单词 | 查德 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 查德 —Chad (Tw)Examples:理查德—Richard (name)
在 2009 年 3 月 23 日第 35 次会议上,1967 [...] 年以来被占领的巴勒斯坦领 土人权状况特别报告员理查 德 ·法尔克介绍了其年度报告(A/HRC/10/20)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the 35th meeting, on 23 March 2009, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of [...] human rights in the Palestinian territories [...] occupied since 1967, Richard Falk, introduced [...]his annual report (A/HRC/10/20). daccess-ods.un.org |
应当发起 [...] 一个国家审查进程,以便根据《德班行动纲领》第 22 段(b)项审查《德班宣言和行 动纲领》与土著人民有关的内容 。 daccess-ods.un.org | There should be a national level process of review of the Durban Declaration and [...] Programme of Action involving indigenous peoples in accordance with [...] paragraph 22 (b) of the Durban Programme of Action. daccess-ods.un.org |
达迦马先生(几内亚比绍)(以法语发言):我首先 [...] 要感谢卢旺达常驻联合国代表欧仁-理 查德 · 加 萨 纳大 使在担任 2011 年建设和平委员会主席期间所发挥的领 [...]导作用和所开展的大量工作,并感谢他介绍建设和平 委员会第五届会议报告(A/66/675)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Da Gama (Guinea-Bissau) ( spoke in French): I would first [...] of all like to express my gratitude to [...] Ambassador Eugène-Richard Gasana, Permanent [...]Representative of Rwanda to the United [...]Nations, for his leadership and remarkable work at the head of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) in 2011 and to thank him for his presentation of the report of the Peacebuilding Commission on its fifth session (A/66/675), which we endorse. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外司各脱,该命令有其他令人向往的教师在1587年,五,如亚历山大黑尔斯 理 查德 米 德 尔 顿 ,尤其是圣文德埃克尔西亚(医生宣布由西斯)中,更适合ascetico神秘主义的趋势,其神学为了在较广泛的各界的关键,冷静,常常深奥博士教学的微妙。 mb-soft.com | Besides Scotus, the order had other highly-prized teachers, such as Alexander of Hales, Richard of Middleton, and especially St. Bonaventure (proclaimed Doctor ecclesia by Sixtus V in 1587), the ascetico-mystical trend of whose theology was more suited to wide circles in the order than the critical, dispassionate, and often abstruse teaching of the Subtle Doctor. mb-soft.com |
这惊险小说介绍理查德汉内,一个谁得到在国际政治intrique涉及苏格兰人,算是十分震惊和意外的一天。 cn.moba-app.com | This adventure [...] novel introduces Richard Hanney, a Scotsman [...]who gets involved in international political intrique, considered [...]quite shocking and unexpected in its day. moba-app.com |
1939年,为庆祝理查德·施特 劳斯75岁生日,贝克索被邀请到了德国柏林表演歌剧《阿里阿德涅在纳索斯岛》(Ariadne [...] auf Naxos),饰演其中的阿里阿德涅,一曲高歌,成为首位在欧洲舞台上表演的土耳其首席女高音。 shanghaibiennale.org | In 1939, for the [...] 75th birthday of Richard Strauss in [...]Berlin, she sang the role of Ariadne in Ariadne auf Naxos, becoming [...]the first Turkish prima donna to perform on stage in Europe. shanghaibiennale.org |
在联邦国会也提出了两党支持的立法倡议,如关于自由旅行的法律草案(在 众议院和参议院分别有 178 [...] 名和 38 名共同提案者)和参议员理查德·卢格 (印第 安纳州共和党)分发的报告要求改变对古巴的政策和限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | Legislative initiatives that enjoy bipartisan support, including the bills on freedom of travel (with 178 and 38 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and the [...] Senate, respectively) and the report [...] circulated by Senator Richard Lugar (Republican-Indiana), [...]calling for a change in Cuba [...]policy and the ending of restrictions on Cuba, have been introduced in Congress. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这里,你可以找到Fontevraud [...] L'修道院(13世纪),其中包括回廊,厨房,雕绘的墓碑英格兰的亨利二世,他的王后,埃莉诺的阿基坦大区和狮心王 理 查德 , 他 们的儿子。 leapfrog-properties.com | Here you can find the Fontevraud l’Abbaye (13th century) which includes a cloister, kitchen, and the [...] carved and painted gravestones of Henry II of England, his queen, Eleanor of [...] Aquitaine, and Richard the Lionheart, [...]their son. leapfrog-properties.com |
书记官长还在海牙出席了一些活动和会议并讲话,包括在阿塞尔研究所学术 [...] 厅举行的互补问题会议、荷兰外交部“打击建设和平工作中有罪不罚现象”会议 和第五次理查德·梅伊 国际法与国际法院研讨会。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Registrar presented and/or attended a number of events and conferences in The Hague, including a conference on complementarity organized by the T.M.C. Asser Institute and held at Academy Hall; a conference entitled “Fighting impunity in peacebuilding contexts”, held at the [...] Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and [...] the Fifth Sir Richard May Seminar on [...]International Law and International Courts. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长调查委员会和由人权理事会设立并由 理查德·戈德斯通 法官任团长的联合国加沙冲突实 况调查团都披露了以色列侵犯行为的大量证据,包 [...] 括违犯联合国房舍和人员的不可侵犯性,以色列应 对此做出赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both the [...] Secretary-General’s Board of Inquiry and the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission [...]on the Gaza Conflict, set up by [...]the Human Rights Council and headed by Justice Richard Goldstone, had uncovered ample evidence of Israeli violations, including breaches of the inviolability of United Nations premises and personnel, for which Israel should pay reparations. daccess-ods.un.org |
加沙地带的巴勒斯坦平民遭受的是集体惩罚行 动,1967 [...] 年以来被占领的巴勒斯坦领土人权状况问题 特别报告员理查德·福尔 克先生也是那么说的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip is subjected [...] to a campaign of collective punishment, as [...] stated by Mr. Richard Falk, the Special [...]Rapporteur on the situation of human rights [...]in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席提请注意秘书长的说明(A/65/102/Rev.1/ Add.1),其中通知大会说,理查德·穆 恩 先生(联合 王国)和吴钢先生(中国)辞去会费委员会的职务,请 [...] 大会任命两位人士填补这些空缺所剩余的任期,这两 个任期均于 2011 年 12 月 31 日届满。 daccess-ods.un.org | drew attention to the note by the Secretary-General (A/65/102/Rev.1/Add.1) [...] informing the General Assembly of the [...] resignations of Mr. Richard Moon (United Kingdom) [...]and of Mr. Wu Gang (China) from the [...]Committee on Contributions and requesting the General Assembly to appoint two persons to fill the vacancies for the remaining period of the terms of office, which would both expire on 31 December 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
柯南入读Teitan小学,下课后,通知理 查德 遮 蔽 一个人在一个大衣。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Conan is enrolled into Teitan Elementary and, after [...] class, notices Richard shadowing a man [...]in an overcoat. seekcartoon.com |
我也要感谢 [...] 我的朋友、建设和平委员会主席欧仁- 理 查德 · 加萨纳先生的发言,感谢萨拉·克利夫女士就冲突问题提 [...] 出了高质量的报告并作了很中肯的发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | I also wish to thank my [...] friend, Mr. Eugene-Richard Gasana, Chair [...]of the Peacebuilding Commission, for his statement, and [...]Ms. Sarah Cliffe for the quality of her report on conflicts and for the relevance of her statement. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于最新上市的JBL [...] PRX600系列扬声器,JBL PRO市场营销理查德鲁塞 先生这样评价:“我们设计的JBL [...]PRX600系列扬声器,可以用在对演出扩声音响环境充满挑战的地方,如:高环境噪声水平或是高声压级演出的环境等。 acehk.com | For the latest listing of JBL PRX600 Series speakers, JBL PRO [...] Marketing Mr. Richard Ruse commented: [...]"We designed the JBL PRX600 Series speakers, [...]can be used in sound reinforcement for performances where challenging environment, such as: high ambient noise sound pressure level or high performance environment. acehk.com |
Fuavao先生为汤加国民,获内布拉斯加 州 查德 隆 州 立学院数学和化学学士学位,美国新墨西哥州立大学化学硕士和博士。 coin.fao.org | Mr. Fuavao, a national of Tonga, holds a B.A. in Mathematics and Chemistry from Chadron State College in Nebraska; an M.Sc. and a Ph. coin.fao.org |
卡巴罗莱区卫生官员理查德.穆加 伊(Richard Mugahi)博士在谈论参与这项活动的宗教组织所发挥的关键作用时说道:“宗教领袖在动员社区接受医疗服务方面发挥着重要的作用。 unicef.org | District Health Officer for Kabarole Dr. Richard Mugahi discusses the critical role of the participating faith-based organizations. unicef.org |
理查德·鲍里 克曾在现在的南京路上某个小区居住,就在此次双年展举行地附近。 shanghaibiennale.org | Richard Paulick was living [...] and working in the neighborhood of the biennale site at the Nanjing Road during his time in Shanghai. shanghaibiennale.org |
全明星的的声乐演员还包括托尼Shalhoub,迈克尔·基顿,乔治·卡林,凯瑟琳·赫尔蒙德,Cheech马林,约翰Ratzenberger,保罗·杜利,迈克尔·沃利斯,达雷尔Waltrip,赛车传奇人物 理 查德 · 佩 蒂 ,珍妮弗·刘易斯和杰里米·皮文随心所欲的表演。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The all-star vocal cast also includes free-wheeling performances by Tony Shalhoub, Michael Keaton, George Carlin, Katherine Helmond, Cheech Marin, John [...] Ratzenberger, Paul Dooley, Michael Wallis, Darrell Waltrip, [...] racing legend Richard Petty, Jenifer [...]Lewis and Jeremy Piven. seekcartoon.com |
这张照片拍摄的是埃尔维斯·普雷斯利 1970 年 12 月 21 日在白宫会见理查德·M· 尼克松总统的情形。 wdl.org | This photograph shows Elvis Presley meeting with President Richard M. Nixon at the White House on December 21, 1970. wdl.org |
数学科学奖平均颁予瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院数学和物理学教授德梅特里奥斯•克里斯托多罗 (Demetrios Christodoulou) 和美国哥伦比亚大学戴维斯数学教授 理 查德 • 哈 密顿 (Richard S Hamilton),以表彰他们在洛兰兹几何与黎曼几何中的非线性偏微分方程方面的高度创新工作,及对广义相对论和拓扑学的应用。 shawprize.org | Awarded in equal shares to Professor Demetrios Christodoulou, Professor of Mathematics and Physics at the ETH, Zurich, Switzerland and Professor Richard S Hamilton, Davies Professor of Mathematics, Columbia University, USA for their highly innovative works on nonlinear partial differential equations in Lorentzian and Riemannian geometry and their applications to general relativity and topology. shawprize.org |
一些人,如上面提到的理查德·赛克 斯先生,认为在有重大科学技术能力的发展中国家推 [...] 行知识产权保护有助于增加致力于这些国家疾病研究的活动数量。 iprcommission.org | Some, such as Sir Richard Sykes above, [...] have argued that providing IP protection in developing countries with significant [...]scientific and technical skills will help to increase the amount of research devoted to developing country diseases. iprcommission.org |
理查德 F. 格瑞梅特,《对发展中国家的 常规武器买卖,1999 [...] - 2006 年》,国会研究服务处 (CRS)向国会上交的报告,2007 年 9 月 26 日。 crisisgroup.org | Richard F. Grimmett, “Conventional [...] Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 1999-2006”, Congressional Research Service (CRS) [...]report for Congress, 26 September 2007. crisisgroup.org |
执行支助股股长理查德·伦纳 内先生担任筹备委员会秘书。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Richard Lennane, Head of the Implementation [...] Support Unit, served as Secretary of the Preparatory Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国秘书长于 2010 年任命了一个知名人士小组,成员包括马里共和国前 总统阿尔法·奥马尔·科纳雷(小组共同主席),孟加拉复兴援助委员会创始人兼 主席法佐·哈桑·阿比德,全球发展中心创始主席南希·伯德萨尔,布鲁金斯学 会副会长兼全球经济与发展主任凯末尔·德尔维什,沃尔芬森公司董事长兼首席 [...] 执行官、世界银行前行长詹姆斯·沃尔芬森,住友化学工业株式会社社长米仓弘 昌,欧洲议会议员、前欧洲发展与人道主义援助专员路易·米歇尔,乌干达银行 [...] 副行长、世界银行前执行董事路易斯·凯斯肯德和苏塞克斯大学发展研究院荣誉 教授理查德·乔里爵士。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations Secretary-General appointed a Group of Eminent Persons in 2010 with the following members: Alpha Oumar Konaré, former President of the Republic of Mali (Co-Chair of the Group); Fazle Hasan Abed, the founder and Chairperson of the Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee (BRAC); Nancy Birdsall, the founding President of the Center for Global Development; Kemal Dervis, Vice-President and Director of Global Economy and Development at the Brookings Institution; James Wolfensohn, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of [...] Wolfensohn and Company and former President of [...] the World Bank (Co-Chair of the Group); [...]Hiromasa Yonekura, Chairman of Sumitomo Chemical Company Ltd. daccess-ods.un.org |
理查德·戈德斯通 法官的报告谴责以色列在加沙地区的犯罪行为,这份报告随后得到了联合国人权委员会的背书,这使得以色列处于尴尬的境地,正如1973年,当时的美国副总统斯皮罗·阿格纽面对他的贪腐指控时说道“他妈的,他们改变了规则,但从没有告诉我。 project-syndicate.org | TOLEDO – Israel’s predicament [...] with the Judge Richard Goldstone’s [...]report accusing it of war crimes in Gaza, and the report’s [...]subsequent endorsement by the United Nations Human Rights Council, brings to mind the reaction of United States Vice-President Spiro Agnew to his indictment on corruption charges in 1973: “The bastards, they changed the rules, but they never told me. project-syndicate.org |
理查德·托马 斯·霍沃斯(加拿大、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合 王国)(124 [...] 票)、马丁·范海尼森(丹麦)(123 票)和沃尔特·雷斯特(荷兰)(113 票)获规定多数 票而当选。 daccess-ods.un.org | Having obtained the required [...] majority of votes, Richard Thomas Haworth [...](Canada, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern [...]Ireland) (124 votes), Martin Vang Heinesen (Denmark) (123 votes) and Walter R. Roest (Netherlands) (113 votes) were elected. daccess-ods.un.org |
在同次会议上,下列人士作了发言:国际电信联盟秘书长哈玛德·图埃、苏 [...] 黎世联邦理工学院诺贝尔奖得主理 查德 · 罗 伯特·恩斯特、塔塔咨询服务公司副 [...] 董事长苏布拉马尼亚姆·拉马都莱(代表国际商会-支持信息社会的工商界行动)、 微软技术策略组、公司副总裁丹尼尔·里德、以及热图瓦加斯基金会技术和社会 [...] 中心项目负责人兼研究员玛丽里亚·马西埃尔(代表民间社会)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same meeting, statements were made by: Hamadoun Touré, [...] SecretaryGeneral of the International [...] Telecommunication Union; Richard Robert Ernst, [...]Nobel Laureate, ETH Zürich; Subramanian Ramadorai, [...]Vice-Chair, Tata Consultancy Services (on behalf of ICC BASIS); Daniel Reed, Corporate Vice-President, Technology Policy Group of Microsoft; and Marília Maciel, Project Leader and Researcher, Centre for Technology and Society, Fundação Getulio Vargas (on behalf of civil society). daccess-ods.un.org |