

单词 查问


调查问卷 n

questionnaire n

External sources (not reviewed)

查问卷得 出的员工满意度很高,VAA 在2009年为瓦克颁发了科隆化工奖。
In recognition of the high satisfaction
[...] ratings in this survey, the VAA awarded [...]
WACKER the Cologne Chemical-Industry Prize in 2009.
开发计划署证实,在 通过查问卷提 交的数据的基础上,技术援助方案涉及到所有配方厂家都能够实现财务可 行,并且已经开展多年业务。
UNDP confirmed that, based on submitted
[...] data through questionnaires, all of the systems houses addressed under the [...]
technical assistance programme
are financially viable and have been in business for several years.
各部提议在如下领域开展新举措:维和部,法治和安全机构领域(评价地雷 行动方案,关于武器和弹药管理的授权有所扩大);外勤部,后勤领域(审查和更 新《燃料作业手册》;财产基准研究;制定国际标界手册);管理事务部,采购领
[...] 监督厅,检查和评价领域(多层面特派团/专题评价和 查问 题 咨 询小组)和内部 审计领域(法治和安全机构;废物管理);道德操守办公室(制定评价标准和道德 [...]
New initiatives are proposed by: DPKO, in the area of the rule of law and security institutions (evaluation of mine action programmes, with an expanded mandate on weapons and ammunition management); DFS, in the area of logistics (review and update of the Fuel Operations Manual; property benchmarking study; development of international boundary demarcation handbook); the Department of Management, in the areas of procurement (review of corporate ethics and compliance; procurement training) and human resources (review of generic job profiles); OIOS, in the areas of inspection and evaluation (advisory
panel on multidimensional mission/thematic
[...] evaluations and inspections) and internal audit [...]
(rule of law and security institutions;
waste management); and the Ethics Office (development of evaluation criteria and an e-learning ethics module).
采用了以下数据采集方法:A) 作为观察员出席 2001 年在温得和克召开的地区研讨会(下文简称为“温得和克+10 会议”);B) 在教科文组织总 部采访一些主要的信息提供人;C) 访问 3 个国家的总部外办事处(莫桑比克、印度尼西 亚、南斯拉夫联邦共和国),评估员采访了教科文组织的地区与总部外办事处工作人员,以 及作为教科文组织所提供援助的受益者的非政府组织;D) 进行了文件分析;E) 向国际、地 区和国家的媒体非政府组织,包括“温得和克+10 会议”的与会者发放两份查问卷, 以便 了解他们对教科文组织战略的看法。
The following data collection approaches were employed: (a) Observation of a regional seminar held in Windhoek in 2001 (hereafter referred to as Windhoek +10 Conference); (b) Interviews of key informants at UNESCO Headquarters; (c) Field visits to three countries (Mozambique, Indonesia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) where the evaluators interviewed UNESCO regional and field office staff, as well as NGOs who were beneficiaries of UNESCO’s assistance; (d) Document analysis; (e) Two questionnaires were distributed to international, regional, and national media NGOs, including participants of the Windhoek +10 Conference, in order to receive their perspectives on UNESCO’s strategies.
此外,统计研究所在撒哈拉以南非洲以及拉丁美洲和加勒比地区发起了特定区域查 问卷, 旨在收集更多诸如办学条件以及艾滋病病毒和艾滋病对非洲教育的影响的详细信息。
In addition, the UIS launched a
[...] region-specific questionnaire in sub-Saharan [...]
Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean
to gather more detailed information, such as school conditions and the impact of HIV and AIDS on education in Africa.
(c) 修订用来收集对实际操作培训研讨会反馈意见的一份 查问 卷 以 及研 讨会使用的材料
(c) Revising a survey questionnaire used to gather [...]
feedback on hands-on training workshops and the materials used for those workshops
咨询委员会还 依据大会第 62/247 号决议在关于查问题的 报告 (A/63/492)中更为详细地阐述了对纪律问题的意见, 并将在即将提出的关于内部司法问题的报告中阐述 [...]
The Advisory Committee had commented in more detail on
[...] disciplinary issues in its report on investigations pursuant to General [...]
Assembly resolution 62/247
(A/63/492) and would address the issue of delegation of authority for disciplinary matters in the field in its forthcoming report on the administration of justice.
对这些地点的访问本来非常有助于专家组 查问 题 , 如据 称一些反叛团体向当地居民征收税款、爆炸、部落冲突等。
Visits to those locations would have greatly helped the Panel
[...] to look into issues such as the alleged [...]
taxation of the local population by
some rebel groups, bombings and tribal clashes.
工作组欣见 A/AC.105/C.2/2012/CRP.10 所载查问卷,并称该查问卷继 续是在工作组任务授权范围内讨论联合国五项外层空间条约的现状和适用情况 相关事项的有力依据,其原因是,该 查问 卷 侧 重于具有现实意义的基本问 题,有助于对工作组工作作出安排并加以合理精简。
The Working Group welcomed the
[...] questionnaire contained in A/AC.105/C.2/2012/CRP.10 and noted that it provided a continued good basis for discussion, within the mandate of the Working Group, on relevant matters relating to the status and the application of the five United Nations treaties on outer space, as it focused on essential questions of practical [...]
relevance and served to
organize and rationalize the work of the Working Group.
食典委提到对成员国来说,中期评估是对框架提出意见的又一个机会, 不久将向成员国寄送查问卷。
The Commission noted that there would be another opportunity for
members to comment on the framework
[...] of the mid-term review, in response to a questionnaire [...]
to be sent out to Members shortly.
为方便审议各类待查的问题,报告架构如下:第二节专门论述国际法院法 官以及前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭和卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭法官和审案法官的 薪酬问题;第三节着重阐述国际法院法官以及前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭和卢旺达 问题国际刑事法庭法官和审案法官的其他服务条件;第四节则载有关于薪酬问题 以及关于包括养恤金在内的其他服务条件和下一次全面 查问 题 的 分析、建议及 其所涉经费问题。
In order to facilitate consideration of the
[...] variety of issues to be reviewed, the report is presented as follows: section II is devoted to the remuneration of the members of the International Court of Justice and the judges and ad litem judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda; section III focuses on the other conditions of service of the members of the Court and the judges and ad litem judges of the two Tribunals; and section IV contains an analysis, recommendations and financial implications in respect of remuneration and other conditions of service, including pensions, and the timing of the next comprehensive review.
查问卷按 目标 群体分类,包括被偷运移民和潜在移民、执法官员、律师、法官、检察官以及 非政府和政府间机构。
They are disaggregated by target group, which includes smuggled and potential migrants, law enforcement officers, lawyers, judges, prosecutors and non-governmental and intergovernmental agencies.
为解决责任问题,国际社会可以考虑设立一些机 制,确查问发达 国家对温室气体排放的责任,使那些受到气候变化影响过大的 [...]
To address the responsibilities, the
international community could consider mechanisms
[...] to ensure the accountability of developed [...]
countries responsible for greenhouse gas
emissions and to enable some form of recourse for those disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change.
[...] 器国家的实例,该国克服了技术困难,对一个在设计和建造时未考虑 查问 题的 后处理厂使用了保障措施。
One participant cited the example of a non-nuclear-weapon state which had overcome technical
difficulties and applied safeguards on a reprocessing plant that had been designed and
[...] built without verification in mind.
关于执行我上一次报告(S/2010/31)中讨论的军事能力 查问 题 ,苏丹政府 拖延签发联苏特派团包租船只的进入许可证,已对特派团筹备支助选举工作产生 [...]
Regarding the implementation of the military capability study discussed in my previous
report (S/2010/31), delays by the Government of
[...] the Sudan in issuing entry permits [...]
for UNMIS-contracted vessels have had a negative
impact on the Mission preparations in support of elections.
在报告中,检查专员根据对工作队和联检组发出 的查问卷的 答复,比较了 2010 年时各个项目的状 态,并列出了实现向公共部门会计准则平稳过渡的 16 种最佳做法,其中许多是基于粮食署以及经济合作与 发展组织(经合组织)和欧洲联盟委员会等先行组织 的经验得出的。
In the report, the Inspectors had compared the status of the respective projects in 2010, on the basis of replies to the questionnaires circulated by the Task Force and JIU, and had set out 16 best practices for implementing a smooth transition to IPSAS, many of which were based on the experience of WFP, as well as that of pioneer organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Commission.
查问卷的 内容涉及产品品质、客户服务反馈、物流服务、订单准时性、技术问题 [...]
处理、包装等,这作为正泰太阳能整个客户服务团队的(产品品质管理、客户服务、技术服务、销售服务等)服务指 标达成情况,以便整个服务团队的持续进步和提高。
The questionnaire regards product [...]
quality, customer’s feedback on service, logistics service, order timelines, treatment
of technical problem and package, which are taken as service indexes for the overall Astronergy customer service team (product quality management, customer service, technical service and sales service, etc.) to sustainably improve the service team.
接受 挪威高度重视特别程序的工作,将确保对紧急呼吁立即作出回应,并根据是 否适用及时答复专题查问卷。
Norway attaches great importance to the work of the Special Procedures and will ensure prompt responses to urgent appeals as well as timely replies to thematic questionnaires according to applicability.
2008 年,他们的儿子为办理一个证件去阿塞拜疆时,在机场受 查问, 但 未受到虐待,他们要他说出在瑞典的住处和逗留的意图及其父母的情况,并告 [...]
Moreover, in 2008, when one of their sons
travelled to Azerbaijan to obtain a
[...] document, he was questioned at the airport, [...]
without being mistreated, about his whereabouts
in Sweden and the purpose of his stay, as well as about his parents and was told that the police were “waiting for them.
查问卷意 在收集关于联合国系统 各机构在区域层面的参与形式的资料,并征 [...]
求各机构关于在这一领域如何改进合作和 协调的建议。
The questionnaire was intended [...]
to gather information about the type of engagement of UN system agencies at the regional
level and to obtain recommendations from the agencies on how to improve cooperation and coordination within this sphere.
委员会确认所查问题的 重要性,支持文件结论的总体精神。委员会呼吁执行秘 [...]
书广泛传播这一文件,促进该区域经济、学术、政治、商业和社会领域对其进行 的审查,旨在继续帮助进行更深入的同区域外国家的比较分析。
It called upon the Executive Secretary to widely disseminate the document
[...] and promote its review in the economic, [...]
academic, political, business and social
spheres in the region in order to continue to foster more in-depth comparative analysis vis-à-vis countries outside the region.
秘书处代表重申,执行委员会曾在第 55/11 号决定中请环境规划 署的履约协助方案通过区域网络,在每一次网络会议议程中包含一个项目,处理执行委员 会的报告要求,包括质量绩效查问 卷 , 以确保对以后的调查作出更好的回应。
It was recalled that, by decision 55/11, the Executive Committee had requested UNEP’s CAP, through its regional networks, to include an item in the agenda
of each of its
[...] network meetings addressing the Executive Committee’s reporting requirements, including the qualitative performance questionnaire, so as to ensure a better response to the survey in the future.
秘书处最近领导制定和测试了一套关于残疾数据收集的 查问 题 ,在 开展这项工作之后,于 2011 年 2 月举行了一次专家组会议,使相关 国家统计人员之间能够交流对认知采访进行透彻分析的工具和相关知 识,并最后确定若干残疾领域的具体的 查问 题。
Following recent work led by the
secretariat to develop and
[...] test of a set of surveybased questions on disability data collection, an expert group meeting was held in February 2011 to share tools and knowledge among national statisticians for undertaking thorough analyses of cognitive interviews, and to finalize specific survey questions on selected disability [...]
在对查问卷中 的一套问题以及对已经收到的答复展开讨论期间,工作组 称,为了让工作组汇集各种意见以便今后审议,会员国以及在委员会享有常设 [...]
观察员地位的国际政府间组织和非政府组织如果能够提供更多书面意见,则将 有利于工作组继续就此题目展开讨论。
During the discussion
[...] of the set of questions in the questionnaire and the responses [...]
received, the Working Group noted that
its continued discussion of that topic would benefit from more written contributions from member States and from international intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations with permanent observer status with the Committee, in order for the Working Group to develop a collection of views for future consideration.
虽然查问卷没 有具体涉及这一题 目,但联合国系统许多组织仍提到了它们与 [...]
民间社会接触和协作的情况,这些机构包括 研究中心和智库、社区组织、劳工联合会、 学术界和工商界等,但没有具体说明其协作 的程度和方式。
While the questionnaire did not specifically [...]
address this topic, many UN system organizations referred to their involvement
and collaboration with civil society, including research centers and think tanks, community organizations, labour associations, academia and businesses, but the extent or modalities of their collaboration were not specified.
金和OA的上手度如何,我提供的是金和提供的申请,既然是免费在线体验产品,那么为什么设立这么多的限制,如果只是简单信息填写也就算了,居然还要客户填写广告 查问 卷 ( 汗^)在线免费试用的上手度,应该本着简化方便客户、实用客户的角度,需要填写这么多的信息还需要等待对方验证,再说对方如何保障客户信息不会被外泄,所以说,在试用上手度上第一关就通不过,金和的网站设计的还不错,上手度送他2星。
The degree of OA and how to get started, I offer to provide the application and, since the product is free online experience, why do so many restrictions on the establishment, if only to fill it just a simple
message,but still have to fill out the
[...] advertising client questionnaire (Khan ^) started [...]
the free trial online degrees, should
be simplified in a user-friendly, practical client's point of view, the need to fill in the informationдÕâô¶àneed to wait for the other party to verify, say other ways to protect customer information will not be compromised, so that degrees in the trial started on the first pass clearance, site design and well, send him to fly degrees 2 stars.
自 1997 年以来,人口基金一直监测各国用于人口活动的国内支出,主
[...] 要途径是向世界各地的人口基金国家办事处发放 查问 卷 , 再由它们进一步分发 给各国政府部门和大型国家非政府组织。
UNFPA has been monitoring domestic expenditures for population
activities since 1997, primarily through
[...] the use of survey questionnaires sent to its [...]
country offices throughout the world
for further distribution to Government ministries and large national NGOs.
如上期《世界渔业及水产养殖业状况》中所述,中国从 2006年开始采用一种全新的统计方法来生成捕捞业及水产养
[...] 殖业相关生产统计数字,这些统计数字以2006年全国农业普 查结果为基础,是中国首次在农业 查问 卷 中加入了与渔业 生产相关的问题,同时这些统计数字还以各种试点抽样调查 [...]
As stated in previous issues of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, China revised its production statistics for capture fisheries and aquaculture for 2006 onwards using a revised statistical methodology based on the
outcome of China’s 2006 National Agricultural Census,
[...] which contained questions on fish production [...]
for the first time, as well
as on results from various pilot sample surveys.
(d) 在现有第五号议定书网站上建立一个关于受害者援助的网络类别,提 供有关发言、介绍和提交的查问卷 ,按缔约方分列。
(d) To establish a web-category on victim assistance under the existing Protocol V website, providing statements, presentations and submitted questionnaires, in accordance with High Contracting Parties.
[...] 统括调查软件为基础制作了一份简明 查问 卷 , 以及差距分析和国别评估的范 本,目前正在用于分析参加枪支问题项目的国家的规范和制度框架。
UNODC developed a simplified questionnaire based largely
[...] on the Omnibus survey software, along [...]
with templates for gap analysis and country
assessments, which are currently being utilized to analyse the normative and institutional framework of the countries that participate in the firearms project.




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