

单词 查抄

抄查 ()

search and confiscate

See also:

make a copy
take a shortcut
search and seize
fold one's arms
make a turning move
go off with

External sources (not reviewed)

此外还据报,2011 年 2 月 6 日,安 全部队突查抄德黑兰的一个逊尼派礼拜堂,将其锁闭并拘留了领祷人 Mowlavi Musazadeh。
Furthermore, on 6 February 2011, security forces reportedly raided a house of worship for Sunnis in Tehran, locked it up and detained its prayer leader, Mowlavi Musazadeh.
11 定性分析还不成比例地影
[...] 响了移徙者社区,让他们成为大规模查验身份以及在没有具体证据情况下突查 抄家庭、商业场所和宗教场所的对象。
The Special Rapporteur wishes to stress that profiling of immigrant communities and their purported association with criminal activities clearly contrast with principles of human dignity and the prohibition of discrimination.11 Profiling also disproportionately affects
migrant communities, making them a target
[...] of mass identity checks, raids on homes, [...]
businesses and religious sites in the absence of specific evidence.
在政府接管马西西后,刚果(金)武装部 查抄 了 恩 塔甘达将军在马西西 Bunyoli [...]
和 Kilolirwe 的农场(见附件 35)及其在戈马的住所,发现了大量轻重型 武器(见附件 36)。
Ntaganda’s ranches in Bunyoli and Kilolirwe in Masisi
(see annex 35), as well as on his residence
[...] in Goma, and uncovered large quantities [...]
of light and heavy weaponry (see annex 36).
(GISTI)报告:2007 年 9 月 26 日、10 月 10 日和 24
[...] 日,警方分别在邦迪、圣但 尼、巴尼奥莱和其他城市,于清 查抄 原 籍 为保加利亚和罗马尼亚侨民的罗姆人 [...]
GISTI, an association that defends the rights of foreign workers, points out, for example, that at Bondi on 26 September, at SaintDenis on 10 October, and at Bagnolet on 24
October 2007 and in other cities, the police
[...] carried out down raids on sites occupied [...]
by Roma (Bulgarian and Romanian nationals),
loaded the occupants onto specially chartered buses, and gave them the choice between “prison” and immediate departure to their countries of origin “with return assistance”.
多名证人证实,自总理讲话以来,牢房中的突 查抄 和 检 查 增 多 ,包括脱掉犯人 衣服和殴打犯人,提供的粮食和电视设施减少,还制定了与文化和宗教习俗相关 [...]
Witnesses asserted that since the Prime Minister had made his
remarks, there had been an increase in
[...] cell raids and inspections, including the [...]
undressing and beating of inmates, decreased
access to food and television facilities and new prohibitions related to cultural and religious practices.
2 月 1 日,在努力伊拉克解决与科威特之间悬而 未决问题的框架内,外交部发布了一项告示,要求持
[...] 有前政权 1990 年占领科威特期查抄的档案文件和 任何其他科威特财产的伊拉克公民将其交给外交部, [...]
On 1 February, in the framework of Iraq’s efforts to resolve outstanding issues with Kuwait, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs published an announcement requesting that Iraqi
citizens possessing documents or any other
[...] Kuwaiti property seized by the former [...]
regime during the occupation of Kuwait in
1990 deliver them to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in order that they be returned to Kuwait.
[...] 人使用的医疗设施不仅有限,而且与其他正常的监狱设施没有不同,另外还包括 所有病人都必须接受的严厉的检查和突 查抄 制 度
The members were also told that medical facilities for prisoners were not only limited, but also were not different from
normal prison facilities and that that included a
[...] harsh regime of inspections and raids to [...]
which all patients were subjected.
如果該人有 機會知道那些活動真的是 所指的那樣,便會查抄財產 ,但其銀行的 戶口不計算在內,外 匯也可以保留。
If the person has the chance to know that those activities are really related to subversion or treason as alleged, his property, excluding bank accounts, will be confiscated although foreign currencies can be retained.
在深圳工商管理局(AIC)领导下,舒尔参与了在中国深圳福田区进行的调查,对位于华强路中电电子科技城的三泽电子及另一相关仓库进行 查抄。
An investigation initiated by Shure in Futian District, Shenzhen, in Mainland China led to a raid by the Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce (AIC) on a wholesale shop, Sanze Electronics, in the Zhongdian Electronics and Technology Building on Huaqiang Road, and another at an associated warehouse.
接到抢救电话后,红岗区民众医院的救护车立即赶到变乱现场,医生战皓敷陈记者,那时消防官兵已将逐一小部分钢条截掉,伤者还成心识,进行简单 查抄 后 , 他们马大将伤者送到了油田总医院。
To rescue call, Honggang District People Hospital ambulances rushed to the scene of the accident, Dr. Zhan Hao tells reporter, then the fire officers and soldiers will have one small section steel cutting, the casualty is conscious, a simple check, they ' will be injured to the Oilfield General hospital.
制假者非常善于利用舒尔的品牌知名度,”舒尔亚洲有限公司董事总经理文詠蘭补充,“事实显示,深 查抄 的 大 量产品,打着舒尔的品牌,但是甚至都没有模仿实际舒尔产品的型号。
This is demonstrated by the fact that a large number of the products seized during the raids in Shenzhen consisted of Shure-branded earphones and were not even copies of actual Shure models.
(6) 處長或署長可在任何合理時間查閱 及 抄 錄 或 複印由獲授權㆟根據第 (5) 款備存的 [...]
(6) The Director or Commissioner may, at any
[...] reasonable time, inspect and take copies [...]
of or seize the records maintained by the
authorized person under subsection (5).
股東得隨時檢具利害關係證 明文件,指定查閱範圍,請求查、 查 閱 或 抄 錄。
The Members may request, from time to time, by submitting document(s) evidencing his/her interests involved and
indicating the designated
[...] scope of the inspection, access to inspect, review or make copies of the foregoing [...]
欧洲理事会特别建议书》第 VII 条更具体地要查阅档案免费抄件 收 费不得高于实际支出的成本。
Principle VII of the COE Recommendation is more specific, calling for consultation of documents to be free and any fees charged for copies not to exceed the actual costs incurred.
[...] (Copernicus) 才提出太阳系的“日心说”模型,并且哥白尼也曾亲自 查 研 究 并 抄 写 这 套星表。
The Ptolemaic belief that the planets orbited the Earth was then the predominant cosmological system, and the heliocentric model
of the solar system formulated by Copernicus,
[...] who personally studied and copied the tables, was [...]
still two centuries away.
171 210. 关于威胁抄查和驱 逐的其他调查结果见附件 7.1 和 7.2。
Additional findings relating to threats, raids and expulsions [...]
are contained in annexes 7.1 and 7.2.
该项目抄录、核查及认 证 14 000 本 民事登记簿,涵盖科索沃所有市镇,据估计可在大约一年内完成。
It is estimated that the
[...] project of copying, verifying and certifying [...]
14,000 civil registry books, covering all municipalities
in Kosovo, could be completed within one year.
4 月青年党部抄查了在拜多阿的联合 国办公室并在基斯马尤逮捕了 1 [...]
In April,
[...] Al-Shabaab forces raided a United Nations [...]
office in Baidoa and arrested a local United Nations staff member in Kismaayo.171 210.
主席把《内部 监督章程》的主要改动归纳为:完善了关于内审司司长独立性的规定;明确了IAOC对内审司工作计
[...] 佳做法;方便成员国调阅内审司审计报告和评价报告;外聘审计员和IAOC可调阅调查报告;规定涉 及总干事的任何查报告另外抄送协 调委员会主席;内审司司长书面向PBC报告;就内审司司长的 遴选程序与IAOC进行协商;以及协调委员会和IAOC核可对内审司司长的任命、替换或解职。
The Chair summarized the principle changes to the Internal Oversight Charter as follows: a refined definition of the independent status of the Director, IAOD; clarification of IAOC oversight of IAOD workplans; access for the IAOD Director to the Coordination Committee Chair; modifications to provisions on follow-up on oversight recommendations to bring them in line with best practices; facilitated access for Member States to IAOD audit and evaluation reports; access for the External Auditor and the IAOC to
investigation reports;
[...] provision for any investigation reports concerning the Director General to be copied additionally to the Chair of [...]
the Coordination Committee;
reporting by the Director, IAOD to the PBC in writing; IAOC consultation on the selection process for the Director, IAOD; and, endorsement by the Coordination Committee and the IAOC on the appointment, replacement or dismissal of the Director, IAOD.
该专家的结论是,认罪书是在精神 紧张状态下写的,反映出是抄写一 个具有纪录技能的人的自然优雅的讲话。
The expert concluded that the confession of guilt was written under mental tension and reflected the reproduction in writing of the spontaneous speech of a person with skills in taking statements.
3.9 如 投 訴 或 上 訴 以 書 面 提 出 , 校 方 會 以 書 面 回 覆 ; 如 投 訴 或 上 訴
以 口 頭 提 出 , 負
[...] 責 人 員 會 視 乎 個 案 情 況 , 決 定 以 口 頭 或 書 面 回 覆;如 個 案 由 教 育 局 /其 他 機 構 轉 介,調 查 結 果 會 抄 送 予 教 育 局 /有 關 機 構 備 考 。
If they are made verbally, the responsible staff will decide whether to respond in verbal or written form.
报道最多的六个驱逐人道主义组织 抄查 办 事 处的事件都是青年党 各派别所为,这些事件 [...]
2010 年 8 月和 9 月发生在索马里南部和中部一些地 区,针对对象是非洲之角救济组织、国际慈善团、饥荒预警系统网络、世 界展望组织、基督复临会发展和救济局和迪亚孔尼亚基金会。
The six most publicized expulsions of humanitarian
[...] organizations and raids on offices were [...]
carried out by Al-Shabaab factions across
southern and some parts of central Somalia in August and September 2010 against Horn Relief, Mercy Corps, FEWS NET, World Vision, ADRA and Diakonia.
[...] 以其涉嫌与“基督教”有联系或由美国提供资金为由,多次驱逐 抄查和 关 闭国际和地方援助机构;要求支付高额“税金”;试图敲诈勒索;威胁和 [...]
The most prevalent and damaging types of obstruction perpetrated overall by
Al-Shabaab leaders and factions included
[...] numerous expulsions, raids and closures of [...]
international and local aid offices due to
their alleged “Christian” affiliations or United States funding; demands for exorbitant “taxes”; incidents of attempted extortion; and threats and physical brutality against aid workers.
如果 局長也不相信我們的平機會,硬說平機會也 抄 襲 外 國的東西,我們是不應 照做的,因為我們的背景不同的話,局長未免難以向市民解釋為何我們要相 [...]
If even the Secretary does not trust our EOC and insists that the EOC
[...] also wants to copy from overseas [...]
countries and that this is something we should
not do because our background is different, I think it would be rather difficult for the Secretary to explain to the public why we should believe that the EOC is able to perform its functions.
議員可參閱工 商及科技局於2003年 10月 向工商事務 委員會委員 發出,抄送不屬事務 委員會委員的所有其他 議員的資料文件(檔號:立 法會CB(1)178/03-04(01)號文件),以了解有關的進一步資料。
Members may wish to refer to an information note (Ref: LC Paper CB(1)178/03-04(01)) issued by the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau in October 2003 to members of the Panel on Commerce and Industry and copied to all other non-Panel members for further information.
阿根廷、加拿大、中国、哥伦比亚、古巴、捷克共和国(代表属于欧洲联盟 的联合国会员国)、黎巴嫩、墨西哥、尼加拉瓜、卡塔尔、俄罗斯联邦、阿拉伯 叙利亚共和国和乌克兰按照第 63/68 号决议的规定做出的答复,曾载于秘书长报 告(A/64/138 和 Add.1),抄录在下文第三节。
The replies received from Argentina, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, Czech Republic (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union), Lebanon, Mexico, Nicaragua, Qatar, Russian Federation, Syrian Arab Republic and Ukraine, in response to resolution 63/68 and previously circulated in the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/138 and Add.1) are reproduced in section III below.
大会第六十六届会议强调指出继续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于更
好地执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛 屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告
[...] (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于查联合 国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 [...]
告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued substantive consideration of the follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development
of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278)
[...] and on the review of United Nations [...]
system support to small island developing
States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的查 和修 订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 [...]
学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 准进行评估;制订关于优质教育的国家标准。
The following elements of quality
education were highlighted: focus on assistance
[...] in curricula review and revision, [...]
particularly the introduction of values education
and ethical approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.




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