单词 | 柢 | ||||||||
释义 | 柢noun—foundationn柢noun—rootnExamples:根柢n—rootn 根柢n—foundationn
然而,「冰封三寸,非一日之寒」,以上提及的问题根深柢固,决非短时间内所能解决。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, these issues have been long-standing and could not be solved in a short while. hkupop.hku.hk |
民众在网路上大力抨击这种习惯,除了批评官员行为之外,有些人亦指出,问题追根究柢在於体制本身。 thisbigcity.net | While most criticized the officials’ behavior, some pointed out that the fundamental problem lies in the system itself. thisbigcity.net |
虽 然 曾 有 落 实 一 些 改 革 ( 如 天 保 改 革 ) 藉 以 减 低 开 支 、 限 制 奢 侈 的 生 活 及 消 减 债 务 , 但 由 於 政 府 的 财 政 问 题 十 分 根深柢固,仅 有 一 些 缓 和 措 施 是 解 决 不 了 的 。 hkahe.com | Specific reforms such as the Tempo Reform had been inaugurated to decrease expense and restrict luxuries, canceled indebtedness, yet the basic financial weakness of the government was too deeprooted tobe cured by mere palliative measures. hkahe.com |
不过,总的而言,我认为应尽量减少限制,因为人为的限制只会助长舞弊;何况归根究柢,只有消除限制,才能减低政府介入房屋市场的程度,恢复个人选择的自由。 housingauthority.gov.hk | However, in general terms I would urge that we try to keep restrictions to a minimum, first because, as a general rule, artificial restrictions [...] only encourage cheating, and secondly because [...] ultimatelyit is only by removing [...]restrictions that we will be able to reduce [...]the scale of Government's intervention in the market place and restore freedom of individual choice. housingauthority.gov.hk |