

单词 查验

查验 verb ()

examine v

External sources (not reviewed)

由于基本人权要求使被告人查验对 他 不利的证据(《规约》第 16 条第 [...]
4 款(e)项),因此必须找到一个平衡点。
Since fundamental human rights require that an
[...] accused be able to examine the evidence [...]
against him or her (article 16 (4) (e) of the
statute), a balance had to be found.
此外,在设计该数据库的技术细节之前,伊拉克国家博物馆 的主管人员将测试查验数据 库的结构。
Moreover, the structure of the database will be tested and verified by the personnel in charge at the Iraq National Museum before the detailed technical aspects of the database are developed.
工厂验收将会自动撤消有关安查验 的 任何要求或条款。
A site survey will automatically cancel [...]
any offer or provision made for an Installation check.
实现最佳程度的保证,意味着要平衡保证程度提高所涉 的边际成本与查不出结果查验失败的代价和后果。
Achieving an optimal degree of assurance meant
balancing the marginal cost of increased assurance with the costs and consequences of
[...] nondetection and detection failures.
通过实施贯穿于整个生产过程的危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)系统,使我们能够清楚地识别任何产品安全风险 查验 我 们的整个生产流程。
By implementing a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system throughout the entire
production process, we were able to
[...] clearly identify any product safety risks and validate our overall production [...]
选举援助办公室将最终完成余留的选举后业务,如设备、人员以 及身查验材料 和选举材料的转移,就选举材料在选举以后的管理向国家有关部 [...]
The Electoral Assistance Office would finalize the remaining post-electoral operations, such as
coordination of the movement of equipment,
[...] personnel and identification and election [...]
materials, provide advice to the national
authorities on the management of electoral material after the elections and update the electoral database and transfer it to the national authorities.
为了进一步使科特迪瓦境内的综合 规划工作系统化,联合国国家工作队和联科行动 已确定出七个共同关心的领域:解除武装和重返 经济生活;重新部署政府办公室和工作人员,以 在全国各地恢复国家的行政职能;进行人口身查验和选 举;法治和安保部门改革;社会融合; 土地保有权;以及保护。
In order to further systematize the integrated planning process in Côte d’Ivoire, the United Nations country team and UNOCI have identified seven areas of common interest: disarmament and economic reintegration; redeployment of Government offices and staff for the restoration of State administration throughout the national territory; identification of population and elections; rule of law and security sector reform; social cohesion; land tenure; and protection.
迄今,我的特别代表已确定了核证框架,其中包括我前一份报告中解释的五 项标准,并且对选举进程的两个重要阶段进行了核证,即顺利完成身 查验 和选民登记工作,和编制暂定选民名单,在有争议的 429 000 人的并行名单出现之前, 他称暂定选民名单为“公平和可信的”。
To date, my Special Representative has defined the certification framework, comprising five criteria as explained in my previous reports, and certified two critical stages of the electoral process, namely, the successful completion of the identification and voter registration operations and the preparation of the provisional voters list, which he described as “balanced and credible” prior to the appearance of the contentious parallel list of 429,000 individuals.
加强提供出生登记等身份证件方面的努力,以降低受到贩运的危险并帮查 验贩运人口行为受害者的身份
Reinforce efforts regarding the provision of identity documents, such as the
registration of births, in order to lower
[...] the risk of being trafficked and to help to identify victims of trafficking [...]
in persons
All warranties will survive inspection and payment by [...]
us and are assignable to our successors and assigns.
阿根廷的税法规定公司必须向国家财税局报告公司的结 7 余,这项工作每年由有执照的独立会计 查验 一 次
It is mandatory under the tax law of the country to certify the company’s balance with the National Fiscal Authority, an exercise that is implemented once a year by an independent licensed accountant.
这一工具旨在协助缔约国:(a)提高对使用欺诈性身份证件的认识;(b)进一 步了解合法制作的身份证件;(c)发展对欺诈性身份证件的审查和识别方法;(d)
[...] 发展对真实证件欺诈性使用的识别方法;(e)查明与制作证件和伪造证件有关的 基本法查验证件 的知识要点;以及(f)把提出的概念纳入灵活的单元培训方 案。
This tool is aimed at assisting States in: (a) raising awareness of the use of fraudulent identity documents; (b) increasing knowledge on the legitimate manufacture of identity documents; (c) developing methodologies for reviewing and recognizing fraudulent identity documents; (d) developing methodologies for recognizing genuine documents that are used fraudulently; (e)
identifying knowledge elements of basic
[...] forensic document examination that are related [...]
to document manufacture and how documents
are falsified; and (f) incorporating the concepts presented into a flexible and modular training programme.
食品法典包括食品卫生、食品添加剂、农药和兽药残留量、 污染物、标签及其描述、以及分析与采样方法以及进出 查验 方 面 的规定。
The Codex Alimentarius includes provisions in respect of food hygiene, food additives, pesticide residues of pesticides and veterinary drugs,
contaminants, labelling and presentation, methods of analysis and sampling, and
[...] import and export inspection and certification.
(b) 各国政府必须采取措施支持其禁毒执法机构发展密切的业务关系,例
[...] 如,通过交换关于已知贩毒分子的身 查验 与 活动情况的信息、在共用土地与 河流边界地区开展联合禁毒行动以及开展可促进更密切合作的联合培训等方 [...]
(b) Governments must take steps to support their drug law enforcement agencies in developing close operational ties, for
example, through the exchange of
[...] information on the identification and movement [...]
of known traffickers, the undertaking of
combined counter-narcotic operations on shared land and river borders and joint training exercises that foster closer cooperation
加强或继续加强执法人员、边防检查官员、劳工检查员、大使馆或领事官员、 法官、检察官和维和人员等可能接触 查验 贩 运 人口可能受害者身份的相关官员 的能力,并确保向相关部门和机构,包括民间社会的相关部门和机构提供必要的 资源
Strengthen or continue to strengthen the capacity of relevant officials likely to
encounter and identify
[...] possible victims of trafficking in persons, such as law enforcement personnel, border control officers, labour inspectors, consular or [...]
embassy officials, judges
and prosecutors and peacekeepers, and ensure the availability of needed resources to the relevant sectors and institutions, including those of civil society
宪法》(第103条) 规定,只有公诉当局才有权查验尸 、初步调查以及实 行的惩罚和其他强制性措施等的合法性。
According to the Constitution (Article 103), exclusive powers are vested in prosecution authorities with regard to exercising
control over the legality of inquest and
[...] preliminary investigation and of the [...]
application of punishments and other compulsory measures.
我本人认为,这是一件了不起的事情,我 感谢普雷瓦尔总统你和海地人民在数十万人居住在 帐篷里和篷布下的情况下举行这次选举,完成了核查 民众居住地查验其身份这一几乎无法完成的任务。
I personally believe that this is a remarkable thing, and I thank you, President Préval, and the people of Haiti for undertaking this election with hundreds of thousands of people living in
tents and under tarps, with the almost
[...] impossible task of verifying where people live and getting their identification up.
委员会得出结论:缔约国没有好 查验申 诉 人提出的他们回到乌兹别克斯坦后会面临可预见的、真实的和个人的酷刑风险 [...]
The Committee concludes that the State party
[...] has not properly examined the complainants‟ [...]
claims that they would face a foreseeable,
real and personal risk of torture upon return to Uzbekistan.
安排每隔 25
[...] 天清洗一次喷头将很有可能解决此问题,您可以在接下来的第 30、60 和 90 天进行查,验证是 否显著减少或消除了 EHT/HV 跳 闸事件,从而确保解决方案可持续。
Scheduling a printhead cleaning every 25 days will most likely solve the problem, and you can
ensure the solution is
[...] sustainable by checking over the next 30, 60 and 90 days to verify a significant [...]
reduction or elimination of EHT/HV Trip events.
其中,颁布了《进口可用作原料的固体废物环境保护控制标准》(GB16487-2005)等13个强制性环境保护控制标准和《进口可用作原料的废物检验检疫规程》(SN/T1791-2006)、《进口可用作原料的废物放射性检验规程》(SN/T0570-2008)、《进口废物原 查验 场 地 设施建设规范》(SN/T2753-2011)等15个检验检疫规程,对进口废料中夹杂具有危险特性和环境风险物质的含量、放射性等进行了严格限量规定,同时对进口可用作原料的固体废物的环保、安全、卫生检验检疫程序进行了详细规定。
Among them, the promulgation of the "imported solid waste as raw materials Environmental protection control standard" (GB16487-2005) in 13 mandatory environmental control standards and "imported wastes as raw materials inspection and quarantine procedures" (SN/T1791- 2006), "radioactive
waste as raw
[...] materials import inspection procedures" (SN/T0570-2008), "the clearance of imported waste materials construction norms" (SN/T2753-2011), 15 inspection and quarantine [...]
procedures for imported
waste mixed with hazardous characteristics and environmental risk substances, radioactive and other provisions were strictly limited, while imports of solid wastes as raw materials of environmental protection, safety, health inspection and quarantine procedures have been defined in detail.
(b) 各国政府应当采取措施,特别通过利用未列入附表的物质有限国际特 别监督清单的方式,进一步加强机制建设,以及 查验 、 收集并交流关于未列 入附表物质的信息,其中包括为规避现有管制而特制的衍生物的信息
(b) Governments should take steps to further strengthen mechanisms for the timely identification, collection and exchange of information on non-scheduled substances, including derivatives specifically designed to circumvent existing controls, especially by making use of the updated limited international special surveillance list of non-scheduled substances
我们都开始在各个领域的翻译和我们的公司是在典型的长,短期和连续工作在该领域的国际贸易,的无价经验的翻译在合同中的专题展览在中国和东南亚地区,一个卓有成效的搜索不同的产品组,传输的生产者样本 查验 的 货 物在生产的各个阶段,紧急运送给客户以最低的成本解决复杂的物流问题。
We all started to work as a translator in various fields and our company is the quintessential long-term and continuous work in the field of international trade, the priceless experience of translation in contracts with producers in the thematic exhibitions in China and South-East Asia, a fruitful
search for different product groups,
[...] transfers samples, inspection of goods at all [...]
stages of production, solving complex
logistics problems for urgent delivery to the customer at the lowest cost.
o 协助战略规划编制局起草 C/3 报告,对计划与预算(C/5)的执行情况,依据各部 门和单位上一个双年度取得的成果,有选择地进行 查验 收。
o Assist BSP in the preparation of the C/3 report, and undertake selected validation of the implementation of the Programme and Budget (C/5) and on the results achieved by sectors and services in the previous biennium.
[...] 物,在有情报提供合理理由和确凿证据认为有关货物中有安理会第1970(2011) 号决议规定的禁运物项时,予以严 查验。
(b) The competent Chinese authorities have requested that all cargo to and from the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya should be carefully inspected at the relevant airports and seaports, and when there is information that provides reasonable grounds and solid evidence to believe the cargo contains items the supply, sale, transfer, or
export of which is prohibited under the provisions of Security Council resolution 1970 (2011), that cargo
[...] should undergo rigorous inspection.
(b) [ 私人行李免查验,除 非有重大理由认定行李中含有非个人使用物品 或法律禁止进口和出口或受相关缔约方检疫条例管控的物品;遇到此种情况时查验需在当事人在场的情况下进行
(b) [Exemption from inspection of personal baggage, unless there are serious grounds for believing that the baggage contains articles not for personal use or articles the import and export of which is prohibited by law or controlled by the quarantine regulations of the Party concerned; inspection in such a case [...]
shall be conducted in
the presence of the individual concerned
[...] 我想起,在一个安理会理事国外交部的办公室里写着 这样一句话:“上帝,我们相信;其他人,则 查验 ”。
I note that he made reference to the notion of trust in international relations, and I am reminded that in an
office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a Council member is written the sentence: “In God we
[...] trust; others, we verify”.
由电子标签技术来构建宠物的“电子宠物牌”,“电子宠物牌”中采用了最新的无线射频技术,将宠物的各种信息如主人姓名、住址、宠物的名字、宠物的种类、宠物的照片、宠物的免疫情况、宠物的年检等信息存储在“电子宠物牌”中,而城市管理人员通过基于PDA掌上电脑的手持读写器就可以在远距离轻 查验 宠 物佩戴的“电子宠物牌”,对宠物进行高效管理。
Constructed the pet by the electronic label technology "the electronic pet sign", "the electronic pet sign" center has used the newest wireless radio frequency technology, pet's each kind of information like master name, address, pet's name, pet's type, pet's picture, pet's immunity situation, pet's information storage and so on annual inspection in "electronic pet sign" center, but the city administrative personnel through the computer grasped read-write based on the PDA palm on may wear "the
electronic pet sign" in the
[...] long-distance range relaxed inspection pet, carried on the highly effective management to the pet.
根据浦东机场海关物流监控处的通知,从2011年3月1日9时起,PACTL二期货站(东远航路)的国际出港货物交付 查验 流 程 有所调整,请查看下面海关通知了解详情并通知你们的代理公司遵照执行。
According to the notice from Logistics Supervision & Control Division of PVG Customs, the procedures of international export goods handover and Customs check for PACTL Terminal 2 (Yuanhan Road East) will be changed as of 9:00am March 01 2011.
[...] 尼亚、中华人民共和国和墨西哥,建立了允 查验社 会保障管理部门和征收机构(一般为税务当局)之间 [...]
Other countries such as Argentina, Estonia, the People’s Republic of
China and Mexico have put in place systems
[...] which allow the checking of contribution [...]
payments between the social security administration
and the collection agencies (typically the tax authorities).




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