modules [...]targeting mission critical applications. digikey.ca |
就此,有人建议 应根据人权和基本自由的条款详细拟订具体的立法和方法,例如,数据保护条例 和隐私保障等,并制定数量及质量衡 量标 准 和指标,以及确定和加强开展数据收 集和分析的机构和程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, it was suggested that specific legislation and methodological approaches, in accordance with provisions on human rights and fundamental freedoms, such as data protection regulations and privacy guarantee, would need to be elaborated, quantitative as well as qualitative measurement and indicators to be developed, and institutions and procedures to conduct data collection and analysis identified and strengthened. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过正如下面提到,保证遵守质量标 准和 在国外促进、执行地理标志所需要的成本可能会很大。 iprcommission.org | As mentioned below, however, the costs of ensuring compliance [...] with quality standards and promoting [...]and enforcing geographical indications abroad may be significant. iprcommission.org |
国际土壤资源信息中心,在粮农组织旱地土地退化评估的一 个分包合同下,使用马里兰大学汇编的全球资源清查、模型和测绘研究的归一化差异植被指数时间序列 (1981 至 2006 年),建立了绿色倾向的衡量标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | The International Soil Resources Information Centre (ISRIC), under a subcontract with FAO LADA, has constructed a measure of greenness trends using the Global Inventory Modelling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series (1981 to 2006) assembled by the University of Maryland. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,大 [...] 部分的受访者也表示,每股社会贡献值对于业外人 士而言较难理解;而关于这一衡量标 准 的 实际分析 价值,受访者也各执己见。 syntao.com | At the same time, the majority of survey respondents also felt that SCVPS is [...] difficult for external parties to comprehend and respondent opinion was divided about the [...] real analytic value of the metric. syntao.com |
在回答阿拉伯叙利亚共和国代表关于保护遭受 殖民或外国侵占的弱势群体的问题时,发言人强调 指出,高级专员办事处将保证国际人权法、国际人 [...] 道主义法、避难法和刑法在世界范围内的严格实施, 避免出现两套衡量标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to the question from the Syrian Arab Republic concerning the protection of vulnerable populations under colonization or foreign occupation, she said that her Office adhered to the strict, universal application of [...] international human rights law, international humanitarian law, refugee law and [...] criminal law, without double standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
一份公平的承包合同应包括最低价格保证、高 质 量标 准的可视示范、等于或低于商业利率的投入和适当的 [...] 争端解决机制,并应当允许农民预留部分土地种植粮 食作物,以满足其家庭和社区的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | A fair contract should include [...] minimum price guarantees, a visual [...] demonstration of quality standards, inputs at or below [...]commercial rates, appropriate dispute [...]settlement mechanisms, and the possibility for farmers to reserve a portion of land for food crops to meet the needs of their families and communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在严格的监管体系下,西北地区政府能够保证政府认证加拿大钻石(TM)为100%加拿大原产——即在加拿大西北地区开采、切割和抛光——同时保证北极熊钻石达到最严格的 质 量标 准。 tipschina.gov.cn | Under a stringent monitoring system, the GNWT is able to guarantee that a GOVERNMENT CERTIFIED CANADIAN DIAMOND(TM) is 100% Canadian in origin - and was mined, [...] cut, and polished in Canada's Northwest Territories and that Polar Bear Diamonds meet the [...] most exacting quality standards. tipschina.gov.cn |
劳工、社会保护和家庭部对此推动并着手进行了使这方面国家法律相一致 [...] 的工作,为家庭暴力受害者康复中心的组建和运作拟定了框架条例19 ,并发出了 关于向家庭暴力受害者提供社会服务的《千年 质 量标 准 政 府决定》。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family has provided the initiation and conduct of the harmonization of national legislation in this regard, developing the draft framework Regulation for the organization and operation of centres for rehabilitation of victims of domestic violence19 [...] , and the Decision of the Government on [...] the Minimum Quality Standards for social services [...]provided to victims of domestic violence. daccess-ods.un.org |