单词 | 柘砚 | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | 柘砚 —ink slabs from a place in ShandongSee also:柘—sugarcane • Chinese mulberry (Cudrania) • a thorny tree • three-bristle cudrania (Cudrania tricuspidata) • Cudrania triloba 砚 n—ink-stone n
贺兰石更是宁夏五宝之首,贺兰砚又 有 “一端二歙三贺兰”的说法。 chinese-architects.com | Our first idea was to use the West Xia Helan stone, and as some Chinese techniques we start to work in the stone to create the Islamic pattern . chinese-architects.com |
這一群煙壺的碧璽壺和柘黃色玻璃壺支持我們把這類鼻煙壺歸於宮廷或者宮廷作坊。 e-yaji.com | The tourmaline and yellow-glass examples of this group support the attribution as a type made for the court and possibly at the court. e-yaji.com |
王炳榮有時候施淡黃色的釉,不知道他是不是因為要用黃色而不想犯皇帝專 用 柘 黃 色 的禁忌。 e-yaji.com | Any master snuff-bottle maker of the Daoguang period would probably have eventually come to the attention of the emperor. e-yaji.com |
無論如何,本壺不但施像柘黃的 釉,而且刻有五爪龍,是王炳榮曾替朝廷製鼻煙壺的旁證。 e-yaji.com | But in this case the glaze is distinctly yellow and accompanies an unquestionably imperial five-clawed dragon. e-yaji.com |
柳編鼻煙壺也有柘黃色玻璃的,十八世紀作的一定是御製品,多半出於內廷作坊作。 e-yaji.com | The subject also appears in glass, with some examples in imperial yellow, which from the eighteenth century must be imperial, and most may have been made at the palace glassworks. e-yaji.com |
我们的方案是在西夏人贺兰石上,用汉人制 作 砚 台 的 手法,雕刻上伊斯兰的图案,这展示着历史的传承与多元文化的融合,切合规划展示馆在中阿之轴起点的地理位置,以及银川作为中国通往阿拉伯世界桥梁的历史使命。 chinese-architects.com | It will become a landmark of the history as evidence and will be the starting point of the China and Arab Axis; furthermore, Yinchuan as the historical mission of China's bridge to the Arab world. chinese-architects.com |
皇家珍藏尚有帶蓋的一件四字乾隆年款鼻煙碟,風格跟本壺很相似 (張臨生1991,編號128),這就提供御用作坊來歷源的旁證;也可參照同一類型 的 柘 黃 色 玻璃煙壺 (蘇富比,紐約,1985年7月1日, 拍賣品號 157;浮雕有一隻蝙蝠) ,大概也是御用作坊作的。 e-yaji.com | Attribution to the imperial workshops is strengthened by a small covered snuff dish of similar style and inscribed with a four-character Qianlong mark appropriate for the palace workshops that is still in the imperial collection (see Chang Lin-sheng 1991, no. 128). e-yaji.com |
再說,John Ault 珍藏所收藏瓷器胎柘黃色 琺瑯或釉的一件鼻煙壺也帶一樣的蓋,並且它的大小和形式都很像本壺, 而它的道光年款是十分可信的 (Kleiner 1990, 編號 133)。 e-yaji.com | Whether or not the porcelain bottle was copied from a gourd or a jade bottle such as this is immaterial, since the practice of copying in porcelain bottles made at the palace is well established (see Moss, Graham, and Tsang 1993, pp. 397–398). e-yaji.com |