单词 | 栀 | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | 栀noun—gardenian栀—cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)Examples:栀子花n—gardenian 栀子—cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides) 栀子花—cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)
为了表现这款美丽的白色花朵,调香师从栀子花香的气息中获得灵感,他选择不去强调它的果香白色花朵气息,而选择了它的花瓣。 hk.eternal.hk | To write a beautiful white page, [...] the perfumer was inspired by the scented [...] breath of the gardenia, choosing not [...]to emphasize its fruited, white-flower aspect, but to prefer the petals. hk.eternal.hk |
象徵着忠诚和诚挚,栀子花是一种迷人的白色花朵,巴黎柯莱特时尚店形容它是「带有绿色意味的白色,就像栀子花的果肉」。 hk.eternal.hk | Symbol of faithfulness and sincerity, the gardenia is a captivating white flower. hk.eternal.hk |
它的果肉精致而感性,繁茂而温暖,白色栀子花的芬芳气息充满感性,魅力十足。 hk.eternal.hk | Exquisite flesh that is not afraid of its sensuality. Opulent and warm, the white [...] flower note of this gardeniaintoxicates the [...]senses, making heads spin. hk.eternal.hk |
这是一款非常包容非常女性化的香水,其基调为明快的花香:栀子花花瓣。 hk.eternal.hk | An enveloping and very feminine fragrance based on floral lightness: Gardénia Pétale. hk.eternal.hk |
24.7 在他们讽いヴ何人死亡,┪如狦他们ぇいヴ何一人礚︽为能力,┪瘆玻令已向他们ぇいヴ何一人作出,┪赣眀めぇ笲作受到皐癸他们いヴ何 一人ヴ何猭皘㏑令┪Τ舦诀篶硄知的纥臫,赣眀めぇ笲作(包珹矗取┪锣琵戈金┪靡ㄩ)盢砆既氨直至框篷粄靡┪︽现诀闽的獭ㄧ砆只出,┪ 砆Μ到┪︽现人员砆指﹚,┪瘆玻钡恨人┪瘆玻恨瞶竝竝长的同种已砆取眔,┪猭皘㏑令已砆秆埃,┪Τ闽的硄知已砆纪埃(如薄猵可能)。 sctrade.com | In the event that any one of them is incapacitated or if a bankruptcy order is made against any one of them or if the operatio n of the Account is affected by any order made by the Court or notice from any competent authority against any one of them, the operation of the Account (including the withdrawal or transfer of funds or securities) will be suspended until administrator or receiver is appointed or the consent of the receiver or Official Receiver is obtained or the Court order is discharged or the relevant notice is removed (as the case may be). sctrade.com |
11.4 在潦御ユ易的薄猵下,如狦芥よ竒纪人在挡衡らぃ能ユ付,并且竒纪ぃ眔ぃ潦御靡ㄩ以挡睲ユ易时,客め癸於竒纪人パ赣单潦御τ玻ネ的肂 外花禣ぃ斗玺上砫ヴ。 sctrade.com | In the case of a purchase Transaction, if the selling broker fails to deliver on the settlement date and the Broker has to purchase securities to settle the Transaction, the Client shall not be responsible to the Broker for the extra costs incurred by such purchase. sctrade.com |
向持礟人┪爹册人矗ㄑ甭舦书,甧砛ㄤ按酚琘份靡ㄩ借禅协某书ㄏノ你的靡ㄩ┪靡ㄩ╄┿珇、盢你的靡ㄩ╄┿珇再借┿以取眔癞 叭硄磕,┪盢你的靡ㄩ╄┿珇存放为ノ以糹︽の睲纕ㄤユΜ砫ヴの杜叭的╄┿珇,存在一﹚风繧。 sctrade.com | There is risk if you provide the licensed or registered person with an authority that allows it to apply your securities or securities collateral pursuant to a securities borrowing and lending agreement, repledge your securities collateral for financial accommodation or deposit your securities collateral as collateral for the discharge and satisfaction of its settlement obligations and liabilities. sctrade.com |
清新的气味来自冰冻的橙花精油,还有柔和而略带女性气息的苹果花,配合艳丽的栀子花以及白色麝香味道散发出青春、敏捷、明快而感性的气息,让您体验这一刻的独特诱惑。 hk.eternal.hk | The breath of youth, sharp, light and sensual. hk.eternal.hk |