单词 | 栅格 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 栅格 noun —grid nraster n格栅 noun —grille n • grill n • geogrid n See also:栅—fence
该选项帮助用户改变连接地址外观,设置栅高度和时 间 栅格 式 , 显示或隐藏图画,滚动或分离任务。 projectviewercentral.com | This option will help the user to change [...] the appearance of links, to set the bar [...] height and bar date format and to display [...]or hide drawings, rollup or split tasks. projectviewercentral.com |
您还可以使用 TIFF 文件、PCX 栅格数据以及标准 IGP/PGL 点定义徽标的格式。 printronix.cn | You can define the format of the logo using TIFF files and PCX raster data as well [...] as the standard IGP/PGL dots. printronix.cn |
可绑定的日志和调制解调器允许你使用任何已知的数 据 栅格 来 显 示日志和调制解调数据。 evget.com | Bindable Log and Modem collections allow you to use any Data aware grid for displaying [...] your log or modem data. evget.com |
这些数据包括网上特稿服务以及向量和 光 栅格 式 的小规模测绘产品。 daccess-ods.un.org | The data included web feature service as well as small-scale mapping [...] products in vector and raster formats. daccess-ods.un.org |
按12 392.4km2的等面积栅格收集 物种分布和相关的地理要素数据, [...] 然后进行因子分析, 确定影响动物空间分布的主要因素。 actazool.org | Environmental variables in the distribution [...] area of gerbils collected with the 12 392.4 [...] km2 equal area grids were used for [...]factor analysis to determine the principal [...]factors that affected the distribution patterns of gerbils. actazool.org |
Coto 的球状栅格阵列 (BGA) 构造大幅提高了笛簧继电器的性能。 digikey.cn | Coto's Ball Grid Array (BGA) construction [...] offers a breakthrough in reed relay performance. digikey.ca |
这些SDK(软件开发工具包)包含许多附加的图像处理功能,例如用于读写一 些 栅格 , 矢量的可扩展的图像文件格式,和文档文件类型,众多的图像处理程序,文档图片清理,注释,压缩,扫描,医疗影像组件,多媒体组件,以及移动设备的支持。 evget.com | These SDKs include many additional imaging [...] features such as [...] extensive image file format support for reading and writing several raster, vector, and [...]document file types, numerous [...]image processing routines, document image clean-up, annotation, compression, scanning, medical imaging components, multimedia components, and mobile device support. evget.com |
因此,必须用一 些东西堵住舱门(位于栅格后面 ),且绝对不能将舱门放在大于 [...] 3 到 4 英寸(75 到 100 毫米)的任 何物体 12 英寸范围内。 media.qscaudio.com | For that reason, the port [...] (located behind the grille) mUSt NOt be [...]physically blocked by anything, and should not be placed [...]within twelve (12) inches of any objects larger than 3 to 4 inches (75 to 100 mm). qscaudio.de |
最近,公司完成多项 BGA(球栅阵列)和 LGA(接点栅格阵列 )插座概念的开发并获得专利,还收购了一条高频测试和老化座产品线,以便在测试座市场获得进一步发展。 digikey.cn | Most recently, the company has developed [...] and patented several concepts for BGA [...] (ball grid array) and LGA (land grid array) sockets, [...]and has acquired a high-frequency [...]test and burn-in socket line, furthering growth in the test socket market. digikey.ca |
为此,基于Adobe [...] PostScript 3的RIPs(页面描述栅格图像 处理器)需要加以改进才能处理透明度问题,然而现今使用的许多RIP仍没能升级到这一水平。 oapdf.com | To this end, the Adobe PostScript [...] 3-based RIPs (raster image processor [...]description page) needs to be improved in order to [...]address the issue of transparency, however, many of today's use of RIP are not able to upgrade to this level. oapdf.com |
针对 PCX 栅格数据应用 IGON 和 IGOFF 命令可以忽略无关的控制字符或 [...] ASCII 字符。 printronix.cn | The IGON and IGOFF commands can be [...] used with the PCX raster data to ignore [...]extraneous control or ASCII characters. printronix.cn |
请小 心操作,以避免刮伤栅格表面。 media.qscaudio.com | Exercise care to avoid [...] scratching the grille surface. qscaudio.de |
变量分析表明, 沙鼠亚科的物种丰富度与年均温度和沙漠化程度有着直接的联 系; 栅格因子得分分析表明, 在沙鼠亚科物种丰富度高值区, 干旱和沙漠化程度较高, 年均温度较高, [...] 生境相对复杂。 actazool.org | The figure of R analysis on the loadings of environmental variables performed by the three principal factors indicated [...] that species number of [...] gerbils in grids was close related to mean annual temperature and desertlization tendencies. [...]The analysis [...]of the scores in the gerbils' distribution grids revealed that higher the species richness, higher the probability of aridity and desertlization, higher temperature and more complex the habitats were. actazool.org |
五十多年来,FIAV L. [...] Mazzacchera股份公司已经与能源行业的主要集团进行了合作,向其提供各种型钢,应用在蒸汽轮机或燃气轮机的制造(菱形板、定子叶片型钢、密封条、隔板,以及各种不锈钢材质的结构钢)、发电机的制造(指状型钢、楔形条钢、桁条型钢)、以及核设备的制造 ( 栅格 扁 钢 和控制杆用的铪钢和硼钢)等领域。 fiav.it | FIAV L. MAZZACCHERA S.p.A. has worked for over fifty years with the main groups operating in the energy sector, supplying various profiles used in the construction of gas and steam turbines (stator blade profiles, sealing strips, spacers and various stainless steel structural profiles), in the [...] construction of generators (fingers, key bars), and in [...] nuclear plants (grid flats and hafnium [...]and boron control bar profiles). fiav.it |
原理上讲,气流经车间顶部的顶棉过滤后送下,应该绕经上方两个喷平行表面的喷漆口和侧面八个喷垂直表面的喷漆口,并继续向下经过被喷的车身,然后穿 过 栅格 地 板 ,进入地下水槽排出。 camfil.cn | The air is intended to flow down around the two overhead bells that spray the horizontal surfaces, the eight sidebells for the [...] vertical surfaces, the vehicle bodies themselves [...] and through the gridded floor to venture [...]in the water table for exhaust. camfil.pl |
材料:铝制金属格栅,竹木条格栅, 玻 璃偏心轴旋转门,泡沫铝旋转门,现浇混凝土操作台, 水磨石地面 chinese-architects.com | Material:foam aluminum, cast-in-place concrete, Fluorocarbon coated aluminum, laminated bamboo,glass, Terrazzo chinese-architects.com |
低密度Exxtral聚烯烃用于保险杠装饰条、 前 格栅 、 后 备箱盖装饰条、通 风 格栅 、 车 身侧镶条、摇杆和轮展,能在不降低强度的情况下减轻重量。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Used for [...] bumper fascias, front grills, rear hatch bands, cowl grilles, body side molding, [...]rockers and wheel flares, low-density [...]Exxtral polyolefins provide weight reduction without sacrificing strength. exxonmobilchemical.com |
格栅的全部操作信号/报警将免费提供(可提供单独的控 制描述或图表)。 kd-group.dk | All operating [...] signals/alarms for the grate are potential [...]free signals (separate control description or chart can be provided). kd-group.dk |
如果兼容文件可通过扫描应用程序读取、显示并转换为 PDF 格式, 便可采用这些任务步骤处理位图影像 (TIFF、 JPEG 以及光栅影像 PDF)。 graphics.kodak.com | Bitmap images, such as TIFF, JPEG, and raster image PDF’s may be processed by these job steps if the compatible files can be read, displayed, and converted to PDF format by the scanning application. graphics.kodak.com |
引擎蓋的輪廓,配合頭燈及散熱器 格栅 , 較 舊款更加強化了車身前部的V形線條。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The contour of the bonnet in the area of the headlamps [...] and radiator grille emphasises the [...]V-shape of the front section more heavily than before. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
改良了的高亮度頭燈,兼備動態與剛毅特質,並跟引擎蓋、散熱 器 格栅 及 保 險桿配合,強化了車身前部的V形線條。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The shape of the clear-lens headlamps has been modified to create a more dynamic and resolute [...] impression, and to act together with the [...] bonnet, radiator grille and bumper to [...]emphasise the V-shape of the front section. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
通风道、管材与天花板格栅均不 得作为电线与电缆的支撑物。 cn.lubrizol.com | Air ducts, [...] pipes and ceiling grid are not acceptable [...]supports for wire and cable. lubrizol.com |
通过更改前格栅后布套的颜色,为您的 BeoPlay V1 赋予绚丽的色彩。 bang-olufsen.com | Give your BeoPlay V1 a twist of colour by changing the fabric sleeve behind the front grill. bang-olufsen.com |
使用它就类似于在您的系统中安装了一个虚拟打印机,可打印来自任何Windows应用程序所支持的,符合行业标准的 光 栅 图 像 格 式 的 文档/图像——比打印到纸上更好。 evget.com | As with our award winning PDF-XChange the latest addition to our product range installs onto your system as a 'Virtual' printer allowing you to 'print' your document/Image [...] from any Windows application to any of the [...] industry standard Raster format's supported (see [...]below) - rather than paper. evget.com |
3.8m x 0.8m,高3m ,并有带格栅窗口的 坚固金属门。 daccess-ods.un.org | The single cells each measured 3.8m x 0.8m x 3m high and had a solid metal door with a grille window. daccess-ods.un.org |
在开发KD33阶梯格栅的过 程中,特殊设计了可移 动 格栅 部分,从而确保了石头及其它磨损成分可以从渠道底部 提起来,同时保证格栅间距恒定。 kd-group.dk | In connection with the [...] development of Step Screen KD 33, particular care has been taken in connection with the movable screen part to ensure that stones and other abrasive elements are lifted from the channel bottom, [...]and furthermore that the gaps are kept as constant as possible. kd-group.dk |
从格栅上清理下来 的粪便必须妥善处理。 icrc.org | The soiled material [...] removed from the grating must be disposed [...]of properly. icrc.org |
由锈钢穿孔板/格栅所代 表的公共商业功能从地面层开始,与周边城市发生交错渗透的复杂关系,并从浅灰色混凝土挂板代表的酒店客房功能的长方形体量中逐渐盘旋上升,结束于建筑顶层的观景餐厅。 chinese-architects.com | Clad with Cor-ten Steel perforated panel, the social function volume initiated at the ground level, permeable to the urban fabric, and continues to grow vertically, engraves through the hotel function volume veneered by precast concrete panels, eventually ends at the top floor observatory restaurant. chinese-architects.com |
作为一个专业的电路板上直接芯片封装(Chip On Board - [...] COB)型发光二极管(LED)模块(module)制造商和出口商,我们提供一贯高规格的COB型LED模块产品,具有高质量的光学性能和优异的散热性能,可做为 [...] LED照明灯、吸顶灯、筒灯、射灯、USB灯、洗墙灯、工矿灯、手电筒、台灯、办公 室 格栅 灯 、露营灯及展柜灯等灯具的光源。 led.ryan-tech.com.tw | As a professional Chip On Board (COB) type LED module supplier and exporter, we supply consistently high class COB type LED module products that have high quality optical performance and excellent heat dissipation properties for LED Lighting Bulb, Ceiling Light, Down Light, Spot Light, High Bay [...] Light, Flash Light, Wall Light, USB Light, [...] Desk Light, Tube Light, T-Bar Light, Camping [...]Light, Showcase Light and so on. led.ryan-tech.com.tw |
打开1961年的销售宣传册,您会发现化油器版与喷射版3500 [...] GT在外观上有一些区别:后者拥有矩形侧面转向指示灯,侧窗用固定的3/4比例分割,前者则在 前 格栅 周 围 采用了更为厚重的铬合金。 maserati.com.cn | Looking at the 1961 sales brochures, there were some external differences between the carburetor version and the injected 3500 GT: the latter sported rectangular side indicators and the [...] side window was divided with a fixed 3/4 piece, while the former adopted a thicker [...] chrome surround to the front grille. maserati.us |